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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. History is repeating itself . Nixon during Watergate and the battle over the White House tapes, tried to get Elliot Richardson and then William Ruckleshaus to fire Archibald Cox. Both refused and resigned. Solicitor General Robert Bork did Nixon's bidding and was later rejected for the Supreme Court as a result. Eventually however, this attempt at subverting Congressional investigative authority helped force Nixon to resign. Trump is doing the exact same type of Congressional authority obstruction. Telling Congress he is overriding their authority and exercising "Executive Privilege" in refusing Mueller and McGahn to testify to them. If Congress lets Trump get away with this abuse of power, there is no longer a 3 branch "Balance Of Power" constitutional government structure as we know it. Some say this situation is our own "Rubicon" and Trump is our own version of "Julius Caesar." IMO this is an analogy worth contemplating.
  2. Vince, if you wouldn't mind, what's your general take on JVB and her claims? Also, any thoughts on Walt Brown's general take on JVB?
  3. oswald transfer / shooting part 1 oswalds transfer / shooting part 1. 0:38 Dallas Cops: Oswald Transfer Was Controlled by Washington JFK63Conspiracy • 18K views9 years ago Dallas Police detectives L.C. Graves and Don Archer discuss the transfer of Oswald.
  4. Jim, as you know I respect your research achievements and standing highly. However, I think you can see we are of different views regards Trump and the current political situation centered around him. I did understand that you were stating what you thought Pelosi was thinking and not you personally. I don't think the Republicans lost much in pursuing impeachment against Clinton. And I don't agree with Pelosi's view of impeachment hurting the Dems chances as much as she is inferring they might in 2020. I believe that those who voted Democratic in 2016 will still vote Democrat whether the Dems go all the way with Trump and others in their investigations or not. Those that voted for Trump will still vote for him or some other Republican in 2020...regardless of any impeachment hearings. The reason I believe the Democrats should pursue these charges as far as they can is because I feel some of them are going to reveal even more corruption than we could imagine regards Trump. And this reality about Trump needs to be out there for people to make a wiser and more informed choice before supporting his policies and/or deciding to vote for him again or not. I've always believed that Trump's true Achilles Heel are his business dealings before he ever became president. I believe they involve mob and mob bank money laundering on a massive scale. I believe the Southern District Of New York has more damning evidence against Trump, his family and his organization in regards to these corrupt business dealings and others than Mueller had. The more Trump fights to keep his tax filings hidden as well as his Deutsche Bank activity, the more it bolsters the possibility of these illegal activities being true in my mind and I'm sure most rational, law abiding and respecting citizens. I think that the investigations need to keep going to allow us to see what it is Trump is so desperately trying to hide.
  5. It seems to me that there is a once a year average of nationally reported articles ( beyond the National Enquirer ) about JFK's extra-marital sexual activities carried by most of the MSM even now 56 years after his death! AOL in particular is really into this. I wonder whether most newer generation young people have a first thought image of JFK as a sex addict more than any other image due to JFK receiving more sexual indiscretion press coverage in the MSM for 56 years than any other historical aspect of JFK outside of his actual assassination. It would be fair to give the same amount of yearly MSM coverage to LBJ's incredible corruption, affairs and end of life breakdown with guards to keep him from open interviews and with Nixon being thrown out of the Presidency and his entire team ( 25 individuals! ) being thrown in prison.
  6. Actions with one main interest over all others. Increasing their personal wealth. And it's never enough. Billions more desired upon billions they may already possess. It's greed in all it's manifestations. Never ending greed.
  7. Did Curry ever state any feelings of deep remorse or self blame with sincerity about his department's "complete worst case scenario failure" to protect Oswald resulting with Oswald being MURDERED while handcuffed to two of his detectives, right inside his own building and by a sleazy strip joint owning pimp who was let in and out of sensitive areas of the DPD building throughout the weekend? Speaking of conflicting testimony by Dealey Plaza witnesses, here's a doozy... every one in the presidential limo ( Jackie, Nellie Connally, John Connally, Agents Kellerman and Wily William Greer contradicted each other to an embarrassing degree.
