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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Curious GK; Would you be willing to qualify your assessment above with more specificity? To what extent does the interview weaken Prouty's credibility? Significantly, noticably, somewhat? And in what areas of his body of work and claims? How about in regards to Prouty's suspicion of Lansdale's presence in Dealey Plaza? And Prouty's noting physical characteristics specific to Lansdale in the Tramp photo? How about Prouty's claim that Victor Krulak agreed with Prouty that the lanky tramp photo man did look like Lansdale to him also? Did Prouty backtrack on his early suspicion claims regards Lansdale being the lanky business suit man in the Tramp photo?
  2. To see Melania's sexy hot turned on attraction reaction to her mutual cheek kiss smootch with Canada's young hot PM Justin Trudeau at the G 7 meet up and then see her around Trump is ...well...sad really.
  3. My goodness. I don't think someone has to be a highly trained body language expert to see and feel the incredible coldness between Trump and his wife. Melania is a tough, independent woman. My gut feeling when observing these two together is that their marraige is already over in many ways. There doesn't seem to be any real affectionate warmth between the two toward each other. Did you notice the debate moderator last night never once mention the SCOTUS situation? Strange call. I don't agree with some debate commentators who say the moderator Kristen Welker did a great job last night. Not at all. Considering Trump's first debate performance was the worst in televised debate history by far, all she had to do was be there while Trump didn't go nutty like the first debate. And Trump STILL went off grandstanding beyond his time and disrespectively ignored the moderator's 5 or 6 requests to stop at least half a dozen times. And Welker weakly let him get away with this. First debate moderator Chris Wallace was much tougher in at least "trying" to stop the over-talking on Trump's part. But how could he stop the manic Trump? No one could that first debate. Just because Trump didn't go completely off the rails we are to equate this to a good or even great moderating job? And the moderator still allowed Trump time and time again to completely ignore or divert from specific subject questions to throw out Hunter Biden corruption charges and even towards Joe Biden and his brother as well. In a court of law a judge would have shut down a testifying Trump and his non-stop corruption charges against the Bidens as slanderous hearsay based on nothing but what Trump has read or heard other people say. The moderator should have shut Trump down immediately in his constant ( and successful ) effort to turn the debate into a Biden corruption one, which, again, was a deliberate attempt to put Biden into an awkward defensive debate position half the time. Why did Welker allow Trump to get away with this and so often? And why didn't Welker at least once, press Trump to explain why he kept his China bank account so secret and ask Trump what he did to get paid 15 million dollars by the Chinese that went into this account? And how about Trunp's recently revealed $400 million to $1 billion dollar debt? And to whom does he owe this massive debt? I thought the questions Welker presented were the same simple boring ones we have heard 1,000 times. To Trump: What are you going to do about the pandemic if you are re-elected? Please. And the moderator let Trump off the hook in so many ways by not pressing him more on his duplicity in not releasing his taxes, his recently discovered $400 million dollar debt ( which some say is as high as a billion) and his constant violation of the emolument rules for a sitting president and so many other Trump ethical issues. Savannah Guthrie didn't allow Trump to skate his way through that ridiculous town hall meeting. The questioners and their questions were so softball you had to suspect they and their questions were screened. The gushing older blond woman who exposed her crush feelings for Trump and his beautiful smile was cringing to watch. Guthrie went after Trump and his $400 million dollar debt. His coddling of violence bent right wing groups such as the Proud Boys and others. Guthrie did what no other moderator would do...she confronted Trump regards his lies, shady huge money business dealings and his divisive manner, words and policies, etc. etc. Compared to Guthrie, last night's moderator seemed intimidated by Trump, imo.
