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Charles Blackmon

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Everything posted by Charles Blackmon

  1. Shades of Ralph Leon Yates the witness to an Oswald impersonator a few days before the JFKA. Except that the FBI succeeded in destroying Yates' life thanks to his 'inconvenient' story.
  2. After making some changes to settings on my pc I am able to view the latest images on this thread. Thank you!
  3. No its not. Maybe somebody who has really dug into this subject can offer a "High fragment trail" thread.
  4. I understand what you are saying but the "cast of thousands" (not really thousands) might apply more for the coverup and enforcement of the lone nut position versus the number of plotters/killers. The coverup seems to have been necessitated in part because of the very clever WWIII virus. Just my opinion, subject to change.
  5. This forum is like a Sunday School meeting compared to the JFKAF 'Richard Smith' etc. 🙄
  6. From what I recall (I do not have the greatest memory and I do not have any notes or quotes in front of me) there is no way a full metal jacket bullet could have caused the top of the skull bullet fragments.
  7. Congratulations Jim. I look forward to watching the program again sometime soon.
  8. Anybody else come across this on YouTube? I listened to podcasts 1 and 4 last night. The series starts out audio only but recent episodes have video as well. He has done about 46 episodes so far so it is quite an investment of the listeners time for sure. Episode 4 about Oswald's whereabouts during the shooting really gets into the details, most of it familiar to folks on the EF. Solving JFK Podcast | JFK Assassination
  9. They don't want to stir up anything. Gotta keep the millennials and other young folks ignorant about the facts.
  10. What are the odds that the lamestream media would totally ignore this story in combination with the other witnesses who were violently knocked off before they were scheduled to testify?
  11. Am I the only one remaining who still can't see the posted images?
  12. Not interested in popularity polls. As John Lennon sang "just give me some truth."
  13. My suspicion as well. It would explain so much but most especially Oswald's possible involvement. I firmly believe LHO was put in that job at the TSBD for a reason.
  14. Same here. Maybe the picture posting maximum was reached?
  15. If there had been a real investigation by the DOJ everyone on this forum would know about it. Laughable!
  16. Understand. But how did you decide what was background in the image?
  17. Frank Sidebottom? Sounds like a real hoot! The Brits own a patent on great humor.
  18. Regarding the media, you can see in real time how their stories changed dramatically as the day and the weekend unfolded. Its like they "got the word" sometime after the prez died.
  19. I can't make out any separation from the figures that you say are men and their surroundings in your April 4 4:23 PM post. Maybe its just me.
  20. This makes a lot of sense. Maybe contract with somebody local to Dallas to take the control photo.
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