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Michael Clark

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Everything posted by Michael Clark

  1. I guess I was offering a possible answer as to how that came about, as opposed to why. Cheers, Michael
  2. I guess it's time to download Ralph Paul's testimony for comparison. edit***** and the testimony of "Rose",
  3. I was suggesting that perhaps other members also look to see what other members are reading. That could explain how ten people were reading an odd-ball thread. You were unlikely to get any answer in my estimation. I thought I would say something so as to not leave you hangin'. Cheers, Michael
  4. Conspicuously, The WC surfaces findings, from the Carousel crew at least, that Ruby always had a gun; even if it was in his trunk.
  5. Testimony of Wanda Yvonne Helmick Mrs. HELMICK. I always worked those hours. Mr. GRIFFIN. Now, you have talked to the FBI and have indicated that you overheard a telephone conversation that you believed took place between Jack Ruby and Ralph Paul? Mrs. HELMICK. Yes. Mr. GRIFFIN. When was it that you heard that telephone conversation? Mrs. HELMICK. It was the night before Oswald was shot. -------------------- Mr. GRIFFIN. Was Ralph Paul sitting there at the booth with you? Mrs. HELMICK. No, he was behind the counter, and Rose got up and went back there to do something, and she started talking to him, and the telephone rang, and she said, "It is for you. It is Jack." So he took the phone and he had been talking quite a while, and he said something. He either said, "Are you crazy? A gun?" or something like that, or he said something about a gun. Then he said, "Are you crazy?" But he did say something about a gun, and he asked him if he was crazy. Mr. GRIFFIN. How long did he talk on this telephone call? Mrs. HELMICK. He Just talked for about 5 minutes, I guess. It wasn't very long.
  6. I am always clicking on the "who's online" button to see what people are reading. If I see what looks to be a Simkin profile, I'll very often click on it. Simkin's profiles are always an interesting read.
  7. I am looking for that "Healthy Scepticism" among anti-Trumpers.
  8. Agreed. There really should be a sub-forum, about this forum, where threads, testaments, and rememberences can go; separate from the continued research. It seems to me that times have changed. Means and modes of expression and debate have changed. I am sure there is no dividing line, yet.....
  9. Paul, I have had way too much time to spend on this forum in the last 3 months. Until yesterday I have not seen a single claim the LHO did not own a rifle. Until today I have not seen a single claim that the Oswalds never lived on Neely. Cheers, Mike
  10. That should follow a quote from a member who disputes the Neely street residency. Cheers, Michael
  11. Paul, with all due respect, and thanks, for your responses and information that you have so graciously offered, that is a slice of cheese for a sandwich that has long-since been eaten. Cheers, Michael
  12. Paul, You admit the backyard pics were forgeries (by LHO). You admit that the only witnesses to LHO being in posession of a rifle are Marina, and the unsubstantiated (by Marina) testimony of Jeanne having been shown the rifle, by Marina. Do you have anything else? Cheers, Michael
  13. "Just beneath the Surface of the mud. There's more mud, here..., Surprise!"
  14. Bingo! Thank you Lawrence. To be sure.... She would not have been able to, or she could not have been compelled to..... testify?
  15. The LBJ JEH phone recording, agreeing that a congressional committee "would be very bad" and then deciding on a Presidential Comission is the nail in the coffin. They knew and decided that there could not be sworn testimony under the threat of perjury charges.
  16. Thanks guys. I always thought the pics looked fake, but I was never one to repeat that claim based on my, more or less, casual assessment; or just because a book made that claim, or I heard somebody say it. I still am only interested in saying that they are fake based on the consensus of a set of people's opinions which I respect. I would need to spend a lot of time measuring, thinking and reading before I would be willing to make the claim and argue for that claim. I am just not interested in studying the pictures in the absence of another live person or persons to debate with and analyze with, face to face. So, I am satisfied. I can say that I believe they are faked, without feeling that I am just parroting sceptics. What's more is I am confident that the only evidence for LHO owning the rifle are: -Marina's testimony -Jeanne De M's testimony (that Marina showed her the rifle) that is uncorroborated by Marina. Irionically, it is the dubious nature of Jeanne's testimony that makes me doubt Marina's. If they simply made Marina recount Jeanne's testimony I wouldn't reject the entire claim that Oswald owned a rifle. But, alas, that's where I am at.... LHO did not own or possess a rifle. Thanks again! Michael
  17. When I watch the Z film I see JFK's hands go up, then I see him tap at his chest a few times.
  18. And, since the girth of PM has been mentioned several times, I'll note that there were far fewer portly people back then. Also, in the interest of alternate alliterations, we could say "far fewer fat folk".
  19. In bumping this thread I was trying to get an idea of how many members regard the photos as fakes. After poking around a bit, it seems like most people think they are indeed fakes. This was in line with my post from earlier today where I was trying to gauge how much evidence there was that LHO did in fact own a rifle at all. The evidence is very surprisingly thin, in my estimation. http://educationforum.ipbhost.com/index.php?/topic/23480-witnesses-to-lho-posession-of-the-mc-rifle/
  20. I think Wim was talking figuratively about casting shadows upon reputations. I doubt we'll hear from Wim, I'll have to change my shorts if we hear from Jack..... and, to be sure, I was trying to draw-out Bill Miller, to no avail. Cheers, Mike
  21. I'll offer an answer Alistair, even though I might have missed that it has been answered. Its pretty simple. The TSBD 6th floor window is NOT an optimal position to be firing from in that situation. ( If your a lone nut and just decided you were fed-up, and going to try to kill the President, from your work-place, it would do just fine; especially if you have already demonstrated your willingness to take a shot at an Army General through a window at his house.) You would want to leave your optimal firing positions to your true assassins. I am a hunter and would be glad to explain why The TSBD is a no-go position, but this thread is not the place for it. If your interested, I would be glad to search for, and bump an appropriate thread where I can explain. I don't think I want to start a new one and risk giving the impression that I am an expert, for I am not. Cheers, Michael
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