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John Butler

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Everything posted by John Butler

  1. Here's something else. It contains the cast of characters we have been looking at recently. If memory serves, I. G. Farben provided the gas for the Death Camps and the ovens for cremation of the bodies. The Republicans bring the Nazis to the US Allen Dulles was attorney for Standard Oil and IG Farben as well as for a number of Americans investing in the Nazis. Dulles had as protege one Richard Nixon... The web they wove is complex and the best thing is to read some of the books that have painstakingly documented this in great detail after much research with primary material obtained through the Freedom of Information Act and many interviews. A sample of this kind of history is recounted by John Loftus and Mark Aaron in their book, The Secret War Against the Jews: "According to several of our sources among the 'old spies,' Richard Nixon's political career began in 1945, when he was the navy officer temporarily assigned to review . . . captured Nazi documents." The documents revealed the wartime record of Karl Blessing, "former Reichsbank officer and then head of the Nazi oil cartel, Kontinentale Ol A.G. 'Konti' was in partnership with [Allen] Dulles's principal Nazi client, I.G. Farben. Both companies had despicable records regarding their treatment of Jews during the Holocaust. After the war Dulles not only 'lost' Blessings' Nazi party records, but he helped peddle a false biography in the ever-gullible New York Times." Not only did Dulles help cover up his Nazi client's record, he "personally vouched for Blessing as an anti-Nazi in order to protect continued control of German oil interests in the Middle East. Blessing's Konti was the Nazi link to Ibn Saud [King of Saudi Arabia] and Aramco [the Arabian- American Oil Company]. If Blessing went down, he could have taken a lot of people with him, including Allen Dulles. The cover-up worked, except that U.S. Naval Intelligence scrutinized a set of the captured Konti records." Dulles made a deal with the navy officer who was reviewing the Konti files - Richard Nixon. For Nixon's help in burying the Konti files, Dulles "arranged to finance [Nixon's] first congressional campaign against Jerry Voorhis." [13] Dulles's support for Nixon was rewarded in 1947 when, as the freshman congressman from California, he "saved John Foster Dulles considerable embarrassment by privately pointing out that confidential government files showed that one of Foster's foundation employees, Alger Hiss, was allegedly a Communist. The Dulles brothers took Nixon under their wing and escorted him on a tour of Fascist 'freedom fighter' operations in Germany, apparently in anticipation that the young congressman would be useful after Dewey became president." [14] After Truman's victory, "Nixon became Allen Dulles's mouthpiece in Congress. Both he and Senator Joseph McCarthy received volumes of classified information to support the charge that the Truman administration was filled with 'pinkos.' When McCarthy went too far in his Communist investigations, it was Nixon who worked with his next-door neighbor, CIA director Bedell Smith, to steer the investigations away from the intelligence community. "The CIA was grateful for Nixon's assistance, but did not know the reason for it. Dulles had been recruiting Nazis under the cover of the State Department's Office of Policy Coordination, whose chief, Frank Wisner, had systematically recruited the Eastern European emigre networks that had worked first for the SS, then the British, and finally Dulles. "The CIA did not know it, but Dulles was bringing them to the United States less for intelligence purposes than for political advantage. The Nazis' job quickly became to get out the vote for the Republicans. One Israeli intelligence officer joked that when Dulles used the phrase 'Never Again,' he was not talking about the Holocaust but about Dewey's narrow loss to Truman. In the eyes of the Israelis, Allen Dulles was the demon who infected Western intelligence with Nazi recruits. "In preparation for the 1952 Eisenhower-Nixon campaign, the Republicans formed an Ethnic Division, which, to put it bluntly, recruited the 'displaced Fascists' who arrived in the United States after World War II. Like similar migrant organizations in several Western countries, the Ethnic Division attracted a significant number of Central and Eastern European Nazis, who had been recruited by the SS as political and police leaders during the Holocaust. These Fascist emigres supported the Eisenhower-Nixon 'liberation' policy as the quickest means of getting back into power in their former homelands and made a significant contribution 'in its first operation (1951/1952).'" I don't know how much of this is proganda or its truthfulness.
  2. Jim, I must have this note somewhere and not a letter. I have to fess up. I'm to lazy to really organize my files. Unless this can be related to something else its pretty much a dead end. Here is a quick search results which may give some context for keeping government secrets. I've put in bold text something interesting: Camp Nordland was a 204-acre resort facility located in Andover Township, New Jersey. From 1937 to 1941, this site was owned and operated by the German American Bund, which sympathized with and propagandized for Nazi Germany in the United States. This resort camp was opened by the Bund on 18 July 1937. In the years before the Second World War, the Bund held events at the facility to encourage pro-German, pro-Nazi values—many of these events attracting over 10,000 visitors. On 18 August 1940, it was the site of a joint rally with the Ku Klux Klan, organized by Alton Milford Young and Arthur Hornbui Bell.[1][2] On 30 April 1941, Sussex County sheriff Denton Quick (d. 1969) led a law-enforcement raid with ten deputized American Legionnaires on the camp which resulted in its closure, confiscation, and the arrests and trials of key Bund leaders. One of those convicted, August Klapprott, a naturalised American citizen, later petitioned the Supreme Court of the United States in Klapprott v. United States, 335 U.S. 601 (1949), to intervene in the revocation of his citizenship and the proposed deportation that resulted from his conviction. After being seized by the government, the property was eventually turned over to Andover Township and became the township's "Hillside Park." Today, the facility houses the township's police headquarters and several recreational fields. The property's banquet hall is used for township events and frequently rented for wedding receptions. While much of its history and notoriety has faded over the last 70 years, many local residents of Sussex County still refer to the area as the "bund camp."[ New Jersey and the Nazis by Hans Wolff, August, 1998 There have been persistent reports of a Nazi subculture in the New Jersey State Police, which has long had a reputation for violence and racism. Recently, the State Police was the subject of a review article in the New York Times, which cited years of allegations and a landmark court ruling concerning their racist bias in stopping Black and Latino motorists.[1] When the Black Liberation Army leader Assata Shakur was captured and shot in the back with her hands up by New Jersey troopers in 1973, she was under their guard for several days, as she writes in Assata: an Autobiography [2]: "When they changed shift, the two troopers would salute the sergeant. Some saluted an army salute, but others saluted like the Nazis did in Germany. They held their hands in front of them and clicked their heels. I couldn't believe it. One day one of them came in and gave me a speech about how he fought in World War II on the wrong side. He went on and on and there was no question that he believed everything he said.... Every day he gave me a speech about nazism. Sometimes other nazis would join in. I asked him if there were a lot of nazis in the state troopers, but he just laughed and kept on talking. ... I later learned that the state troopers in new jersey was started by a German, that their uniforms were patterned after some type of German uniform (very similar to the uniforms South African police wear), that they are notorious for stopping Black, Hispanic, and long-haired people on the turnpike and beating, harassing, and arresting them. The nazis headed the harassment campaign against me. They spit in my food and turned down the thermostat in the room until it was freezing. For a while their campaign centered on keeping me from sleeping. They stamped their feet on the floor, sang songs all night, played with their guns, shouted, etc."[2] What lies behind this grotesque experience whose details, including the songs, reveal a certain authenticity? Let's take a look. Norman Schwarzkopf, Senior The New Jersey State Police was founded in 1921 by Colonel Norman Schwarzkopf, Sr., who served in both world wars and was father to General Norman Schwarzkopf of Gulf War fame. While General Shalikashvili, the outgoing US Chief of Staff, is proud of his Wafen SS father, the Schwarzkopfs emmigrated to the US long before the rise of Nazism, are not known to have voiced Nazi leanings, and were a respected part of the substantial German-American community in New Jersey. However, an important segment of the New Jersey Germans were pro-Nazi before the war and also gave safe haven to Nazis after the war. As we will see, these Nazis also included Eastern Europeans and Russians, such as the elite and largely White Russian SS VorKommando Moskau, which organized the killings of Jews and Slavs in Nazi occupied Eastern Europe and Russia. Many members of the VorKommando Moskau were resettled in New Jersey by the US Government, shepherded by such stellar figures as Richard Nixon and J. Edgar Hoover, who considered these people to be stalwart anti-communist warriors and outstanding Republican vote getters. [3] Back to Schwarzkopf: he was the founder and the first superintendent of the N.J. State Police, and played a key role in the Lindbergh kidnapping investigation and the Hauptmann trial. A West Point graduate and WWI veteran, he organized the State Police right after WWI. He returned to military service in WWII, rising to the rank of Brigadier General. Later he served abroad and organized the police force of Iran, then an ally of the U.S. There his son, Norman Jr., formed his first impressions of the Middle East.
  3. I went to the Doctor yesterday for my semi-annual check up. I was sitting in the empty waiting room when my doctor pops out and scolds me say "What are you doing here? Go home!." I told him I needed to see him for various things and he said it had better be important in commanding voice. He said I'm trying to keep you alive. After discussing various medical issues we talked about the seriousness of the virus. I had not been taking the virus seriously. I have a lot of respect for my GP. When he said I should take this seriously, I did. I decided to name this virus the Yellow Death after the Black Death of 1348, the original plague. I live in Bardstown, Nelson Co. Ky. Recently we had a man arrested and quarantined in his home with his family. He and his wife claim they were never tested for the Corona Virus. Nobody is paying attention to his claims. I think our governor has gone overboard and closed just about everything except groceries. I have tp, paper towels, but not Kleenexes. Plenty food and bottled water for about 2 weeks. I staying in and avoiding the Yellow Death.
  4. If you remove the false high light on the boy at the zoo's chin it looks remarkably like the huge, strong chin of Steve Landesberg. Both Harvey and Lee had short, weak chins.
