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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Oswald crystalized for somebody before New Orleans. He was being sheep dipped there and in Mexico City. Who held his files on his time while in Russia? Such files would have existed but would have been destroyed when the latter operation was complete. In regard to this I still have hope regarding the release of the remaining files, and, the upcoming release of this: https://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Secret-Spymaster-James-Angleton/dp/1250080614/
  2. Marina wrote it down, she peeked out the window as he left. BTW, she really understood English quite well by this point according to some, it's claimed even before she met Lee while still in Russia. If she spoke English to the First American Defector she met in Moscow (?) (Leningrad?) before her banishment to her KGB (sic) Uncle in Minsk, when did she first speak English to Lee? Or Ruth?
  3. Oh Boy! Should we start a new thread? Those Iconic Paine's ? A classic example of Ike's late 50's Peace in black and white, perfect couple, she a Quaker, he descended from the Cabot's and Lodge's with a trust fund and had attended Harvard. Thrust into the 60's, The Assassination. Separation, not common at the time. She was just learning Russian as a pastime. Sisters don't discuss the family business on Ruth's vacation in the summer of 63. Yes Ruth, you should help this poor Communist woman. Ah, flunking out of Harvard in 2 years, landing at step dad's company with a security clearance, no big deal.
  4. Not really relating to the typewriter but... Michael Paine independently spending his free time observing but not really participating in (?) activities on the right, General Walker, and left, ACLU, and engaging SMU students politically just seems weird to me, kind of bogus.
  5. "Dallas was Carlos Marcello's territory". Where to start? LBJ and cash? Ruby from Chicago, Roselli from Chicago. CIA, FBI; Hoover: "There is no organized crime/Mafia". JFK obtains National exposure in televised organized crime investigations featuring Bobby grilling mobsters. Attorney General Bobby has Marcello picked up off the street in New Orleans and deported. The Mob did not kill JFK. They did not have the control necessary to cover it up. But they were involved in it. Ruby was a mob wannabe from a teen running numbers for Al Capone. Truth. Check it out. He was also a front man for them in Dallas after being sent there in the late 40's. Paid off cops and politicians, set up poker games, racing and football bets for the oil men. Jacob Rubenstien was not a "made" member of the Mafia due to his heritage if nothing else. However he worked for and idolized them. He understood the Code of Omerta. Such a deep aspect of the assassination.
  6. "If Richard Case Nagell is to be believed." Attempts have been made to discredit both him and Russell on another forum by a former member of this one. I don't know what to make of it all but I thought "The Man Who Knew Too Much" was a bit deep to have been completely made up.
  7. Maybe you or someone else knows something about this. Somewhere in the last few months I read it had been discovered that at least part of Mike's time separated from Ruth he stayed in a bedroom at house which was owned/rented and occupied by a fairly close associate of General Walker. I need to start writing down sources when I come across something like this, too much info on the assassination in the old cranium.
  8. I was playing devils advocate here. I thought I read somewhere that someone at least claimed the FBI had tested Ruth's typewriter and the letter had been written on it to the exclusion of all other typewriters. Kind of like they found the magic, pristine bullet had been fired from the Carcano in their possession, somewhere, at some point in time, not necessarily on 11/22/63 from the TSBD. Regarding Marina seeing Lee type the envelope, was her testimony not all over the place and not even trusted by the WC staff at the time? I guess it is conceivable someone, besides Lee, typed the letter on her typewriter and she just promoted the story she was told... But then that darn David Joseph's has muddied up the original story questioning things like the Post Office date stamp on the envelope, who mailed it from where... Next thing you know someone might claim Lee never actually ordered the gun much less picked it up. But I digress from the typewriter like some kind of mockingbird trying to hijack the thread, distract from the subject at hand, and disrupt the search for the truth.
