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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. The mountains are calling. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=lucky+old+colorado+merle&view=detail&mid=5A1ACD312F8985973A415A1ACD312F8985973A41&FORM=VIRE0&ru=%2fsearch%3fq%3dlucky%2bold%2bcolorado%2bmerle%26form%3dPRUSEN%26mkt%3den-us%26httpsmsn%3d1%26msnews%3d1%26rec_search%3d1%26refig%3d1a574bda02664b97ae2485fb9b54506f%26sp%3d2%26qs%3dAS%26pq%3dlucky%2bold%2bcolorado%2b%26sk%3dPRES1AS1%26sc%3d5-19%26cvid%3d1a574bda02664b97ae2485fb9b54506f
  2. I don't know about familiar but I've read about the finger incident before. Basically what Rischel says in the interview above on Geraldo. Bowers disappeared for a day to two, came back with the tip of a finger or up to the first joint missing. Told his brother/others he cut it off with a saw in an accident. Yet the brother doesn't believe him to the point of checking with area doctors and hospitals? I guess the Geraldo interview caused enough of a stink to bring out Warren Omission defender Dave Perry to write a lengthy article discrediting Rischel, saying Bowers saw little of nothing, and he ran into the culvert abutment unaided. Think I'll just bump another thread than go further here.
  3. Rob, I believe the stories of the tramps later interviews in general in spite of some discrepancies. One thing I have trouble with though is the arrest time of 4:00 Steve mentioned, doesn't this come from the arrest reports the Fontaine's dug up? I need to dig. What I recall is they were taken off a box car within a half hour or so after the assassination. I really should respond to Steve's 10 year old post regarding this.
  4. More relevant than the previous two posts. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/cities-in-bind-as-turmoil-spreads-far-beyond-portland/ar-BB17dyGw?li=BBnb7Kz regarding the plague world.
  5. Why did you make such a ridiculous post. Nothing in the link about covid related to her death. Trolling?
  6. Steve was deep on this years ago. The contradictory statements do give cause for wonder about the tramps. Were they just a confusing distraction or a legitimate cause for further investigation? I'd say the latter, until irrelevance is proved. Which it may never be. Were they Doyle, Gedney and Abrams or Hunt, Harrelson and Holt or others? If you look really deep here It leads one to A J Weberman's story of two set's of tramps. Since disappeared. Involving a grain car and a box car. Then again, Weberman leads one to Dylan's trash, literally.
  7. I guess I'll demonstrate my technological ignorance once again. I'd like to bump a post in the latter of the two threads I linked above in this thread. But I don't know how. So I guess I'll just quote the post and thus bump the whole thread in on the forum.
  8. Joe, this might keep you busy a while/give you some insight.
  9. Four blocks in Portland. This might backfire. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/elections-2020/trump-directs-a-campaign-ad-in-portland/ar-BB17b0IA?li=BBnb7Kz
  10. Mark, where is this picture from/do you know who took it? It's obviously a bit after the assassination, while a few people are gathered at the top of the steps and a couple by the fence no one is still running up the knoll. Seeing the people gathered out in the street, including kids, is what caught my eye. It seems traffic is still restricted. Regarding the thread topic, at the top of the picture that space between the end of the fence and the top of the stairs where the people are standing represents the only window of opportunity for Bowers to see the Limo at the time shots were being fired. As alluded to previously I've been there and stood immediately below where he worked. Even with the increased vegetation of a few years ago as opposed to 1963 he would have had only a brief 2-3 second view. He did have a clear view of the parking lot with the three questionable vehicles just cruising through, two with out of state plates (?), one talking on a microphone, and Goldwater bumper sticker. It was a reserved/paid parking lot, not open to the public. A clear enough view to notice a man in a white shirt and a man in a plaid shirt hanging around behind the fence on the grassy knoll before the assassination. A clear enough view to notice a flash or commotion behind the fence. Maybe the sound of a shot attracted his attention. He turned and saw the flash of another. A commotion of throwing guns in a trunk and running? Cigarette butts and footprints in the mud make me wonder, and speculate, among other things.
