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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. Here are some of the nefarious characters that many have suggested were in Dallas that dark day. I would like to see some feedback bolstering or negating their presence ( most likely to have been there and least likely? ) and with some valid points proposing both scenarios. This aspect of the assassination is such an important and intriguing one indicating a possible conspiracy and who may or may not have been involved besides Lee Harvey Oswald. It seems illogical to dismiss "every story" and report suggesting these JFK antagonist's presence there that day as false. Several of the most well known ones ( E. Howard Hunt, David Phillips, Ed Landsdale, David Morales, Frank Sturgis, etc ) have been reported to have been there by other individuals close to them. Phillips brother claims that on his death bed, David Phillips admitted to him that he was indeed in Dallas that day. Please add to the list other intriguing characters I am missing. E.Howard Hunt David Phillips Edward Lansdale Rip Robertson Frank Sturgis ( born Frank Angelo Fiorini ) David Morales James McCord William Harvey Johnny Roselli Gerry Patrick Hemming Joseph Milteer Others?
  2. Barr's Wiki. Take from this what you will. CIA for 4 years? Career Early career From 1973 to 1977, Barr was employed by the Central Intelligence Agency. Barr was a law clerk to Judge Malcolm Wilkey of the U.S. Court of Appeals for the District of Columbia Circuitfrom 1977 through 1978. He served on the domestic policy staff at the Reagan White House from May 3, 1982, to September 5, 1983, with his official title being Deputy Assistant Director for Legal Policy.[5] He was also in private practice for nine years with the Washington law firm of Shaw, Pittman, Potts & Trowbridge.[6] U.S. Department of Justice In 1989, at the beginning of his administration, President George H. W. Bush appointed Barr to the U.S. Department of Justice as Assistant Attorney General for the Office of Legal Counsel, an office which functions as the legal advisor for the President and executive agencies. Barr was known as a strong defender of presidential power and wrote advisory opinions justifying the U.S. invasionof Panama and arrest of Manuel Noriega, and a controversial opinion that the FBI could enter onto foreign soil without the consent of the host government to apprehend fugitives wanted by the United States government for terrorism or drug-trafficking.[7]
  3. The simple truth above regards the eventual price of country raping colonialism. However, I don't think the last paragraph applies to the truth as well. I don't know how anyone could not know that there was so much more involved in England and Churchill's early war stance against Hitler. They knew Hitler was mad with aggression and had built a war machine that was already so vast and powerful and he would certainly use it on England unfettered as soon as he and it had consumed and consolidated the greater part of continental Europe. Why wait for the inevitable which would have only made it easier for Hitler? We should have declared war with Germany much earlier also as we knew what Churchill knew.
  4. Report post Posted 23 minutes ago Just about everyone surrounding Oswald in New Orleans in the summer of ‘63 was either an FBI agent, ex-FBI, or an FBI informant. Banister had been SAC of Chicago less than a decade earlier. Oswald was on the Bureau’s payroll. My bet is that DeBrueys was lying through his teeth to the Church Committee, and was probably told to do so. Funny how he felt compelled to deny those reports that Oswald was his informant. I still think the CIA (Shaw) loaned Russian-speaking Oswald to the FBI (Banister) in 1963. There was no conceivable reason for Oswald to move from Texas back to New Orleans in 1963 other than to set himself up as a Castro-loving commie. It may not have started this way, but it turned out to be his unwitting role in the set-up for the JFK assassination which would, the conspirators undoubtedly believed, provoke a REAL invasion of Cuba. Just note the activities of David Atlee Phillips immediately after the hit. Jim H. The plan you mention, to justify an invasion of Cuba, as simple as it seems may very well have been the true agenda. With the bonus of LBJ getting out of trouble with his legal problems and being handed the final prize he had always lusted after. The agencies ( including Hoover ) all hated JFK and considered him a threat as well. Lots of highest level special interests were satisfied with JFK"s death.
