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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. I would consider myself lucky to have met and interacted with such an innocently kind, thoughtful, generous and respectful person like Buell Wesley Frazier at any point in my life, especially in a time of low income rough times on my part. Here is a guy who never said no to Lee Harvey Oswald whenever Oswald needed a ride and it seems never showed one ounce of resentment for doing so, nor ever asked Oswald for one dime in shared gas costs. Frazier also showed this same kindly and giving nature in his training of Oswald in the position of book order filler at the Texas School Book Depository. What a good person! If America was full of Buell Wesley Fraziers we'd have a heck of a lot better country imo. My favorite Frazier story is how he stood up to Captain Will Fritz who ordered Frazier to sign a confession in regards to a possible involvement with Lee Harvey Oswald in the charge of killing JFK. Fritz was red faced angry and brought his arm up to perhaps strike Frazier for refusing to sign the confession which Frazier deemed was "ridiculous." Whereupon Frazier told Fritz he'd be in for one hell of a fight if he did so! Fritz walked out. That took guts! Right On Buell!
  2. Robert, your offer to help fund a trip to Dealey Plaza for me wasn't ill-thought-out at all imo. It was one of the most kind and thoughtful acts of generosity I've ever had bestowed upon me and I will never forget it. Especially since this beneficent gift was offered to me by someone I've never personally met and whom didn't owe me a thing. When I read your offer here on the forum, I felt like one of those people on the old TV show "The Millionaire" when they were contacted by "Michael Anthony" and presented with a cashiers check for a MILLION DOLLARS for no reason but the humanitarian interests of Anthony's billionaire benefactor boss "John Beresford Tipton Jr." ! Of course however, I couldn't accept it for several reasons, none of which diminished it's greatly good and super appreciated intentions. Thank you for donating $100 to the forum. Yours, Joe B. P.S. It looks like the fund is growing well!
  3. A couple of other observations. Admittedly not born out of any scientific background knowledge. But, I have been looking at each man's shirt collars in the New Orleans picture. How they sit and fit around their necks. Although the differences are slight they are still noticeable. Look at each man's collar and you will see them. Oswald's shirt collar sits more level from back to front around his thicker neck than the possible Shelley's thinner neck. The Shelley man's collar sits higher up in back and curves noticeably downward toward the front. The photo of Shelley in Dallas shows the same higher up in back and dropping lower in front white shirt collar setting and fit, again around a quite thin neck. And curiously, the possible Shelley person in the New Orleans leaflet passing pick is the only one not dressed in just a shirt on that obviously hot and muggy August N.O. day. Does that mean this person was not part of the leaflet passing team and just a passerby who came in close to read the leaflet himself? And if the Shelley look-a-like person in the New Orleans picture is not part of Oswald's team, would Thomas Beckham appear on the scene as simply a curious suit and tie wearing passerby? Strange days, characters and doings in New Orleans in August of 1963. Strange too that Guy Bannister's business address ( same building - different entrance ) happened to be on Oswald's first pamphlets and Clay Shaw's Trade Mart address just happened to be Oswald's second choice of leaflet passing location.
  4. Thomas Beckham? IMO ... no. His hair is too dark. His cheeks aren't as sunken and the cheek bone in the N.O. picture is more pronounced. The orbital brow bones are more protruding with the N.O. man. Notice the space between the eye brows are different with Beckham versus the N.O. man. More space in the N.O. picture and a different furling. The N.O. man's nose flattens out on the bridge and the tip. Beckham's nose has a noticeably more defined, narrow, sharper and straighter bridge with a defined and thinner and outward pointing tip. This difference is obvious. David, imo the nose of the fellow in the New Orleans picture versus Beckham is the easiest give-away feature to spot in eliminating Beckham as this fellow. Notice how much flatter the New Orleans fellow's nose is? And how much shorter in length it is versus Beckham's? These differences are so obvious. And how old was Beckham in August of 1963? The New Orleans Oswald co-leafleteer is not as young looking as the picture we see here of Beckham.