  5. David J. has it pegged to July 7, 1947 as the first appearance of Harvey and the false Marguerite. And, prior to that not much is known. This is something John K. asked about which no one could provide an answer for him. I call the other Marguerite "Mysterious Marge" since not much is know about her early origins. Supposedly, there is a letter in about 1941 that mentions Mysterious Marge in New York or New Jersey. I thought I had a copy, but.... If you have a copy of the whole letter could you post it? I think the one you posted had an envelope covering part of the letter. Jim said, "John A’s evidence for two LHOs and two Marguerites starting in the summer of 1947 strikes me as pretty strong." Exactly, this is the heart of Harvey and Lee. Sometime prior to July 7, 1947 Harvey and Mysterious Marge must have been united by someone in the government associated with the Oswald Project / Defector Program. For this deception to work the entire Oswald family had to be members of the Oswald Project. This includes Uncle Dutz and Marguerite's sister and daughter. This was I would think was not difficult for a family that was connected to the Mafia, the harbor docks, and the ONI which monitored the docks there. Every intelligence agency had a post in New Orleans. New Orleans was the second largest port in the US involved in international trade. And, if what we suspect about Harvey being a war orphan is true, someone must have raised him in Russian family or in a Russian speaking family, perhaps Hungarian.. This is where he learned the Russian Language. This probably didn't occur in Switzerland or France in an orphanage. He would have been tainted with German or French in Switzerland or French in a French orphanage. He may have been posed as the son of the Gardos family. I find the book by the Hungarian cartoonist somehow convincing. Why would he treasure this book unless it had a family connection he learned with Hungarians. I believe the Tippit letter to be true and not disinformation. The Gardos family had two addresses in NYC in the 1940s. I think they moved from 514 East 83 to 214 East 86th in NYC about 1942 or shortly thereafter. Need a bigger apartment for two kids? He must have been brought to this country somewhere between 1943 and 1945. I choose these years because the refugee program in Switzerland and France doesn't get underway in a big way until those years. I have a pet theory for the Lee and Harvey toddler photos I posted earlier. I believe Lee and Harvey were chosen by someone in the OSS based on the close appearance of the two youngsters in those photos. I going to surmise that Allen Dulles in Switzerland and the OSS leadership created the defector program. And, therein lies a problem. The OSS at all levels was riddled with Soviet informants. This information was passed on to the Soviets by the Golos / Bentley networks. This is how the Russians knew about Harvey. This is why he had to truthfully write that autobiography note. Harvey convinced them he truly was a communist and he could help them shoot down the U2s which at this point they couldn't do anything about. The Russians still did not trust Harvey and sent a team of 30 agents to monitor him in Minsk. Chief amongst these Soviet agents was Marina Prusakova. I believe Marina wanted out of Russia and became a double agent. This may have been her Soviet role to begin with. One of the pictures of her with Oswald is not Harvey but Lee. Lee and Harvey were good enough as teenagers to pull of their roles in New Orleans, in the military, in Russia, and back in the US even at the TSBD. The Tippit teletype implies that Emil Gardos, Fred Blair, and Louis Weinstock were not radical communists, but American agents working for the FBI or CIA. And, someone who knew this is the unknown caller who would have to be an informer or agent of some kind.
  6. Thanks John K. for your info, I remember who Lyndon Larocuhe was. If my memory is any good he was the socialist candidate for president for many election cycles. I don't think I would pay attention to anything of his unless it suited my bias. I'm trying to connect Clay Shaw to Permindex early on during WW2 or in the years after WW2. Can you tell me the earliest date you have with Clay Shaw and Permindex?
  7. This is something for my wife's amusement. She swears that the boy at the zoo looks like Steve Landesberg. As an artist I see the highlights on the boy's nose and right jaw as phony. The light is coming in from the left and creates a shadowed area on the right side of the face. The nose should not be highlighted that strongly when the rest of the face is in shadow. It looks like the nose has been widened by the highlight to hide its original features. The highlight on the right jaw line should not be there at all. The entire area is in shadow. If anything it should be a shadow light. Definitely out of tune with the rest of the right side of the face. What are shadow lights? If you look closely you will see one outlining the eye socket on the right side of the face. Perhaps, that could be seen better if the contrast is changed. I know this will disturb others because they believe this photo, with Robert Oswald saying this is his brother Lee Harvey Oswald, is not altered. Just treat it as an amusement.
  8. OSS Counterintelligence X2 Richard (Dick) Helms is reported to have said, paraphrased, “You will never know who Oswald was and you will never know what Oswald was.” Well, maybe? The Oswald Project/Defector Program was a creation of the OSS. Particularly, in its Secret Intelligence Branch, its division of Counterintelligence X2, and maybe the Research and Analysis Branch. Later in 1943, the William Donovan created the Counterintelligence X2 division as its own branch of the OSS. People who were involved or probably knew what Counterintelligence was doing are William Donovan and his close aid Duncan Lee as top leaders of the CIA. William Donovan established a strong, close connection sharing between the Secret Intelligence Branch and the Counterintelligence X2 Branch. Duncan Lee- Top aide to William Donovan. Communist spy. Secret Intelligence Branch: David K. E. Bruce Whitney Shepardson. Arthur Goldberg- alleged communist spy Counterintelligence X2 branch- Orginally part of the Secret Intellligence Branch. James Murphy Norman Pearson Allen Dulles- Switzerland Frank Wisner- Romania James Angleton- Britian William Casey- Britian Richard Helms- US Research and Analysis Branch: James Phinney Baxter William Langer Maurice Halperin Donald Wheeler Carl Marzani Leonard Mins This also names the communist spies in the OSS who passed on information to the Golos/Bentley communist spy networks known as the Silverman group, Ware group, Perlo group, and Rosenberg ring. The Golos/Bentley spy networks knew everything the OSS was into to the Soviets. This is why Harvey Oswald more than likely had to tell the truth in his autobiography note. Communist spies in the OSS Duncan Lee- He was a top assistant of William “Wild Bill” Donovan, the head of the OSS. He was a lawyer in Donovan’s law firm before the war. Helen Tenney- She provided information on the duties and activities of OSS people in all parts of the OSS and all personnel throughout the world. J. Julius Joseph- From 1943 to 1945 was with the OSS. Discovered by the Venona code-breaker progam along with five others, Maurice Halperin, Duncan Chapin Lee, Bella Joseph, Franz Neumann, and Julius Joseph. Maurice Halperin- Worked in the Office of the Coordinator of Information which later became the Research Division of the OSS. Horst Baerensprung- OSS consultant on Germany. Hans Hirschfeld- OSS consultant on Germany. Bella Joseph- OSS film section. Donald Wheeler- OSS Research and Analysis. Thomas Babin- OSS Yugoslavia Section. Philip Keeney- OSS librarian. Mary Keeneyl- OSS librarian. Leonard Mins- Russian Section of Research and Analysis. Samuel Bloomfield- Eastern European Section. An unnamed OSS agent brought into the spy network in Sep., 1945. Joseph Gregg- Had access to Naval Intelligence and FBI files. Venona Decryption/ Alexander Vassiliev: Communist spies with cover names. Some became alleged spies since it could not be proven in court that they were spies. T. D. Schocken- E. A. Mosk- Fleischer- A O. Hirshman- Worked in the Offices of the OSS. Julius Rosenfeld- Carlo A. Prato- Named as a Soviet courier by Elizabeth Bentley- worked in the State Department. Manuel T. Jiminez- Served in the OSS. Michael A. Jiminez- Irving Goff- Worked for the OSS in Italy and North Africa. He served in the Spanish Civil War and was supposedly the inspiration for the book For Whom the Bells Toll. David Zablowdowsky- Carl Marzani- Worked under William Donovan in the Analysis Branch from 1943 to 1945. Deputy chief of the Presentation Branch, which prepared charts, graphs, and other pictorial displays of OSS information. Virginia Gerson- Bert A. Schwartz- Victor Dimitrievich- Leo Drozdov- Alexander Lesser- Louis E. Madison- Robert Wheeler- Gerald Davidson- Seymore (Bud) Schulberg- Writer, Director, TV Producer. Worked in the OSS- Believed to be one of the first US service men to liberate the Nazi death camps. Fena Harrison- Robert M. McGregor- Netty Solovitz- Tilly Solovitz- Frederick Pollock-
  9. Jim, My opinion of James Jesus is that during the time he was in charge of counterintelligence at the CIA he had an identify crisis and began looking for himself. The Mole hunt in the CIA is part of the Oswald story. James Angleton's long term association with Kim Philby, the insidious seducer of both men and women, makes him highly suspect. That association began in England during WW2 when Angleton was with the OSS Counterintelligence X2 Branch. Many people who were suspected of being a communist informant during WW2 were never prosecuted, particularly if they were high up in the administration. One even went on to became a Supreme Court Justice. At this time, I am not so much interested in the 1960s, but the current interest is 1940s and the OSS in WW2. Who, when, and where was the Oswald Project started? The idea may have originated with the OSS leadership in Washington or it just might have started with Allen Dulles in Switzerland in about 1942-43. If the notion was thought of in Washington then the effort quickly shifted to Dulles in Switzerland who had contacts in the refugee communities in Switzerland, France, and many East European countries. Frank Wisner in Romania and Noah Field in France were connected to this effort and also after the war ended in the surviving branches of the OSS. This continued on into the CIA. People like James Angleton, Richard Helms, Frank Wisner were added after 1945 in the surviving branches of the OSS. Allen Dulles and his X2 operation in Switzerland was at first treated with contempt and ignored by OSS leadership in Washington. Switzerland was filled with spies and refugees. Dulles obtained a major portion of his intelligence efforts from refugees. It was described this way: "Switzerland was swarming with spies — British, French, Italian, German, and Austro-Hungarian. In addition, Czech, Slovak, Slav, and Croat exiles were scheming and plotting to return home as soon as the Austro-Hungarian Empire collapsed. And then there were all the German and Russian émigrés waiting for the war to end." Many of the German and Russian emigres were Jewish Communists and the children of German and Russian Jews whose parents had been sent to the Death Camps. Other nationalities such as Hungarians were also involved. Outfits such as the Organization to Save the children and the OSS brought many of these orphans to the US and allied countries. Later, Dulles became very important in the OSS because of the accuracy of the information he provided from German Military informants and refugees of all kinds. Permindex was involved with moving refugees. Permindex was founded in Switzerland as an OSS front. It was founded by Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, in Basel, Switzerland. If this is true then Allen Dulles was in the middle of it. They were involved in the refugee movement to allied countries. It is described this way: Nagy's partner in the leadership of PERMINDEX was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, who during World War II had traded in Jewish refugees, profiting handsomely from their misery from his perch at the consulate of El Salvador in Bern. It was Mandel who had been the official founder of PERMINDEX. CIA kept silent, but the State Department learned that, as 'Georges Mandel,' Mantello had been engaged in the 'wartime Jewish refugee racket' until he was expelled from Switzerland. I don't at this time have any information on Clay Shaw in Switzerland, if he was there at all. But, the same people who were involved with creating Permindex were involved with Clay Shaw later.