  4. For what it's worth; Trump's 10 year employed "fixer" personal attorney Michal Cohen states in his Trump expose book "Disloyal - A Memoir" that he and Trump and Russian oligarch Aras Agalarov and his son Emin visited a Las Vegas strip club and watched a simulated female "golden showers" performance that Trump seemed to enjoy. Agalarov denies Cohen's story. However, Trump socializing with one of Russia's most prominent oligarchs with close ties to Putin ( one on one ) is a fact and who wouldn't view this relationship with some curious apprehension? Alagarov paid Trump $20 million dollars to host the Ms. Universe pageant in Las Vegas. Another fact. With Trump's known attraction to beautiful women and even bragging about his sexual fantasies with them like "grab them by the pu$$y" the idea of him watching a "golden showers" act doesn't seem too far fetched imo. And why doesn't Trump sue Michael Cohen for making this slanderous claim in a huge best seller book?
  5. Mark S. I guess anything is possible in the world of JFK assassination information dissemination. Although Jim Garrison is a true hero in my opinion.
  6. Look at the world and know that we have all entered a new paradigm of fragile survival reality on an entire global scale. Stanford entomologist Paul Erlich and his wife Anne presented a warning prediction model for this world stress and crisis in their 1968 book "Population Bomb." One that is playing out on the stress side much more so than not. 9 billion people now occupy this planet ( versus 3.5 billion in 1968 ) and they and their governments are all competing for the same natural resources that have not increased 3X like the population. That simple equation alone speaks for itself. With global warming restricting food and water and agriculture availabilities to billions of people along with natural disasters and even pandemics stressing entire nations and societies like never before, no matter who is president of the Untied States in the future, they are going to have to react like every other nation and their governments in this basic survival resource needing free for all. You remember the gas shortage under Carter? ( one artificially created to help defeat Carter imo ) and how people all over the country were beginning to act out violently with loss of law and order control in many areas? Truckers were forming miles long traffic stoppage demonstrations. People were fighting each other in gas station wait lines? With billions of people world wide feeling life and death stresses what do you think is going to happen with civil unrest? And governments, especially in the hardest hit 3rd world countries will turn to fascist police state ones, hammering down on their protesting citizenry with the justification excuse that they have no other choice to stop the rioting chaos. World human rights will be tossed aside. One mass natural disaster event ( perhaps a 5 or 10 year long rain drought ) on an area as large as India and Pakistan, or something similar in the Far East or even Africa would effect billions. Mass fires, flooding, earthquakes too. Look at the massive fires on our own West Coast this year? We are rich and developed enough to absorb such calamities, but most of the Earth's population resides in nation states that can't absorb such stresses. All of Earth's nations and people have now entered a new and very fragile state of survival existence. Any President and all other nation state leaders and their policies domestic and foreign will have to be changed to adjust to this global free-for-all need and stress reality. The 2020's are going to be rough, rough, rough for all of us here and around the world imo. And technology can help some of us adjust and survive without desperate civil unrest but not all. If Biden wins this election, it's still going to rough going and probably as long as he is in office. We are never going back to pre 2020 normal again. We will have a new normal. Hopefully, we and other nations can still keep our democratic/constitutional basic human rights framed governments intact through this new paradigm of global stress reality.
  7. If Prouty made this all up...why would he do so? The man had a stellar, high achievement, high rank, high assignment ( liason to the White House?) full military career with so many commendations. Why would he risk his entire outstanding military career legacy to do something like you are suggesting ... making up parts of his JFK conspiracy story? IMO someone would have to be suffering from brain damage to do something so antithetical to their entire life's achievments and mental, moral and professional ethics. And if Prouty did commit such an irresponsible and even unpatriotic act of making his claims up, why would someone of equally high military career stature like General Victor Krulak stand by Prouty until his own passing? Today, we see many top former military generals and admirals as well as former highest position intelligence and state and foreign service members doing something unprecedented in expressing their concern for the country in condemning Donald Trump in the most public way. Television news show interviews, signing their names to official group proclamation letters, writing op-ed pieces published in newspapers and magazines. I believe Prouty sensed with all his being, that JFK was taken out by others in high positions of power. And he risked his entire military career standing in asking questions in interviews and books and assisting researchers and presenting incongruous actions he saw happen before and up to JFK in Dallas, and even going so far as to suspect some involvement by the super aggressive planner of government overthrows Lansdale. A commitment and sacrifice very similar to Jim Garrison. Even though they both knew some parts of their theories might be wrong in certain aspects imo.
