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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. Paul, might you have a link to the article? Blocking release of any documents disturbs me.
  2. I neglected to mention Hunt. E. Howard, not Harrison Lafayette of Dallas, extreme right wing, richest man in the world in 63 as some confuse them occasionally. Howard, of Watergate fame ties back to 63 in that Angleton and Helms agreed to use him in a limited hangout if needed in a memo signed by them in 66. Then there's the whole Liberty Lobby thing with Mark Lane. http://www.libertylobby.org/articles/2000/20000207cia.html
  3. One quote from the second link has continued to make me frown and shake my every time I read it. "When Harvey's CIA colleague John Witten was asked by investigators why Harvey might have told his wife to destroy his papers after his death Witten replied "He was to young to have assassinated Mc Kinley or Lincoln". If that's not a leading answer from an insider I don't know what is. Phillips, promoted afterwards. King of the HSCA tap dancers, from smoking two cigarettes at once to walking out when the heat got too hot for him and never suffering any consequences. To admitting to his brother on his death bed he was in Dallas on 11/22/63. He goes so much deeper, Veciana, Mexico City... Morales. "We got that Son of a Bitch didn't We?" is pretty self incriminating. Dying shortly after saying that from getting then sick and having a heart attack with "security" controlling even family access to his hospital room makes me want to see whatever the files Might have left in them. Joannides. I've never read it put this way exactly but if he was paymaster for the DRE, and it's interactions with Oswald in the summer of 63 in New Orleans I cant comprehend him Not working hand in hand with Phillips. He lived in Florida that summer and worked out of JMWAVE but maintained a residence in New Orleans? Then they give him a secret award and bring him back out of retirement as undercover liaison with the HSCA??? Not hiding anything there huh? 3000 pages left. Will 2000 of them be heavily redacted or illegible? If any of them are released at all. Or just another publicity stunt by that wrestler in chief, the master of the deal.
  4. If anyone wants to read up on the subject take your pick here: http://jfkfacts.org/?s=CIA+files I recommend this one from page 2: http://jfkfacts.org/top-6-jfk-files-the-cia-still-keeps-secret/
  5. Here's the WaPo version, it's a little longer. https://www.msn.com/en-us/news/politics/trump-plans-to-release-jfk-assassination-documents-despite-concerns-from-federal-agencies/ar-AAtNNPp?li=BBnb7Kz "every word in every document, as the law requires." At least Shennon got that part right. I'll believe it after Thursday, after time to review what does come out.
  6. Do these documents show the date? Were they from the period Harvey ran it, or during the time of the Assassination? I wonder if any of the documents on him Might be legible IF they are released. The silence regarding next Thursday is foreboding. It Should be a Historical one for the sake of what's left of Democracy. Though it's significance may be lost on the subjects of the plutocracy, or, oligarchy. They're Our Files. Free The Files.
  7. The rates are out. I have to work then but couldn't afford to listen anyway, even though they are "reasonable". Any first hand reports or observations of listeners would be appreciated.
  8. http://jfkfacts.org/can-free-jfk-files/
  9. Forgive my frustration in starting this topic. There are multiple reputable serious researchers and others on the site who have enlightened me. Thank you. I failed to notice Steve's topic or I would have just vented there about the lack of interest/attention to the files non (?) release. But there has been a bit of cheese dominating some topics.
  10. A lot of what's been posted on this forum in the last few months is just that. There are multiple researchers and more inquisitive people than I that should confer their important observations on the most important subjects coming to light recently and (possibly) in the near future. E.G Earle Cabell. Phillips, Harvey, Joannides, Morales, Oswald, the Ghost. http://jfkfacts.org/9-days-go-planned-disclosure-secret-jfk-files-flux/ https://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Secret-Spymaster-James-Angleton/dp/1250080614/
  11. Excellent IMHO. https://www.bing.com/search?q=the+world+is+seting+on+a+time+bomb+song&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=0c39f6193ca045019e976052b210a994&sp=-1&pq=undefined&sc=0-24&qs=n&sk=&cvid=0c39f6193ca045019e976052b210a994
  12. It's been noted in a couple of posts here that the show was funded in part by the Koch's. I think it should be further noted that they started turning the large oil company inherited from their father into the monster Koch Industries has become in the 1960's. One might say the Vietnam War fueled their rise to the top of wealth and power. Transporting men and equipment half way around the world, not to mention in country use of jet, helicopter, truck, jeep, tank and personnel carriers fuel put a lot of government tax dollars in the pockets of at least a few oil barons. I feel sure they felt Burns was "safe". He was probably well vetted before any funds were contributed, maybe on a personal basis by them. Certain aspects of the war were off limits. It's conceivable to me they may have had an advisor on hand during production that reported back to them on a regular basis. They could have had an opportunity to review and approve the whole thing before it's public release.
  13. I'm no help but what might be on the 7th floor or the roof? I've read Baker looked around the 7th floor very briefly and someone from the DPD went up on the roof at some point but detail fails my memory on anything important or leading.
