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W. Niederhut

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Everything posted by W. Niederhut

  1. This is creepy as hell, especially in light of what happened at the Ambassador Hotel. IMO, there's no excuse for not assigning a Secret Service detail to RFK, Jr.
  2. Ruh roh... 🤥 GOP Family Values Update!! EXCLUSIVE: Married South Dakota governor Kristi Noem and Trump advisor Corey Lewandowski have been having a years-long clandestine affair | Daily Mail Online
  3. US economy going strong under Biden – Americans don’t believe it www.theguardian.com/us-news/2023/sep/15/biden-economy-bidenomics-poll-republicans-democrats-independents September 14, 2023
  4. Sandy, Something about this reminds of Utah's Dead Horse State Park. IMO, the topic is the ultimate JFKA forum example of "beating a dead horse." It is important, and historic, but so are many JFKA subjects-- and we have already had more than 20 redundant forum threads about the "Biden snuff job" on the JFK Records. What more can be said? Perhaps any real newsworthy developments on the topic could be posted on a thread by Larry Schnapf. Also, my prediction is that a thread on this topic that is pinned to the top of the board will devolve into a redundant Biden snuff job MAGA spam thread-- accompanied by a great deal of whining about any moderator efforts to delete the anti-Biden tropes.
  5. Amazing!! Hunter Biden has accomplished what no other Democrat has ever been able to do. The GOP is finally concerned about an American citizen buying a gun!! 🤥 Hunter Biden indicted on federal gun charges (usatoday.com)
  6. The Liberal Redneck discusses Lauren Boebert's eviction from Denver's Buell Theater on Sunday. Need some comic relief? 😂
  7. Matt, According to today's Atlantic article, (above) Romney was warned by Senator Angus King on January 2, 2021 that intel sources were concerned about a possibly January 6th mob attack on the Capitol. Romney immediately sent a message to Mitch McConnell asking about security issues for January 6th. McConnell never replied. More evidence that people in the Trump administration had intel about the impending J6 attack on Congress and, apparently, obstructed appropriate security.
  8. WHAT MITT ROMNEY SAW IN THE SENATE In an exclusive excerpt from my forthcoming biography of the senator, Romney: A Reckoning, he reveals what drove him to retire. September 13, 2023 No Paywall https://archive.ph/BneOO
  9. Trump wants a judge to recuse from the Jan. 6 case. It's a dangerous attempt to thwart a conviction. (slate.com)
  10. I have been reluctant to post anything on this horrifying, traumatic subject-- and I was reluctant to post anything on the 22nd anniversary of 9/11 yesterday. And, in my opinion, most Americans are still not ready to talk about what happened on 9/11. The psychological wounds are too deep. Speaking personally, I still have occasional post-traumatic flashbacks of the collapsing Towers, and people leaping from the buildings. The serial explosions that pulverized the WTC Twin Towers on 9/11 are plainly visible (and audible) on film and audio recordings, and the serial explosions have also been described by numerous 9/11 witnesses whose testimony was suppressed in the mainstream media, and in Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission Report. The suppression of this critical 9/11 witness testimony-- which contradicts the official government narrative about 9/11-- is similar to what happened in the case of the Warren Commission's suppression and alteration of the testimony of numerous Dealey Plaza witnesses. The most famous witness of the WTC explosions is William Rodriguez, but there were numerous other witnesses of the serial explosions that demolished the Twin Towers, including a number of NYFD firemen who were in the Twin Towers before they collapsed. NYFD personnel also described liquified steel "flowing like a foundry" at Ground Zero-- a phenomenon that could not have been caused by burning jet fuel (or burning office furniture.) Most people today are also unaware that the bodies of many victims (more than 1,000) in the Twin Towers were never identified, because they were pulverized into fine ash, along with hundreds of thousands of tons of WTC concrete that was dispersed in explosive pyroclastic flows into the Manhattan atmosphere.
  11. Matt, Most people don't know that Rudy Giuliani was forewarned about the impending demolition of the Twin Towers on 9/11-- as he told Peter Jennings on 9/11. Giuliani later gave a different story to Phillip Zelikow's 9/11 Commission-- denying that he had been forewarned about the anomalous, impending collapse of the Towers. When Giuliani told NYFD personnel on 9/11 that the Towers were going to collapse, they thought he was nuts, because steel skyscrapers don't rapidly and abruptly collapse as a result of fires. The NYFD continued to send firefighters into the Towers, to evacuate trapped civilians. David Ray Griffin, and others, have discussed this issue in detail. Giuliani also lied about the toxicity at Ground Zero after the explosive demolitions on 9/11. Giuliani Gives Contradictory stories about the Impending Building Collapse (911truth.org)
  12. Speaking as a former player, I can tell you that tennis matches don't have anything to do with karma, John. Karma is when anti-vaxxers die of COVID and Putin's murderers get whacked in Ukraine-- as we have repeatedly witnessed.
  13. Look it up, laddie. You will learn that I have told you the truth about the police reports of guns in Trump's J6 MAGA mob. In fact, Trump was told that his MAGA mob had guns, prior to his infamous Ellipse speech. That was when he famously told his security people to, "Take down the magnetometers. They're not here to harm me." See if you can finally figure that one out.
