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Kirk Gallaway

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Everything posted by Kirk Gallaway

  1. Uh oh! Some Russians are getting nostalgic to recapture the glory days of old!
  2. I think this is worth commenting on as well. Larry I get the distinct impression you're neither political nor media savvy. Which might be an asset! I don't have any stats on this but I do think generally the older, more educated and affluent you are, the more likely you do go with the official version of the JFKA , or at least have priorities (career or otherwise)that you don't see a point in looking into it further. This has nothing to do directly with their having a will to preserving the current "power structure". But is as result of environmental factors, where they were brought up, early influences, where they were educated, their career path. To those who would see it that way. I would tell them, this is not another conspiracy against you. The most powerful people in our power structure didn't get there by espousing JFKA conspiracy views and they don't see any point in starting now. Hopefully we have evolved from a sort of a top down Di Eugenio regime a few years back where literally everybody (like Chomsky and others) who didn't publicly come on against the WR was a scumball. Even though that included 99% of the politicians. And you need politicians! Tell me how you're going to positively influence them with that attitude? However, I do think that attitude is on the way out. I would say such a viewpoint of dividing the entire world into 2 camps has a definite appeal to the zeal of the newly converted, and is very "bubbleicious" to a general conspiracy buff because it reinforces their notion that "I'm so smart and everyone around me is a fool." But in the real world. That attitude blows, and won't get us anywhere. Ok, I've now acceded to the will of others and have made a cameo appearance on this ka pos thread. Are you satisfied? heh heh It's a joke!
  3. Sorry people, but this battle is real. The Republicans have introduced a bill to abolish the department of Education. Now an institutional attempt to eliminate upward social mobility.
  4. John says: Kirk, If the masses aren't gullible, why do they keep voting for governments that screw them? Ok, Since you want to go back there. You ignore your context using the "gullible masses". John. John: And of course the "gullible masses" won't ask the obvious question about this photo: Why is Zelensky wearing military style fatigues but Biden not? So the masses are gullible because they don't question why Biden and Zelensky aren't dressed the same? You distinguish yourself only as a member of the fashion conscious "masses". Who would you be to talk?? I have commented on a number of occasions how everyday people, particularly, I think in the U.S. don't vote in their interests. Before we could have a broader discussion. I'm calling this " John's hot air fashion post". Would you admit your example here was not adroitly used? And here below is the "hot air" segment, using the phrase "the masses". Used twice in what amounts to a paragraph! Again shades of "full spectrum dominance'" all over again, John? . John: But such is the degenerate state of western democracy that "the masses" are supposed to believe the empty rhetoric and "absurd antics" of these two "clowns." But other than a fashion faux pas, you don't substantiate your statement and explain why? So isn't this statement a lot of pomp and empty rhetoric and another case of empty "absurd antics" John? You're going have to raise your bar. For this comment, I don't give you a downgrade. I give you a clowngrade. This is why all you guys got rightfully banished to the Stalag 57 attic alongside the 2003 posts. I don't put everybody who doesn't agree with me in one category like you John. And before that thread got banished from the JFKA side. I saw what a joke it was and I was trying to engage with each of you, who want to promptly end the war, as to why, among a number of possible reasons, that you believe the way you do, and to what extent each reason, and it was like pulling teeth. I do agree with Ben, what started as largely your unknowing critique of the right to a young Republican Super Capitalist, was the most substantive thing I've seen you post as to who John is. But back to your earlier post. John"But such a degenerate state of Western Democracy. Ok, I can agree with that. But I'm not sure of your context. John. In good faith. I tried earnestly to once again engage both sides with, what is dismissed as only a meme at the top of the last page. The problem is on both sides. It appears W's so engaged with you guys. He didn't read it either. I think it's a good starting point. If you want to just continue arguing and getting nowhere. That's your choice too. Would you be so kind to address that comment of the guy on the right? Don't hold back! Give me your most crotchety! Thanks
  5. Ok, since this topic got so stale in that other thread that they're flocking here. Let's challenge ourselves a little more. I ask you; 1) if there was no nuclear bomb and ..2) you aren't a pacifist, and some things are worth fighting and dying for. And it doesn't mean that there aren't limitations to commitment in life. Or even sometimes sitting things out. But wouldn't this pretty much wrap it up? Even though I don't go for that full beard, shaved sides look, (but he does look better than anyone else!) And that's the beauty of it!