  10. Jim, Often time the photos on the net are better than the government ones (WC, HSCA, and other files). That's why I use them. The provenance is important. Very important. But, I often lack the knowledge to know where to vet these photos. I haven't been a JFK researcher that long. That's a big weakness. I've come to rely on David Josephs vast knowledge. A good example is the Dulles clue. Go over the notes I have been assembling and a framework or picture will begin to form on what may have happened ending in Harvey Oswald. John K. has given a good example of a vetted photo. Can you trust this information on the Harvey photo. I think it is phony. There is no way the Oswald family could have had that photo of Harvey except through a government agency, the CIA's Oswald Project.
  11. John K. Robert Oswald was a member of the Oswald Project. He would say what was needed to be said for the FBI or the CIA. This photo did not come from the Oswald family. IMO, it came from a French Orphanage run by a group called Organization to Save the Children and Noah Field. It was taken about 1942 and IMO again matched to the photo of Lee Oswald at the same age by the OSS in probably 1942-43. The war orphan was brought to the US and placed in the Gardos family as Emil's son. Consider this: Who keeps a toddlers outfit for 21 years after suffering all the hardships and after all the moving that the Oswald family did during that time? It is simply not believable.
  12. David, Excuse me for the lack of coordination in this. I still haven't wrapped my head around all the circumstances and implications. I think we are on to something interesting here. Once we sort out this information I think we will have something that reflects John Armstrong's thoughts about Harvey being a war orphan and expand upon that. I think we need to concentrate on Allen Dulles time in Switzerland with the OSS. Frank Wisner and Noah Field are connected to Dulles in Switzerland. There are also connections to Permindex in Switzerland. It's founding with Ferenc Nagy and others. Clay Shaw and Louis Bloomfield were in the OSS. I haven't been able to tie him to Switzerland yet. Take a look at some of the notes I have been assembling and particularly Allen Dulles philosophy or strategic thinking as described by Frank Wisner. IMO it is the basis for the Oswald Project/Defector Program. Why I say the time of 1941 to 1943 is important is because this was the time that far thinkers like Allan Dulles his brother John Foster plus other recognized that the Nazis had lost the war. After the Battle of Moscow Oct., 1941 to Jan., 1942 (the Nazis are driven from Moscow) and, the Battle of Stalingrad, Aug., 1942 to Feb., 1943 (the Nazis lost at Stalingrad and as a consequence had to begin a retreat during the summer of 1943) Dulles and others probably realized that the Nazis would be defeated in time and a new enemy the Russians would need to be confronted. This would be a very strong enemy with a very strong military. His counterintelligence philosophy would have dictated something similar to the Oswald Project/Defector Program. People like James Angleton and Richard Helms figure into this later. They are the inheritors. There are many connections to Dulles and Switzerland and the surviving OSS branches after Truman killed the OSS. The connections to people like Angleton, etc begin there. This is a lot to make something out of particularly when you tie in what's going on back in the US with Soviet spy groups. The Soviet spy groups had completely infiltrated the OSS. People like Noah Field were communist spies that reported through the OSS communist spies that was relayed through the Golos/Bentley networks. And, the relief and refugee organizations in Hungary and France. The rescue of the children of the Jewish communists from Germany, France, Hungary, and Russia that had been sent to the Death Camps is the origin of Harvey. Jewish Aid and Rescue In Hungary, the Relief and Rescue Committee of Budapest was founded in 1941 and was involved in various efforts to save Polish, Slovak, and Hungarian Jews. In 1943, the group became a recognized arm of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. In May 1944, following the German occupation of Hungary, they approached SS officers Adolf Eichmann (one of the central figures in the "Final Solution") and Kurt Becher. It is believed that Eichmann offered to "exchange" one million Jews for certain unspecified goods. While the deal was never finalized, due to Allied objections, the Committee's negotiators eventually persuaded the Nazis to allow a transport of 1,684 Hungarian Jews to leave Budapest on June 30, 1944. After a short stay in Bergen-Belsen, these Jews reached Switzerland. This is directly related to a man named Noah Field who worked under Allen Dulles in the OSS. Field worked in France and Switzerland to save the children of Jewish communists and Anti-facist refugees of all kinds, Germans, Russians, Hungarians, and other east European. More on this later. Organization to Save Children- Oevvre de Secours Aux Enfants Œuvre de secours aux enfants (French: [œvʁ də səkuʁ oz‿ɑ̃fɑ̃], Children's Aid Society), abbreviated OSE,[1] is a French Jewish humanitarian organization which assisted mainly Jewish refugee children, both from France and from other Western European countries, before and during World War II. During World War II, OSE rescued children from extermination by Nazi Germany. OSE also operated after World War II. During the most important period of its work, immediately after the German defeat of France in 1940, OSE operated mainly in unoccupied southern France, controlled by the pro-German Vichy France government. However, many children helped by OSE were from the Netherlands, Belgium, Luxembourg, and German-occupied northern France, who had reached the Vichy zone. OSE was founded in 1912 by doctors in Saint Petersburg, Russia, as Obshchetsvo Zdravookhraneniya Yevreyiev ("Organization for the health protection of Jews"; OZE), to help needy members of the Jewish population. Branches were established in other countries. In 1923 the organization relocated to Berlin, under the symbolic presidency of Albert Einstein. In 1933, fleeing Nazism, it relocated again, this time to France where it became the Œuvre de secours aux enfants ("Society for Rescuing Children"), retaining a similar acronym. In France, the OSE ran Children's Homes (often called "Châteaux," but actually large "mansions," and see listing below). These Homes were for Jewish children of various ages, including infants, whose parents were either in Nazi concentration camps or had been killed. In March 1939, several transports brought German Jewish children to France. Other children arrived either on their own or were brought by relatives. By May 1939, the OSE Children's Homes held more than 200 refugee children. The children were schooled and trained according to their age. To prepare children for possible future dangers, the OSE teachers paid special attention to physical education and survival skills. A 1999 documentary "The Children of Chabannes" by filmmakers Lisa Gossels and Dean Wetherell is about one such home, Château de Chabannes, in a small village of Chabannes, where 400 Jewish children were saved from the Holocaust. In June–September 1941, Andree Salomon (importantly, see below) supervised three transports which brought about 350 children from the OSE homes through Marseille and to the United States.[2][3] They were then sponsored by the United States Committee for the Care of European Children, The German-Jewish Children's Aid (later European-Jewish Children's Aid), and assisted by the American Friends Service Committee (Quakers) in Marseilles.[4] Nearly all of those parents were later murdered by the Nazis. In 1942, the police began round-ups and deportations from the orphanages to Nazi concentration and extermination camps, and the OSE organized an underground network in order to smuggle the children to neutral countries. Some children were saved by French rescuers, and some joined the French resistance. Contents 1 During World War II 1.1 First Period of the War 1.2 OSE develops residential-educational facilities 1.3 Andree Salomon 1.4 March 1942: Towards a humanitarian mission of resistance 1.5 November 1942: Hunted 1.6 Spring-Summer 1943: The Garel clandestine network of escape routes 1.7 1943-1944: The smuggling of children into Switzerland 1.8 February 1944: Going into hiding 2 OSE's Work after 1944 3 List of OSE Children's Homes in France during World War II:[14][15][16] 4 See also 5 References 6 External links During World War II[edit] The Rescue of Jewish children in France by the OSE, also its Aid to Adults [5][6][7] First Period of the War[edit] With the declaration of war in September 1939, the OSE program took on another dimension. It became necessary for OSE to shelter children from Germany and Austria who had become "enemy aliens." After the German blitzkrieg into France in May 1940, OSE now also had to organize the evacuation of children from the Paris area to protect them from bombing. OSE had to accommodate the flood of refugees. Also OSE had to rethink its social action depending on the political situation in the country. Children were installed in the Chateaux-Mansions in the Departments of Creuse and Haute-Vienne in the villages of Chabannes, Chaumont, and Masgelier and Montintin. OSE develops residential-educational facilities[edit] Of the temporary shelters that existed at the beginning of the war, 14 chateaux-mansions, whether lay or religious, became places where instruction was given in school-subjects, vocational education together with ORT ("Society for Trades and Agricultural Labor,") and in leisure and in sports. Georges Loinger formed a team of instructors, and organized sports competitions within the houses and between houses, so as to prevent the children from living in the stress of confinement, and to prepare for the future. Andree Salomon[edit] Andree Salomon, as the OSE delegate to the Gurs and Rivesaltes Concentration Camps, in 1941 started to supervise all the preparations for the emigration of Jewish children from the camps to the U.S.A. http://www.ose-france.org/memoire/le-service-archive-et-histoire-de-l'ose/l'ose-100-ans-d-e-histoire/le-sauvetage-des-enfants-juifs-pendant-l-e-occupation/ Under the leadership of Andree Salomon, OSE did manage to gather together 311 such children in three large groups, many from the Gurs internment camp, and arranged for their transit to the United States, with the help of other Organizations.[8][9][10] These children travelled by themselves directly to the United States, leaving their parents behind, who were often still in the Gurs internment camp. These children are members of that group of Holocaust Child Survivors who are "One Thousand Children." Most of their parents later were murdered by the Nazis. The One Thousand Children (OTC)[1][2] is a designation, created in 2000, which is used to refer to the approximately 1,400 Jewish children who were rescued from Nazi Germany and other Nazi-occupied or threatened European countries, and who were taken directly to the United States during the period 1934–1945. The phrase "One Thousand Children" only refers to those children who came unaccompanied and left their parents behind back in Europe. In nearly all cases, their parents were not able to escape with their children, because they could not get the necessary visas among other reasons. Later, nearly all these parents were murdered by the Nazis. The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum (USHMM), in its on-line "Holocaust Encyclopedia," in the article on "Immigration of Refugee Children to the United States," recognizes this official name: the "One Thousand Children," for this group of children.[3] The archives of the "One Thousand Children," which contain much documentary material, including audio and video of both the One Thousand Children 2002 Conference, and individual interviews of OTC children, as well as many other original materials, and which all together are the fundamental reference-source, are held by the YIVO Institute.