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Joe Bauer

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Everything posted by Joe Bauer

  1. The American historical consciousness since 1963 thru today ( for the 25% of those who contemplate such thoughts ) has deflected a very important and rational reality question regards the JFKA truth imo. How far do they think extreme power position JFK haters during his presidency would have gone to deal with the threat JFK presented to their contrary interests, agendas and ideologies? Their wealth and power? This level of hate toward JFK was so wealthy, powerful, broad and deep ( segregationists, Texas oil, organized crime, military generals and admirals, secret agency hierarchy, para-military covert agents, hot headed Cubans who felt JFK betrayed them, LBJ, Hoover and on and on and on ) one need not doubt that a violent take out of JFK had to have been brought up by any or all of these groups at some point. Especially since the JFK/RFK adversaries knew JFK was going to win re-election in 1964. Were any or all of these super powerful JFK hate groups capable of ordering the unspeakable? Of course they were...imo anyways. Once you accept the reality that JFK's most powerful domestic adversaries were capable of and more than willing and inclined to planning something as diabolical as an assassination to protect their interests that JFK was threatening...then you've at least allowed yourself to bust through the false perception wall that this scenario of JFK hate to a murderous degree simply could not be a rationally viable truth. After 60 years, it's time to face the reality that it very possibly could have been with many saying it was probably was. Was our nation ( in the highest realms of wealth, influence and power ) that corrupted then and beyond? Time to finally face the reality that it was and has been...imo anyways.
  2. Carlson is a fraud. Just as I posted back when Carlson told the world he had an inside source and was going to report a blockbuster revelation about the real culprits of the JFKA ( and this forum was heavy with Carlson truth exposing hero praise) that his earth-shaking claim would just fade away as a nothing burger, and it did just that. No one has called Carlson out on that fraudulent claim and boast. Why not?
  3. Reality check regards the most negligent security plan to protect the most important ( and most physically threatened ) criminal suspect in American history ( Lee Harvey Oswald ) one could imagine with the ultimate worst case scenario ( Oswald's death ) results. Way beyond the excuse of simple negligence, too many facts of improbable illogicalness in the entire worst-case scenario failed Oswald security plan affair by the Dallas PD shout "set-up!" We have all viewed the video of Ruby whacking Oswald on 11,24,1963 perhaps dozens if not hundreds of times. Even now, after all this time, I am struck by how small, tight and cramped the space is that Oswald had to walk through after entering the basement area to get to a waiting police car. Look at it again. Maybe only 30 to 40 feet from the main building exit door, 20 feet wide? And in this tight space you have so many officers crammed into it they could have reached out and shook Jim Leavelle's and L.C. Graves hands as they passed. Then you have the horn honking police car rolling down the ramp into this small space which made it all even more tightly packed. Arm waving, staring off Fritz himself has to pull back as to not get hit by it. And the car even rolls back to almost touching Ruby while he is blasting away into Oswald's gut?! Then you also have a crush of frantic flash camera, mic holding and question shouting press people thrusting themselves into this already crammed with bodies tight space, getting within feet of Oswald just as "Jews have guts" proving Jack Ruby jumps out from behind his long-time known Dallas PD officer buddy, big "Blackie" Harrison and blasting away into Oswald's inches away gut to complete this security breakdown madness. The entire scene was a security logistics nightmare! Complete chaos! 10's of millions of Americans who ( like myself ) watched this murder on national TV "LIVE" could not help but feel the greatest suspicion about it all. "No Way!" "No Way!" "What the HECK just happened?" ... and "what an incompetent police force!" and "Man, that Texas is one nutty place!" Etc. etc. The perfect set up for Ruby who took advantage of this circus of illogically crazy security circumstances. Officer Dean was head of the uniformed detail that morning? Ruby breaching that security was his failure of duty. How the heck was he not fired over this greatest criminal suspect security failure event in American history? The worst case scenario Oswald death affair in the hands of the Dallas PD and right inside their own building is the greatest seed of governmental mistrust event regards the JFKA truth in the national psyche then and throughout the last 61 years imo. The Dallas PD will always have to live with this infamous greatest security breakdown failure in American history. It's just a part of their legacy forever.