  6. Matt: Thousands of innocents dead, but John Cotter thinks this is the issue uh huh lol Yeah Matt. that's all sort of part and parcel of John's general issues. Also that sort of disdaining the lowly masses is also continually regurgitated by Chris as well. I guess a certain colonialist disdain has been inbred, even to the everyday commoner in the U.K! And of course, as to John's taste for fashion, always using impeccable dress and appearance was long a means to get a leg up on colonial subjects when British officials visited the colonies! heh heh I do have my thinking about the ages when such responses disdaining "the lowly masses" while never preferable, are at least understandable. But I'll leave that out for now.
  7. Ben said: Egads...even if it turns out that the truth is "only" that LHO was a CIA asset...that would mean the agency had been lying for 60 years and the official, august WC was a hoax. US Presidents, at least, acceded to the hoax and look like intel-state puppets, one after the other. No one in the federal government wants such a huge loss in credibility as that. Washington as a laughing stock and creep city. If Dulles was shown to have directed the JFKA---I would expect the agency to be disbanded. The M$M would have to acknowledge the largest journalism failure in all history. No, this won't mean the shelves would go unstocked at your local Ralph's. Life would go on. But, man oh man.... ******* Ben:US Presidents, at least, acceded to the hoax and look like intel-state puppets, one after the other. Kirk: You're making a number of assumptions there. What proof would there necessarily be that every President knew?. So you're assuming every head of the CIA actually knew the agency killed JFK, and you actually think all of the Presidents were briefed on that when they came to office? Ben: No one in the federal government wants such a huge loss in credibility as that. Washington as a laughing stock and creep city. Kirk:Not everyone in the U.S. is 70 years old Ben. If your in the department of the Treasury, Commerce, Labor, Health education and welfare,( whatever that is now. ) Why would it effect you at all?. The only people it would effect is the CIA, and some security agencies,. But even they don't share any blame! There's been 3 generations.Ben! You're dramatizing the reaction like you're a kid in the 60's. Isn't it just 20% of the total population that is over 60? Washington is already sort of a laughing stock and a creepy city. So what? Ben: Dulles was shown to have directed the JFKA---I would expect the agency to be disbanded. Kirk: Ok, and what would that in reality mean? A lot of it will stay the same. 90% of it's employees will still have their jobs. Maybe they'll appoint a new head. Make some structural changes. Maybe they'll just change the name, and get the rid of people in the top posts? But of course , why even do that?. They were the ones to come forward and release the truth after 60 years!. Anybody that could once be held responsible, is long dead., It's not going to change their agenda one iota, and end the new Cold War!. They'll just become more regulated, tighten appropriations, and have more safeguards to avoid overreach. Hopefully, it will be better! It's a positive thing! But why would people go to the lengths you suggest, strong arming a President to reduce him? Maybe if they were covering up 50 years ago. But nobody's to blame! I guarantee nobody's going to say now they approved of it!! Who could possibly shoulder such blame that they would go to the ruthless ends you suggest?
  8. Why? what is the worst that could happen to the CIA? Let's go all the way with your projected CIA fear, Ben. Let's say the CIA -Dulles and co. (but of course we don't absolutely know that!) is exposed as being behind the successful plot. What is the worst that could happen?
  9. Oh John, are you a Kinks "Dedicated follower of fashion" now? WTF are you talking about? "Spurious posturing" "belied by the contrasting clothing" indeed!! I think you missed your calling John, your fashion insight would be excellent on the Red Carpet at the upcoming Oscars in another month! As if we don't already have enough Brits commenting on fashion there! Absurd antics? foo foo! Yes, what cowards to not be on the frontline!, and then to dress so inappropriately! I don't take the fashion statement quite as much to heart as you do John. I'm just amused at Biden's sun glasses! Actually there's nothing that unusual about their dress. One is selling himself as the man of the people during a War, and one is the World leader official. I assume you would also get very upset when Presidents come to disaster scenes not dressed in a suit and tie. But that actually happens in the U.S.! I get it! Stiff upper lip, old boy! You've actually taken a page from the Republicans when Zelensky first came to speak at Congress. "Couldn't he have dressed up a little?" Duly noted John! heh heh
  10. The usual ending from Ben. I used your antagonists. You were projecting so much fear on the CIA. I proposed the absolute worst scenario for the CIA. Under any circumstance. Life would go on. People would still go to their jobs. I've given you concrete events that are the logical sequence of the very worst of your projected fears upon the CIA.s. The disbanding of the CIA. Let's at least hear what you think would happen? You're the one whose says this is a cataclysmic event! This would never be the story of the year, during the Ukraine War or even the debt ceiling! I'll say it again. Anybody else want to comment?