[4] The OTC children were rescued by both American and European organizations, as well as by individuals. Originally only about one thousand such children had been identified as OTC children — hence the name "The One Thousand Children". By 2017 about 1,400 have been identified. The One Thousand Children, Inc. (OTC, Inc.) was an organization created for further welfare of the OTC children. Andree Salomon also organized support for all the interned families at Gurs. To do this, she recruited "voluntary internees" who agreed to live in the camps in order to organize the practical and social life of the destitute internees. During 1943, after the German invasion of the Southern Vichy Region of France in Nov 1942, Salomon participated in the Garel network, which smuggled mainly Jewish hidden children from throughout the region into Switzerland. Similarly, in 1944, she organized the evacuation of hidden children to neutral Spain. March 1942: Towards a humanitarian mission of resistance[edit] At the beginning of 1942, and integrated with the UGIF (General Union of Jews in France), OSE gradually shifted from philanthropic work to that in support of a mission of humanitarian resistance. At this time, some Alsatian Jews joined the OSE as new employees. This was very important, because at the end of 1942 OSE was forced to cease the employment of its foreign staff. The situation differed radically from one area to another depending on the conditions of the occupation. However, the full sense of danger and the need to disperse and hide the children only appeared after the roundup of foreign Jews during the 16 and 17 July 1942 in the northern Occupied Zone; and the similar round-up on 26 August in the Vichy southern Zone. November 1942: Hunted[edit] On November 11, 1942 the Germans entered the Southern Vichy Zone, and replaced the "token independent" Vichy Government. Jews started leaving the coastal Departments. OSE moved in response to this migration. OSE opened centers in Limoges, Nice, Megève, Saint-Gervais and Chambéry. At Toulouse and Pau, teams covered the surrounding Departments, often in conjunction with the EI (??). In Lyon, the capital of the Resistance, the team of Dr. Lanzenberg came to the rescue and extended its activity into Grenoble. Raids by the Gestapo in 1943 and 1944 were responsible for a large number of arrests, including that of Madeleine Dreyfus. In total, the OSE mobilized more than 25 doctors and fifty assistants. These chateaux-mansions represented a step in the rescue strategy first implemented by OSE in 1938. OSE gathered the children together for shelter, and then spread them around to hide them; and then re-gathered them and raised them, with housing, food, clothing, education and sports. The story of the rescue of children did not end with the war. The OSE management location, now provided by Joseph Millner and Valentine Cremer, both of French nationality, now moved to Vic-sur-Cere, which was then in the Italian Zone at Chambéry. Cremer worked with the Office of the Union-OSE, also with the independent UGIF (General Union of Jews in France), and especially with the OSE-Geneva. OSE-Geneva redistributed the money needed to finance all operations, and which came from "The Joint." (The American Jewish Joint Distribution Committee) Spring-Summer 1943: The Garel clandestine network of escape routes[edit] After the famous "Night of Vénissieux" (near Lyon) in August 1942, during which 108 OSE children were saved from capture and deportation, Joseph Weill used Georges Garel, a French Jewish Combat Engineer, to organize a secret network of escape routes (Underground Railways) for the transport of children. Despite many difficulties, Garel completed the network, which covered four major regions of the Southern Vichy Zone (except around Nice), and it was operational by the summer of 1943. None-the-less the final closing of all the houses, however, took more than a year. Each region operated in a cell and was autonomous, under the direction of an area manager. From Lyon, Georges Garel coordinated everything, organized the technical infrastructure (false papers, hiding-places, convoys), and managed connections with all the relevant co-workers. Constantly moving, it took political decisions, visits in the regions, and bringing money to overcome arrests. Families, convents and boarding schools were prepared and made ready for the OSE children, whose identity-papers had been falsified, and who had had their ties with their parents cut. This was done through personal contacts with Monsignor Saliège, the Archbishop of Toulouse, and also assistants in both the Jewish and non-Jewish networks. 1943-1944: The smuggling of children into Switzerland[edit] The smuggling of OSE children into Switzerland started in April 1943, following negotiations with the Swiss authorities for the arrival of unaccompanied children. Several smugglers working directly under the OSE were assigned for this purpose. Jenny Masour together with Robert Job and the heads of OSE houses chose particularly vulnerable children. These children were sent to new homes in the Italian zone, Moutiers-Salins and Saint Paul in the Chablais; or in groups of 6 to 10 to Switzerland. In August 1943, the number of smuggling parties was increased from the evacuation residence centers in Saint-Gervais and Megeve. In September 1943, with the push of the Germans into the Italian zone, the task became more difficult. The organization of the smuggling-parties to Switzerland was now entrusted to Georges Loinger. After successive arrests from November 1943 to March 1944, the smuggling of children almost came to a stop. In March 1944 they resume at an accelerated rate, carried out jointly by the OSE, the Sixth (the clandestine circuit EIF) and the Zionist youth Movement (MJS). February 1944: Going into hiding[edit] The arrest of Alain Mosse and all the officers of the OSE-UGIF in Chambéry required the organization to go into total hiding. OSE decided to close the last chateaux/houses for the children, and also all its centers and offices. OSE management continued to work through periodic meetings in Lyon, at Rene Borel, or in immobilized train carriages. The arrested were deported to Auschwitz, where they died. [11] OSE's Work after 1944[edit] After France was liberated in 1944, OSE's work continued. It had to disperse the OSE children under its care. Children were sent to homes in France or to other countries, including Palestine and the United States. Also, in the above material for 1940-1944, the cited OSE-France web-linked pages have important photographs and captions. They should be copied here. Moshe Prywes from 1947-51 was director of the OSE Jewish Health Organization in Paris.[12][13] List of OSE Children's Homes in France during World War II:[14][15][16][edit] Château de Quincy Château du Masgelier Château de Chabannes Château de Chaumont (Creuse) Le Couret, La Jonchère Villa La Chesnaie, Eaubonne Villa Helvetia, Montmorency Château de la Hille, Montégut-Plantaurel[17] Château de la Mille Mas-Jambot Château Maubuisson Château de Montintin, Chateau-Chervix [18] Château Montpellier Château des Morelles at Broût-Vernet Les Tourelles Allen Dulles and refugees An early foe of Hitler, Dulles joined the fight against Nazi Germany well before Pearl Harbor. He had persuaded Sullivan & Cromwell to close its Berlin office in 1935. As head of COI’s New York office in the autumn of 1941, Dulles worked with William Stephenson (“Intrepid”) of British Security Coordination and gathered data on the Axis from refugees and from American businessmen and journalists with ties in Europe. His long institutional experience and wide contacts superbly equipped him to run wartime intelligence operations out of neutral Switzerland, and Dulles made the most of his many opportunities in Bern Frank Wisner in Romania Soon thereafter, Wisner had an emotional breakdown. His doctors diagnosed manic depression, and, according to friends, he never really recovered. In 1965, he killed himself with a shotgun. A Farewell to Justice: Jim Garrison, JFK's Assassination, and the Case That Should Have Changed History by Joan Mellen Dissolution into other agencies[edit] On September 20, 1945, President Truman signed Executive Order 9621, terminating the OSS. The State Department took over the Research and Analysis Branch; it became the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, The War Department took over the Secret Intelligence (SI) and Counter-Espionage (X-2) Branches, which were then housed in the new Strategic Services Unit (SSU). Brigadier General John Magruder (formerly Donovan's Deputy Director for Intelligence in OSS) became the new SSU director. He oversaw the liquidation of the OSS and managed the institutional preservation of its clandestine intelligence capability.[59] In January 1946, President Truman created the Central Intelligence Group (CIG), which was the direct precursor to the CIA. SSU assets, which now constituted a streamlined "nucleus" of clandestine intelligence, were transferred to the CIG in mid-1946 and reconstituted as the Office of Special Operations (OSO). The National Security Act of 1947 established the first permanent peacetime intelligence agency in the United States, the Central Intelligence Agency, which then took up OSS functions. The direct descendant of the paramilitary component of the OSS is the CIA Special Activities Division.[60] Today, the joint-branch United States Special Operations Command, founded in 1987, uses the same spearhead design on its insignia, as homage to its indirect lineage. Counterintelligence Frank Wisner, a well-known CIA operations executive said of the autobiography of Director of Central Intelligence Allen W. Dulles,[15] that Dulles "disposes of the popular misconception that counterintelligence is essentially a negative and responsive activity, that it moves only or chiefly in reaction to situations thrust upon it and in counter to initiatives mounted by the opposition." Rather, he sees that can be most effective, both in information gathering and protecting friendly intelligence services, when it creatively but vigorously attacks the "structure and personnel of hostile intelligence services."[16] Today's counterintelligence missions have broadened from the time when the threat was restricted to the foreign intelligence services (FIS) under the control of nation-states. Threats have broadened to include threats from non-national or trans-national groups, including internal insurgents, organized crime, and transnational based groups (often called "terrorists", but that is limiting). Still, the FIS term remains the usual way of referring to the threat against which counterintelligence protects. Offensive counterintelligence operations[edit] Wisner emphasized his own, and Dulles', views that the best defense against foreign attacks on, or infiltration of, intelligence services is active measures against those hostile services.