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Ron Bulman

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Everything posted by Ron Bulman

  1. https://www.bing.com/search?q=dust+in+the+wind+kansas&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=b49e12938f4f4a8b978d27faa871b5e3&sp=5&qs=LS&pq=dust+in+the+&sk=LS2AS2&sc=8-12&cvid=b49e12938f4f4a8b978d27faa871b5e3
  2. In the last 20 years we've seen multiple occasions of past Presidents appearing together, up to four at a time. Such was not common in 1963. What are the odd's? JFK and LBJ ere not supposed to travel together per Secret Service protocol. But they did. They arrived in Dallas the morning of 11/22/63. Former VP and future POTUS Nixon left that morning after the Pepsi Convention the night before. Bush 1 left that morning (?) after a Congressional campaign speech the night before. JFK and Nixon had no real connections to Dallas. LBJ and Bush a few. Odd all of them were there that morning.
  3. A GHWB and DeM connection is intriguing but nothing other than both being in the Dallas Petroleum Club I've read. Anyone please educate me on more. Ehh. Him in the Dealy Plaza picture is a likely rabbit hole. Preface, he did stay the night before 11/21/63 in Dallas and speak to a Oil field tool companies convention as part of his unsuccessful Congressional campaign. It's not impossible he went from DP to Redbird airport and flew to Tyler to have the opening remarks of his campaign speech there interrupted by news of JFK's death. Then again there is Hoovers brief of "Bush". And he did go on to become head of the CIA, as well as POTUS.
  4. As an attorney you should be advised that all three witnesses regarding the dust/shells may have been coached before their testimony regarding it. This has been discussed in depth either here or on other websites.
  5. Please be specific about claims I have made / things I've posted. Didn't know I was the other Michaels target, naïve of me again. Regarding getting hurt easily and bleeding forever maybe this will draw more attention to Lansdale in Dealy Plaza. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=rolling+stones+let+it+bleed&view=detail&mid=4145AD20F86F3C004CE54145AD20F86F3C004CE5&FORM=VIRE
  6. This is the "original" post I was referring to Michael (Clark).
  7. Regarding the original quote they also had no Closed Circuit TV in 1963 to watch LANSDALE on in the basement two floors below the Carousel. Ruby reputedly threw unruly/unacceptable patrons down second floor stairs acting as his own bouncer. Documented somewhere. Read it in an actual Book many years ago I believe.
  8. https://www.bing.com/images/search?view=detailV2&ccid=tFGGs7rQ&id=2A0DB67F9B4B10095D42707BF35A281DF9322090&thid=OIP.tFGGs7rQwC2sT82oUDwaqgEEEW&q=time+magazine+bobby+baker+cover&simid=608023875965553451&selectedIndex=0&ajaxhist=0
  9. Issued to Jesusa Reyes, female, Mother of Sponsor, Private First Class Lupe Munoz. Chris said it's a dependent card. Parent's can be dependents of children though I dread the possible prospect, while still better than others.
  10. Bada Bing. If JFK, and LBJ landed at Carswell AFB in Fort Worth at 11:07 PM how did LBJ get to Murchison's, North of Dallas for the big event pre party? A never disclosed helicopter waiting to wisk him away and back? Help here please, Did JFK and LBJ not have a (angry?) conversation that night after they arrived at the Hotel Texas? I.E. delaying such a remote possibility? In looking for info on the subject I came across this interesting link I've never seen. https://www.realclearpolitics.com/articles/2013/11/21/november_21_1963_120742.html
  11. Thanks Sandy, Life not Time. My memory Is faulty again. And I once subscribed to Life.
  12. It would have also mortally wounded LBJ and the rest of the Democratic Party. He was too shrewd for that too. But he would have cooperated with others seeking his desired results, especially if they had power over him. Forgive my poor memory. Did not Henry Luce pull the planned Time Magazine cover/edition from the next weeks publication immediately after the assassination that featured LBJ and Bobby Baker (all screwed up I'm sure)?