  14. It's all quite simple. If a bullet shot downward from the sixth floor of the Texas School Book Depository entered JFK's back to the right of the Third Thoracic Vertebrate as indicated in pictures and the autopsy report, coat, and shirt, it didn't enter his neck/shoulder as future president Ford interpreted as a Warren (C)Omissioner. Arlen Specter's Pristine Magic changing directions in the air bullet is Bull Sh*t. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=paRVCWI9&id=53B8C9429FFF639C5156EC4EEA07C7B6BE962EAD&thid=OIP.paRVCWI9djuPslIF6nu5_ADTEs&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.jtsstrength.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2013%2f03%2fspine.jpg&exph=753&expw=531&q=Thoracic+Vertebrae+Numbers&simid=607988343789063846&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 This is NOT HIS NECK. From the National Archives. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=paRVCWI9&id=53B8C9429FFF639C5156EC4EEA07C7B6BE962EAD&thid=OIP.paRVCWI9djuPslIF6nu5_ADTEs&mediaurl=http%3a%2f%2fwww.jtsstrength.com%2fwp-content%2fuploads%2f2013%2f03%2fspine.jpg&exph=753&expw=531&q=Thoracic+Vertebrae+Numbers&simid=607988343789063846&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0 See? It's well below the cervical vertebrae. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=zXSWFJqY&id=496FFF0E3AF7805A08679A7B7CB2944AA8B6F79D&thid=OIP.zXSWFJqYUJ1xbrUYt-6NrQEWEs&mediaurl=https%3a%2f%2fclassconnection.s3.amazonaws.com%2f720%2fflashcards%2f626720%2fjpg%2fspine1320374312573.jpg&exph=319&expw=296&q=third+thoracic+vertebrae+image&simid=608008139279173363&selectedIndex=8&qpvt=third+thoracic+vertebrae+image&ajaxhist=0
  15. Above suspicion? His actions defy it. He was not quietly in Vietnam in 67 running for President of the USA. The rare picture provide by http://www.blackopradio.com/ (you won't see it in the chicken sh*t msm) shows him in Lansdales's living room, not the embassy in a public performance. Note the checkerboard U S tile and magazines stacked under the faux wood table. He said "I'm not a crook" and flashed the peace sign on the way out. He lied. I don't believe much of anything he said, ever. If he was running for president in Vietnam it wasn't for election by the U S populace. The picture hasn't been widely promulgated by the Main Stream Media, in his own memoirs, or by his proponents (e.g. roger stoned). Who was Nixon's campaign manager in April 67? A year before MLK, RFK, LBJ quits?
  16. This can't be dismissed that easily. At least one of us speculate Nixon might have been trained by and controlled by the Dulles brothers early on. This all rolls forward and backward in relation to "that bay of pigs thing" and the JFK Assassination. How does Angleton figure into the middle of all this? As an associate of Dulles? Did he have private files on Oswald? https://www.amazon.com/Ghost-Secret-Spymaster-James-Angleton/dp/1250080614/ref=sr_1_1?s=books&ie=UTF8&qid=1507441980&sr=1-1&keywords=ghost+morley
  17. This still just floors me. How naïve I've been all my life. Unknowing about the Truth in History. Bless this site, those who contributed to it's existence and all the rest of whom have contributed to the pursuit of the Truth on it. Maybe someday my children or grandchildren will learn from it all. Maybe someday a Official Historian from Harvard or Yale will acknowledge reality, ha. Or the msm, nty/wapo will rebel, ha,ha! We have two pictures of Nixon in Vietnam in 67 in no official capacity the year before he sabotages the 1968 Peace Talks to prolong the War to ensure his election. Given his overall stature in History, how much more does History need to suspect he had nefarious objectives in this situation?
  18. Going back to the50's if you throw in Secretary of State John Foster Dulles and his Director of the CIA brother Allan along with Connecticut Senator Prescott Bush (1952-Nineteen Sixty Three???), it really does get deep. Boots, hip waders won't do. Chest waders may not suffice.
  19. I've looked using multiple combinations of relevant words and not found what I read in another article a few days ago which I should have physically noted. Father Wa was further identified, with CIA affiliation. And, it speculated the five guys coming out of the jungle to meet the chopper with him for the gold exchange were CIA operatives.
  20. Food for thought. Lansdale was there at the time as part of CIA Operation Phoenix. Was Nixon there consulting with, instructing, or advising him for the CIA? https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Phoenix_Program
  21. Nixon was never CIA per se. But his Patron into National politics was Prescott Bush. His career was supported, funded, directed by the Bushes, Dulles and their associates. See Russ Baker's Family of Secrets. Quite likely someone from this Nexus suggested he go to Vietnam in 64 and 67. But, supposition on my part, no proof. Kind of damning that he was there in the year before his sabotage of the peace talks to ensure his election in 68 though. https://www.bing.com/search?q=Richard+Nixon+Prescott+Bush+picture+&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=8d6ff3c95b8540d0af75738e2fb60f56&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=richard+nixon+prescott+bush+picture+&sc=0-36&qs=n&sk=&cvid=8d6ff3c95b8540d0af75738e2fb60f56
  22. Thank you very much Chris, Jim and Len. I was literally just about to post (while I had the one link below up and handy) that I didn't see a place to search on the Black Op's Radio site (wish I had more time to spend there!) and a google search of just "Nixon in Vietnam 1967" comes back as no results found. I did stumble across this article which shows a picture of Nixion in Vietnam in 1967 with Lt. Gen. Lewis W Walt, though the article subject is Nixon at the Bohemian Club in 67. https://www.nytimes.com/2017/07/28/opinion/the-day-nixon-began-his-comeback.html What the heck was Nixon doing in Vietnam, apparently influencing U S policy, when he officially had no role in the Government at the time? This is some deep doo doo that doesn't seem to be well known. Any explanation by anyone ever on why he was there then or in 1964? Ken Burns, PBS, are you listening? Thanks again gentlemen.
  23. Jim I wonder who sent him, why is potentially addressed in the article. But I can't see Nixon suddenly deciding "I'm going on a world tour to bolster my image". He was a pawn. I'm curious if there is known sponsorship of the trip. BTW, is there link to Len's picture? Nixon/Lansdale together in Vietnam in 1967 is significant. Worthy of inclusion in the revised edition of Ken Burns 'documentary".
  24. I'd read part of the info in the attached article below elsewhere in the last few months. Can't remember where. http://jimhougan.com/NixonInTheJungle.html Did Nixon play a role in the creation of the Gulf of Tonkin incident?
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