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Ty Carpenter

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Everything posted by Ty Carpenter

  1. Let me know where you think it may be. I will tweet to our President and see if he will take a peek.
  2. Why would LHO need to fake the BYP's? Wouldn't it be much easier to just take the pics with the gun and propaganda? Maybe I am missing the point somewhere.
  3. Yes Sir. Straight from @realdonaldtrump on Twitter.
  4. He doesn't mention when, but I would anticipate soon. Thank you President Trump! Edit: Tweet was sent 24 minutes ago.
  5. I wouldn't be afraid to attribute some of this to the D.C. bureaucracy. Nothing runs efficiently around the swamp.
  6. They've only had 25 years to prepare for today.
  7. Thank you! I also believe there is a separate Trump bashing forum on this site.
  8. Gee, seems to be similar to what we have in Las Vegas.
  9. Ian Fleming from Goldfinger- "Once is happenstance. Twice is coincidence. The third time it's enemy action". A good rule of thumb if you ask me.
  10. Is this new information? I have never come across this before. Didn't Nagell state that the assassination was to take place in late September, probably the 26th, "presumably" in Washington D.C.? Then here we have some type of Oswald in D.C. on the 27th!
  11. I am aware of that theory. But to me, it seems the ferrying of conspirators would have needed or would have been preferred to be done sooner than later. Everything I am aware of about the trip gives me the feeling it was a hastily planned last minute endeavor. I tend to believe he was headed there to make sure LHO didn't or couldn't talk. I very well think the escape plane may have been handled by Barry Seal as seen in the story posted by Mr. Caddy a few days ago.
  12. Jim, I went back through Destiny Betrayed on the Houston trip. We have Ferries lies about why the trip was made, but I have not seen a theory as to the real reason for the trip. Do either yourself or any other member offer a theory as to why the trip was made?
  13. Paul, Thank you for taking the time to respond. You have given me several avenues to explore that I have not yet gone down. Jason, I don't think "splinter the CIA into a thousand pieces and scatter it into the wind" is a simple policy statement. It sounds more to me that this is a mission statement. Meaning, that JFK did not simply want to control what the CIA did and where they did it, he wanted to eliminate them, possibly rightfully so. Is it not possible that elements of the CIA acted as a cornered animal when faced with extinction? I have no firm beliefs on who "bought the bullets", but I don't think elements of the CIA can be outright dismissed.
  14. Paul, I have been following several posts where this is discussed. I am sure elements of the radical right were involved. I have not yet seen satisfactory evidence that places Walker as the leader of the pack. I am not trying to argue against your point, I just need to see it spelled out in a clear and concise manner. If you could, would you lay out your top few pieces of evidence that place Walker as the leader of this operation?
  15. The M appears to stand for married. She is sponsored by her husband. Above her name, it says typed name and relationship, which I assume means married to the sponsor. Edit: Or possibly Mother?
  16. https://grassyknollgirl.wordpress.com/2013/09/27/308/ Food for thought on the TSBD job and the Paines.
  17. Thanks Paul. If that is the case, how did Walker and Ruby tie together? Meaning, how did Walker procure Ruby's services.
  18. I believe the Audie Murphy story has some real merit. But when was anything ever mentioned about Walker leading the op? And, who hi-jacked the op and turned it into a live situation?
  19. There is also quite a few researchers and Warren Commission staff that were either born, died or had worked in Philadelphia. Fonzi Salandria Thompson Weisberg Specter McCloy Bill Coleman
  20. You have to admit, that is a bit of a reach. Whether Ruby knew LHO or not, you are proposing that he remembered the exact name of his committee, which he may or may not have heard months previously. And he had the presence of mind to correct the misstatement immediately.
  21. What about Ruby's correction/exclamation at the late night press gathering that LHO was a member of the FPCC. How would he know that? To me, that reeks of some type of connection between Ruby and N.O. folks.
  22. Jim, I realize the file would be rather large, hence the need for the disc. But, is there any way for a direct download?
  23. To me, the Odio incident is proof that he was made a Patsy at least by late September. The day after the visit, the Leopoldo character called Odio and stated what a good shot Leon Oswald was and that he had talked about how Kennedy should have been killed after the BOP. Unless this story is just a big coincidence, it is clear the narrative was in place.
  24. The 2018 winter Olympics to be held in Pyeongchang will be postponed. They will take place in Unified Korea in the winter of 2020, 6 months after the signing of the Tokyo Treaty and the end of Korean War 2!
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