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Stu Wexler

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Everything posted by Stu Wexler

  1. Steve you are missing the point so let me clarify it. Elmer Todd initialed *a* bullet recovered from Texas. He later identified his initials on *that same* bullet. If that bullet were CE399 his initials should have been etched in like everyone else who later received it. They are not. What happened to them? You have to argue that they faded away such that no one who has seen it, both live and in high res photos (that you yourself can look at) can find them. Yet initials for other people at the lab who engraved their initials at the same time as Todd, per FBI procedure, are on CE399 and all the other ballistics material those lab techs engraved. So you would have to believe Todd's initials disappeared while the others' markings somehow stood the test of time. *Or* you can believe that another bullet came from Dallas, the one Elmer Todd engraved, is not CE399 and was removed from the evidence stream. Which one is more likely?
  2. Mantik was one but there is another. Only not sharing because I would want to ask him first. But the HSCA firearms panel is just as devastating. They used microscopes and visual and ID'd all the other initials but Todd's and they weren't looking to make a point about the chain of evidence.
  3. To clarify, I am not sure if their express purpose was to look for the initials. But they definitely did it as part of whatever their overall objective. Also: the HSCA Firearms Panel bullet worksheets included detailed descriptions of key markings/characteristics. Every initial set was noted: except Todd's. There is an argument that Nicol initials are not on CE399 and he undoubtedly initialed it when he did a follow up examination. Hence, they argue, both sets of initials disappeared due to oxidation. I focused on this in a Lancer presentation in 2015. Nicol appeared to mark the lead (not copper) part of other rounds. That is what you would normally do if you don't want to "contaminate" evidence (the jacket surface that retains ballistics markings) in any way. Well there was small portion of exposed lead on CE399 rounds, at the base. That was removed for chemical analysis by the FBI years before. In other words, it is distinctly possible that Nicol's initials or markings were on that exposed lead on the base and were removed.
  4. One of the better all purpose backs there was. The fact he didn't catch the Rambler man is suspicious, imo.
  5. Given the topic, I wonder why more footnote in Meagher's book.
  6. Greg: this is really solid work on Masen. So do you think these are all innocent cases of mistaken identity? Or do you think there is something more to the Masen angle? Stu
  7. To my point. Can we capitalize on this sentiment (and heck, it may well relate to Nov 22) https://www.italy24news.com/local/amp/143373?__twitter_impression=true
  8. So a thought, as there are people here from overseas where the documentary is getting quite a bit of attention: what can possibly be done to leverage the attention to get foreign governments and institutions to release what they may have on the assassination? We have pretty good accounts (and it is just plain common sense) that foreign security and intelligence agencies cooperated with and may well have conducted independent investigations into the crimes. Interpol perhaps also has files. Can we get a something going on that front? W
  9. Yes. They made a mistake. We have the weapon in the relevant area and time on the Alyea film. It is 100% a Carcano and not a Mauser. Look at this from another perspective: why would you go to enormous lengths to connect Oswald to the MC and then not even bother to fire it on tbe day of??
  10. The problem with the Mauser issue is we have the Alyea film which conclusively shows a Carcano. We need to focus on issues that have not been long debunked.
  11. Mark: is there any room for it to be any other officer other than McClain as a potential source for the recording?
  12. 1. Changed. It is bleedover from Twitter where one has a character limit. 2. Chapman said this to me in person, not by email. 3. I don't know what happened with Oz in November. Which is why I say it is a gap. It would be great if you can clearly establish who that handler is. Many names have been put forward for handlers but most, frankly, remain far from convincing. I will accept a circumstantial case but it has to be firmer than anything we currently have to move the needle. Are you going to add to that in the new book? Stu
  13. It is the biggest gap in the research. Regardless of what one thinks about the extent of his role on Nov 22, it is hard to imagine any conspiracy of any variety proceeding without being able to monitor, anticipate and *influence* LHO's behavior. The latter implies at least someone in "proximity" to him in a noticeable way in Dallas in Oct and Nov. The community has developed all kinds of fascinating and suspicious contacts up through the end of Sept, imo. But we need after. A few like Larry Hancock and Greg Parker have been making strides. I have long hoped your book might address that gap ever since the late Robert Chapman dropped some very vague but intriguing tidbits about it. I won't be disappointed?
  14. It is the biggest gap in the research. Regardless of what one thinks abt the extent of his role on Nov 22, it is hard to imagine any conspiracy of any variety proceeding without being able to monitor, anticipate and *influence* LHO's behavior. The latter implies at least someone in "proximity" to him in a noticeable way in Dallas in Oct and Nov. The community has developed all kinds of fascinating and suspicious contacts up through the end of Sept, imo. But we need after. A few like Larry Hancock and Greg Parker have been making strides. I have long hoped your book might address that gap ever since the late Robert Chapman dropped some very vague but intriguing tidbits about it. I won't be disappointed?
  15. How much of the new book deals with Oswald especially his world in October and November 1963? -Stu
  16. What would help would be if the person making the criticism was widely read in PDS's work and familiar with his interviews and presentations. Because the premise is wrong. He does not limit his analysis to the CIA by any means. Not by a long shot. And he is one of the most forward thinking researchers we have ever had for some of those very reasons. He was talking about Air Force Intelligence, for instance, long before anyone was interested in them. I have grown more convinced by his overarching analysis of deep politics over time-- not less. Regards, Stu
  17. I think he is clearly saying that the package could not have contained the rifle-- it was too small. He has said that for a long, long time, if I am right.
  18. Robert, I would be very interested. I have looked into Dinkin. Others have gone deep. Never have seen any record of those names. If they came only in the 1970s it would make me suspicious that he was embelishing. But please post a llink. -Stu
  19. Just tellling you why-- not advocating-- but I believe the issue with Delphine Roberts is two-fold for some: 1) She ultimately was not, if I recall, the most cooperative witness for Garrison. 2) She was associated with radical right wing groups like the National States Rights Party. -Stu
  20. So Chris: does that mean you are skeptical of that the dictabelt is a recording from a police motorcycle?
  21. Also: what is the source for McClain saying he stopped at the headshot?
  22. Chris- very interesting, So: how confident are you it is a Harley engine you are hearing, McClain's or not? Am I right in saying that, whosever vehicle it is, you believe it was in motion when it was recording? Did McClain give the name for his suspected whistler?
  23. Hi folks, Could be completely out of the loop or forgetting something here, so help me out. This is not a new document. https://ncisahistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/OSWALD-Lee-H-FBI-Source-reporting-on-Oswalds-contact-with-Soviets-in-Mexico-City-and-Washngton-OCT-181963.pdf But I look at the date--- November 19, 1963. Help me out: I thought the "Comrade Kostin" material was supposed to have emerged exclusively from the letter Ruth Paine "discovered" and submitted *after* the assassination. No? -Stu
  24. I could be wrong, but I also believe this document might be new: https://ncisahistory.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/OSWALD-Lee-H-Investigation-of-Shooting-Incident-in-Barracks-Oct-27-1957.pdf Not sure the significance.
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