  11. Effect almost zero. Nobody likes the CIA.anyway. It would be easy and no surprise to everyday people at all.. What proof would there necessarily be that every President knew?. You actually think they were briefed on that when they came to office? Not everyone in the U.S. is 70 years old Ben. If your in the department of the Treasury, Commerce, Labor, Health education and welfare,( whatever that is now. ) Why would it effect you at all?. The only people it would effect is the CIA, and some security agencies,. But even they don't share any blame! There's been 3 generations.Ben! You're dramatizing the reaction like you're a kid in the 60's. Is it just 20% of the total population is over 60? Washington is already sort of a laughing stock and a creepy city. So what? . Ok, and what would that mean? A lot of it will stay the same. 90% of it's employees will still have their jobs. Maybe they'll appoint a new head. Make some structural changes. Maybe they'll call it something different and just get the rid of people in the top posts. But of course , why even do that?. They were the ones to come forward and release the truth after 60 years!. Anybody that could once be held responsible, is long dead., It's not going to change their agenda one iota, and end the new Cold War!. They'll just become more regulated, tighten appropriations, and have more safeguards to avoid overreach. Hopefully, it will be better! It's a positive thing! But why would people go to the lengths you suggest , strong arming a President to reduce him. Maybe if they were covering up 50 years ago. But nobody's to blame! I guarantee nobody's going to say now they approved of it!! Who could possibly shoulder such blame that they would go to the ruthless ends you suggest? This took so long,' I got to get to bed. N
  12. Ok, but you didn't answer the second half. Let's go way beyond Johannides, If the worst came out for them! What's the worst that could happen? Let's say the CIA -Dulles and co. (but of course we don't absolutely know that!) is exposed as being behind the successful plot. What is the worst that could happen to the CIA?
  13. Ben: One conclusion: The JFK Records are radioactive. To mention releasing the records, or to even want to see them, means the President has to go. No one can have leverage over the CIA. It works the other way around. So you actually believe Tucker, that there's a "smoking gun "there? Ben, Haven't I asked you this before?, but I never got an answer? If the worst came out for them. What's the worst that could happen? Ben: Given that President Biden is essentially proposing putting JFK records into the vault permanently "Vault permanently" Source?
  14. Kirk said:Despite this overwhelming evidence of betrayal,Would some still continue to look up to both of them? Sadly yes. Tucker has melded into their identity, as many cherished images in video clips, as well as being the most addictive source of effective tools to facilitate the microsecond satisfaction of "owning the libs." Matt: That's my answer to that above. A lot of people here will continue to cite Carlson as a source, even though he is a l-ar. Ben's doubling down on Carlson now twice today, once of course to you, and a completely political off topic irrelevant response to Pat Speer in a thread about rabbit holes!. And he's mentioned nothing about Carlson's now being exposed! Giving up Carlson is giving up the prime tool for "Owning the Libs".
  15. Tucker Carlson called a Trump "a demonic force." So now that Carlson's been exposed as a l-ar. MacCarthy rewards him and places 41,000 hours of government film solely in his possession? And Matt Taibbi is still hoarding the cherry picked twitter files. And deliberately didn't get specific about any of Trump's attempted intrusions on Twitter, including Chrissy Tiegen's tweets. @RepDanGoldman · 8h Please explain to me, @SpeakerMcCarthy and @RepStefanik , how giving 40,000 hours of sensitive surveillance footage solely to one tv commentator is consistent with “transparency.” Transparency for thee but not for me.
