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Ty Carpenter

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Everything posted by Ty Carpenter

  1. Are you asking for someone to take over ownership of the forum?
  2. Agreed. If it was truly a coordinated "attack", it would have been successful. As you said, a bunch of yahoos were able to enter the Capitol rather easily. And what was their crime once they entered, sitting at Nance's desk and wearing a buffalo head? If I were planning a takeover and capture of certain officials, it would have looked a lot different. Another thing that makes me wonder, why am I not seeing any guns? Surely a coordinated attack with a government takeover as it's goal would include firearms. They did show what they purport to be firearms at a hotel in Virginia where they claim some sort of mercenary strike crew was staying in the case they were needed. All they showed were dudes carrying a few long things under coats and or blankets. Probably just a couple larpers.
  3. Perhaps the system needs to collapse. It's not working. It doesn't work for you and it doesn't work for me. To save the Republic, what is it that you suggest, Matt? Witch hunts, show trials, highly produced primetime hearings by a "committee" that excludes representation from half the country? Go ahead, lock 'em up, hang 'em all. It's not going to change a damn thing, except giving you a hard on. Additionally, as is often the case with the left, their plan will backfire on them and will serve to further galvanize those who they seek to persecute. If you have any tangible ideas to save the Republic, I am all ears, but this isn't it.
  4. There's so much hate in this statement. I don't see how this makes you any different than those dirty MAGATS. You've let the hate consume you and have become the exact thing you profess to abhor, just on the opposite side and perhaps a notch or two more radical.
  5. The dates don't work for this to be Oliver. She was born in 1946, and Dillinger was killed in 1934. The story is either about someone else or it is a fabrication.
  6. Has the "honker" or the honking car ever been identified?
  7. Jim, In the second episode, the FBI and CIA theories of shot sequence are briefly addressed. I have not heard much, if anything on these theories previously to this series. Whoopi goes through the theories briefly but offers no supporting evidence for the theories, especially the CIA theory which is totally opposite of the WC conclusions. I recall she does mention something about CIA documents relating to this being destroyed. My question is, what info do you have to support the conclusion of the CIA relating to this issue? If the documents were destroyed, what lead you to this information? I'm not saying I doubt this info, but I am genuinely curious to learn more and study this issue further. If I missed something and this is not new information, I apologize and would appreciate any info that may be available.
  8. I am all for cleaner and renewable fuels/energy. The reality is we are not there yet. Great strides are being made, but renewables are not ready to carry the full load. Why make it painful for ourselves during that transition? Also, the climate is not only affected in the area being polluted. Why should we drive ourselves into the ground trying to clean things up when other countries do as they please?
  9. Kirk, How is Saudi Arabia scum and Iran is not? Also, what is wrong with increasing production of American oil? Doesn't that make the most sense both immediately and in the long run?
  10. Joe, Can you link to where Tucker made an apology? I am usually in agreement with Tucker, but not on the Russia situation. He had Doug Macgregor on the other night and I was disgusted at what I was hearing. It was like a KGB agent was there spewing Russian propaganda on the show. I did notice last night that the Tuck has moderated his tone in regards to defending Russia as a innocent.
  11. And it's not only the few Putin sympathizers we have here. I am seeing so many people make incredible stretches to defend Putin's actions. Some stretching so far that I am concerned they may pull a hamstring! Lot's of the folks doing this are the ones who denied any Russian influence in the election or Trump administration. I still think most of those claims were most likely bogus, but to see the lengths some people will go to to defend Putin makes one wonder what they are truly involved in. I think it is most likely a way to cope for them. They realize any real involvement by the West will lead to WW3 and possible annihilation. I think their smooth brains make justifications for Putin in an attempt to soothe themselves. Similar to not addressing the real problem in any aspect of your life, they think they can ignore the problem and it will go away. Rational beings realize that will not work. Perhaps W. can weigh in on the psychology of this. I would be interested to hear his thoughts on my theory.
  12. Short of doing nothing, I believe the only way to possibly avoid a catastrophic war is to assassinate Putin. But this is certainly something else. Lindsey said the quiet part out loud.
  13. I also have been wondering about Cliff. I searched Obituaries for him and did not turn up anything. Another member I was wondering about is Tom Hume. He posted on anagrams and other intelligence type "puzzles." Not sure the validity of any of his arguments, but they provided an interesting read.
  14. I don't think we are out of the woods yet. Short of total capitulation by Ukraine and the "West", I don't see a scenario where Putin backs down.
  15. I can't wait for the Putin fan boys to come along and tell us it's all good. "No big deal, he's just concerned about NATO. It's perfectly rational to escalate to nuclear threats." Dude needs to be wiped immediately. If he is left to continue, it is going to lead to the deaths of a lot of innocents around the globe.
  16. W and Kirk, This forum needs a like button. Great statements by both of you!
  17. If this is true, it just further demonstrates the depravity of the regime. You know your soldiers won't fight for your true motives, so you must lie to them to get them to do your bidding.
  18. W, check your map again. The Kaliningrad Oblast is right on Polands border. While not connected to mainland Russia, it is a part of the Russian Federation.
  19. Yup. NATO should hold a "snap election" immediately and admit Finland and Sweden as full members. One other thing I don't understand is how Putin conceives it as some sort of threat to have a NATO country on his border. Correct me if I am wrong, but don't NATO members Poland, Lithuania, Latvia, Estonia, and Norway already border Russia?
  20. That is the obvious answer. But to put out this type of message leads me to believe more is afoot. Could he be planning to carry on further into other countries? I think the dude has lost his mind and needs to be "neutralized" immediately.
  21. Sorry if I missed it, but is there a list of people who claim to have seen the "other" film? The only two I am aware of are DellaRosa and Burnham.
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