  5. What was Oswald charged with by the N.O. police...disturbing the peace? Was Oswald actually held "overnight" for this charge? Bringuier and his boys immediately paid the $10 each bail and were immediately released? But Oswald didn't even have $10 to secure his immediate release? Oswald was a notorious penny pincher. My guess is that he would rather stay in jail than give them $10 which was a lot to him in his poverty situation. Below is a wiki entry regards the Oswald/Bringuier N.O. confrontation and resulting police action: On August 9, 1963, Oswald was spotted by Celso Hernandez (a friend of Bringuier) handing out pro-Castro Fair Play for Cuba leaflets at the intersection of Canal Street and St. Charles. Hernandez told Bringuier of Oswald's leafleting and the two of them, along with another anti-Castro militant, Miguel Cruz, decided to confront Oswald over his duplicity. As the Cubans accosted Oswald, a crowd began to gather. Bringuier attempted to incite the crowd with his story that Oswald had tried to join his anti-Castro movement and that Oswald was actually a communist and supporter of Castro.[5][7][8] Hernandez grabbed Oswald's leaflets and a fight broke out. Oswald and the three Cubans were arrested for disturbing the peace.[5][9][10] After the arrest, Bringuier and his Cuban friends were able to post bail, whereas Oswald's bond was posted by supporters of the mob.[2] Oswald was found guilty, fined $10, and released.[11] Before leaving the police station, Oswald asked to speak with an FBI agent. Agent John Quigley arrived and spent over an hour talking to Oswald.[8][9][12] "Oswald's bond was posted by supporters of the mob." ??? And clearly, Bringuier's boys initiated this confrontation and the only ones to physically assault. Aggressively "accosting" Oswald and grabbing his leaflets with their boss inciting the crowd around them against Oswald? Oswald was the clear, clear "victim" of this incident. Not a perpetrator at all. Everything he did was acting in self-defense from an aggressive assault by Bringuier and his boys.
  6. Mr. O'Sullivan, do you personally believe James McCord was in Dallas on 11,22,1963 and if so, do you believe he had some role in the JFK assassination? Obviously you vouch for James Rosen as a highly credible source as you published the transcript he shared with you. Could you briefly tell us who he his and why you trust his veracity and knowledge? I know there have been some books focused on the use of women and men as sexual tools of compromise in our political history but it is so interesting to realize how much this timeless Machiavellian practice was such a power effecting part of our highest political level world in the last 60 years. And what power groups were using this subversion, to what extent, against whom and how successful it all was and still may be. One goes back to JFK times and thinks of Ellen Rometsch, Judith Exner, perhaps Marilyn Monroe herself, LBJ's affairs that produced children, Bobby Baker, Hoover's compromising photos, Roy Cohn, Watergate, Gary Hart-Donna Rice, John Edwards-Reille Hunter and their explicit sex tape, Bill Clinton, Jeffrey Epstein and so many of his personal power "guests" and so many other Senators, Congressmen, Governors, highest level journalists, and on and on. The extent and impact of this sexual compromising of so many of our highest level politicians and other influential players for over half a century is a historical reality that truly needs more public and standard curriculum acknowledgement imo, especially in the area of who the main initiators of this corrupting tool were, how much it was used ( especially in JFK, LBJ and Hoover times ) how it served their needs and effectively manipulated/altered the political power landscape and how they got away with it for so long. I also mention this specific area of sexual subterfuge in the highest political, corporate, journalistic, military levels ( Eisenhower's Military,Industrial,Congressional Complex) as another real and serious part of what I have often referred to as one of America's top 3 legacies of the twentieth century...it's corruption. Through it's entire political and power fabric to such a degree that it has damaged our Democracy beyond what we have been willing to acknowledge and face with honesty and responsibility.