  13. Reading this article should be mandatory for anyone seeking the Truth about the JFK Assassination.
  14. After what I've read on here and a Little elsewhere JMO of a Theory, yes it was a fraud, and it was planted by Someone else. No real clue who.
  15. Michael, 8 posts on 8 different threads in 7 hours 45 minutes. How do you have the time or more importantly the expertise on each subject to develop these threads further. If they are all important? I don't have time to read them all
  16. Somewhere in my reading I've somehow gotten the same feeling. As a Florida Senator was Smathers possibly affiliated with Nixon's buddy BeBe Rebozo, they went back to the early 50's/Cuba did they not (Nixon-Rebozo)?
  17. Aside as no other comments. Not topic related other than the Beatles. Not a big Prince fan but one of his best performances? Administrators delete if deemed a distraction.
  18. Turning 13 in 69 the Beatles "White" album was the second one I bought after getting a stereo for Christmas. I wonder if Paul, and John's (as they were friends then) attitude about world events might have influenced this song. https://www.bing.com/search?q=beatles+back+in+the+ussr&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=68959a0e6f584f67896ae66f4a37cd40&sp=1&qs=AS&pq=beatles+back+&sc=8-13&cvid=68959a0e6f584f67896ae66f4a37cd40 Or this one.
  19. RE: Faustian Bargains. Joan Mellen did not debunk LBJ's complicity in JFK's assassination. No, she did not. It is entirely possible, if not likely, LBJ had prior knowledge of the assassination and was complicit with it, if not a participatory role in the set up. However, she pretty much destroys the theory that LBJ orchestrated it and that his supposed hit man Mac Wallace did the deed (all by himself while LHO was out on the front steps with Bill Shelly).
  20. It is excellent and deep. Growing up watching My Favorite Martian I had no idea the man behind the curtain was really someone from the CIA named Dulles. https://www.bing.com/videos/search?q=my+favorite+martian+tv+show&qpvt=my+favorite+martian+tv+show&FORM=VDRE Or that it was part of something called "Operation Mockingbird" An alleged Operation per Wikipedia. https://www.bing.com/search?q=operation+mockingbird&form=PRUSEN&mkt=en-us&httpsmsn=1&refig=68959a0e6f584f67896ae66f4a37cd40&sp=-1&ghc=1&pq=operation+mockingbird&sc=8-21&qs=n&sk=&cvid=68959a0e6f584f67896ae66f4a37cd40
  21. Mr. Caddy, with all due respect, hope your not flooded out in Houston. An alien ship might come to the rescue if so.
  22. It's a receipt for property left in the care of another person or business. The Hoover Institute's not much help in terms of a basic terms search, but I didn't expect much from them. Maybe the upcoming files release will illuminate us on this and much else... Maybe not in my lifetime, But through the efforts of legitimate researchers History Might reveal the Truth in Time.
  23. Thanks for digging this up Joe. I'm not as well read as many on here but I don't remember seeing this anywhere else. Dr. Newman is certainly a respected credible source. As I'm currently slowly reading the second edition of JFK and Vietnam I looked up and read all the parts about Lansdale on pages from the index. Nothing about this there but from what I can tell so far the book does not address the physical assassination itself. If Lansdale was possibly at the Hotel Texas the night of 11/21/63 that is a bit perplexing. Why would he be there? As part of security somehow for the trip but never mentioned/acknowledged anywhere ever? If he was part of an assassination plot, I.E. the Dealy Plaza picture is him, why would he be at the Hotel Texas the night before, registered under his real name? I believe there were people on JFK's staff / in his entourage that would have recognized him and been suspicious if he was not a known member of the security team for some reason. To my knowledge Lansdale was not normally a part of JFK's public appearances security. To that end, I've never read anywhere that he ever participated in such before. I guess someone could speculate that he was there under cover coordinating last minute details with or "handling" LBJ for the CIA in his capacity as liaison for them. But registered under his own name?
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