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Denny Zartman

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Everything posted by Denny Zartman

  1. Very interesting. I had not heard of this before.
  2. Those are really amazing stories. We're privileged to have you share them with us. Thanks much.
  3. Exactly. This whole debate reminds me of the old joke "who are you going to believe; me or your lying eyes?" Bullets shot through cotton looked like CE 399. Bullets shot through cadaver wrists did not. So those desperate to support CE 399 pull out their calculators and their pine boards and use convoluted, tricky math try to convince us all that an elephant can hang from a cliff with its tail tied to a daisy.
  4. I have a newspaper from Michigan that was, I think, their first edition covering the assassination, and they say only that the rifle was a foreign make. I've posted pictures before of both rifles. Apparently it is true that the Mannlicher Carcano has "MADE ITALY" and "CAL 6.5" written on top of it. The Mauser practically has a paragraph written on it giving ID information. The idea that all those cops that discovered it and first examined it could not read is ridiculous, in my view. I've seen it argued that the misidentification was because they just glanced at it. First of all, what cop "glances" at at what is a murder weapon and the most important piece of evidence they will ever touch in their entire lifetimes? Second "glancing at it" -how, EXACTLY, does that work? I want a detailed explanation at how anyone, much less EVERYONE, could "glance" at the rifle. Did they keep their eyes covered with their hands the whole time except for one quick peek? Did they run up to the rifle, and then stole a quick look at it as they turned to immediately run away? I know this sounds like I'm kidding, but I'm not. Anyone who thinks the cops "glanced" at it, I would pose the same question. If you came within an arms length of it and looked at it for more than a few seconds, it was not a glance. If you held it in your hands, you certainly did not glance at it. And one of the cops owned a sporting goods store, didn't he? It really doesn't matter, it just further underlines how unbelievable it all is. I don't care how much the profile of the Mannlicher looked like a Mauser from a distance. Anyone who could read would not mistake both the make AND the caliber. I have never once heard a convincing argument as to why I, or anyone, should honestly believe the cops in Dallas read the words "MADE ITALY" and thought to themselves "This rifle was made in Germany" and read "CAL 6.5" and thought to themselves "Cal 6.5 means 7.65." Especially someone who owned a store that sold rifles, but let's get real - these were all good ol' Texas boys in 1963. Each and every one of them was familiar with firearms.
  5. You're doing great @Tommy Tomlinson. LN's are very hard to pin down on anything imho. The distance between Oswald's hand and his armpit does not allow for a fully broken down version of the rifle he was accused of using. There's just no way around that fact.
  6. And, as has been pointed out recently, everything surrounding JFK and the production of "Seven Days In May" is fraught with meaning.
  7. Great stuff @W. Niederhut , you're very good on guitar. Thank you for sharing. Happy New Year, everyone!
  8. If the Parrot Jungle incident happened in Miami and was an Oswald sheep dipping operation similar to the Odio incident, how does that not connect to Dallas? I'm genuinely wondering.
  9. Yes, but if you overlay it on the purported attempt in Miami, it seems fairly clear. At least it does to me. And that's not even mentioning the bystander photographed in Dealey Plaza that seems to look a lot like Milteer, which lines up with the conversation reported by Marrs. Did Somersett know about that picture, or is that another coincidence? When is it reasonable to have doubts?
  10. Hi Larry. I'm confused about what you mean by "not that specific." Milteer says the hit on Kennedy is "in the works." The detail about the tall office building and the detail of a patsy being quickly picked up and blamed to deceive the public sound fairly specific to me. Also, according to Jim Marrs's "Crossfire" 2013 edition pg 245, Milteer called Somersett from Dallas on November 22, and said JFK was on the way and that JFK would never again be in Miami. Marrs also writes that after the assassination Milteer met Somersett again and said "Everything ran true to form. I guess you thought I was kidding you when I said he would be killed from a window with a high-powered rifle....I don't do any guessing." I'm also wondering if Miami-based Milteer prediction, the Miami Parrot Jungle incident, and the possible assassination plots planned for Miami and Tampa were all related. Why would anyone sheep-dip a resident of Dallas/New Orleans in Miami, anyway?
  11. I feel that even if he had been a chaste monk, they still would have felt he was a threat to national security.
  12. Maybe telling O'Neill and confirming later with Waldron and Hartmann was O'Donnell's version of a "limited hangout" to help relieve himself of the guilt he felt? We're fortunate to benefit from your expert insight @Joseph McBride. Thanks.
