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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. "for what?" Helicopters and of course the fuel they required. Vietnam reminds me how naïve I was. My Dad (happy Fathers day) worked as an industrial engineer for Bell, that's where our bread and butter came from. 30 - 40 years later somebody pointed out in a book that every time a chopper went down they got to build a new one. Just the transport of men and equipment to and from Vietnam was a huge business. I still have my draft card. Had to register in the fall of 74 for what turned out to be the last lottery drawing in the spring of 75. I knew they had quit actually drafting people the year before but little else. No friends or relatives dead or injured (physically). I still did feel relived when "my" ball wasn't drawn until number 247. A cousin told me, finally, 30 years later after his dad's funeral "they took you straight out of high school, you don't know sh*t from shinola, they give you (6 weeks, 2-3 months?) training, ship you over there and then you're getting shot at." He'd been on disability over agent orange for years. Had a close friend who said he'd go to Canada if he was drafted. I would have went like a blind sheep if called. Dad served at the end of WWII and stateside during Korea. His brother carried shrapnel from the Philippines to his grave many years later. I did work with a guy in 75-76 who claimed he was the second to enter a barn to search it but the first with an automatic weapon. Said he was sprayed down the backside with an automatic weapon from the rafters. I've seen the scars on his back and legs. Also said he was given morphine before being put on a transport helicopter to Saigon and tore off a wristband indicating such in transit. More morphine there. Said they didn't think he would survive but sent him home to see his family before he passed if he made it. He remembered waking up changing planes in San Francisco then next when landing at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth. Believe what you want of his story. He had no kind words for anyone of Asian appearance. Just an aside as the forum's kind of slow.
  2. Nixon as VP in the 50's ran Maheu (then of the CIA) in an operation on Aristotle Onassis, future husband of Jacqueline Kennedy? Deep doo doo for me. Thank you for posting the Hougan article link. I've read Eisenhower left the running of the CIA to Nixon but not that Nixon had actually ran a CIA agent himself, especially one so relevant later. Maheu went on to head of security for Howard Hughes, richest man in the world at the time and while doing so connected Johnny Roselli of the mafia to the CIA for attempts to assassinate Castro as I imagine most readers of this site already know. Nixon approves Dulles and the CIA plan for what became the Bay of Pigs that JFK inherited. Nixon passes through Vietnam in 64 on a non political mission distributing gold bars. Were they from Lansdale in the Philippines after WWII or the stash LBJ moved from Mount (?) in Arizona (?) to Mexico? With Nixon's involvement in sabotage of the of the 68 peace talks, increased bombing and troop numbers and other things delaying the end of the war it seems he was involved in Vietnam from Dien Bien Phu until he resigned.
  3. Morales is a mystery wrapped in an enigma. Apologies for plagiarism. There's too much documented not to be suspicious. Yet nothing concrete. I read years ago about Morales and thought: heavy set dark complected man, that's what a couple of witnesses said about a second man on the sixth floor. So Morales was up there directing things telling walkie talkie man to tell umbrella man to pump his umbrella as a signal to fire again... There goes what little credibility I might have obtained since joining the forum. FWIW. I do not have any faith in such a scenario now.
  4. So he's back in Paradise (Tx) ? Best wishes to him and his in what sounds like a difficult time. If there was one book that opened my eyes beyond the mob did it books of the 80's, Crossfire was mind blowing. The 50th anniversary revision edition is still an excellent place for someone with newfound interest to start IMHO. Rule by Secrecy and Rise of the Fourth Reich are enlightening to some of us as well.