  4. In the photo above notice Jack Ruby is mere "inches" right behind Dallas police officer William "Blackie" Harrison - almost touching - just seconds before and right up to Ruby leaping out past Harrison to whack Oswald. Harrison is the hulkingly big black haired and black suited man Ruby is hiding behind. Ruby does appear to be hiding himself and using Harrison's big body as a view blocking cover. No one in the Oswald security team could see or recognize him behind Big Blackie. Harrison was one of the 25 DPD officers Chief Curry said even knew Jack Ruby. In Harrison's case he was one of the closer acquaintances in that group of 25. Harrison knew Ruby well for years. He and his traffic patrol buds used to stop in Ruby's Silver Spur club and refresh themselves. Harrison actually stated this in his WC testimony. "Mr. GRIFFIN. You do recognize Ruby by sight, do you not? Mr. HARRISON. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. Do you know Jack personally? Mr. HARRISON. I knew him as a businessman as well by sight, and I have known him for 12 years, I guess, as a businessman. Mr. GRIFFIN. How did you happen to meet Jack? Mr. HARRISON. Well, I used to go into his place. I was a motorcycle officer, and we would go into these different places just checking, and he was running the Silver Spur, I think was the name of it. Mr. GRIFFIN. What bureau were you assigned to at that time? Mr. HARRISON. I was in the traffic bureau. Mr. GRIFFIN. Is that motorcycle patrol? Mr. HARRISON. Yes; motorcycle patrol. Mr. GRIFFIN. Was that downtown only? Mr. HARRISON. No. We rode all over the city. Mr. GRIFFIN. What particular business did you have in there? Mr. HARRISON. Oh, we went in, we went into several places, >>>> maybe to get a cold drink <<<< ... checking maybe to see if there was some drunks in there, just regular, routine checks more or less. Sorry, but the inches close physical juxtaposition of long time well acquainted Jack Ruby and Blackie Harrison, right up to Ruby's shooting leap, seems way too improbably coincidental imo. Great security job of watching the press crowd there Blackie! One little turn by Harrison to his left in those last few seconds and he would have seen his old friend Jack Ruby right in his face. And here is Harrison being a close up part of the highest suspect threat alert and most important security duty assignment in his entire life ...and he is holding and puffing away on his Muriel cigars right up to Oswald being just feet from him? If I was Harrison's boss and saw him holding and puffing away on his cigars right at that time...I would have told him..."Hey...Blackie...no cigars until after the transfer, alright?" "If you have to jump into a situation those damn burning and smoking cigars might hamper you...got it?"
  5. Great assessment Kirk! It's begun. Homelessness is now being addressed as a crime. Tents hauled away. If we see you on the street again it's jail time. Shelters not having room for the huge new influx ... who cares. Criminalizing those who can't afford housing is real now. People sleeping in their cars next. If mass demonstrations begin about not being able to afford the basics...the National Guard will respond. Hard line to keep the growing poor in line.
  6. I watched Jack Ruby shoot Lee Harvey Oswald on live TV when I was 12 years old. Millions of Americans did. My guess is however, that 75% of Americans who watched this event on live national TV 61 years ago are now resting in cemetery plots or sitting in fireplace mantel adorning cremation vases. We are fast becoming a vanishing breed. I can imagine if I make it to 100 and with only a handful of viewing survivors left, some odd history story TV show host might ask me to describe what it was like seeing this iconic event on live TV. Like Lincoln assassination witnesses 100 years later. Sitting in my wheelchair toothless, half blind and with my cow horn hearing aid scratching out a ... "what's that sunny?" Repeated question: and an "Oh...well, it was a real shocking thing. Even scary." "I jumped off my bed and pert near soiled myself!" I shouted out "No Way" - "No Way" over and over ( true story ) and said something like "Man, that Texas is one nutty place!"