  7. I find enough similarities between the Dallas pic and the one of Milteer leaning against a tree to feel they could very well be the same person. First: They are both wearing glasses and the glasses on both men have a similar style and shape with exactly the same eye glass length top-to-bottom and with bottoms free of a rim. Both pics show the glasses sitting upon their noses at the same level and no higher than their eyebrows. Both men have similar face shapes and features. Square jaws, similar mouths and noses. Both men share the same skin tone and hair color. Their forearms seem very similar in shape, length, muscle tone, skin tone and even hair growth. Both men seem close in age although the tree leaning Milteer may be younger at the time of that pic? Both men have very similar builds and body shape. Both pics show them wearing similar short sleeved shirts with a similar style and light color. They even look like the same shirt! Obviously Milteer dressed this way. And notice both men wearing belts and belts of similar style and color? Similar shirt wearing style and even color, belt wearers with similar styles, eye glass wearers with similar styles and resting positions ... heck, even their ears match up! These two guys absolutely do look very much alike. The wind was blowing quite vigorously in Dallas on 11,22,1963. Check films that show flags waving noticeably and many men kept their hats on and women their head scarfs. Remember the heavily draped "Babushka Lady?" Obviously the Dallas man wasn't a hat wearer and I'll guess Milteer wasn't either. I must believe that the Miami police department ( and other agencies ) had more photos of Milteer. The fact that they took him so seriously as a threat to JFK they went to a lot of effort to tape him using an informant (Willie Somersett) and after what they heard on those tapes Milteer must have shot even higher ( near the top? ) of their JFK threat list...or should have. The lone height description of Milteer is 5 feet 4 inches? What source is that from? Was there ever even a very minor effort to corroborate this height with other sources other than one? Yes, the Dallas man looks to be 5 inches taller. Milteer bragged to Willie Somerset that he was in Dallas on 11,22,1963. Milteer was a serious person ( with money ) who carried out real and serious activities in his White Council agenda which included planned violence. He drove often and long distances ( over several states in the South ) in this endeavor. He was based in Georgia but here he is in Miami just before JFK arrives there. He drove to D.C. for some nefarious reason before this ( documented. ) Diving to Dallas would easily fit his mobile activities profile. Lastly, take a look at the faces of the other people around the Dallas man as JFK drives by. Notice every one of them is smiling except the Milteer look-a-like? The Dallas Milteer looking fellow isn't just "not smiling." He face is contorted with a look of absolute disdain, even hate! It's a very obvious, stark and disturbing contrast imo. The photo of Milteer leaning against a tree is relaxed and smiling. But after hearing Milteer's own words on the secret Miami recording where he talks of getting JFK with no qualms and even says "it's in the workings" clearly erases any doubt as to his murderous hate feelings toward JFK. The hateful expression on the face of the Dallas Milteer look-a-like as JFK is approaching fits the real Milteer to a tee.
  8. A redaction of classified information in the 400 page report could easily be completed in one week. And your restriction of Roswell disclosures in critiques of your synopsis is illogically unfair imo. Since both JFK and Trump ( and probably Mueller himself ) believed the incident was a true ET vehicle crash with bodies and the recovery and study of this vehicle enhanced even more the power grip of our military industrial complex since then with huge technical advancements they could control and monetize ... this reality could add some understanding regards Mueller and his true intentions in creating and ending the report with it's finding. I kiddingly protest this Roswell disclosure restriction.
  9. Fred Trump Slays the King of Cooperative Housing - Gotham: A Blog ... https://www.gothamcenter.org/.../fred-trump-slays-the-king-of-cooperative-housing-i... Feb 8, 2018 - In the coming decades, he, like Fred Trump, would become a real estate ... also called Amalgamated Houses, on Manhattan's Lower East Side. ... for help from a new source: City Construction Commission head Robert Moses, ...
  10. You are correct Jim regards Trump's "Coffee Boy" George Papadopoulos. "Plea Deal" is not a conviction. However, my main point here is in regards to Papadopoulos's shameless and immediate monetizing of his notoriety no matter how trivial his involvement was in the larger picture. A "entire book" about this lightweight's involvement? With the heavyweight title ... "Deep State Target?" How embarrassing! A much more appropriate title would have been ... "Deep State Decaf" "Confessions Of A Hillary Clinton Dirt Seeking Coffee Boy." Well, like Trump himself, his family and so many in his administration and world ... it's all about the money. Always was. Obviously I am not Trump supporter. I have always felt he was a very corrupt person who has actually committed serious crimes in his business affairs over decades. I've said many times and all along that it's these corrupt business dealings that will eventually bring Trump down.
