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Ty Carpenter

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Everything posted by Ty Carpenter

  1. "He also added a fact that I’m not sure was in the original phone interview—that there was still another coffin that arrived at Bethesda, via helicopter. This turned out to be important, in terms of the possibility that there was either a decoy casket also sent by helicopter, or that there was validity to the account that a Secret Service agent had been shot that day." The above quote is from David Lifton's tribute post to Dennis David. Is there any research into a helicopter arriving at Bethesda on the evening of the assassination? If a secret service agent were murdered that day, wouldn't we have a name? Is there a record of autopsies performed at Bethesda starting on the 22nd and through the next week or so?
  2. What makes you guys think that the Paine's believed LBJ to be behind "it"?
  3. So if I can read through your sarcasm, I see you list every option that has been tried or thought of in the past 70 years. However, you forgot the one where we bring them a big red "reset" button. I guess option 2 is the only good one then. Once General Buck Turgidson is installed, I guess nuclear armageddon it is.
  4. Why do we act so surprised and feign outrage that Russia may have hacked a political organization? I am grateful that we have the hacked emails at our disposal. I am not saying that I support another country meddling in our affairs, but the information brought to light was extremely enlightening and has not even been questioned as being false. Oh yeah, the US would never attempt to influence another countries elections or assassinate political foes either foreign or domestic. My question is, what do you suggest we do about the Russians?
  5. The entire maryferrell.org site is great. It was down for a while, but as of this morning it appears the are back up with a redesign. Specifically the journal section of the site. There is a ton of original research there.
  6. My mistake. East wall. Don't feel confused, my attention was not fully focused on this at the time.
  7. Also, is that a desk? It appears to me to be a fireplace. Apologies if I am mistaken.
  8. I was thinking more directional as to which way the wall is ran, not which plane the wall is on. Sorry for confusion, but that chimney is a giveaway.
  9. Yes, the West wall. I interpreted it that Chris was saying the wall running East/West, whereas I am saying it is on the wall running North/South, which I guess would be the far East wall.
  10. If you look at the attached outside view of the home, it appears the chimney for the fireplace is near the peak of the roof. This would place the fireplace on the northwest corner of the East/West wall of the room visible over Mrs. Paine's right shoulder in the picture. Therefore, the couch would be on the North/South wall. If I am wrong, please let me know. Mrs. Paine's torso is facing South.
  11. The one Comey confirmed in March to congress. Also, the house intel committee investigation spearheaded by Adam Schiff. Both of those are looking into Russian meddling, and are trying to tie Trump to that.
  12. Oh my! You guys are acting like he fired the entire FBI. If my boss at work were fired, we would continue on doing what we already were working on. And, you should be comforted that McCabe is the acting director. Did we all forget about his wife's ties to the Clintons and Terry Mcauliffe? This is also an investigation with no crime. They are trying to find a crime. Don't most investigations start with a crime being committed? The police are not going to investigate me for the murder of my wife when she is alive and well. I would be more than happy to get behind an investigation if there were proof or even a hint of a crime. This reminds one of the Salem Witch Trials. I thought we had become enlightened in our society and were past this sort of behavior.
  13. Does the story of the delivery of the faked badges appear anywhere before Files claims? Also, if Files was a second patsy, is there any proof of sheep dipping used against him? What would the story be on him if he was caught? I believe the Mob would not expose themselves like that. All indications say if Files was caught, they would connect him to the Mob five minutes into the investigation.
  14. Conspiracy is proven to us that study the case and look at the facts. I think the general public believes something is not right here, but I don't think they are aware of all of the evidence or proof supporting a conspiracy. I believe the best proof of conspiracy lies in this topic itself. CE 399 is a near pristine bullet that is claimed to have done all of the damage to Connally. Yet we have X-Rays showing metal fragments in his wrist that would amount to more metal than is missing from CE 399. To me, that is the best and most blatant proof that we have of a conspiracy.
  15. None other than Senator Feinstein came out yesterday and essentially said there was no collusion between Trump and Russia. I think all of the "tweetsters" you mention have an axe to grind against Trump anyways. Louise Mensch? She is whacked out of her brain. If you want to gain a true understanding of what I believe is going on with all of this, follow Thomas Wictor on Twitter. His analysis is spot on every time.
  16. If Ruby was complicit in the shooting and was to take the fall, why not just have Ruby do the shooting himself? I am sure he was more than capable of firing a handgun into the torso of a man at point blank range. Let me guess, Ruby took the fall, was paid $, spent a few years in jail and then his death was faked and he lived out the rest of his days in Boca.
  17. What was the name of the company on the service van parked at the intersection of Houston and Elm by the Dal-Tex at the time of the assassination?
  18. Don't know the name or network, but didn't the reporter run into the TSBD and call the network?
  19. I stopped watching 3 minutes in. They are trying to dictate the terms of a "conspiracy" ahead of the 2017 doc. dump. The opening said- Over 2 million documents related to the assassination have been declassified. Until now, no one has looked at them. OK.
  20. There is a new six part series which begins airing tonight on the History Channel. From what I have seen, they are investigating whether Oswald was led by others or was involved with others in planning and executing the assassination. In the MSM I have never even heard them hint at a conspiracy. Does anyone else get the feeling they are trying to minimize links to a conspiracy ahead of the upcoming document release? I believe this weeks episode looks at Mexico City and next week's episode deals with LHO's time in Russia.
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