  16. I don't buy that. That's sort of assuming the average citizen has the same viewpoint as us. The CIA could be defanged or have their power curtailed by Congress, but they don't want to do it and they are under no pressure by their constituents to do it because there's simply no political will in numbers to do it.. Not surprisingly, I don't buy that either 1) There's probably nothing left in those files . Sorry Tucker fans, you should have known better! 2)Prior to Tucker. Anybody whose seen those files, says there's no smoking gun. 3)Biden, like Trump isn't really engaged in the issue and maybe hasn't spent 10 minutes on it. JMO 4) If there's no smoking gun, Why are they blocking the release of the files? Because they can. They have no fear that the content is going to radically change the status quo. And nobody whose been challenged here on that can support that notion with any facts. The Trump, Biden Pence scandals do help because there is now a public awareness of the over classification of files. You have 2 alternatives 1) to support Larry's or other's legal actions. or 2)How many people have cared enough to write their their Congress person? I have. I wrote Anna Eshoo and she's come out for the release of the files. I'm not sure if she came out just before I wrote her that letter. But I'm pleased she did. I don't have the numbers but it's your elected representatives that have the power to effect this equation. Do you think even 10% of formally come out for the release of the files? We hope to get some traction with the Oversight committee, but what a partisan mess that looks like! As far as identifying a government conspiracy of people who are frightened to death about the release of the JFK files. I don't think that group exists.There are undoubtedly, many more files that they are much more concerned about releasing. I don't think there's really any "there" there.. This is way down on their priorities. If you're serious, you have to make a concerted effort and at least do the minimum. If you don't want to do that. At least cheer on the people who are making the effort. Otherwise you're going to get the same results you've gotten for 50 years. JMO
  17. Touche''--Jamie Raskin at Oversite committee hearings is very articulate and lists Trump weaponization of the DOJ.
  18. That's right Doug, It's a white collar recession while in the blue collar economy there are almost 2.0 jobs available for every one person looking for a job! Ben's "Let the market decide what wages to pay" idea of starving the economy of workers to raise wages is self defeating and could never raise wages enough anyway. That's what we're seeing right now naturally, and wage growth is now slowing. What we really need is the first strengthening of Unions since the Reagan stranglehold that was initiated by the Republicans in the 80's.
  19. Yikes! I had no idea this thread was still going on! Wow!, Now it looks like we were all in tacit agreement to bomb Nordstream. And what a great agreement it was! As it says here in this article, that throughout this war and since we bombed the pipeline, "Europe Turned an Energy Crisis into a Green Energy Sprint". Biden whose IRA, ( Inflation reduction act) will be a boon for green energy in the United States, has like some Svengali like powers! He has now succeeded in turning all Europe more Green as well! And now oil and natural gas prices are lower than they were before Putin's invasion as well! Bravo UK and Europe! I must admit, we had our doubts, we thought it would take you at least a few years to recover. But some of your stock markets are at all time highs! Stick with us! The sky's the limit! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/opinion/europe-energy-crisis-natural-gas-russia.html?campaign_id=39&emc=edit_ty_20230216&instance_id=85517&nl=opinion-today&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=125474&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55 And then on top of that. More good news! A solid majority of Brits 53 to 34%! now think it was wrong to leave the European Union! Just a stunning victory for globalism! If their leaders can just listen to the cries of their people, and reunite with Europe. Then things should be a lot more manageable across the pond! Then nothing can stop us! Which is a heady prospect! Full speed ahead! https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/ ***** Chris: What seems abundantly clear to me is that there is a contingent on this forum that desperately wants this thread degraded and deleted. Wow! Chris . Glad I could walk you through your belief system and give you the courage to post! As I may have lost track, but you've got 17 posts on this thread since you made that statement. Whatever I can do for free speech! heh heh