  9. Did Oswald ever really use Ruth's typewriter? Her word only. Sister was a CIA Psychologist for years before the assassination. Daddy was OSS WWII, AID, she admitted to CIA later (?). Husband Mikey as a non graduate of Harvard held a security clearance at Bell Helicopter which his step dad invented where he worked with German Dorenberger, imported after WWII by Allen Dulles via Operation Paperclip (google it). Some might infer he bombed London. Mike's Momma was reportedly BFF with Dulles WWII spy/Lover Mary Bancroft. Cabot, Lodge... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Walter_Dornberger Oswald never lived to see the letter or comment on it. Might they have been fed the letter... and persuaded to promote it?
  10. John Simkin. http://spartacus-educational.com/JFKsimkin.htm
  11. I try to make up my own mind no matter who is commenting. I've learned to ignore some though I responded to Paul once since joining the forum. I read it for several years before doing so. I tried to present what I thought was logic to Mc Adams on jfkfacts years back, as Jim did here and elsewhere, it was rather useless other than it was necessary to counter the BS for anyone new to the subject, which is important in and of itself.
  12. Chris, so this link is incorrect? https://www.jfk-assassination.com/warren/wch/vol9/page331.php Ruth testified Wednesday afternoon 3/18, Thursday 3/19 and Friday 3/20 in Washington, but Not on Saturday 3/21? The next testimony was Monday evening 3/23 in Irving?
  13. I've found nothing on 3/18/64. E. G. If you scroll all the way down, in spite of the title, it ends with the resumption of the afternoon session, with Ruth after Michael in the morning then nothing, literally, end. http://www.history-matters.com/archive/jfk/wc/wcvols/wh2/pdf/WH2_MichaelPaine.pdf
  14. Thank You, Larry, David and Mark. Enlightening. Weberman, Sturgis/Fiorini and Hemming are all questionable figures. JMO.
  15. Her questioning and testimony did get quite mundane. On the one thread I've started since joining the forum I alluded to this regarding testimony about curtain rod's being curved on the ends and attaching to wall mounted brackets. In searching for information regarding that thread, about the Paine's Files, I was frustrated by the internet. Google Warren Commission Paine testimony and you can get lost/distracted (intentionally?) in a hurry. Refine it many times and you do find more information. I was kind of shocked that such a search in this day and age did not take me to a site that listed Day 1, Day 2, Day 3... National Archives, Mary Ferrell, JFK Library, Lancer, Here, ROKC, Harvard, Princeton, Stanford? No. It's been near a month since I last looked for what I think might be day "One".
  16. I know it's already been edited and I make my share of mistakes but was he maybe thinking of Darth Bader?
  17. Excellent detail Chris. Thanks. Her testimony is long, deep.
  18. Four Aggies. Rick Perry, Bush I (by association, his presidential library is at college station) and two sheep. Of course the two sheep would have been previously dipped.
  19. I've not read Mr. Parker's first volume though it is high on my list if I ever finish JFK and Vietnam. However I have read a post or two here and on ROKC from him about it that seem tantalizing regarding the Paines. Thanks to all who enlighten myself and others, honestly.
  20. Jim, the WC covered up for the Paines? Do you think Paul realizes this?
  21. Somewhere back in 1990's (I read in the 2000's) Marina said "follow the money". Hmm. John Foster and Allen Dulles climbed the Wall Street ladder representing the Rockefellers Nazi interests among others.
  22. This is important IMHO. If Earle was a documented CIA asset since 1956, brother Charles was the Deputy Director fired along with Dulles by JFK, after the Bay of Pigs, and Earle was Mayor of Dallas in 63 and still an asset... Did he control the city of Dallas for the CIA in terms of the Police and Sherriff's departments? Throw this on to the Devil's Chessboard. As brother of the Deputy Director and himself an asset since 56 he most assuredly was well known to Dulles. He was also most likely PO'd at JFK over the public humiliation of brother and Dulles firing. I've wondered about a possible connection along these lines for several years. This points further towards it.
  23. I've got The Assassinations, I should have thought of and reviewed it before posting. On vacation though, not at hand if I had. Any idea who was behind the conscious effort to fabricate the conflict between Sprague and Gonzales?
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