[16] This is often called counterespionage: measures taken to detect enemy espionage or physical attacks against friendly intelligence services, prevent damage and information loss, and, where possible, to turn the attempt back against its originator. Counterespionage goes beyond being reactive and actively tries to subvert hostile intelligence service, by recruiting agents in the foreign service, by discrediting personnel actually loyal to their own service, and taking away resources that would be useful to the hostile service. All of these actions apply to non-national threats as well as to national organizations. If the hostile action is in one's own country or in a friendly one with co-operating police, the hostile agents may be arrested, or, if diplomats, declared persona non grata. From the perspective of one's own intelligence service, exploiting the situation to the advantage of one's side is usually preferable to arrest or actions that might result in the death of the threat. The intelligence priority sometimes comes into conflict with the instincts of one's own law enforcement organizations, especially when the foreign threat combines foreign personnel with citizens of one's country. In some circumstances, arrest may be a first step in which the prisoner is given the choice of co-operating or facing severe consequence up to and including a death sentence for espionage. Co-operation may consist of telling all one knows about the other service but preferably actively assisting in deceptive actions against the hostile service. In many governments, the responsibility for protecting these things is split. Historically, CIA assigned responsibility for protecting its personnel and operations to its Office of Security, while it assigned the security of operations to multiple groups within the Directorate of Operations: the counterintelligence staff and the area (or functional) unit, such as Soviet Russia Division. At one point, the counterintelligence unit operated quite autonomously, under the direction of James Jesus Angleton. Later, operational divisions had subordinate counterintelligence branches, as well as a smaller central counterintelligence staff. Aldrich Ames was in the Counterintelligence Branch of Europe Division, where he was responsible for directing the analysis of Soviet intelligence operations. US military services have had a similar and even more complex split. World War II[edit] During World War II, Angleton served under Pearson in the counter-intelligence branch (X-2) of the Office of Strategic Services in London, where he met the famous double agent Kim Philby. Angleton was chief of the Italy desk for X-2 in London by February 1944 and in November was transferred to Italy as commander of SCI [Secret Counterintelligence] Unit Z, which handled Ultra intelligence based on the British intercepts of German radio communications. By the end of the war, he was head of X-2 for all of Italy. In this position Angleton helped Junio Valerio Borghese escape execution, whose elite unit Decima MAS had collaborated with the SS.[9] Angleton was interested in the defense of installations such as ports and bridges and offered Borghese a fair trial, in return for his collaboration.[10] He dressed him up in an American uniform and drove him from Milan to Rome for interrogation by the Allies. Borghese was then tried and convicted of collaboration with the Nazi invaders but not of war crimes, by the Italian court. Angleton remained in Italy after the war, establishing connections with other secret intelligence services and playing a major role in the victory of the US-supported Christian Democratic Party, over the USSR-supported Italian Communist Party in the 1948 elections. CIA career[edit] Rise in influence in the CIA[edit] Returning to Washington, he was employed by the various successor organizations to the OSS, eventually becoming one of the founder-officers of the Central Intelligence Agency. In May 1949, he was made head of Staff A of the CIA's Office of Special Operations, where he was responsible for the collection of foreign intelligence and liaison with the CIA's counterpart organizations. Beginning in 1951, Angleton was responsible for liaison with Israel's Mossad and Shin Bet agencies, "the Israeli desk", crucial relationships that he managed for the remainder of his career. During the next five years, Angleton helped put in place the structure of the new Agency and participated, to some extent, in the "rollback" operations, associated with Frank Wisner in Albania, Poland and other countries, concerning all of which Angleton counseled caution and all of which failed. He worked particularly closely with Kim Philby, who being groomed to head the Secret Intelligence Service MI6, was also in Washington. The Angletons developed a varied social set in Washington, including professional acquaintances like the Philbys, poets, painters and journalists. In 1951, Philby's colleagues Guy Burgess and Donald Maclean defected to Moscow. Philby was expelled from Washington, suspected of having tipped them off to imminent exposure based on decoded Soviet communications from the Venona project. Chief of the counterintelligence staff of the CIA[edit] In 1954 Allen Dulles, who had recently become Director of Central Intelligence, named Angleton head of the Counterintelligence Staff, a position that Angleton retained for the rest of his CIA career. Dulles also assigned Angleton responsibility for coordination with allied intelligence services. In general, Angleton's career at CIA can be divided into three areas of responsibility: foreign intelligence activities, counterintelligence and domestic intelligence activities. The Permindex by Linda de Hoyos This brief outline of the Permindex organization is based on an investigation by the EIR's Investigative Leads staff, also using the results of the New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison's 1967 investigation and the suppressed Permindex papers written by .. William Torbitt" (an apparent pseudonym), itself based on reports by U.S. and French intelligence agencies. A full expose of the Permindex organization will appear in the second edition of Dope, Inc., by Investigative Leads' Jeffrey Steinberg and David Goldman, published by the New Benjamin Franklin House Publishing Company, due for release this spring. In the spring of 1963, a series of planning sessions was held at an exclusive resort club in Montego Bay, Jamaica, called the Tryall Compound, built at the close of World War II by Britain's Chief of Special Operations Executive (SO E) William Stephenson. Present at various times for the planning sessions were: Major Louis Bloomfield, still an officer, then of British SOE; Ferenc Nagy, a wartime cabinet minister in the pro-Hitler Horthy government in Hungary and later its prime minister; Georgio Mantello, a Romanian-born Jew who had served as trade minister under Mussolini; Col. Clay Shaw, a former officer of the U.S. Office of Strategic Services and in 1963 the director of the New Orleans International Trade Mart; Jean de Menil, a White Russian emigre and president of the Houston-based Schlumberger Corporation; and Paul Raigorodsky, another White Russian emigre who had served as Special Representative to Europe for NATO and was a high-ranking official of the Tolstoy Foundation. Without exception, each of these people was also a member of the board of directors of Permindex (Permanent Industrial Expositions). The subject of their meetings: the assassination of President John F. Kennedy in Dallas, Texas on Nov. 22, 1963. President Kennedy was not the first target of the Permindex international assassination bureau. In 1 967, the French intelligence agency SDECE released the re Louis Bloomfield President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of Strategic Services in 1942. Bloomfield was recruited and given the rank of major. Louis Mortimer Bloomfield By John Simkin, April 21, 2006 in JFK Assassination Debate President Franklin D. Roosevelt established the Office of Strategic Services in 1942. Bloomfield was recruited and given the rank of major. In 1947, the OSS evolved into the Central Intelligence Agency, and Bloomfield continued doing contract work for the new organization. He was a regular visitor to Israel and met the Prime Minister David Ben-Gurion on 4th May, 1949. A successful lawyer he worked for years at the law firm of Phillips and Vineberg in Montreal. He was a major stockholder of Permindex, a corporation based in Switzerland. He was also the author on several books on on international law including The British Hondurus Guatemala Dispute (1953) and Egypt, Israel and the Gulf of Aqaba (1957). In Nomenclature of an Assassination Cabal William Torbitt claims that the assassination of John F. Kennedy was organized by Bloomfield and Permindex. Also involved included Defense Industrial Security Command, organized by J. Edgar Hoover and William Sullivan. Torbitt claims that Bloomfield was in control of the operation. DISC agents included Clay Shaw, Guy Banister, David Ferrie, Lee Harvey Oswald, and Jack Ruby. In the ranks of PERMINDEX were actual Nazis and neo-Nazis, terrorists and Mafia operatives. Typical was Prince Guterez di Spadafora, a former Mussolini undersecretary, whose son had married the daughter of Hitler's finance minister, Hjalmar Schact, tried for war crimes at Nuremberg. The leadership of PERMINDEX included a long-time asset of CIA Deputy Direct of Plans, Frank Wisner. His name was Ferenc Nagy, and he was the president of PERMINDEX. Nagy had been chairman of the Hungarian's 'People's Party' or 'Independent Party of Small Holders.' Briefly, in 1945, he had been prime minister of Hungary. But it was Nagy's CIA history that catapulted him to the leadership of PERMINDEX. Its general secretary, Bela Kovacs, was also a CIA asset. Kovacs had been arrested by the Soviet security police and charged with spying for 'a Western intelligence service.' Nagy had been on Frank Wisner's list of the individuals with whom his office would 'have dealings in connection with our authorized activities' since September 22, 1948. Wisner then had been Assistant Director of CIA as well as 'Assistant Director for Policy Coordination.' Nagy had been a 'cleared contact of the International Organizations Division of the Agency,' among Wisner's most trusted Eastern European contacts. Nagy's history with the CIA dates from its beginnings and links to PERMINDEX with the Agency's clandestine services. Confirming de Gaulle's thesis that PERMINDEX funded the OAS is that Nagy was a 'munificent contributer' to Jacques Soustelle, former professor at the École pratique des hautes études and former Algerian governor general. Soustelle became an OAS supporters, and his organization, Conseil national de la resistance, was all but identical to OAS. In 1960, Soustelle met in Washington, D.C., with Richard Bissell, then heading the CIA's clandestine services. A year later, Soustelle went into exile to avoid being arrested by de Gaulle's police. Two years after that he would be accused of colluding with OAS in the attempted assassination of de Gaulle. S Soustelle had openly 'advocated over throwing de Gualle,' while condoning OAS violence. In New Orleans, Delphine Roberts identified Nagy from his photograph as someone she had seen at Guy Banister's office. Nagy's partner in the leadership of PERMINDEX was Giorgio Mantello, aka George Mandel, who during World War II had traded in Jewish refugees, profiting handsomely from their misery from his perch at the consulate of El Salvador in Bern. It was Mandel who had been the official founder of PERMINDEX. CIA kept silent, but the State Department learned that, as 'Georges Mandel,' Mantello had been engaged in the 'wartime Jewish refugee racket' until he was expelled from Switzerland. Although Centro Mondiale Commerciale refused to reveal the origins of its vast income, the paper trail leads to a Miami bank, Astalde Vaduz, and to the CIA front 'Double-Chek.' CMC was connected as well to L.M. Bloomfield in Montreal, and to the Seligman banking family in Basel; Seligman banking in turn was allied with Sullivan and Cromwell, the law firm of CIA Director of Central Intelligence, Allen Dulles. 'My parents are very interested in PERMINDEX,' Peter Seligman-Schurch wrote to Clay Shaw.
  13. Jim, I got a clue from David Josephs a few days ago. I didn't pay much attention to it. But, in doing some recent research that clue jumped out in a big way. David basically said he knew or felt, I've forgotten which, that the people responsible for the Oswald Project are people like Allen Dulles and James Jesus Angleton. Allen Dulles and other characters, the OSS, Switzerland, France, and Communist Jewish refugees Germany, France, and Eastern Europe and refugee organizations from France and from Eastern Europe maybe exactly what we are looking for. This is a complex story with a large cast of characters. I am having trouble at this point putting the elements of this together, but will try to make some kind of sense of this. Might take a bit. Do you remember this letter- Harvey's autobiography: What if when he said my parents are dead and I don't have any brothers and sisters is exactly true. What if his parents were murdered in a Nazi concentration camp and he was saved by a refugee organization in 1941 or 1942? Taken to Switzerland, then France, and he eventually made his way to America as a young child somewhere around 1943-45. This is essentially what I am working on at this point. I am taking Harvey at his word. If I am correct the Russians already knew this and Harvey had to tell the truth here when he wrote this autobiography. It will make more sense when I line this out.