  20. Wow!, Now it looks like maybe we were all in tacit agreement to bomb Nordstream! And what a great agreement it was! As it says here in this article, that throughout this war and since we bombed the pipeline, "Europe Turned an Energy Crisis into a Green Energy Sprint". Biden whose IRA, ( Inflation reduction act) will be a boon for green energy in the United States, has some Svengali like powers! He has now succeeded in turning all Europe more Green as well! And now oil and natural gas prices are lower than they were before Putin's invasion as well! Bravo UK and Europe! I must admit, we had our doubts, we thought it would take you at least a few years to recover. But some of your stock markets are at all time highs! Stick with us! The sky's the limit! https://www.nytimes.com/2023/02/15/opinion/europe-energy-crisis-natural-gas-russia.html?campaign_id=39&emc=edit_ty_20230216&instance_id=85517&nl=opinion-today&regi_id=61798350&segment_id=125474&te=1&user_id=48552702f942aacb0810b9de5ca41c55 And then on top of that. A solid majority of Brits 53 to 34%! now think it was wrong to leave the European Union! Just a stunning victory for globalism! If their leaders can just listen to the cries of their people, and reunite with Europe. Then things should be a lot more manageable across the pond! Then nothing can stop us! Which is a heady prospect! Full speed ahead! https://www.statista.com/statistics/987347/brexit-opinion-poll/ heh heh
  21. Fox News reporter Jacqui Heinrich dares to fact check Trump and says: ‘There is no evidence that any voting system deleted or lost votes, changed votes, or was in any way compromised.'” Carlson tells Hannity about the traitorous Fox news reporter. Carlson told Hannity: “Please get her fired. Seriously… What the xxxx? I’m actually shocked. It needs to stop immediately, like tonight. It’s measurably hurting the company The stock price is down. Not a joke.” We also now see Tucker Carlson called a Trump "a demonic force." I'm sure this will be unpleasant for those at the forum who would give their life as a mammal to just be a fly on the wall when the Don and Tucker were having their Summit talks. .It must be crushing! Despite this overwhelming evidence of betrayal,Would some still continue to look up to both of them? Sadly yes. Tucker has melded into their identity, as many cherished images in video clips, as well as being the most addictive source of effective tools to facilitate the microsecond satisfaction of "owning the libs." https://www.mediaite.com/tv/get-her-fired-text-shows-tucker-carlson-wanted-fox-news-colleague-jacqui-heinrich-canned-over-fact-check-of-trump-election-lie/
  22. Yeah man!, I don't get it Glenn!! Ok, maybe Glenn just wants his clothes ripped off. No big deal! And who did I get this from? Glenn himself, using it to perform his hair on fire ritual to his devoted fans, who never get tired of the spectacle! That's why Ben finds Glenn so "spectacular!" And Ben was one of the thumbs down! Sounds pretty torrid , don't be too surprised, it might be a hidden Valentine!
  23. If I can draw an analogy. It's sort of like the Jim Di's forever haranguing Noam Chomsky. Noam Chomsky was a noted author well on his career path and made what he saw as a prudent career decision that he wasn't going to get sidetracked on the JFKA. You can castigate him for that if you will. But similarly, as Pat says, there's no upside at all for Stone to subject himself to Posner and Litwin on Rogan's show. At this point, under no circumstances is there probably going to be a dramatic upsurge in following for the film. And there could be a lot of downside for the reasons Pat mentioned.
  24. The Fox News commentators took issue with the reporter's rejection of Trump's 2020 election lies. Now with the dominion voting scandal, we know through e mails that Tucker Carlson, Hannity, Ingraham and Pirro and all the Fox News personalities knew they were peddling the Big Election lie, and continued to do it , even as their viewer base suffered. We now know Tucker Carlson and Sean Hannity discussed trying to have a Fox reporter fired for a Trump email fact-checking tweet. From one of Ben's most quoted CIA sources! below We know now Rupert Murdoch on 1/5/21 asked his on air personalities to finally come out and say Trump lost the election, but they refused. And Fox News and the Wall Street Journal (Murdoch properties!) are today acting like the Dominion News didn't happen. Still we'll see Fox video clips here.Which forever begs the question: When will Fox viewers admit they' were stupid! This said as we're heading now into the third month after the Tucker Carlson/Roger Stone, JFKA/CIA "Shot heard round the world" revelations!! https://www.businessinsider.com/tucker-carlson-sean-hannity-fox-news-reporter-fact-checking-trump-2023-2 Where is thy Deep State? All you guys whining about a deep state would never be ready for me. I'd have clear lines that would take the gloves off and make it easier for these clowns who violated the public trust to get thrown in jail! .
  25. Now we have an old clip of Nikki Haley on Fox saying she's going to cut Social Security and Medicare. I've been talking about these clips of Republicans doing the same since at least 2019. The Democrats never used it in 2020, though undoubtedly they could have given them bigger majorities in the House and Senate. Though in fairness on a Presidential level, a Trumpist at the time would probably have voted for Trump no matter what policies he'd say in the campaign, and taking away SS and Medicare would have been for the Republicans like taking candy from a baby. But Biden won! But still, if the Democrats weren't silent about this all during the 2022 campaign. There's no way they would have lost the House! Then after the election, Biden now stumbles on it and it's gold! Geesh! Nikki Haley- I don't think that's going anywhere. What white male Trump voter is going to defect to Nikki Haley?
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