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Charles Blackmon

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    N Carolina
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    guitar, live music, SEC and Auburn football

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  1. BC Did you happen to heck out that paper I linked to about the rifle clip? Its really interesting!
  2. Eladio and Hunt were two possible conspirators who mouthed off before their demise. There were surely others (Files maybe).
  3. The problem with the clip that was missing at the crime scene, as well as the misidentification of the rifle as a Mauser for three days, is discussed in this paper which was linked earlier in this topic: assassinationresearch.com/v1n2/gtds.html The paper's conclusion is the investigators made a fatal mistake when they put a clip into the Carcano prior to walking out of the TSBD with it. A mistake that proves a conspiracy.
  4. The Klein's shipping order lists 1 Italian Carbine 6.5 w/4x scope...19.95...PP-1.50 What about the clip? Where did it come from? Anybody know? The rifle clip could be the key to prove conspiracy once and for all. assassinationresearch.com/v1n2/gtds.html
  5. If the cases against Oswald as lone JFK assassin and the Tippit killer was proven "beyond reasonable doubt" then there would not be so many of us doubters. Imagine if Oswald had lived, there had been a trial and any of us doubters had been old enough (or alive) to serve on either jury. What would sway any 12 of us to convict, assuming no pre-trial prejudice against LHO?
  6. What exactly has "researcher" Jonathan Cohen ever contributed to the JFKA understanding beyond snarky comments?
  7. The haunting connection between UFOs and America's nuclear weapons is laid bare in fascinating new study which concludes: They're trying to stop us from annihilating ourselves | Daily Mail Online
  8. The blacked-out areas just happen to coincide precisely with the location of the avulsed, baseball-sized exit wound in the right rear of JFK’s head seen by the Parkland Hospital treatment staff, in Dallas, on the day he was assassinated. Very good. I knew my eyes were not lying to me!
  9. Is there already a thread concerning this physical test that I missed somehow?
  10. The "black patch" looks to me like a black area and not just "shadow". Notice Connally's hair has more definition than JFK's. That Berkely study did not prove it was or was not either a black patch or a shadow. I am hoping someone on this forum with the necessary technical acumen will chime in and give us something more to consider.
  11. Denise Your posts go into a lot of detail. As such readers have to set aside a lot of time to read them before even thinking of responding. So please don't take it personal if few of us have done so.
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