  14. John K, I saw this while doing research: Friday, 08 February 2019 18:24 The Canadian Archives, Michele Metta, and the latest on Permindex Written by John Kowalski font size decrease font size increase font size Print John Kowalski reviews Michele Metta's book about Permindex, CMC and the role of Italian fascists and freemasons in the JFK assassination, and also looks at the Louis Bloomfield papers and the recent lawsuits over their release. And, I wondered if that was you. And, if so could you help with information on Clay Shaw and the OSS. The founding of Permindex. I'm particularly interested in the Clay Shaw OSS years. Most things on the net just say he was in the OSS. I want to know what years were that and where did he serve. Clay Shaw and Louis Bloomfield were both in the OSS. Permindex was formed in Switzerland. Did these two have anything to do with that. Were both in Switzerland at the same time as Allen Dulles and another fellow Noah Field.
  15. This is not a difficult question. I can answer this out of my own family experience. My mother was native fluent in Croatian. Her parents were from the Austro-Hungarian Empire's Croatia region. I never heard her speak Croatian until I was about 10. We visited my grandmother who IMO never learned to speak English. My Mom said she could but didn't like to speak English. I could hear a cover up when one occurred. On that visit with my grandmother, my two aunts, and my mother no one spoke in English except me. Initially my Mom was quiet and didn't say anything for about an hour. She then joined in the conversation in Croatian with no noticeable difference between her and her mother and sisters. It was one boring afternoon. I mention this to say my mom may have learned English when she went to grade school. She was a fluent speaker of American English with a few peculiarities. Harvey may have been like that. Instead of being Hungarian he may have been of Russian descent or perhaps Russian Jewish communist. His ancestry may lie in NYC or in Eastern Europe. I'm trying to work both connections to see which one is more reasonable. None of us had a problem accepting home grown John Gardos as Harvey until we learned better. There may be other connections somewhere. I agree to this idea. But, it can still work two ways.
  16. Jim, I understand your concerns. I have had the same concerns from the moment I spied toddler Harvey's photo a long time back. David and I have agreed this is a studio photo, not a photo taken by parents, but by professionals of some kind. This photo was probably taken about 1942. That date, a surviving studio photo from a war zone refugee, and a child refugee brought from Europe during WWII or directly after suggests strongly that this is not Harvey according to the Harvey and Lee theory. The matter of Harvey's Russian language I will deal with later. However, IMO the photo says it is Harvey and not by a guess, but by identity characteristics. There are characteristics of toddler Harvey and adult Harvey that match. This situation has to be reconciled. For the present I am holding both contradictory notions in mind neither believing or disbelieving until we know more. I suggest we have some patience and take a longer view. What, it took about 3 or 4 years to realize I might have pictures of both Lee and Harvey as toddlers. The two toddlers match the identity characteristics I outlined for Lee and Harvey years ago. This is an idea worth exploring. So, what to do? Currently, I am working on a way the OSS could have brought refugee children to the US in the years 1943-4 to 1946. There is a man named Noah Field I am investigating. He maybe or may represent the kind of person we can look at in the OSS and State Department. Jewish Aid and Rescue In Hungary, the Relief and Rescue Committee of Budapest was founded in 1941 and was involved in various efforts to save Polish, Slovak, and Hungarian Jews. In 1943, the group became a recognized arm of the Jewish Agency for Palestine. In May 1944, following the German occupation of Hungary, they approached SS officers Adolf Eichmann (one of the central figures in the "Final Solution") and Kurt Becher. It is believed that Eichmann offered to "exchange" one million Jews for certain unspecified goods. While the deal was never finalized, due to Allied objections, the Committee's negotiators eventually persuaded the Nazis to allow a transport of 1,684 Hungarian Jews to leave Budapest on June 30, 1944. After a short stay in Bergen-Belsen, these Jews reached Switzerland. This is directly related to a man named Noah Field, a secret communist spy, who worked under Allen Dulles in the OSS. Field worked in France and Switzerland to save the children of Jewish communists and anti-fascist refugees of all kinds, Germans, Russians, Hungarians, and other east European communists. More on this later. This notion is like a spider's web with branches reaching into the CPUSA in NYC and Washington. Other branches go to the OSS and State Department. Still others include foreign intelligence services during WW2 such as the NKVD and the GRU. I am also working on how Harvey could be a home grown product. But, that is slow going. The idea that Harvey was John Gardos was a home grown answer that was believable for a time until information came in to disprove it.
  17. You make an excellent point also. I never considered something like that even though I knew that the Fuhrmans were Hungarian immigrants. I believe they were naturalized in New York during the late 1920s. However, that naturalization could be revoked. There is something odd about John Pic's testimony concerning his wife's parents. I don't know what, but the testimony seemed rehearsed and staged. For whatever reasons, I thought that the Fuhrmans were not telling all they knew. I believe there were more than two Oswalds, but have little evidence to back that up other than saying more than two makes sense. There is the short Oswald on the bridge in Minsk and that's about it. If the Tippit Teletype is believable (and I believe it is) then Harvey knew Lou Weinstock as a kid, perhaps 6 to 8 years old. Their communication by letter may have had coded significance. They could be saying things to each other we wouldn't pick up on. Weinstock says in the reply letter he would definitely be in touch. But, there is no record of that. If that's true that could suggest Weinstock was an informant for the FBI/CIA. Emil Gardos being an FBI/CIA informant is an easier case to make than Louis Weinstock. Weinstock went to jail for subversive activities. Weinstock was supposed to leave the US for Hungary with Emil and Grace Gardos. They applied for visas at the same time. Weinstock and Gardos were seen as dedicated mid-level communist leaders. Gardos may have been more. He was alleged to be an NKVD agent. The problem is connecting the unknown caller to having the knowledge that was reported in the FBI doc. Perhaps: 1. Someone who was familiar with the Yorkville Club communists. 2. Someone familiar with the major players in the communist movement in NYC, both secret and public. 3. Someone living on or near 77th Street and Second Ave. 4. Someone visiting the Yorkville Club, a possible location source of maps and charts. 5. Someone who was once a communist, but left the party and perhaps years later was willing to report what she knew about Lee Harvey Oswald. 6. Here are several good questions. Would this unknown caller have known Harvey when he was a child and was able to recognize this child as the adult Harvey? Or, did she also know the adult Harvey and how and where? 7. Someone familiar with OSS operations in the mid-1940s, 1944-1946. 8. Someone with a good memory that could remember the details of 16-18 years earlier. PS There are people all over the world, let's say as an example, the Navajo, that do not believe in coincidental occurrences. For some people there are no random events. Was it a coincidence that Mary Fuhrman leaves to visit her daughter and then the Oswalds move in to her house and take over.
  18. Exactly so. I think this is important for understanding Harvey and Lee's origins. At this point in a speculative fashion. Alexander Vassiliev, the Venona decryptions, and Elizabeth Bentley While doing research on Elizabeth Bentley, I ran across other information on the Cold War Soviet spies of the 1930s and 1940s. Of particular interest was this man, Alexander Vassiliev. Alexander Vassiliev: From Wikipedia Alexander Vassiliev (Russian: Александр Васильев; born 1962) is a Russian journalist, writer, and espionage historian living in London who is a subject matter expert in the Soviet KGB and Russian SVR. A former officer in the Soviet Committee for State Security (KGB), he is known for his two books based upon KGB archival documents: Spies: The Rise and Fall of the KGB in America, co-authored with John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr, and The Haunted Wood: Soviet Espionage in America: the Stalin Era, co-authored with Allen Weinstein. This video is particularly informative if you are interested in 1930s and 1940s American communist spies. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4uBDddWBSdw Vassiliev was asked by the successor to the KGB, the SVR to due a historical research project into the activities of the KGB during the cold war. This was after the fall of the Soviet Union and the leaders at that time thought it might ease tensions for the new spy agency, the SVR, if such a project was to take place. Vassiliev was allowed access to secret KGB files concerning spying in America. He could not make copies or photos of the documents he went over. Instead he was allowed to make notes. He made over 1000 pages of precise and systematic notes. They were in a number of notebooks identified by color. In the White Notebook there was an accounting of Soviet spies in America. He confirmed 177 correctly identified spies in the testimony of Elizabeth Bentley and the Venona Decryption Program. He uncovered 67 real names that the FBI could not identify and had only their code or cover names. Venona Cable 1354 listed 26 names. That was originally redacted when declassified. This list of 26 suspected communist spies was sent by Duncan Lee to the Soviets. It was captured as a Venona Decryption cable. This Venona cable was redacted with only one name exposed. Donald Wheeler. Later, Vassiliev revealed the names in his work. From Arthur Goldberg and the Reds in the OSS By John Earl Haynes and Harvey Klehr List of OSS employees who allegedly “pass info. to the Russians and are known members of the CP.” Major Arthur Goldberg, T. D. Schocken, E. A. Mosk, Fleisher, A. O. Hirshman, Julius Rosenfeld, Carlo A. Prato, Manuel T. Jiminez, Irving Goff, Michael A. Jiminez, David Zablodowsky, Carl Marzani, Virginia Gerson, Bert D. Schwartz, Victor Dimitrievich, Leo Drozdov, Alexander Lesser, Louis E. Madison, Donald Wheeler, Gerald Davidson, Seymour Shulberg, Fena Harrison, Robert M. McGregor, Netty Solovitz, Tilly Solovitz, Frederick Pollock. Both Jiminezes and Zablodowsky are on a list of individuals “known to pass info. to the Russians. Of particular importance was a man named Noah Field who is not listed here. More of him later
  19. I picked up these photos on the net at one time or another. They have been in my files for ages. Well, about 3 or 4 years. I have written about the Harvey photo, the photo on the left (screen right), before and have identified it as Harvey based on the Dallas Mugshot characteristics. I noticed this morning the photo on the right (screen left) which I labeled Lee Oswald. And, for the first time noticed it is different from the Harvey photo and therefore made the comparison. I also wrote but didn't post what I thought were the differences. This is that: Lee and Harvey differences noticeable even in this young age It is very difficult to separate Lee Oswald from Harvey Oswald for a variety of reasons. First of these reasons is that Lee and Harvey had a close general resemblance. As you can see from these toddler photos, there is a close general resemblance such that these two could be easily mistaken for the other. This resemblance was close enough that they could be in the same environments and generally not be recognized as two different people. This is Lee Oswald. The missing teeth alone identify him as such. But, if you look at the nose, the ear, and the chin you will see these characteristics of teenage Lee Oswald are the same identifying characteristics seen in the toddler photo of Lee Oswald. Lack of earlobes Broader nose Broader chin This photo of Lee is magnified, sharpened, and contrasted to see the lack of an earlobe clearly. These aspects of the toddler Harvey carry through to the adult Harvey. Earlobes Narrower nose Narrower chin And the two bends or crooks in the left ear’s upper rim. The important idea here is when was the Oswald Project conceived? These kids are about 3 which makes the year 1942. Were they selected from photographs because they look so similar in later years, say, 1944 to 1945. The OSS was riddled with spies and was eliminated by Truman in 10 days by Oct.1, 1945. The successor organizations is perhaps where the Oswald Project originated. These are the Library Branch, the Secret Intelligence Branch, and the Research and Analysis Branch. When the OSS ended these organizations were transferred to the State Department and other government agencies. These branches later became the CIA. There is no way to really tell. There are other avenues which I am working on but, they are speculative also. PS David mentioned these children are to close in resemblance to be Harvey and Lee. Well, that helps me think that Harvey and Lee were picked as actual children or by photograph at this early of age. In human growth and development a person's features grow firmer or more robust as one becomes more mature. (For instance human ears or noses get larger as one ages.) And, when one becomes older the ears are much larger.) The differences in features in these photo will become more robust or stronger and the appearance will grow into a lesser resemblance.