  7. Provenly, not always accurate to a fool proof degree. Rationally and logically, always room for reasonable doubt in a jurist mind when the prosecution tries to prove guilt through them. Then why are polygraphs still used so prolifically in so many areas of law enforcement and intelligence agency doings? My question to Dean, right after Ruby whacked Oswald... would have been for him to explain his view of why the Dallas Police security plan for most important ( and most threatened ) criminal suspect in American history failed and in the worst possible way ... death to Oswald? I am sure Dean would have simply said..."I don't know." Second question to Dean ... was there any internal discussion at all that you knew of about moving Oswald at night with no public announcement of the move and no packed in press crowd to film it? And did Dean himself have any reservations at all about a publicly announced, packed press crowd daytime movement? Again, my guess is he would have simply answered..."no."
  8. View Gallery Cartoon Carousel The nation’s cartoonists on the week in politics By POLITICO STAFF 08/23/2024 05:00 AM EDT
  9. How this will all playout is beyond my guesswork imagination.
  10. I doubt but for a few members no one here is going to click on this link and read the article. It is not JFKA related ( except via Doug Caddy's story of E. Howard Hunt's claim that JFK was taken out over the ET secret ) and most people scoff at this ET/UFO subject discussion anyway. Still, the fact is this guy Luis Elizondo is who he says he is and has held all the extremely high security military and government intel agency positions he has so often stated in his many interviews. He and his shocking new ET reality paradigm message have been given national coverage in all our media for a few years now. Way more than anything like this before. Beyond measure. More than anyone ever in the history of the phenomena and who comes from such a high security level of government service and position. Obvious to me that he has been placed into this position of promoting what he says is the truth of ET visitation and how it's time for the citizenry of our society to know this truth and begin the process of acceptance of it. I believe Elizondo's years of national media coverage and his message is part of the first serious effort of our most secret and powerful government entities to prepare our society for a gradual acceptance of the truth about the reality of the ET story. One that hopefully will make the transition less traumatic from a psychological and even spiritual aspect. Include David Grush's national media coverage as well. Include the "Tic Tac" national media coverage as well. The UFO/ET presence reality has just become too obvious to the general population now. Full scale denial of it by the government is no longer trusted by too many. Steven Greer's massive deep research and strongly documented discloser efforts as well as the discloser efforts by so many other highly placed and credentialed persons of high authority positions ( Paul Hellyer, the former president of Russia, Nick Pope/Lord Hill-Norton, etc. etc. etc. ) and others. Plus, countless direct U.S. military involved incidents of UFO high strangeness such as the 1980 Brentwaters Air Base/Rendelsham Forest Woodbridge, England incident and the Malmstrom Air Base incident in 1967 and so many others cumulatively just push the envelope of official government denial to an untenable position of defense.
  11. Oswald's alleged Walker shooting escapade always makes me laugh. According to Marina, Lee plans out his hit on Walker meticulously. Going to his home and taking pictures. Drawing the layout and apparently his shooting position and escape plan. He even has a plan for Marina to seek assistance and maybe even get back to Russia if he is caught and/or killed on this holy mission. He squeezes his shooting time frame in between getting off work and a late bed time at home. So, Lee catches a nighttime city bus ( think about this ) to and from his high level target hit man mission location. Carrying his rifle on the bus? Gets off, walks down whatever streets and or railroad tracks to Walker's house. A church parking lot abuts the back side of Walker's house. Lee hides somewhere close to the parking lot but avoids being seen lurking around there. Lee patiently waits for Walker to settle down in his upper floor office like the hit man pro he is and then "BAM" he fires at an illuminated and stationary Walker but somehow misses even though he is much closer to Walker than ( the moving ) Kennedy in the motorcade. Oswald runs...runs down some railroad tracks that take him to another city bus line stop where he again hops on and rides back to his apartment and the waiting Marina? Oswald allegedly hides the gun under some brush near the tracks. He comes back on another day ( same bus taking? ) to fetch his rifle and carry it home. What kind of high-level target hit man uses city busses to travel to and from his target set up location? Talk about the most poverty stricken, poor man's lowest budget shooting plan? A teenager might have had a better transportation set up than Oswald. Asking a teen buddy to meet him somewhere to get the ride home? A city bus taking assassin? Preposterous!