  5. Thomas Beckham? IMO ... no. Beckham's hair is too dark. Beckham's cheeks aren't as sunken in and the cheek bone in the N.O. picture is more pronounced. The orbital brow bones are more protruding with the N.O. man. Notice the space between the eye brows are different with Beckham versus the N.O. man. More space in the N.O. picture and a different furling. The N.O. man's nose flattens out on the bridge and the tip. Beckham's nose is longer than than N.O. man's and has a noticeably more defined, narrow, sharper and straighter bridge with a defined, thinner and outward pointing tip. This difference is obvious. Beckham's ears seem farther back ( although slightly ) than the Oswald companion man. The hair line in the right temple area is wrong. Beckham's hair line in that area is farther back. In this photo Beckham is wearing casual clothing. I just don't see this guy in a suit and tie. Beckham seems younger than the N.O. man.
  6. It doesn't add up in any rational or logical or even scientific way.
  7. Death threats against Ervin's family? Just for going into the wrong area of questioning? If true ... by whom? If true, that would suggest we had non-elected forces in this country who were more powerful than our highest government body elected ones and who could control them with threats taken completely seriously. I also recall Ross Perot saying he quit campaigning well before and not up to the 1992 election because of death threats to his family that he took very seriously. You wonder how many other times major political figures in our recent history have been threatened like this and did as they were warned and never publicly acknowledged these threats?
  8. The resemblance between the man next to Oswald in New Orleans and Shelley in Dallas is uncanny. This would be a rich facial study project to present to experts in the field of facial recognition technology. Exact same hair outline shape, body height and combing style ( Everly Brothers, Elvis, Fabian exaggerated pompadours) and even color. 480 × 360 Everly Brothers- "All I Have To Do Is ... youtube.co Same Dixie Peach Pomade shininess? Same facial features such as forehead shape and size, deeper set eyes, brow bone protrusion, nose bridge and nose shape and size, thin indented cheeks, thin face and chin, same ear location and shape and distance from skull. Both men look the same in thin body shape, structure and height. Is Shelley in Dallas also wearing a suit and tie like the New Orleans man? Seems every picture we see of Shelley he is in a suit and tie. Both men seem the same age and with the same skin tone. Seriously, I don't know why someone at some point hasn't presented these photos to a facial and body recognition expert to see if they match.
  9. The dent in the windshield frame looks as if it was made from a trajectory angle that may not line up with any bullet or bone fragment that exited JFK's head wound. Replaying the Zapruder film head shot scene over and over one sees that JFK's head and shoulders were pulled by Jackie slightly downward and closer to her and much more into the center or even slightly left center location of the back seat when the head shot bullet struck. If one were to recreate a directional line from the exact back seat location and position of JFK's skull and the exit wound at the time of impact to the windshield dent using those typical dowel sticks, would they match up? In my view, that dent has an entry angle that looks as if it came in more from the right verses a straight on angle directly in front of JFK's mid-center of the back seat skull location. Also, was the barrier frame bar separating the front seat from the two back seats open underneath? Or was it a glass partition? Either way, it was higher than JFK's head at the point of bullet impact and any forward traveling fragment looks as if it would have had to skip up and over that separation bar and then leveled out or skipped just under the bar and then gone back up to hit the windshield frame. The separation bar looks as if it is almost exactly as high as the windshield dent location. And the windshield frame was solid steel was it not? It seems that a bullet impacting skull bone twice at 265 feet distance would have to have had a good chunk of mass and velocity left to create a dent as deep as the one in the solid steel windshield frame. The reported bullet fragments in JFK's brain found via x-rays were numerous and small. Curious that this bullet broke up into both such small and numerous tiny pieces yet also with fragments large enough to dent a very hard metal like the windshield frame? I personally feel it would take a really hard swing of a ball-peen hammer by a strong armed person to make the dent as deep in the windshield frame one we see in the photos. The steel used in those old Lincolns is that hard. Curious also is the condition of the magic bullet versus the one that struck JFK's skull. The head bullet significantly fragmentized upon one strike impact into JFK's skull bone at 265 feet distance yet the magic bullet remained almost pristine after double impacting into Connally's rib and wrist bones at 150 feet? Is skull bone that much thicker than rib and wrist bone? The FBI Limo windshield dent explanation is so weak.