  20. Is this the same child in each photograph? Nearly everyone I asked says they are the same. But, look closer, there are differences concerning.... I have these children labelled Lee and Harvey. Were these children picked at an early age or from photos such as these? The age of these children in the photos is about 3 years giving about 1942 when these photos were taken. Was the Oswald Project being conceived by the OSS this early in the 1940s?
  21. This probably can not be connected to anything. But, from the mid-1950s, the Russians had a palm size gas gun that shot a powered cyanide spray that induced a heart attack and was not traceable. I bet we had one too. This could explain the many, many heart attack deaths of Kennedy witnesses starting directly after Nov. 22, 1963. I ran across this while researching Elizabeth Bentley. I am not going to be so bold as to connect the two. But, hospitals generally had phones in the hallway so patients could make calls. Elizabeth Bentley had exploratory surgery on Dec. 2, 1963. She went into the hospital early, a week or so prior to Nov. 30, 1963 for pre-operative tests and procedures. During that time she had many conversations with the New Haven FBI agents. She was well know by them and had been in contact with them over time. They allowed these informal conversations because she was a pen pal of J. Edgar Hoover. He was keeping her under a loose surveillance. According to Lauren Kessler the surgeons opened her up and found massive, inoperable cancers. They didn't remove any and just closed the wound. She died sometime that night from what was judged as the stress of the surgery. From the Church Committee" Origins of the CIA’s Heart Attack Gun Additionally, Colby disclosed a bit more history of what might have led to the creation of this gun. He stated that in 1952 the CIA began a super secret research program, code-named M.K. Naomi, partly to find countermeasures to chemical and biological weapons that might be used by the Russian KGB…. …Colby ordered an investigation into the poisons which found a seldom used CIA room that the Times reported contained “19 other lethal substances in addition to the shellfish toxin and cobra venom. These included poisons such as strychnine and cyanide pills as well as a material that causes abortions in animals. There was also a wide range of ‘incapacitating’ materials including those that lower blood pressure, cause temporary amnesia and impair kidney function.” As I said this is far out exploratory thinking.
  22. This will probably the last post on the Tippit Call. The End of the OSS, Elizabeth Bentley, and Lee Harvey Oswald From Wikipedia: On September 20, 1945, President Truman signed Executive Order 9621, terminating the OSS. The State Department took over the Research and Analysis Branch; it became the Bureau of Intelligence and Research, The War Department took over the Secret Intelligence (SI) and Counter-Espionage (X-2) Branches, which were then housed in the new Strategic Services Unit (SSU). Brigadier General John Magruder (formerly Donovan's Deputy Director for Intelligence in OSS) became the new SSU director. He oversaw the liquidation of the OSS and managed the institutional preservation of its clandestine intelligence capability.[59] And, The Strategic Services Unit was an intelligence agency of the United States government that existed in the immediate post–World War II period. It was created from the Secret Intelligence and Counter-Espionage branches of the wartime Office of Strategic Services. Assistant Secretary of War John J. McCloy was instrumental in preserving the two branches of the OSS as a going-concern with a view to forming a permanent peace-time intelligence agency. The unit was established on October 1, 1945 through Executive Order 9621, which simultaneously abolished the OSS.[1] The SSU was headed by General John Magruder.[2][3][4] In January 1946, a new National Intelligence Authority was established along with a small Central Intelligence Group. On April 2, 1946 the Strategic Services Unit was transferred to the new group as the Office of Special Operations and a transfer of personnel began immediately. In 1947, the Central Intelligence Agency was established under the 1947 National Security Act, incorporating the Central Intelligence Group. In August 1952, the Office of Special Operations was combined with the Office of Policy Coordination to form the Directorate of Plans. The above Wikipedia information gives a brief outline of what happened to the OSS after WWII. President Truman signed an Executive Order in Sept., 1945 and phtt! It was gone. The OSS was reduced as an intelligence agency, at one time had 24,000 people, by 85%. The 3 surviving portions of the agency was assigned to other government agencies. The excuses given at the time was that the OSS might become a Gestapo like organization. Later, it was revealed that the OSS was riddled with communist agents. This was known early due to the Venona Program. This may have influenced Truman to do what he did with out controversial objection. Now to the central question: What does this have to do with Lee Harvey Oswald and the Oswald Project? Well, one could wonder who started the program and when? The OSS is gone by Oct., 1945. Was the Oswald Project started directly after WWII when it was realized that the new enemy would be the Soviet Union and East European countries. Was it started before the OSS was terminated, say after April and before September of 1945? Was it started after Oct., 1945 by one of the surviving divisions of the OSS? Is the Assistant Secretary of War, John McCloy, a familiar name in the Oswald Saga? He saved two agencies that dealt with intelligence activities concerning the Soviet Union. The other division saved was the Research and Analysis division of the OSS. It became the Bureau of Intelligence under the State Department. It is one of these agencies that is the likely source of the Oswald Project and Harvey Oswald. My best guess would be this program began in the Research and Analysis Division before the war ended or just directly after as it was realized that there would be a knew enemy as significant as the Nazis. More than likely the government knew by 1943 that the Nazis would be beaten. Elizabeth Bentley is not a great candidate for the unknown caller in the Tippit Teletype. On one hand she is not a good candidate, but on the other hand or other hands she might be. I cannot connect Bentley to the Yorkville communists or the ones mentioned or implied in the Tippit Teletype. At best one could say she knew of the people of the teletype by reading about them in the Daily Worker. She read this paper religiously in the 1930s and 1940s. She also knew all of the major communist players in the New York area. By the early months of 1945, she had been removed from the operation of the two spy groups she and her mentor, Jacob Golos, had built and run for years. This is part of the reason she turned against the Soviets. That and the fear she might be assassinated by the Soviets. She didn’t know it, but the Soviets were considering that option. These spy groups run by Bentley would have had knowledge of anything the OSS was into and passed that knowledge unto the Soviets. But, would Bentley know what the OSS was doing after the first few months in 1945? Prior to that time, she would have known everything going on in the OSS. She was running two spy networks that contained a number of OSS agents. She had direct access to OSS personnel and everything the OSS was doing. These are: Duncan Lee- He was a top assistant of William “Wild Bill” Donovan, the head of the OSS. He was a lawyer in Donovan’s law firm before the war. Helen Tenney- She provided information on the duties and activities of OSS people in all parts of the OSS and all personnel throughout the world. J. Julius Joseph- From 1943 to 1945 was with the OSS. Discovered by the Venona code-breaker progam along with five others, Maurice Halperin, Duncan Chapin Lee, Bella Joseph, Franz Neumann, and Julius Joseph. Maurice Halperin- Worked in the Office of the Coordinator of Information which later became the Research Division of the OSS. Horst Baerensprung- OSS consultant on Germany. Hans Hirschfeld- OSS consultant on Germany. Bella Joseph- OSS film section. Donald Wheeler- OSS Research and Analysis. Thomas Babin- OSS Yugoslavia Section. Philip Keeney- OSS librarian. Mary Keeneyl- OSS librarian. Leonard Mins- Russian Section of Research and Analysis. Samuel Bloomfield- Eastern European Section. An unnamed OSS agent brought into the spy network in Sep., 1945. Joseph Gregg- Had access to Naval Intelligence and FBI files. Major program initiatives would have been reported by Duncan Lee. There are 3 personnel from the Research and Analysis Division. If Elizabeth Bentley knew of the Oswald Project and Harvey Oswald it would have come from these people. It may have been that this information was not significant until the assassination of President Kennedy and may have resurfaced in her mind leading to the desire to get this information out before she under went major surgery for cancer. She had checked into the hospital 2 weeks before her surgery at a New Haven, Ct. hospital. She was in the area the night of the Tippit call. Then again maybe not since this is mainly conjecture. At least this info is out there for the next group that researches into the origins of Harvey Oswald through the Tippit Teletype. It is there to accept or reject.