  12. Exactly. It would make sense that Oswald was instructed to shoot at Walker ( and missing the shot ) by someone ( unbeknownst to Oswald ) who was actually adding some incriminating aspect to depicting Oswald as a crazy guy wanting to shoot everybody.
  13. Jean, I believe the Walker shooting took place on 4,10,1963.
  14. Paul, a stab in the dark? A remarkably odd and illogical one imo. Who would have even thought to present such an off-the-wall question in the middle of the earth-shaking event press frenzy when every reporter in the world is focused on the JFKA exclusively? Curry shrugged off the odd connection question with a simple "no." Surprised Curry even answered the question. Walker was one of the most extreme right wing promoting figures in the nation. His political views were the opposite of JFK's. RFK had Walker committed to a mental facility due to his violence instigating during the Oxford, Mississippi riots over school integration. So, Oswald ( hunter of fascist )went after both Walker and JFK despite their opposite political views?
  15. This is my point Jean. The only person who knew for sure that Lee was the shooter at Walker was Marina. And for self-preservation reasons she did not volunteer anything about this to her questioners until 12/3. Marina did not share what she knew of Lee doing this to Ruth Paine. Marina did not share this with anyone. So it wasn't Ruth Paine that ratted Lee out. George De Mohrenschildt made a remarkably prescient comment to Lee Oswald asking him if it wasn't him that took a potshot at Walker when George De M and his wife Jeanne were shown Oswald scoped rifle in the closet of Lee and Marina's apartment upon the De M's visiting them soon after the shooting date of April 10th, 1963. George De M claimed in his Warren Commission testimony he blurted this incredibly accurate psychic hit on Lee's guilt as the Walker shooter as a "joke." Common sense tells you however that just the fact George De M thought Oswald was capable of the Walker hit says so much more in regards to George De M knowing more than he ever revealed in the matter imo. Still, would George De M have contacted the DPD or local FBI to tell them of Lee's possible involvement with the Walker shooting? Imo - no. And if the Dallas Police suspected Oswald of this shooting at a nationally well known figure such as Walker not long after the shooting...one must question why they didn't do such basic investigatory work on this lead such as checking Oswald's ownership of a rifle, his activities such as speaking to groups about his extreme left political beliefs and whether they indicated a threat toward someone of Walker's extreme right views and promotions, perhaps even questioning the few people who knew and spoke to Oswald such as Michael Paine and Ruth Paine, etc., etc. So, how did this reporter who shouted out to Curry on 11, 23, 1963 the question of Lee Oswald being a possible suspect in the Walker shooting know about any connection of Lee Oswald to the Walker shooting? Where did this reporter get his Oswald/ Walker shooting connection info? 24 hours after JFK was hit seems an impossibly short time for this reporter to get this information.
  16. How did Walker ever get the notion that Oswald had shot at him when "no one" had reported Oswald being a suspect before 11,22,1963?
  17. One of the great conundrums of the Oswald interrogation story is his incredibly calm and collected demeanor through it all. Never once losing his cool and looking anxious and scared and or saying anything weird or unbalanced to the press that one might expect from someone who just hours earlier allegedly had committed what normal people would consider acts of extreme violence insanity.
  18. Also in the Curry interview video above, a reporter shouts out to Curry a question about Oswald being a suspect in the General Edwin Walker shooting? Curry just shakes off the question. So, in just 24+ hours after JFK was gunned down the press has been made aware of Oswald possibly being the shooter who took a pot shot at Walker months earlier? The only person who could have revealed this would have been Marina Oswald. Did Marina tell the DPD about Lee being the shooter in just one days time of her questioning? I would have thought that Marina may have been more guarded about this extremely incriminating information. Especially because she has been reported to have later said she was worried about her own criminal liability in not reporting her husband's attempt on Walker on her own during it's happening and for months afterwards. And if Marina did reveal Oswald's Walker crime ... who then leaked this to the press less that 24 hours after Lee's arrest?