  8. The Democrats are too divided for any actual implementation of seriously aggressive legal action against the Trump bullying machine to actually take place. Pelosi is pretending she's as outraged and justice seeking as most of her fellow Democratic members, but when pressed to actually approve and carry out some of these actions she pulls back and uses her leadership power to prevent them. That is a real split in this battle between Democrats who are finally saying "enough is enough" ( the majority ) and calling for Congress to be as aggressive as Trump and his minions in telling Trump, you are not going to diminish our authority in the constitutional "balance of power" between the three branches anymore than you already have. Pelosi and her supporters still don't feel it is important enough to start issuing contempt of Congress citations to all of Trump's people he is telling to ignore Congress with a real scenario of physical arrests. My view is that it is beyond time Congress did this. I have never seen Congress and their balance of power disrespected, diminished and ignored and even assaulted like I have seen with the Trump machine in this endeavor. Trump is reducing our Congress to an emasculated government body. A powerless band of wimps who complain a lot but who can be mockingly ignored, stepped on, stepped over and even made fun of. It is really sad and even pathetic to see bullied victims ( our Congress ) continually allowing themselves to be bitch slapped bullied and not realize that these particular bullies will not stop unless they are stood up to in a way that bullies understand as having some guts.
  9. Exactly. Ridiculous. And this guy has a reputation as a savvy interrogator? Read Buell Wesley Frazier's account of his face off with the "master" interrogator where he tells Fritz if he hits him ( Frazier) with his raised fist, he's goin to be in one hell of a cat fight. Fritz walked out.
  10. Excuse my simple minded questions but if renegades were involved don't you think that the main CIA and FBI would have known of this either right away or eventually? And if they were involved and the agencies knew about this, then the main agencies not doing anything about this equates into what? LBJ was quoted by Madeline Brown as telling her it was Texas Oil and those damn renegades. Again, if Johnson knew this to be the truth...he was willing to let this truth be buried with no punishment to those involved? Nuts! Bill Harvey looks so much like Oliver Hardy it's remarkable. For all of us and anyone else who actually watched Laurel and Hardy films as children, I'll bet that the majority, if shown full face still photos of William Harvey and asked what famous person Harvey looked like, would easily say Oliver Hardy. Harvey's whereabouts during that time period are sketchy. If anyone knew how to cloak their whereabouts for a short period of time it would be a highly trained agency person, right? Mrs. Harvey's comments about her and her husband's very strong feelings toward JFK, Jackie Kennedy and Robert Kennedy and ( "true patriot") Johnny Roselli will always be a key revelation to me regards how hated JFK/RFK were and by people who had the means to retaliate against them in some way for what they deemed as treasonous acts ( Bay Of Pigs ) and on a personal level of feeling that the Kennedy's had damaged their career standings. LBJ told Walter Cronkite ( on video available on You Tube) he could never be totally relieved of the fact that "others could have been involved" in the assassination of JFK. That interview and LBJ's comments I just quoted, to me should have been the title of a major book they were so shocking in their inference. Somehow LBJ's mind blowing quote seems to be relegated to just another minor comment and I can't fathom why.
  11. Exactly. No tape recorder present or available? No stenographer? Subjected Oswald to be thrown into a crush of chaotic yelling press just to move him room to room? Interrogation room was the size of break room with anyone able to see the characters inside through the window? Oswald's security handlers face bright lights no matter how far back as they come within feet of another frantic crush of press in the basement ... etc., etc. etc., etc. T. Tomlinson, you are so right: "One of the arguments I often have with a friend of mine who is very certain the lone gunman story is exactly as they wanted us to think it is, is not so much the evidence of conspiracy, it's the absence of normality in pretty much everything to with what immediately happened before, during and after the assassination by people who should have known better, and who would have been hauled over the coals if they had behaved the way they did and their mistakes had led to the death in custody of any normal prisoner." By far, the most society damaging failure of security of a criminal suspect in America's history!