  11. Trump's "Coffee Boy" George Papadopoulos on the Joy Reed morning show right now promoting his new book "Deep State Target." His plea deal with just 14 days of incarceration is sure paying off.
  12. If Mueller's report exonerates Trump what logical and ethical reason would someone cite in refusing to release it in full ( okay-security blackouts aside ) to the American public? You'd think Trump's people would love to show how Mueller and his disgusting "Witch Hunt" report was as phony, biased and baseless as they had claimed all along. And American taxpayers paid for this report. It should belong to them. This isn't some top secret national security stuff. Guess we'll never see Trump's tax returns either, even though he promised to release them hundreds of times when asked during the campaign.
  13. In the video that comes up on the top right of the screen when you first access this link in Adam Johnson's post above, there is Dealey Plaza film of JFK in the limo after he has been hit in the back/throat and is leaning into Jackie and a micro-second later JFK's head explodes. This film was taken by someone standing behind the group of bystanders that included the Babushka Lady. This group is right next to the Elm street curb and so close to JFK when he is hit in the head. My question is about the quite tall man in this group who is wearing a white shirt and who is right in front of the Babushka Lady. Has this person ever been identified? Did he ever come forward? He was closer to JFK during the shots than the Babushka Lady and as close as Mary Moorman and Jean Hill. Who was that guy?
  14. Pat Speer, with all due respect which you have well earned with your years of research efforts, the above quotes leave me kind of speechless. "So what difference does it make what weight they wrote down?" Regards JFK's bullet wounded brain? The condition and weight of JFK's brain was one of the most basic, important and necessary aspects of an autopsy which was performed in great part to discover scientific fact clues that would help solve perhaps the most important crime in our history. JFK's skull and brain was the main point of entry for his death causing injuries. This part of JFK's body would of course be the number one most important focus of any investigative examination effort in trying to solve his murder case. The condition of JFK's skull and brain is "everything" in this case. Point of bullet entry, angle of entry, amount and type of skull and brain injuries, BRAIN MATTER LOSS ( type, location and extent ) all these points to help identify which type of bullet, distance of shot, fragmentation amount, types, location, and on and on. After injury brain weight is such an important aspect of this type of investigative fact finding effort, to say "what difference does it make what weight they wrote down" ... ??? An assumption that Humes ( and Boswell?) "wrote down would they thought his brain would have weighed when intact" is extremely "illogical" to me because I can't accept that these two doctors would not be totally aware of the importance of substituting guesswork in the place of scientific fact in their final autopsy report which they knew would be incredibly scrutinized and was perhaps the most important physical injury evidential aspect of the criminal investigation of JFK's murder.
  15. Bob, civility has clearly improved here on the forum compared to a few years ago. This thread could easily have devolved into a much more uncivil one, but fortunately it hasn't.
  16. Forum member Ty Carpenter has asked for this thread to be ended. He states it really hasn't anything to do with JFK. Obviously our moderators have allowed it to continue. The thread has generated a huge amount of reads and comment postings. In my opinion, we JFK truth seekers and students of the entire JFK history story ( and RFK's ) are by and large extremely political minded ourselves due to the central nature of the Kennedy brother's lives and careers being almost entirely political themselves. And the political history of this country from the Kennedy times to the present is intrinsically connected in a continuous way. I admit this particular thread ( and it's really the only one like this ) is mostly a Trump one, but I personally feel the allowance of it is okay if for any other reason it being kind of a current political situation release valve for so many JFK truth seekers who, again, are politically passionate, highly concerned about our current national political situation and feel there truly is an important linear connection between the past Kennedy political times and doings ( including their assassinations ) and today's. One thing I see with all the craziness of the Trump administration is how much his extremely inflammatory and taunting rhetoric ( so often base and personally insulting ) and actions have degraded not just the office of the presidency, but the respect and trust of our entire federal government through promoting unprecedented divisiveness, anger and hate. I've never seen anything close to Trump's society wide anger, conflict and mistrust feeding and doing so on an almost daily basis via his obsessive and even manic tweeting. He has also damaged the public trust of our 4th estate ( continuously stating "it's all fake news" - "they are enemies of the people" ) to such a widespread believed degree I think millions of Americans now don't know who to believe and trust anymore. It's all a tragic and dangerous disaster imo.