  10. History is repeating itself . Nixon during Watergate and the battle over the White House tapes, tried to get Elliot Richardson and then William Ruckleshaus to fire Archibald Cox. Both refused and resigned. Solicitor General Robert Bork did Nixon's bidding and was later rejected for the Supreme Court as a result. Eventually however, this attempt at subverting Congressional investigative authority helped force Nixon to resign. Trump is doing the exact same type of Congressional authority obstruction. Telling Congress he is overriding their authority and exercising "Executive Privilege" in refusing Mueller and McGahn to testify to them. If Congress lets Trump get away with this abuse of power, there is no longer a 3 branch "Balance Of Power" constitutional government structure as we know it. Some say this situation is our own "Rubicon" and Trump is our own version of "Julius Caesar." IMO this is an analogy worth contemplating.
  11. Vince, if you wouldn't mind, what's your general take on JVB and her claims? Also, any thoughts on Walt Brown's general take on JVB?
  12. oswald transfer / shooting part 1 oswalds transfer / shooting part 1. 0:38 Dallas Cops: Oswald Transfer Was Controlled by Washington JFK63Conspiracy • 18K views9 years ago Dallas Police detectives L.C. Graves and Don Archer discuss the transfer of Oswald.
  13. Jim, as you know I respect your research achievements and standing highly. However, I think you can see we are of different views regards Trump and the current political situation centered around him. I did understand that you were stating what you thought Pelosi was thinking and not you personally. I don't think the Republicans lost much in pursuing impeachment against Clinton. And I don't agree with Pelosi's view of impeachment hurting the Dems chances as much as she is inferring they might in 2020. I believe that those who voted Democratic in 2016 will still vote Democrat whether the Dems go all the way with Trump and others in their investigations or not. Those that voted for Trump will still vote for him or some other Republican in 2020...regardless of any impeachment hearings. The reason I believe the Democrats should pursue these charges as far as they can is because I feel some of them are going to reveal even more corruption than we could imagine regards Trump. And this reality about Trump needs to be out there for people to make a wiser and more informed choice before supporting his policies and/or deciding to vote for him again or not. I've always believed that Trump's true Achilles Heel are his business dealings before he ever became president. I believe they involve mob and mob bank money laundering on a massive scale. I believe the Southern District Of New York has more damning evidence against Trump, his family and his organization in regards to these corrupt business dealings and others than Mueller had. The more Trump fights to keep his tax filings hidden as well as his Deutsche Bank activity, the more it bolsters the possibility of these illegal activities being true in my mind and I'm sure most rational, law abiding and respecting citizens. I think that the investigations need to keep going to allow us to see what it is Trump is so desperately trying to hide.
  14. It seems to me that there is a once a year average of nationally reported articles ( beyond the National Enquirer ) about JFK's extra-marital sexual activities carried by most of the MSM even now 56 years after his death! AOL in particular is really into this. I wonder whether most newer generation young people have a first thought image of JFK as a sex addict more than any other image due to JFK receiving more sexual indiscretion press coverage in the MSM for 56 years than any other historical aspect of JFK outside of his actual assassination. It would be fair to give the same amount of yearly MSM coverage to LBJ's incredible corruption, affairs and end of life breakdown with guards to keep him from open interviews and with Nixon being thrown out of the Presidency and his entire team ( 25 individuals! ) being thrown in prison.
  15. Actions with one main interest over all others. Increasing their personal wealth. And it's never enough. Billions more desired upon billions they may already possess. It's greed in all it's manifestations. Never ending greed.
  16. Did Curry ever state any feelings of deep remorse or self blame with sincerity about his department's "complete worst case scenario failure" to protect Oswald resulting with Oswald being MURDERED while handcuffed to two of his detectives, right inside his own building and by a sleazy strip joint owning pimp who was let in and out of sensitive areas of the DPD building throughout the weekend? Speaking of conflicting testimony by Dealey Plaza witnesses, here's a doozy... every one in the presidential limo ( Jackie, Nellie Connally, John Connally, Agents Kellerman and Wily William Greer contradicted each other to an embarrassing degree.