  12. The last paragraph on this page says it all about Will Fritz and the DPD and their complete and outrageous failure in their handling of Oswald's interrogation and his transfer security.
  13. Isn't it so simply obvious and reasonable why so many Americans are as concerned as they are about Trump's efforts to be closer to and less critical of Putin? 16 year former KGB Putin is the most corrupt, ruthless, human rights violating, democracy and vote subverting ( in complete controlling power for 19 years now ) free press and journalist threatening, obscene personal wealth accumulating and dangerous powerful nation leader we have seen in a long time. Improving relations with Russia "as a nation" is a worthy goal. It's a whole different matter with Putin himself.
  14. There are so many incidents of almost incomprehensible dereliction in the processing, interrogation, handling and physical security of Lee Harvey Oswald ( his murder while in their custody! ) by the Dallas P.D. that a rational person of even average intelligence is literally "forced" to feel great suspicion about the whole JFK/Oswald/Jack Ruby/Dallas P.D. story to the totally logical level of sensing a conspiracy. Based on just the most simple common knowledge record of the Dallas PD in their handling of Oswald while in their custody, it is the people who refuse to accept the reality of the magnitude of this mind boggling dereliction by the Dallas P.D. and feel no suspicion about it that qualifies "them" as needing mental health therapy and not those who see and acknowledge this Dallas P.D. dereliction reality and consider it with great suspicion. Many minor character 11,22,1963 Dealey Plaza witnesses like Julia Ann Mercer, Arnold Rowland, Carolyn Walther, Abraham Zapruder, Jean Hill, William Newman, etc had more thoroughly recorded and documented affidavit interviews ( notary present) than the most important person of all - Lee Harvey Oswald - had with Will Fritz! No notary present? No tape recorder? No transcriptionist? Just old age addled and biased Will Fritz's random, messy scribblings? Please! Just this aspect of the JFK event ALONE - Oswald's handling, interrogation and protection while in Dallas Police custody - forces rational minds to consider a scenario of great suspicion much more logically than not. A true "conspiracy nut" is one who hides from this truth and believes there is a conspiracy to create a false reality alternate one versus their perception of complete DPD innocence in their handling of Lee Harvey Oswald. Oswald is whacked while handcuffed to two DPD officers right in their own building during a publicly pre-announced move by a strip joint owner who is known on a first name basis by half the officers in or around the supposedly secured basement. Patrick Dean, William "Blackie" Harrison, Jim Leavelle and more ... but, this sleazy and suspicious cop/strip joint owner incestuous relationship scenario is dismissed as meaningless by those who cannot allow themselves to believe the DPD was capable of any nefarious doings.
  15. This brief interview of J. Gary Shaw is interesting. When the whole truth is out…. - WhoWhatWhy https://whowhatwhy.org/2015/11/20/when-the-whole-truth-is-out/ Nov 20, 2015 - One man who can cut through the confusion is Gary Shaw, a pioneering ... Was this the tipping point in our distrust of government and its institutions? ... His book Cover Up is one of the preeminent works on the subject.
  16. A Mae Brussells/John Judge conspiracy research center. Wow! That would be something. Maybe someone with the means to make that happen will do so sooner rather than later.
  17. Doug, when I saw Barbara Walters name listed as someone who defended Cohn when his corruption finally resulted in his disbarment, I was curious about such a friendship. I too think Barbara Walters is the ultimate shameless self promoter and certainly not someone interested in too much beyond that endeavor. I have a guess feeling that her father interacted with many shady characters in his New York club ownership era. Those connections of course would at some point interconnect with Mob lawyer Cohn. William F.Buckley defends Cohn in Cohn's disbarment fight? What is THAT all about? Buckley defending a mob lawyer?