  5. I don't expect any smoking guns in any of the files below if they are released. But it's possible there might be an interesting tidbit in the 61 pages of # 6, or some of the rest of them for that matter. http://jfkfacts.org/top-6-jfk-files-the-cia-still-keeps-secret/
  6. So what could have been... https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=rxOOBhWL&id=EF452CCBCDE8BB4DEA8EE5E5B379594A27326BAB&thid=OIP.rxOOBhWLoHdHr6yeUCPIagEnEs&q=humphrey+for+president&simid=608023798479324506&selectedIndex=5&qpvt=humphrey+for+president&ajaxhist=0
  7. Thank you for the clarification regarding NSAM's 263, 73, 88. But the change in procedure did start with the change in wording and Johnsons signing of 273 less than a week after JFK's death? I'm finally ordering the New version of JFK and Vietnam today, though it has a somewhat hefty price tag it looks to be Historic. Maybe my kids will learn from it someday too. https://www.amazon.com/JFK-Vietnam-Deception-Intrigue-Struggle/dp/153047793X/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1497506925&sr=1-1&keywords=jfk+and+vietnam+2nd+edition
  8. Harvey Wade, Dallas 63, sees Oswald and a Dark Complected Man in the Carousel 3 weeks before the assassination. Bad joke. A take off on Harvey and Lee? Henry Wade's brother or cousin? Nope. Billings as a Life editor should be at least a semi legit source. But he leads back to a Warren Ommission document? http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh25/html/WC_Vol25_0190a.htm Well Lordy, this Tennessean does mention a scar over the left eye of this Spanish/Mexican white male... He also felt compelled enough to contact authorities on 11/24/63, same day Ruby shoots Oswald, that afternoon / evening? Why did nobody from the WO, FBI, CIA (to our knowledge) ever ask this guy, if your recognized Oswald being shot do you maybe remember seeing the guy who shot him in the Carousel? I've wondered about the possibility of Morales as a planner regarding the assassination site, shooters, their placement, coordination etc. for some years now. But would he have exposed himself to possible public observation? Mr. Hancock mentioned the possibility of him becoming personally involved in operations in the 50's earlier in this thread. Some called this the Big Event. Might he have taken a more forward role in it given animosity over the Bay of Pigs and perceived Communistic weakness. Food for thought, nothing definitive for me. BTW, didn't a Dallas lawyer see LHO in the Carousel in November also as well as never interviewed employees?
  9. Oh, ok, I have a couple of Latino friends, they can probably elaborate.
  10. As the forum is European based and I'm new here, might this be French? (my wife could tell me but she's asleep).
  11. I like the presentation/format, the pictures as you read along add to the context. I've not read in depth on the subject matter and found multiple points informative as a result. Been going to read John Newman's JFK and Vietnam for years (did make it through Oswald and the CIA though a library copy, wish I had it for reference). Taking it from the 50's to the 70's puts it all in perspective. This could almost be a book within itself. I have read on line arguments that NSAM 273 in effect reversed 263 only (?) four days after JFK's death. Also, was it not in the last 2-3 months something came out about Nixon sabotaging Peace talks in 68? As I mentioned, the article is educational to me as is, thank you for it.
  12. .I have great hopes for this mock trial, both in hopes of legitimacy and publicity in pursuit of the truth regarding John Kennedy's assassination. That prior attempts are lacking or flat out disinformation is well illustrated. Lest we forget one can be on the Jury themselves. Thanks to David Belin, Esquire. https://www.amazon.com/November-22-1963-You-Jury/dp/0812903749/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1497245073&sr=1-1&keywords=you+are+the+jury Post It note to self inside of front flap of library copy purchased in mid 2000's: Roger Craig said David Belin changed his testimony FOURTEEN TIMES. Here's the tip of the iceberg. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/David_W._Belin For 32 cent's you can be guided by a representative of the U S Government too, plus shipping of course.
  13. Thanks Chuck, I just read the first half of the article I stumbled across. She was something, especially for the day and time.
  14. It was impatience on my part. I live in the country and often have slow loading speed. I brought up the blank page this morning, left it up and came back in about 10 minutes and there it was. Reading it now.
  15. James or Jim, I don't know which you prefer, the link still won't work for me, just a blank page. Thanks for posting it though, hopefully it will be available in the future. I'd hoped to listen to you, Jeff Morley and your discussion with Oliver Stone live on CSpan when it happened but life got in the way. As Jeff used to say from time to time, Cheers. FREETHFILES. VOTE2018. Would be nice if it was all posted on youtube, food for thought.
  16. Googling "buddy walthers paine garage", of all things, This popped up. It left me a bit dumbfounded. http://www.prouty.org/brussell/nazi-2.html I've read of Ms. Brussell and quotes by her but she get's deep in a hurry.