  13. As I see it, this video is damning and it's only half of the story. At the end of his book "Head Shot" physicist G. Paul Chambers, the author invites you to go to your local gaming and recreation center, find an Air Hockey table, and try it for yourself. When an object struck from one direction, the energy carries in the same direction. Don't take his word for it. Try it. It seems every medical professional at Parkland that saw the throat wound on the front of JFK's neck prior to the tracheostomy said it resembled an entry wound, further circumstantial evidence of a shooter from the front. Finally (at least coming from me in this post), in Tip O'Neill's memoir "Man Of The House", O'Neill writers of a dinner with Dave Powers and Kenneth O'Donnell, where both describe the shots as coming from the front. This was later confirmed with O'Donnell in Waldron and Hartmann's book "Legacy Of Secrecy."
  14. Thank you for being so on top of this, Gil. I appreciate your tenacity.
  15. And let's be clear: this stuff isn't being stolen from Max Good in a heroic attempt at distributing information for the common good and history; it's a deliberate attempt to sabotage his Patreon account and impair his ability to generate income.
  16. Max Good did the legwork and he deserves to be paid for the work he did. And you know he's not making a mint off of this movie. You are not entitled to access everyone's intellectual property for free all the time, just as you are not allowed to enter anyone's home or office at any time. It's his creation. Go do your own interviews and research on your own dime and time, and then give it all away if you want. When doing your research you may rely solely on the work of amateurs and hobbyists if it pleases you. Is that really how you pursue intellectual efforts, or do you just steal all your books written by professional writers? I'm going to respect the time and effort that real professionals put into creating their intellectual property and I strongly reject the notion those properties should be stolen from them. Takes as much effort (and much more money) to cross the country and record an interview as it does to knit a sweater. If you're stealing that sweater, you're stealing. If you're stealing that interview, you're still stealing. It's the same theft of the time, energy, and money that it took to create both. If the information in that intellectual property has value to you, then it has value. You are not entitled to get it, or anyone else's intellectual property, for free. Sorry. I just cannot stand the attitude of someone expecting professionals to work for free, as if their time, effort, and expenses incurred weren't worth anything at all. In my view, that attitude discourages any future aspiring professionals from working, especially on this particular case, which seems to be such a thankless task for so many researchers.
  17. He was fairer than she deserved and you know it. Make your own god-damned documentary if you're so smart.
  18. It's always surprising to me that anyone could hear these words and still think that there wasn't a conspiracy.
  19. I suppose "willing cutouts" would be the most accurate descriptor in my view. One still has to ask who could get into Bethesda and had the ability control all the government inquiries from the first to last step, but there seems to be significant evidence suggesting persons of right wing extremism were involved, with a focus on oilmen in particular. These people may not have been able to get into the Bethesda autopsy room, but they certainly could have provided a lot of assistance in the preparation and execution. Plus, any later investigation first leads to them and not the CIA. I remember reading that someone who would have been in a position to know saying that the film "Executive Action" got close to the truth of the real plot. I've always suspected that the shooters were not professional assassins but true believers likely motivated by politics and personal animosity. It seems common sense that any professional sniper (Mafia or French) would quickly realize that they would also likely be disposed of soon after the hit in order to maintain secrecy. A politically motivated sniper would probably not focus on that part of the plan.
  20. Thanks everyone, much appreciated. Sorry for misspelling your name @Sandy Larsen. Think of it as my exceedingly clever tribute to David Lifton. 😉 Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to everyone.
  21. Twas the night before Christmas and all through the forum The members were fighting with no sense of decorum The invectives were posted on the front page with care In spite of Nicholas Katzenbach's memo right there The skeptics were wrestled all smug in their LED's With delusions of lone nuts sniping some heads But DiEugenio in his paragraphs, and Larsen in his caps Were endlessly debunking all the LN's bullcrap When out on the thread there arose such a clatter An argument so bad I got mad as a hatter Just as I thought tempers had cooled and relationships might mend Here we go with some more Tucker again To the red X on the window I flew like a flash And the button on my mouse I frantically started to mash But the debate had gotten so far off the track I almost wished that the Hickey theory was back When, what to my wondering eyes should behold A document release containing much gold! I unzipped the file and scanned all the scans E-mailed it to the Kindle in my hot little hands Read the PDF's and started scratching my head Because it seemed to be something I'd already read I knew in a moment it must be some kind of trick I turned and addressed my complaint to St. Nick He spoke not a word, but went straight to his work Filled their stockings with coal and called Biden a jerk And laying his finger aside of his nose And giving a nod, down the memory hole it goes He sprang to his sleigh, to his team gave a whistle And away they all flew like a Cuban air missile But with a wink he exclaimed, as his eye with me contacted "Merry Christmas to all, and to all a REDACTED!"
  22. A person claiming to be a lawyer but is ready to throw Oswald under the bus even though Oswald had no motive, steadfastly claimed his innocence, and never had a single second of legal representation, is sad. Unfair too, imho.
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