  18. Doug, this explains Barbara Walters speaking for Roy Cohn. Her father Lou Walters got out of some legal troubles through Roy Cohn's connections. Cafe de Paris[edit] Lou Walters sold his share of the Latin Quarter chain to Loew in 1956 for $500,000.[5][11] He was convinced that he could recreate his success with a new chain of clubs called Cafe de Paris.[5] He opened the first in Miami in 1957. A combination of poor national economy and unusually frigid Miami winter resulted in a sharp decline in the number of tourists who visited Miami that year. The Miami club failed to attract enough visitors and closed after its first season.[11] A second version of the Cafe de Paris opened in New York in May 1958, in the former Arcadia Ballroom. It was the largest nightclub in New York, able to seat twelve hundred people.[11] Both of the Cafe de Paris locations were very close to the existing Latin Quarter nightclubs. Loew won an injunction that prevented Walters from advertising his ownership of either of the Cafe de Paris nightclubs.[12] Although opening week was successful, the club was too large, and the rent too high, for Walters to cover his expenses. Facing bankruptcy, Walters attempted suicide in June 1958.[13] His family covered this up, convincing the press that Walters had only had a heart attack.[14][5] Following his release from the hospital, Walters moved his family back to Miami. All of their assets in New York were seized to pay creditors.[15] Walters was also sued by New York for failing to pay income or payroll taxes while he operated the Cafe de Paris. The court case lasted two years, and Walters began missing court appearances, claiming he did not have the funds to travel to New York. A judge issued a warrant for his arrest. According to the memoir of Walters' daughter Barbara, she contacted her friend, powerful attorney Roy Cohn, to let him know about the charges, and within a week the charges were dropped and the case was settled.[16]
  19. 90% of all Americans are not aware of Barr's true career and extremely politically slanted activity background ( such as Kirk describes above ) except in the most superficial way and most of them don't even care to know more. That is why things are the way they are. Still, you wonder how guys like Barr get confirmed so easily when Congress should know these things.
  20. Doug, E. Howard Hunt and his wife Dorothy were your "closest friends in Washington?" Doug that is a very thought provoking claim in the following way. What do you make of your former closest friend's close to death tape recorded confessional via his son St. John Hunt where he outlines his involvement ( and that of his fellow team members ) in the JFK "Big Event" and who he believed was behind it's planning and implementation on the highest level ... including Cord Meyer and LBJ? Generally I think we know our closest friends better than most others in our lives. So, I ask you, in your opinion, was your friend creating a false story in this end of life taped confessional effort and if so, what would be his motivation to do so? Or, do you believe E. Howard Hunt's taped confessional story was true? And if so, why? You knew Hunt well enough it seems you would at least have some inclination as to the integrity and validity of his confessional either way.
  21. I have wondered why so many former Agency people who were involved in some of the highest and deepest level covert work ( and for sure sometimes illegal ) like McCord, E.Howard Hunt, Sturgis, etc., never revealed in their lifetimes anything close to the entirety of their doings and their parts in them. Was this silence born out of simple company loyalty, or was it just as much because they feared not just losing their pensions...but their life? In one of the postings here McCord is quoted as saying his "family feared for his life" at some point in the Watergate hearings for opening up and not covering for Nixon and his team. Wonder who McCord believed could or would do such a thing to him...and why? Was it people in our own country's power apparatus? When someone like McCord who was so highly involved with the Agency ( and who received a distinguished service award from them ) publicly states he is fearing for his life in testifying and telling the truth...obviously this again begs the question of who doesn't want this truth exposed and is so powerful even these highest rung agency agents truly do fear them and this threat? Fearing for one's life was obviously a true reality scenario in that world and time period of covert activity that McCord and these others were so involved in. I think Hunt clearly also kept this scenario in the back of his mind. Says a lot about the dark nature of the business McCord, Hunt, Sturgis, G. Gordon Liddy and others like them chose to be a part of.
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