  17. I just re read the sub chapter in Reclaiming Parkland about "Russell says No" / Russell's Dissent. I thought that's where I'd read about Russell's smooth over by Dulles. Somewhere I thought I read of Russell refusing to sign the final draft of the Warren Commission Report. Dulles stepped in and said we can add a Dissent at the end. He convinced Russell to sign after he deceived him. Dulles persuaded Russell to record his dissent before a stenographer recording it for the record. The stenographer was not a stenographer, nothing was recorded. Is this just my imagination, running away with me?
  18. Yes Chuck, maybe Dulles learned a thing or two in his dealings regarding the first Valkyrie. Thanks to Mr. Kelly. Pretty deep and interesting. http://jfkcountercoup2.blogspot.com/2012/08/valkyrie-at-dealey-plaza-wip.html
  19. The book I linked above, Rise of the Fourth Reich does have a chapter on "Kennedy and the Nazis". Nothing in it about Nazi's as shooters, planners, organizers or financers. It does mention Joseph Kennedy being a Nazi sympathizer. George DeMorenschild's first application to US intelligence in 1942 was denied because he was a "Nazi espionage agent" (his cousin was one of "the top Nazi intelligence agents in north America"). Michael Paines boss at Bell Helicopter as director of research and development was former SS General Walter Dornberger. As VP LBJ was also chairman of NASA and worked with it's director Wernher von Braun. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Wernher_von_Braun He killed a lot of Englishmen with the V2.
  20. It seems maybe the Quaker aspect was pushed as part of the cover up. I.E., Quakers are God fearing, loving caring people who help others unquestionably (like Nixon). Thus they "took in" Marina and befriended Lee, helped him find a job, out of the kindness of their hearts. q
  21. Earlier today I thought I know I've read this letter before but I don't remember what it said. I then found a larger print version of the WC version than this: http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh16/pdf/WH16_CE_15.pdf One line that really caught my eye was "unless I use my real name". So IF the letter was Really from Oswald he was stating in writing that If he Really did go to Mexico he used a different name to do so. A pretty incriminating admission to commit to in writing even if your not already contemplating shooting the president a couple of weeks later. It kind of stretches credulity that a young man smart enough to become a radar operator with the necessary security level, learn Russian (fluently), defect and return to the US with a Russian wife would knowingly set himself up that way.
  22. I found Fonzi's end evaluation of Veciana's veracity credible. Maybe my naivety and ignorance. McAdams would probably think so.
  23. Couch secretary is a mistake on my part. The thread is about Ruth's couch, I inadvertently combined it with the "desk" secretary. I should have caught that myself, poor proofreading on my part. Ruth's "finding" the rough draft of Oswald's letter and copying of it could support the possibility that they were monitoring Lee and Marina for somebody. Her tap dancing, or perjury about the incident is incriminating. The phone tap is further support. Those file cabinets give reason for question also.
  24. In addition to Chris's assertion of perjury by Ruth Paine 3x regarding the "couch secretary" and Oswald's letter the thread has brought up another question (actually two) for me. Based on this picture link provided by David Von Pein via the marry Ferrell Foundation. http://www.maryferrell.org/showDoc.html?docId=10897#relPageId=11&tab=page 1) Are those file cabinets on the lower right portion of the picture? Maybe like the ones mentioned by One DPD officer but no one else and never inventoried in the garage contents. I can't tell you where at the moment but I've read the officer looked in the files and there were at least some on Cubans. Two such file cabinets were not something Oswald would have been able to indiscriminately lug around from Fort Worth to Dallas to New Orleans to Dallas again. These were the Paine's files. Of what who can be sure. Probably old travel brochures. 2) The blanket the rifle was supposedly wrapped in was on the ground, right? Where might it have lain? Not a lot of room there. Was it stacked on or hidden in the other junk there and the blanket dropped on it's retrieval? With the garage door shut Lee wouldn't have much room to wrap the curtain rods in the paper he brought home from work. http://alt.assassination.jfk.narkive.com/mczSMAgh/what-buddy-walthers-found Thanks to old John McAdams for Walthers WC testimony. Where ya been budd? http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/russ/testimony/walthers.htm
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