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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Somewhere back in 1990's (I read in the 2000's) Marina said "follow the money". Hmm. John Foster and Allen Dulles climbed the Wall Street ladder representing the Rockefellers Nazi interests among others.
  2. This is important IMHO. If Earle was a documented CIA asset since 1956, brother Charles was the Deputy Director fired along with Dulles by JFK, after the Bay of Pigs, and Earle was Mayor of Dallas in 63 and still an asset... Did he control the city of Dallas for the CIA in terms of the Police and Sherriff's departments? Throw this on to the Devil's Chessboard. As brother of the Deputy Director and himself an asset since 56 he most assuredly was well known to Dulles. He was also most likely PO'd at JFK over the public humiliation of brother and Dulles firing. I've wondered about a possible connection along these lines for several years. This points further towards it.
  3. I've got The Assassinations, I should have thought of and reviewed it before posting. On vacation though, not at hand if I had. Any idea who was behind the conscious effort to fabricate the conflict between Sprague and Gonzales?
  4. Thank you for an excellent informative explanation Gene. Though I almost quit reading at Hugh Aynesworth.
  5. FWIW most likely. A call from Grapevine into the 70's to Irving was long distance. The Dallas / Tarrant County line was the point of demarcation. Southwestern Bell controlled one, General Telephone (GTE) the other. So Michaels call to Ruth in 63 from Hurst to Irving would have been long distance, though I don't see the relevance.
  6. "Blakey set the investigation back 20 years." Yes David, but was it intentional on his part? I have to wonder if he was not used also. Think about Lopez and Hardway being shut down by Joannides. He was pointed to the Mob did it story. Myself and others jumped on the bandwagon in the early 80's. Those were the books on the front shelves at the time, no internet reviews or discussion of the subject. He said just a few years ago "if we were deceived on this...". Now he and Hardway are suing the CIA for their own files from the time. The whole story of how he came to the position is worthy of a thread itself if not an article or even book. Was Henry Gonzalez demonized? Was the intent of the original investigation derailed? Gonzalez, Tannenbaum, Sprague gone. Yes. Justice was perverted and History was hijacked.
  7. This is about it on Jeff's end at the moment as far as I Know. http://jfkfacts.org/12-cia-documents-omitted-national-archives-jfk-records-release/#more-25673 It will take a while for researchers to fully digest what has been released and what may still be. The initial analysis is not encouraging but nobody knows the full results yet. But maybe someone will find another Documented Bullet behind the ear. To also be ignored by the main steam media. But ultimately, hopefully, recorded more accurately that future generations may learn from it and do better by.
  8. That might actually draw more attention to the subject than anything that will come from the main stream media.
  9. It was a 180 day visa, but Oswald did not apply for it. Is That what someone new to the subject or thread should conclude? Mr. Josephs. I realize their is much more detail.
  10. I Care. As well as many others. Still 60-80% of us find the officially proposed and defended version illogical and irreconcilable. So What? So it affects us all, the effects of it carried forward throughout Our Government to this day big time. Presidents don't travel in open motorcades through downtown Dallas or anywhere else anymore. I still care for my children and grandchildren though they don't understand. Yet.
  11. David, your sequence show's JFK's brain exploding, spraying motorcycle officer Hargis to his left rear. There wasn't much left to examine, though much has ben made of it. The bit Jackie grabbed off the trunk, some of the left side with particles in it per the "x-rays"? Official illustrator Skip Rydeberg describes brains as having the consistency of scrambled eggs. You do believe his depictions are accurate? https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=PkA%2fq0FR&id=9387E91DE311BFA9C4C5A26C955EBB17B4339D07&thid=OIP.PkA_q0FRceuKFAavwDx8ZQEsCH&q=skip+rydberg+jfk+illustrations&simid=607993364446775928&selectedIndex=0&qpvt=skip+rydberg+jfk+illustrations&ajaxhist=0
  12. I'd read about the bullet behind the ear in Into the Nightmare but nothing else. Seeing the document destroys the Warren Omissions Single Magic (Zig-Zag----) Pristine bullet. Further, as if it wasn't before. Joannides, Harvey, hope still exists.
  13. Thanks to both David's, not to make light of Mr. Joseph's assertion. I've not though of or heard "One' in years. https://www.bing.com/search?q=three+dog+night+one+is+the+loneliest+number&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=c74039e3e295474486633a7e53cbfa1c&sp=1&ghc=1&qs=AS&pq=three+dog+night+one+is&sc=4-22&cvid=c74039e3e295474486633a7e53cbfa1c
  14. I've read it before but can't remember. Who/what other corporation owned Readers Digest at the time? Luce's, Time? It seems this connection implied a Mockingbird relationship. I.E., owners friends with Cord Meyer, CIA head of Mockingbird in 63...?
