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Ty Carpenter

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Everything posted by Ty Carpenter

  1. Sorry to hear that and good luck with your recovery. Any idea how you may have picked up the virus?
  2. So the rally did or did not happen and Eric Trump took a 1.5 billion dollar bribe from the Ukraine?
  3. That's funny when we have pics of Biden being chummy with an actual leader of the Klan.
  4. It was hilarious when he swatted a bug off of himself while speaking about "environmental justice", whatever that is.
  5. Not to make light of the circumstances, but I thought this pic captured the essence of the situation.
  6. Amen, Joe. These lockdowns are the result of little tyrants flexing their power over the common man. I'll bet you Newsom is nice and cool somewhere today. Remember this during voting time, whether it be for local dog catcher, council member, governor or president.
  7. I don't know his ethnic roots, Cliff and I am not sure he does either. Read fact 4 in the below linked article. https://heavy.com/news/2019/02/donald-harris-kamala-father-dad-jamaican/
  8. I think it needs to be cleared up that she is infact not African American.
  9. I don't know if you are on Twitter, but if you are search out Carlos Osweda's write up on the explosion. I think he nails it. Anyways, buckle up it's gonna be an "explosive" next couple of months!
  10. I would head over near Mary Moorman with a video camera and would immediately hide it after the assassination.
  11. Joe, I agree about the economical forecast. It is going to be a lot worse than most people see or realize right now. I think we are going to have another "housing crisis" coming once everything settles down and all of help dries up. Stay safe!
  12. Joe, I truly feel for you and your family and appreciate the transparency. It gives us a glimpse of the actual conditions in the real world right now. We don't see many of these true stories on the news. In regards to unemployment, they need to find a way to help the folks that have truly lost work and are hurting now and not help the freeloaders. Obviously your family is honest and I hope they figure a way to help you guys through this. But with the blanket extra $600 it is so abused and it deters people from returning to work. Can't they figure out some kind of 100% wage replacement program for those put out of work due to this? Also, do you mind sharing which line of work you wife is in? I just like to keep a running tab in my head of sectors that have been greatly affected by this.
  13. Bottom line, they need to charge more. I am willing to pay one dollar to send a letter if that ensures timely delivery. We have had terrible luck with the post office recently at our business. Things not showing up, getting mail a week later, getting dropped off a huge pile of it once a week. When we call the local office we just get their standard message and can't get through to anyone.
  14. Not sure about anyone else here, but when was the last time you actually received an Amazon package from the USPS? I would say 6 months ago and most of them now come from the Amazon delivery service or UPS.
  15. https://www.scribd.com/document/467746700/Ghislaine-Maxwell-Indictment This link works.
  16. It seems Ghislaine was just arrested in New Hampshire. What's the over under on her having an accident?
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