  8. Rudy Giuliani Has Too Much Dignity, Class And Smarts To Be Naively Caught Up In A Silly, Stupid And Embarrassing Borat Put On. Rudy Giuliani, ... Rudy Giuliani in Drag Smooching Donald Trump - YouTube www.youtube.com › watch Apr 14, 2006 — Yes, it's former NYC mayor Rody Giuliani in drag having his "breasts" shamelessly violated by "Apprentice" tycoon Donald Trump. Clip from ...
  9. Robert McAdams...er, uh...I mean Wheeler ... I can only guess but falling back on my own experiences this is a look I have when I feel the first two minute warning rumblings of serious intestinal distress before all heck breaks loose? Or the first time I witnessed a UFO? Or maybe Biden's seeing a picture of a naked Donald Trump? Your take?
  10. I believe Melania is praying her hubbie loses the election. Desperately so. I also believe she will file for divorce in the first year of post presidency. She hates the first lady role. She wants privacy for her son and her. I suspect she also is craving being in the arms of a younger more virile man. If body and facial expression language is truly a credible reveal of someone's real inner feelings...the almost orgasmic gaze Melania gave young Canadian Prime minister Justin Trudeau when they cheek kissed smooched at that August 27th, 2019 G-7 Summit gave her fantasy feelings away imo.
  11. Insanity. And our main stream media won't report it as such.
  12. The Walter Cronkite interview of LBJ in September of 1969 seems to me to be a watershed moment of Warren Commission debunking. Mind boggling in it's content and source. Here you have LBJ himself telling Walter Cronkite regards the Warren Commission: "I don't think they, or me or anyone else, is always absolutely sure of everything that might have motivated Oswald or uh ... other's that could have been involved." If that isn't a full blown debunking of the WC "lone nut" finding...what is? I have always been perplexed about the down playing of this interview and LBJ's mind blowing conspiracy suggesting comments to Cronkite. If "LBJ" wasn't 100% sure about the WC final "lone nut" findings regards a JFK conspiracy who else would you have to hear this doubt from to consider it's possibility or even probability? 1:25NOW PLAYING LBJ questions JFK Warren Report-CBS
  13. CLASSIC! Trump's defining historical legacy quote ... "GRAB EM BY THE PU$$Y!" What a quote to be mostly known for.
  14. Ahaaa! Cliff ... BRAVO! BINGO! RIGHT ON !!! Trump has actually said in a press briefing two months ago that he feels sorry for the prolific procurer of Jeffrey Epstein's underage girl victims Ghislaine Maxwell. And yet, not "one" word of sympathy or empathy for the dozens of naive girls Ms. Maxwell enticed and provided for Epstein to be abused by him. And Trump told Savannah Guthrie at his recent town hall meeting that the only thing he knows about the Q ANON nut case group is that they are against pedophilia ... and that he is too! Then how does Trump justify saying he feels bad for serial child sex trafficking criminal Ghislaine Maxwell? And nothing in support of her and Epstein's many underage girl victims? Surprised no one's written an article hammering Trump about this sick, shameless, outrageous and immoral hypocrisy.
  15. If this is the best "October Surprise" you got ... good luck. American women voters who despise Trump by an over 20% margin could care less about a story like this. Their anti-Trump vote will not change and will be the deciding factor in Trump's removal.