  17. One could imagine the facial expressions and eye movements of a court trial jury that was presented with the above formulaic scenario used to explain the JFK brain weight discrepancy issue. My guess is that most of the jury would be lost to a point of blank stare confusion and fighting back yawns and heavy eyelids.
  18. President Trump ... "Have you no sense of decency?" While listening to the following CNN broadcast commentary by Colonel Ralph Peters regards Donald Trump and Trump's continual attacks on the integrity of John McCain, I felt a Deja Vu recollection of the U.S. Army hired Boston attorney Joseph Welch's moment regards his hearing response to Senator Joe McCarthy as follows: The army hired Boston lawyer Joseph Welch to make its case. At a session on June 9, 1954, McCarthy charged that one of Welch's attorneys had ties to a Communist organization. As an amazed television audience looked on, Welch responded with the immortal lines that ultimately ended McCarthy's career: "Until this moment, Senator, I think I never really gauged your cruelty or your recklessness." When McCarthy tried to continue his attack, Welch angrily interrupted, "Let us not assassinate this lad further, senator. You have done enough. Have you no sense of decency?" Ralph Peters: Trump's Attacks On McCain A "Classic Case Of Male ... https://www.realclearpolitics.com/.../ralph_peters_trumps_attacks_on_mccain_a_classic_... ▶ 9:33 6 hours ago - Uploaded by CNN Appearing Tuesday night on CNN's "Anderson Cooper 360," former Fox ... the memory of Sen. John McCain ...
  19. This thread seems a rich gold vein strike in the genesis area of who may very well have been in control of the whole affair. In reading Rostow's answer to Senator Claiborne Pell's question of the world surviving a nuclear war my thoughts went back to that scene and dialogue exchange between the Robert Ryan character ( Robert Foster ) and Burt Lancaster's ( James Farrington ) in the film "Executive Action" where Robert Foster tells Farrington of a plan to reduce the world's population from many billions to just 500 million. And in so doing, inferring the existence reality of a secret highest authority group ( beyond any elective U.S. constitutional abiding one ) who had come up with such a plan and that, one assumes, would actually include initiating a nuclear war to do the reducing. The plot and story line of the film "Executive Action" seems less fictional after reading the Rostow, Acheson, Alsop, Reston, Harriman, Katzenbach, Dulles,etc. influence and involvement with LBJ and the W.C. creation immediately ( just 2 days!) following 11, 22, 1963 as revealed in this incredibly interesting and revelatory thread. This is the kind of research input that keeps me addicted to this forum.
  20. Just listened to Vince Palamara's interview of SS agent Sam Kinney. Kinney was riding in the SS "Queen Mary" car right behind JFK's limo. Kinney clearly states JFK's "brain matter" sprayed onto the windshield of the Queen Mary with the head shot. So that's even "more" of JFK's brain matter ejected out of his obliterated skull besides that which hit the two DPD motorcycle officers, the limo occupants and all inside the limo interior. I wonder if Vince Palamara could weigh in here regards chunks of JFK's brain matter being seen either on his seat or on the carpet below ( beyond rose petals ) later during cleaning? My simple point though is just that no exploded brain loses that much brain matter as described by eye witnesses right there in and around the limo when JFK's head was hit, at Parkland hospital and by Bethesda hospital corpsmen who saw JFK's shattered skull up close and then weigh in at approximately 1400 to 1500 grams as described in the official autopsy report. Even without deep research study anyone can see the official autopsy reported JFK brain weight versus the reality of how much brain matter was proven to have exploded or later oozed out of JFK's open skull makes that finding an outrageously obvious and conspiracy suggesting lie.