  15. "Billy Sol Estes". I've not read this in many years. https://www.amazon.com/Texan-looks-Lyndon-Study-Illegitimate/dp/B0006BMF7O/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1501048232&sr=1-1&keywords=a+texan+looks+at+lyndon
  16. All I really know of him is his interview by William Matson Law in In the Eye of History which was enlightening to me. "Lee Harvey Oswald didn't hit him from the front". Great quote.
  17. Naturally the testimony of Thursday 3/19/64 starts with "Testimony of Ruth Paine Hyde RESUMED" at 9:05, they recessed at 12:45 that day. Friday's 91 single spaced pages are quite tedious, covering the whole day. Repetitious too. The curtain rods are curved on the end? Yes, they curve around to where they connect to the bracket mounted on the wall. Later, We did determine that the curtain rods are curved on the ends? Yes. How long are they? Condensed 36'', expanded... Thursday was only 42 single spaced pages. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh2/pdf/WH2_RuthPaine_2nd.pdf Apparently they did come back Thursday afternoon. Look at the part before the start of Fridays testimony. "Whereupon at 5:30 PM the President's Commission recessed." I've not found anything on the Thursday afternoon or Wednesday the 18th testimony.
  18. Even though I realize this will never see the light of day in the Main Stream Media I thought it significant from a historical perspective. Other posters here are much more well versed than I on the subject but Blakey uniting with Hardway and Lopez for legal action seems important. In recent years Blakey said "The Agency set me up...obstruction of Justice" and I believe words to the effect of "if they stonewalled us on this then..." Here's the full origin article and a couple of related links for more perspective. http://www.courthousenews.com/jfk-researchers-demand-cia-records/ http://jfkfacts.org/present-at-the-cover-up-jfk-investigator-recounts-how-a-cia-man-stonewalled-congress/#more-8757
  19. http://jfkfacts.org/national-archives-starts-releasing-long-secret-jfk-assassination-records/
  20. Now this turns up. The first thing Jenner says is "this is a continuation...of Mrs. Paine's testimony...we had concluded late in the day yesterday". This was on Saturday the 21st. So she testified on Friday the 20th too? https://www.jfk-assassination.com/warren/wch/vol9/page331.php Yes, she did, and IT was a resumption of testimony on the day before that per Senator Cooper's opening statement! http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh3/pdf/WH3_RuthPaine_2nd.pdf
  21. Not your fault Mc Adams as a source is fractured, he was groomed from Harvard on as a part of Mockingbird. Just my cynical opinion.
  22. Yes, from what I've read it was a hotbed of anti Castro activity leading up to the assassination, possibly affiliated with A-66. I thought maybe it came from https://www.amazon.com/Radical-Right-Murder-John-Kennedy/dp/1412040558/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1500791891&sr=1-1&keywords=the+radical+right+livingstone but I can't find anything in it at the moment.
  23. I came across the Harlandale house by accident a few days ago looking for info regarding another thread. I've read it was demolished within a year by a Dallas Co. real estate developer. Deputy Buddy Walthers said Somewhere, I Think, on November 23rd, 63, an informant of his reported Oswald had been seen in it.
  24. Thank you Chris, when put up against McAdams Link that Michael Clark provided the "it" gets even deeper. JMc's link to Ruth provides 5 parts, an affidavit, and the Shaw trial testimony. Something more than high topped boots, hip waders or those of the chest variety may be needed given the line of some of the questioning as I read deeper. 1, It starts with no date at 2:20, the 29th in Washington? 2, No date 2:05. ? 3, 9:15, 3/21, we have a match. 4, Just titled "Resumed", no time or date, the only date they had a second session was the first, on the 21st, then? 5, JULY 23rd in Dallas, at the Post Office Building (across Dealy Plaza from the TSBD?) done by Liebler. Ruth and Marina questioned At The Same Time by him. (6) Jump back a month. Affidavit on June 24. (Just, weird in the progression of events, it and contents of it). (7) Shaw trial testimony. So on Saturday, 3/21/64 they worked all day questioning Ruth in 2 sessions. They flew to Dallas on the 22nd or 23rd, went to Irving on Monday the 23rd and Jenner questioned them at the house. Either before or after Liebeler questions Ruth and Marina together at the Post Office or it's annex in Dealy Plaza. The 29th was a Sunday. Nothing there about the Monday 9:05 testimony. Were they working overtime on Saturday's and Sundays or was it a weekend project?
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