  16. Hit the Road Trump (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.) (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more.) What you say? (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.) (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more.) Woah voters, oh voters, don't treat me so mean, You're the meanest bunch of voters that I've ever seen. But I guess if you say so I'll have to pack my things and go. (That's right) (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.) (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more.) What you say? (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more. Now voters, listen voters, don't ya treat me this-a way Cause I'll be back on my feet some day. (Don't care if you do 'cause it's understood) (you ain't got no morals you just ain't no good.) Well, I guess if you say so I'll have to pack my things and go. (That's right) (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more, no more, no more, no more.) (Hit the road Trump and don't you come back no more.) What you say? (Hit the road Trump .... Well (Don't you come back no more.) Uh, what you say? (Don't you come back no more.) I didn't understand you (Don't you come back no more.) You can't mean that (Don't you come back no more.) You DAMN right we mean that...now hit the road Trump ... and don't you come back no more! Copyright 2020.
  17. Going back to older Rip Robertson in Dealey Plaza threads by John Simkin and others as far back as 2006, most who have seen the above pics agreed there was a remarkable similarity between the Dealey Plaza pic and the one below of Robertson. The dissenting opinion that the fellow in the Dealey Plaza was not Robertson was shared by an "Abner Stokes?" This fellow worked as a mechanic on boat engines for Robertson in South Florida at a very young age. He certainly had personal one-on-one interaction with Robertson to a credible degree. However, Stokes claimed that Robertson's skin ( facially ) was so damaged from sun exposure he was known as "Alligator" man. And that the Dealey Plaza picture did not depict this type skin. He also stated that Robertson was taller and lankier than the Dealey Plaza man. Yet, contrarily Stokes did state in one of his posts that he also acknowledged a strong resemblance between the true Robertson in the photo below and the man in the Dealey Plaza photo. Kind of a mixed take? Stokes stated several times how much he respected and admired Rip Robertson. Perhaps in a fatherly type way? Robertson guided a 20 year old Stokes into the Marines and offered assistance in his later duty assignments? Stokes close personal attachment to Robertson does suggest a possible favoring personal bias and the possibility that he might present a view that covered any Robertson involvement in anything connected to JFK's demise?
  18. When Savannah Guthrie asked some hard and seriously relevant questions of Trump that the "screened" town hall participants didn't, Trump came up with some ridiculously illogical answers that his wag-the-dog damage control people obviously prepped him with. Totally diversionary. And say the $400 million is chump change, "peanuts" in his economic reality. 98% of Americans wouldn't know what to do with $400 million. That amount is a huge mind boggling sum in "their" economic world. And throw this high level finance word "levered" ( again that 90% of Americans don't use in their every day lives) out there ten times as well. And Trump can never tell the truth when confronted with questions that even we know the answers to. Guthrie to Trump: "Do you owe this $400 million to foreign interests?" Trump: "Um, no, but ... maybe." !! Did you get tested for Covid the day of the first debate? Uh, I don't remember, could have." Trump dropped in the polls 4% nationally after that first disastrous debate. His performance in that has been universally proposed as the worst presidential debate performance in the last 100 years. "The Worst!" Trump's next non-partisan rally crowd public question and answer performance ( this town hall ) was also a PR disaster. Thanks mostly to Savannah Guthrie and her gutsy refusal to let Trump get off the hook with weak questions from the crowd's so-called "undecided" voters. One of which started off with a flirty gushing about what a beautiful smile Trump had! This woman looked like the type who has been posting on lonely heart dating sites for years with no luck.
  19. Trump Term Gold Mine For Billionaires. Combined wealth for America's billionaires has surpassed the 10 TRILLION dollar mark. Financial gain times have never been better for our .01%. Mary Trump's "Crazy Uncle" expose book title "Too Much ... And Never Enough" fit's the benefactors of Trump's tax cuts for the rich perfectly as well. What did Warren Buffet say about Trump's tax cut? US billionaire Warren Buffet says his conglomerate has received a profit boost of $29bn (£20bn) as a result of President Donald Trump's tax reforms, he says. Berkshire Hathaway reported a record quarterly and annual profit on Saturday. The Republican law reform, approved in December, cut the corporate tax rate to 21% from 35%. Mr Buffett, one of the richest men in the world, opposed the plan. In his letter to investors, Mr Buffett said the tax cut accounted for nearly half of the firm's gain in net worth during 2017. "A large portion of our gain did not come from anything we accomplished at Berkshire," he wrote. "Only $36 billion came from Berkshire's operations. The remaining $29 billion was delivered to us in December when Congress rewrote the US Tax Code." Buffet also said that only 5,000 Americans would benefit from Trump's estate tax roll back.