  14. False. The fact is that police on the Washington Mall reported that people in Trump's J6 mob had guns. Those police audio recordings were made public during the Congressional J6 hearings. They were also the back story for Trump's comment before his Ellipse speech, "Take down the magnetometers. They're not here to harm me." These facts were reported, under oath, by Cassidy Hutchinson, Mark Meadows' administrative assistant. Look it up, Mathew. P.S. "Wasting." Not "waisting."
  15. I heard those police recordings about guns on the Mall with my own ears-- during the Congressional J6 hearings last summer. Look it up, fella. It's not my responsibility to educate people who buried their heads in the Fox News sand and refused to watch those historic hearings. Cut your own mustard.
  16. Study the Congressional J6 Investigation testimony, Mathew, especially Cassidy Hutchinson's testimony about discussions between Trump, Ornato, and security personnel prior to Trump's incitement speech at the Ellipse. Trump said, "Take down the magnetometers. They're not here to harm me." Remember? The J6 Committee also played recordings of police on the Washington Mall reporting that people in the MAGA crowd were armed with guns-- prior to the Ellipse speech. It's a shame Fox News censored coverage of that testimony. Instead, they promoted their bogus "hearsay" meme-- repeated endlessly by Jim Jordan and the Fox propagandists.
  17. This is one of the finest Education Forum posts of 2023, Denny... 🤥 Thanks for sharing. I especially liked the thumpity thump elevator scenario. As for the ballyhooed MAGA tropes about Trump being an heroic victim and adversary of the "Deep State," let's not forget that Secret Service and Pentagon officials deleted their January 6th texts and Emails, and did nothing to protect the U.S. Congress for three hours on January 6th, despite knowing, in advance, that Trump's MAGA mob was dangerously armed. If that wasn't dereliction of duty, what is?
  18. Matt, Any good reference links on this one? I'm still wondering about a number of unindicted people who may have been involved in Trump's J6 election subversion plot-- including some members of Congress, Roger Stone, Generals Michael and Charles Flynn, Chris Miller, and the Secret Service.
  19. FAFO... Peter Navarro is going to jail. Ex-Trump aide Peter Navarro found guilty of contempt of Congress (msn.com)
  20. Roger, We have had some good threads on this subject, with informative commentaries by James DiEugenio, Larry Schnapf, and other forum members. Is there a good reason for starting new, duplicate threads, rather than posting updated commentaries and news on the existing threads? In my study of the Education Forum archives, the standard practice has been for members to post updates on existing threads, rather than starting numerous new, redundant threads on the same subject.
  21. The subject of Enrique Tarrio's December 2020 visit to the White House has been raised by historian Michael Beschloss today. Tarrio claimed that he was "invited" to the White House prior to January 6th. Trump White House officials claim that Tarrio's visit was merely a "Christmas tour." I wonder. www.democraticunderground.com/100218251044
  22. I'm, frankly, appalled that some members of this forum, apparently, don't find it objectionable for a member to have posted multiple, redundant threads about the same topic-- the Biden "snuff job" on the JFK records. Some of these redundant anti-Biden MAGA spam threads were even posted on consecutive DAYS-- after a number of forum members had complained about the partisan, anti-Biden spamming of the JFKA board. The point of this partisan spamming was obvious to those of us who have tried to debate about contemporary political subjects with Ben Cole during the past two years. It was the main reason that the 56 Years thread was removed from the JFKA board and closed. Redundant spam. One or two informed threads by James DiEugenio and Larry Schnapf about Biden's actions would have sufficed-- and, in fact, we have had some good discussions here about what Biden (and Trump) have done to the JFK Records Act. Also, I notice that Roger Odisio, in particular, and Mathew Koch, are continuing to post complaints about the moderators on this JFKA board, instead of posting their complaints on the designated board for the moderators.
  23. Get a clue, Roger. Apparently, you are unfamiliar with Ben's history of repeatedly pushing false MAGA narratives on this forum. Last year, Ben spent months promoting Tucker Carlson's bogus "patriot purge" narrative about Trump's J6 attack on the U.S. Congress, while adamantly refusing to watch the Congressional J6 hearings, which he derided as a "circus." (See the 56 Years thread for details.) Ben has, similarly, insisted that the 2016 Trump campaign's well-documented involvement with Russia was a "Russia hoax," while refusing to read the (redacted) Mueller Report, or the U.S. Senate Intelligence Committee Report on Russian interference in the 2016 U.S. election. This year, after Tucker Carlson's surprising commentaries about the JFK assassination and records, Ben has started numerous redundant threads (roughly 20) about Biden's "snuff job" on the JFK records. Most of these redundant anti-Biden threads have paralleled the bogus propaganda narratives in the MAGA media framing Trump as a victim and adversary of the Deep State-- as if Trump, himself, hadn't blocked the release of the JFK records! On the campaign trail recently, Trump has been running with this bogus narrative by declaring that he will, "obliterate the Deep State" when he is re-elected. But this is not really the partisan wedge issue that Trump and his MAGA propagandists are selling, is it? If anything, Christopher Wray and the Trump era FBI obstructed FBI investigations of Trump, and James Comey's FBI promoted his election to the White House.
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