  11. Free Wills for Florida Teachers. https://news.yahoo.com/florida-lawyers-offering-free-living-211811494.html
  12. This last picture is deceptive in the clarity of what Lee Bowers saw Behind the fence. His view was much clearer than this. Stood beneath it and looked, took pictures myself. What he saw of the limo turning onto Houston from Main, onto Elm and of the effects of any shots would have been fleeting. What he could see behind the fence at the time and before is important. What he might have seen afterwards in the parking lot and along the fence line as well as in the rail yard and the overpass are too. The lack of proper questions of him are a classic example of why Walt Brown called it the Warren Omission. He had a cup of coffee at a café mid morning so he should have been alert. After he ran off the road into the culvert his wife said "they told him to quit talking".
  13. It was just getting started 53 years ago tonight. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=movie+detroit&docid=608001617729292219&mid=800D73EE9F19DA859DB0800D73EE9F19DA859DB0&view=detail&FORM=VIRE
  14. I've never heard of Kleinlerer, much less his WO testimony. Thanks, my education continues. Given his testimony and daughter being married on the Rockefeller estate I wonder if he might have known Dulles. If Neely St. was smoke and mirrors I guess the back yard photos are questionable, at best? Maybe Jack White was on to something after all. http://www.jfktourdallas.com/neely-street.html
  15. Those with the best chance of survival get treatment. Those with the least get sent home, to infect whoever cares for them... https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/us/a-texas-hospital-overwhelmed-by-coronavirus-may-send-some-patients-home-to-die/ar-BB17a0Hm
  16. 56 years. JFK's death had an impact on 1967 imo. As it in turn does today. 53 years ago today. https://www.history.com/topics/1960s/1967-detroit-riots
  17. I googled Oswald New Orleans pictures, to no avail. Not surprised. Thought I read something about such a picture as you mention before is why I looked. Can't remember where. Where did you read about/see it?
  18. We've flattened out the last few days on new cases per day at around 10,000, but new deaths per day are on over a 45 degree upward trend over the last 14 days from around 100 up to 250. While the US new cases per day trends upwards from around 60,000 to 70,000 (90,000 last Thursday) while deaths trend upwards at at around 35%, 4-5-600 to 1200 yesterday. Numbers are not going down here or in the US overall. Yet we're all tired of it, overwhelmed, numbed, distracted by protests and the federal response to them, to G. Maxwell. This week we welcomed our first group of freshmen to college as part of a three week annual three day welcome/games/traditions/bonding thing usually held elsewhere. This year it's also a move in early opportunity to spread the process out. Yesterday going to the feed store for Rodent Chow (mouse food) I found myself waiting behind a car with a license plate frame proudly proclaiming Houston, hottest of the state hot spots. Near all the students I've seen following paid student leaders were masking. Today I saw a hundred or so pass through frat rat row with the upperclassmen setting the example of one mask among the 30-40 I saw. I was told as long as they social distance outside they don't have to wear a mask. They weren't (distancing). Oh well. I'm fully vested in retirement at the end of October. If I make it through the semester I think I'll take what I can get.
  19. Steve, clicking on the later picture/article just enlarged it, won't take me to the article. I looked at Reuters and didn't find it. Is there more info on some of the "agents" being mercenaries/hired guns/rent a cops from something along the line of Blackwater?
  20. On a plague related note. I was reading in the Texas Tribune yesterday about how it took us nearly four months to reach 100,000 cases, then about a month to hit 200,000, then a week to get to 300,000. Yet they do nothing as deaths keep rising too. Every thing but the bars are open, many ignore mask requirements in stores. Open the schools many cry. It's hard to believe.
  21. Great interview. Oliver is showing his age at points. I never knew about his personal combat experience in Vietnam or the background on Platoon. At 44:00 though never mentioning the title of the documentary Destiny Betrayed he does speak of putting down the evidence because I couldn't do it in a film and discusses it more. Dulles should be looked at closer. Jolly West at 1:02 screwing up Ruby's brain, there's more to that. Ruby pushed into it (killing Oswald). Near the end comments on no support for films on Mi Lai and MLK. Rogen get's off track a few times, shows some lack of knowledge on the subject but hits home with we could use a MLK film now. I need to re watch Platoon now.
  22. But for the Beard they would still suck worse than the Rangers.
  23. This should be in the Smithsonian, with the Deputy Sheriff's report on a stand beside it.
  24. I guess if we ignore it, not just here, it will go away? I'm jealous. My boss took off for his family's week at his extended family's small house in Lake City Colorado. Driving straight through other than gas and food, 15 hours. Semi safe I guess. But I can't handle 15 hours on the road anymore.
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