  23. John K, I'm not concerned with the money. I would rather have the hard copy. It was easier for me to read as versus a computer screen. BTW, it came in yesterday and I spent most of the day going over it and underlining notes. Lauren Kessler did an amazing job of assembling the information on Elizabeth Bentley. Her story is a long, complex, fascinating story that has a huge, sprawling cast of characters told over decades. If someone found fault with the book it would be due to its complexity. I was mainly looking for where she lived in NYC. I wanted to relate that to the Yorkville Club. She didn't live in the area. So, she would not have known the Tippit Teletype characters through that connection. The second thing I was looking for was where was she in the week before her surgery on Dec. 2, 1963 in the New Haven hospital. She checked into the New Haven hospital 2 weeks before she had surgery for tests. Elizabeth Bentley had a peculiar relationship with the FBI including the New Haven FBI. She called the New Haven FBI on a regular basis. This was probably allowed because she was a pen pal of J. Edgar. They corresponded regularly. J. Edgar had her under a loose surveillance terming it as it might be of interest in communist matters in later times. I'm currently writing up my thoughts on Bentley and the OSS. As Jim Hargrove says it comes down to proof. And, there is very little to suggest Elizabeth Bentley knew. Just conjecture based on her circumstance concerning the OSS.
  24. Candidates for the Unknown Caller in the Tippit Phone Call Analyzing the FBI Tippit teletype, one sees these points of interest that can be related to the Yorkville Club. 1. She said she was from New York and had to come “here”. 2. She feared for her life and did not want the call reported to the newspapers. “They” would know who she was and she would be killed. “They” are probably not newspaper personnel, but government agencies. 3. Mr. Tippit and Mrs. Tippit felt the unknown woman was a mature woman and did not have a youthful voice. For various reasons, once the info there is connected to Harvey and Lee info, the 1963 information in the Tippit teletype refers to a woman from the period 1945-1947. The age during this period can be matched to the time of the call 1963. 4. She was said to have an accent. This accent was either Austrian, or perhaps German, or Spanish. Mrs. Tippit thought German or Austrian and Mr. Tippit thought Spanish. 50% of the members of the Yorkville Club were immigrants or the descendants of immigrants with possible foreign accents. 5. Without getting into the text of what she said, one can infer she knew the people she was talking about to some degree, and the circumstances of the events. In order to know Emil Gardos in New York this must have occurred before 1948. Emil and wife leaves for Hungary in 1948 on a self-imposed exile. Louis Weinstock was supposed to, but didn’t. 6. A brother in law is mentioned. This would be Fred Blair, the brother in law of Emil Gardos. There is nobody else that can qualify. She would have known him around 1947 or earlier when Fred went underground due to the Red Scare. She mentions a Weinstock. This would be Louis Weinstock and no one else. It could indicate Weinstock’s brother in law. However, Louis Weinstock did not have a known brother in law. Along with Gardos, Weinstock was a Hungarian communist. 7. She said they were at a place where there were maps and charts. This suggests an office or headquarters location. 8. She identifies a location for Gardos and Weinstock. This is 77th Street and 2nd Ave. NYC. Due to these clues the Yorkville Club might be a good place to look for identity of the unknown caller in the Tippit phone call. Let’s recap: The Yorkville Club was a communist organization at 350 East 80th Street, NYC or 350 East 81st Street in some sources. Their membership was 342 members+ in the time period 1945-1947. The Yorkville Club’s district for members had Yorkville stretching from 42nd Street to 96th Street, NYC. Anyone who was a communist party member and lived in this range of streets was assigned to the Yorkville Club by the leadership of the New York CPUSA. Several smaller communist clubs were reorganized into the Yorkville Club in 1945. The main copying machine for printing and copying communist material was located there. This was the headquarters for the Communist Party in the area of 49th Street to 96th Street in NYC. This organization dealt with Hungarian immigration after WWII through Louis Weinstock's connections. Emil and Grace Gardos- 27 East 86th Street. This makes them members of the Yorkville Club. Louis Weinstock- Chairman of the United May Day Committee of the Yorkville Club. Member of the Executive Committee of the Hungarian Relief Fund. Fred Blair- There is no known connection to this club other than Fred going underground in 1946. And, the mention of a brother in law in the FBI teletype that has to be Fred. Fred is implied to be a the 77th and 2nd Ave. location with Weinstock and Gardos. When Fred went underground one could assume he went to New York to be with his sister and Emil. Weinstock and Blair served on the National Committee of the CPUSA at the same time. Before we move on to discussing the Yorkville candidates one person must be eliminated from consideration. Mary Fuhrman was thought of as a candidate early on, but was rejected. Mary Fuhrman Mary Fuhrman was the mother of the wife of John Pic, Margaret. Her parents were Hungarians and at first appeared to be a good candidate for the unknown caller. But, she was not a good candidate due to the time period she knew the Oswalds. This was 1952 which is 5 years after the appearance of Harvey Oswald. She more than likely would know little of the origin of Harvey Oswald. People who lived on this street in 1945-1947, 77th Street and 2nd Ave or nearby. The location address, 77 Street and 2nd Ave, was mentioned as the place Emil Gardos, brother in law Fred Blair, and Louis Weinstock lived with or associated with Lee Harvey Oswald, the son of Emil Gardos. This location address was not an exact location but a general area on 77th Street between 2nd Ave. and 3rd Ave. It is not known where on this street Emil Gardos, or Louis Weinstock, or Fred Blair lived, if at all. During this time period Emil Gardos and Louis Weinstock had other addresses where they lived with their families. The whereabouts of Fred Blair is unknown during this period. The only information available says Fred went underground at the beginning of the Red Scare and the McCarthy Era. Fred must have been somewhere nearby so the unknown caller could know of his being associated with Gardos and Weinstock. Her information implies that Blair was in contact with Gardos, Weinstock, and Harvey Oswald in this area. Actually, if you put this information together with Harvey Oswald’s first appearance in July, 1947 and Fred Blairs going underground in roughly March, 1947 or earlier, we can place these folks together in New York with Harvey during this time, and even delineate a time period. This would be March, 1947 or earlier to July, 1947 in Texas. Or earlier could extend back to 1946. There is no information available to connect Gardos, Weinstock, Blair, and Harvey Oswald to this area other than the Tippit phone call. On the other hand since this location was mentioned in the FBI Tippit Phone Call teletype, it would be a good location to look for the unknown caller. This location address is located very near the Yorkville Club. The Yorkville Club was a communist organization for the communists who lived in the Yorkville section of New York City. Some sources give the location of the Yorkville Club as 350 East 81st Street. The Yorkville Club had 342 members living from 49th Street to 92 Street in NYC. Yorkville was often called little Hungagy. Roughly 50% of its members had connections to immigration. Here is a short list: Estelle Weber and (real name Oringer)- 325 East 77th Street and 2nd Ave. Sonia Arnett- 215 East 77th Street and 2nd Ave. Grace Gardos- 217 East 86th Street. Reporter for the Daily Worker. Significant members of the Yorkville Club mentioned in Congressional testimony. Helen Levi Simon Travis- 350 East 77th Street and 2nd Ave. Reporter for the Daily Worker. Stephanie Horvath- Alias Stephanie Riedel. 429 East 79th Street. New York undercover detective during the time period 1945-47 at the Yorkville Club. Mary Oser- 72 East 86th Street- Organizational Secretary. Cele Diebele- 425 East 78th Street. Chairman of the Yorkville Club. Rose Schiff- 504 East 79th Street. Educational Secretary. Betty Strake- 339 East 79th Street. Financial Secretary. Faith Steindler- 229 East 79th Street. Membership Director. 3 unknowns- These were people whose names were to be mentioned only in Executive Session and were not listed with these other significant members of the Yorkville Club. Of these I would think that Helen Levi Simon and Stephanie Horvath would be good suspects for further investigation. Others Elizabeth Bentley- Not enough is known at this point to put Elizabeth Bentley in the Yorkville Cub.
  25. Jim, Welcome back. You always ask good, challenging questions. My first response was uh? uh? Then I thought Me and Lee by Judith Baker. But, then thought it has a military context maybe from the Oswald visit to one of the military bases in Nevada, but..... I have several boxes of books in the basement. I'm fairly sure that may be the source. But, to lazy to look it up. Let's chalk it up to an Old Timer's moment. I'm not done with Elizabeth Bentley. John K. brought up a book about Elizabeth which suggested several nice clues. I'm waiting for that to come in a week or so. Basically, I'm looking for where she lived in 1945-47 and her possible connection to the Yorkville Club during that time. I am developing this belief that if the unknown caller is revealed it will be among the members of the Yorkville Club membership during 1945-1947. To many people mentioned in the Tippit teletype were members. Emil, Grace, and Louis Weinstock. There are several people, some Hungarian, living on 77th Street and 2nd Ave. that are members of the club. Helen Levi Simon Travis is one. She was a reporter with the Dailey Worker. I have already written about her. The dominant communist organization was the Yorkville Club. This covered a district from 49th Street to 96th Street. Its membership was 342 people. A listing of its membership would be interesting. I was not able to find any information for William and Sonia Arnett. The parents of Louis Weber were Hungarians. There is no information other then Census data on Louis and Estelle Weber. However, there is information on Helen Levi. Helen’s parents were German. She married Abbott Simon in 1938. Abbott’s parents were from a part of Poland that was a part of Russia. They spoke Polish, Russian, and Yiddish. Simon was involved in the 44 day strike in Flint, Michigan in 1931 involving General Motors. Fred Blair, Emil and Grace Gardos were also at this strike. It may be that they met and knew each other. But, overtime perhaps 150,000 people were involved. Helen Levi Simon was a reporter for the Daily Worker during this time period. It's possible she knew Weinstock and Gardos who at various times were associated with the newspaper. Gardos and Weinstock were dominant members of that club. Weinstock due to his position and Gardos due to his alleged status as an NKVD agent. Grace Gardos was also a reporter for the Daily Worker. The Daily Worker at it’s peak had a subscription of 35,000, but on average of about 17000. How many papers were sold on the street is unknown. Whatever, the number the Daily Worker was a small paper whose income was probably bolstered by the CPUSA and directly from Russia. Morris Child in his activities as a Soviet agent delivered something like 28 million dollars from Moscow for CPUSA operations. Helen was an active communist agent and probably knew all of the communist activities that went on at 77th Street and 2nd Ave since she lived there.
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