  19. At the 12:10 mark of the Curry interview above, when Curry is asked if Oswald was "mentally right". Curry responds..."he's mentally right all right." And when asked if he thought Oswald was "off his rocker?" Curry responds ... "No." Note also that when a reporter asked Curry if he was concerned about Oswald's security due to the extreme heightened anger of the public, Curry loses his composer a bit and then looking downward he guardedly mumbles some vague general thoughts and finally says " I don't think anyone will try to take the prisoner away from us." This Oswald security question to Curry was the only time you see Curry seem thrown off guard and hesitate in his response. Ominously telling since he and his force just less than 24 hours later were guilty of "the greatest prisoner protection security breakdown failure in American history." The most important criminal suspect in American history gunned down right inside of their own building while two Dallas PD officers are handcuffed to him on both sides.
  20. If Trump's manic obsession with crowd sizes ( day after day for 8 years! ) isn't a sign of some sort of extreme insecurity based mental illness...what is?
  21. The Oswald flyer passing gig in front of the International Trade Mart, as depicted in this above pic and others and the video Jean provided as well, shows a surprisingly congenial scene. Several Oswald helpers and passer byes stopping and talking and what looks to me to be several Cuban ( or Mexican?) fellows hanging around as well. Lots of smiles, friendly engagement. And why are the school uniform young teen age girls milling about in front of the Trade Mart entrance just feet away from Oswald's leaflet party as seen in the uncropped wider view picture? New Orleans was the second most rabid violence minded anti-Castro city in the U.S. behind Miami in the Summer of 1963. Thousands of hot-headed anti-Castro residents. Many members of extreme violence advocating para-military groups ( DRE - Operation Mongoose ) constantly plotting ( even training ) to do whatever they could to get rid of Castro? These Latino fellows mingling with "pro-Castro" promoting Oswald and his helpers...what in the heck would attract them to want to hang around with these crazy gringos promoting Cuba and in such a friendly way? Surprised Carlos Bringuier and his boys didn't fly down to the Trade Mart and kick some A$$ again like they did with Oswald in his earlier downtown New Orleans Pro-Cuba leaflet passing gig. And those 3 or 4 Oswald helpers wearing white shirts and ties weren't doing this for free. Where the heck did poor Oswald who couldn't even provide his young family with the basics, get the funds to pay these guys? Guy Banister? And I am not totally convinced that one of Oswald's helpers was not Rapheal Cruz. Ted Cruz's father. This fellow resembled other pics of Rapheal Cruz at that age-24. Cruz Sr. was the exact same age as Oswald. And he was living in New Orleans the same exact time Oswald was there...the summer of 1963. In the beginning part of the video Jean posted, notice a man crossing the street behind Oswald. He instantly stood out to me because of his great height. Looked at least 6 foot 6 inches to me. I wondered, could Jim Garrison himself happened to have been walking around downtown at the same time of Oswald's leaflet gig? This whole scenario of Oswald being filmed while passing out his pro-Cuba leaflets in downtown NO seems so improbably contrived. Just some curious person decided to use up his film showing this odd looking fellow ( Oswald ) up close for several minutes doing this weird political thing? Nothing better to do on a mid-week day? And to have this film so quickly and directly get into the hands of the press and the agencies? This New Orleans flyer passing filming of Oswald ( downtown and at the Trade Mart ) couldn't have been more incriminating in setting up Oswald as the commie crazy the Warren Commission needed to prove he was inclined to possess the extreme political motive mind-set to do JFK. Toss in the impossibly ( laughably ) incriminating violent commie "backyard" photos and what more would you need to convict Oswald in the minds of the public?
  22. To me Oswald's Texas School Book Depository future supervisor Bill Shelley is the thin build, shallow cheeked, blond haired Everly Brother's style pompadour adorned fellow standing talking to one Oswald's paid helpers. In the video link provided above ( great piece!) we see the Bill Shelley look-a-like fellow is holding a cigarette or cigar in his right hand fingers. Did the Texas Schoolbook Depository Bill Shelley smoke? Just a coincidence Oswald and his crew would do their risky politically incorrect and inciting thing "right in front of" Clay Shaw's International Trade Mart?
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