  21. "Powell or one of them commenting about more than one person, one of them heavy set in a tan or brown suit, dark complected…?" Curious when this specific "other person" description was supposed to have been made by Powell or another jail inmate. It fits another sniper's window viewing Houston street standing eye witness Carolyn Walther's "other person" description exactly. " This man was standing in about the middle of the window. In this same window, to the left of this man, she could see a portion of another man standing by the side of the man with a rifle. This other man was standing erect, and his head was above the opened portion of the window. As the window was very dirty, she could not see the head of this second man. She is positive this window was not as high as the sixth floor. This second man was apparently wearing a brown suit coat, and the only thing she could see was the right side of the man, from about the waist to the shoulders." If the jail inmate who said this about a heavy set brown suit wearing man in the same window as the shooter, never saw or heard about Walther's similar description, you have to consider both these testimonies with at least a little more weight because they match. And consider these physical facts regards the eye witnesses to the TXSBD windows right during the assassination time. The sun was fully illuminating the Texas School Book Depository building facing Elm and Houston "straight on" between 12:00 PM and 12: 30 PM. You couldn't have had a brighter and more thorough illumination than that. This enhanced the view of anyone in the TXSBD sun facing windows to a detail noticing and seeing degree. Including the color of the clothing worn by those appearing in those windows at that time and even their skin tone and hair color. And the viewers of the TXSBD windows had the sun behind them which would add even more ability to see the windows and people in them clearly versus some sun light facing them and effecting their own vision. You never saw in the Warren Commission questions to these TXSBD Elm street facing windows eye witnesses that tried to imply their viewership ability was in any way compromised because of the position of the sun. The Southern exposure TXSBD windows facing Elm and Houston were lit up like a bright movie screen. I've always given the TXSBD window observing witnesses more credibility because of this scientific fact.
  22. Andrew, could you expand upon your post and especially your last sentence? How does Rosenstein's staying on possibly indicate Mueller having nothing?
  23. Two Brains? "FBI Agent O’Neill told the ARRB in 1997 that when JFK’s brain was removed, “more than half of the brain was missing (The assistant autopsy photographer, Floyd Riebe, recalled things much the same way. When asked by ARRB counsel, “Did you see the brain removed from President Kennedy?” Riebe answered, “What little bit there was left, yes … Well, it was less than half of a brain there.” Moreover, in JAMA, Humes reported that, “Two thirds of the right cerebrum had been blown away.” Boswell recalled that one half of the right cerebrum was missing. The Zapruder film shows a massive explosion of Kennedy’s head, with such a shower of brain matter being ejected from the right side of the skull that no one would dispute these autopsy witnesses. Moreover, the chief of anesthesia at Parkland Hospital reported that Jackie Kennedy had handed him “a large chunk of her husband’s brain tissues” during the resuscitation effort." "...FBI Agent Francis O’Neill rejected them, claiming, correctly, “This looks almost like a complete brain.” The brain images show that there was no significant loss of brain tissue, but only a disruption and displacement along the right side. The given brain weight supports the impression of the eye against the witnesses who said a lot of the brain was missing: the brain weight was measured at 1500 grams, a higher-than-average weight for a full and complete human brain. The FBI agent was not the only witness to challenge the brain pictures. The photographer of record, John Stringer, rejected the authenticity of the extant brain photographs. Stringer claimed that he took images of sections of the brain, which are missing, and that the images in the current file were not taken with the type of camera, or the kind of film, he had used."
  24. How about the "official" autopsy reported weight of JFK's removed brain? How does a high caliber bullet exploded brain lose so much matter that is extensively sprayed both out of and all over the inside back seat of the Limo, on almost everyone in the limo, on the limo trunk, on the two motorcycle escort DPD men right behind the limo and with visible chunks that can be seen left on the back seat and with the Parkland doctors and nurses saying more brain matter was still "oozing out" of JFK's shattered skull while he was on the ER table ... then be described as having more weight than an even average size male brain that is undamaged? That official autopsy JFK brain weight finding discrepancy alone shouts conspiracy!
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