  17. The Democrats are too divided for any actual implementation of seriously aggressive legal action against the Trump bullying machine to actually take place. Pelosi is pretending she's as outraged and justice seeking as most of her fellow Democratic members, but when pressed to actually approve and carry out some of these actions she pulls back and uses her leadership power to prevent them. That is a real split in this battle between Democrats who are finally saying "enough is enough" ( the majority ) and calling for Congress to be as aggressive as Trump and his minions in telling Trump, you are not going to diminish our authority in the constitutional "balance of power" between the three branches anymore than you already have. Pelosi and her supporters still don't feel it is important enough to start issuing contempt of Congress citations to all of Trump's people he is telling to ignore Congress with a real scenario of physical arrests. My view is that it is beyond time Congress did this. I have never seen Congress and their balance of power disrespected, diminished and ignored and even assaulted like I have seen with the Trump machine in this endeavor. Trump is reducing our Congress to an emasculated government body. A powerless band of wimps who complain a lot but who can be mockingly ignored, stepped on, stepped over and even made fun of. It is really sad and even pathetic to see bullied victims ( our Congress ) continually allowing themselves to be bitch slapped bullied and not realize that these particular bullies will not stop unless they are stood up to in a way that bullies understand as having some guts.
  18. Exactly. Ridiculous. And this guy has a reputation as a savvy interrogator? Read Buell Wesley Frazier's account of his face off with the "master" interrogator where he tells Fritz if he hits him ( Frazier) with his raised fist, he's goin to be in one hell of a cat fight. Fritz walked out.
  19. Excuse my simple minded questions but if renegades were involved don't you think that the main CIA and FBI would have known of this either right away or eventually? And if they were involved and the agencies knew about this, then the main agencies not doing anything about this equates into what? LBJ was quoted by Madeline Brown as telling her it was Texas Oil and those damn renegades. Again, if Johnson knew this to be the truth...he was willing to let this truth be buried with no punishment to those involved? Nuts! Bill Harvey looks so much like Oliver Hardy it's remarkable. For all of us and anyone else who actually watched Laurel and Hardy films as children, I'll bet that the majority, if shown full face still photos of William Harvey and asked what famous person Harvey looked like, would easily say Oliver Hardy. Harvey's whereabouts during that time period are sketchy. If anyone knew how to cloak their whereabouts for a short period of time it would be a highly trained agency person, right? Mrs. Harvey's comments about her and her husband's very strong feelings toward JFK, Jackie Kennedy and Robert Kennedy and ( "true patriot") Johnny Roselli will always be a key revelation to me regards how hated JFK/RFK were and by people who had the means to retaliate against them in some way for what they deemed as treasonous acts ( Bay Of Pigs ) and on a personal level of feeling that the Kennedy's had damaged their career standings. LBJ told Walter Cronkite ( on video available on You Tube) he could never be totally relieved of the fact that "others could have been involved" in the assassination of JFK. That interview and LBJ's comments I just quoted, to me should have been the title of a major book they were so shocking in their inference. Somehow LBJ's mind blowing quote seems to be relegated to just another minor comment and I can't fathom why.
  20. Exactly. No tape recorder present or available? No stenographer? Subjected Oswald to be thrown into a crush of chaotic yelling press just to move him room to room? Interrogation room was the size of break room with anyone able to see the characters inside through the window? Oswald's security handlers face bright lights no matter how far back as they come within feet of another frantic crush of press in the basement ... etc., etc. etc., etc. T. Tomlinson, you are so right: "One of the arguments I often have with a friend of mine who is very certain the lone gunman story is exactly as they wanted us to think it is, is not so much the evidence of conspiracy, it's the absence of normality in pretty much everything to with what immediately happened before, during and after the assassination by people who should have known better, and who would have been hauled over the coals if they had behaved the way they did and their mistakes had led to the death in custody of any normal prisoner." By far, the most society damaging failure of security of a criminal suspect in America's history!
  21. The last paragraph on this page says it all about Will Fritz and the DPD and their complete and outrageous failure in their handling of Oswald's interrogation and his transfer security.
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