  20. Jack Ruby Love Airfield club sandwich sharing infatuation story Rhonda Fleming dies October 14th, 2020. For a brief moment Jack Ruby was in true classy celebrity heaven when he happened to spot major Hollywood actress Rhonda Fleming having a club sandwich in the dining lounge at Love Field. Ruby introduced himself and Fleming graciously allowed this squatty, balding, rough edged talking and looking, dingy strip joint operator to join her. They shared some light conversation. For sure one of Ruby's most glamour enamored memories. Ruby's strip tease girls were just as beautiful as Fleming...Jada, Candy Barr, Little Lynn, etc. But Fleming had the class that Ruby so admired. Same with Jackie Kennedy. Fleming had a small but quirky face to face meet up with one of the top three JFK assassination figures...Jack "Sparky" Ruby.
  21. Speaking of a most intriguing figure photographed in Dealey Plaza right during the JFK shooting, take a look at this one. In the sidewalk crowd right in front of the Texas Schoolbook Depository and just as JFK and his limo are passing by, who do you think this picture depicts? This is a full frontal face photo. No backside debate deflating doubt. The latest facial recognition software would have no problem with this gem of a full face pic. Comparing this photo to many others of Rip Robertson seems a clear and strong one for scientifically proven identification verses the backside lanky ( supposed Lansdale/Tramp) one. The height of the man in this picture also fits Robertson. And Robertson was 43 years old at the time. Does the pic you see look like a 43 year old man?
  22. We watched Biden and then a tape of Trump's Town Hall. The first mutually felt view we shared was how calm and reasoned Biden came across and how uncomfortable, tense and confrontational Trump came across despite his seemingly contrived relaxed seating posture. You could see facial close up sweat beading up on his upper lip as the meeting went on. Watching Trump actually made us nervous. His energy is one of barely controlled anger with a heightened defensiveness - the opposite of relaxed. And Trump's main facial expressions constantly reflect this. Clenched jaw, furled brow, narrowed eye "glare" at Guthrie almost the entire time, dismissive hand waving. And Trump constantly diverts from the questions asked of him by going ridiculously off topic and incessantly repeating some shamelessly self promoting super hyped bragging point 5 or 6 times, usually stopping mid-sentence on another point to do this. It's maddening to hear him do this. Example: Why did I downplay the crisis? Why did I dismiss mask use? The pandemic hit us hard ... I cut off travel from China ... this is China's fault ... I cut off travel from China ...I saved 2 million lives... we did a phenomenal job ... we did a phenomenal job ... I saved 2 million lives ... we got thousands of respirators ... we got thousands of respirators ... people are leaving New York City in droves ... they are leaving New York in droves... Masks? Even Dr. Phibes agreed with us ... Aggghhh ... STOP !!!
  23. HA HA HA ! EXACTLY! PLEASE CLAP FOR ME! This unprecedent massive rebellion of American women voters against Donald Trump is freaking him and his mentors out more than any other issue. Trump's 4 hours of night time sleep must be down to one or two with worry about this incredible tidal wave of anti-Trump women voters. He underestimated their intelligence and awareness and outrage over his gross treatment, attitude and behavior towards women. Trump's "Grab Em By The Pu---" quoted brag, his trashing of any woman who has reported his predator actions, his calling his paid off sex tryst partners L---s, his never ending derogatory terms toward women ( dog, horse face, fat, ugly, nasty, losers, not my type, etc ) have all come back to bite him in his arrogant and lifetime misogynistic A--. American women are 10X more intelligent, aware, remembering and courageous than Trump ever thought. His lifetime mistreatment and underestimation of them is now his ultimate downfall.
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