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Charles Blackmon

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Everything posted by Charles Blackmon

  1. Any idea if any of these details were in the Warren Report, or do we only know this because of assassination researchers?
  2. The mob would rub out Ruby's sister if he balked at taking out Oswald? I mean, it sounds like great movie material but is it "real"? Sure would be nice if somebody talked but they are almost all gone now.
  3. Not aware of any financial records that might show Ruby earning some kind of windfall. Or did the higher-ups get paid for what Ruby did? Did the higher-ups have something on Ruby?
  4. What about Jack Ruby? He was very much mob-connected. There are those phone records of him making calls to his mob connections pre-JFKA. Why would the mob want to silence Oswald?
  5. Specter's magic bullet theory came along later I seem to recall. Did they just forget about this reenactment at that point? Who were they trying to fool?
  6. All of this should have been obvious to the so-called experts in photo and film analysis on the various government inquiries. So why did they still say that JFK and Connally were both shot by the same bullet? Very strange.
  7. z224, z225 and z226. I was limited to only upload 3 gifs. Connally looks the same in all three. IN z227 he is blurred. In z288 and z229 his posture still looks the same. I will try to post those 3 gifs in a follow-up.
  8. I looked at Costella combined edit frame by frame. It does not match up at all with your video when I just concentrate on Connally's reaction after coming out from behind the sign. I have no idea whether your video clip is more to be believed than Costella's. Sounds like another subject for debate. Which evidence is real, not doctored, and worthy of believing?
  9. Frames 224-226, the frames where the limo is emerging from behind the signs, there is no noticeable reaction in the Governors posture or facial expression to this assumed magic bullet tearing into his chest.
  10. The article does not get into when and where it will be released. 'Nuclear Now' is a nuclear power documentary. Having worked in nuclear power design for a good bit of my career, glad to see somebody of note taking a pro-nuclear stand. and helping to educate the public. Something's got to generate the electricity to recharge all of those EV's. Oliver Stone Sounds Off on 'Idiots' in Showbiz, 'Nuclear Now' Doc - Variety
  11. Yes it appears to me that Oswald was doing what he was told to do in order to build his left-wing 'legend'. In order to take part in something at some point. The assassination? Not sure. I just want to know what if any involvement LHO had in the events of 11/22/63. He can't tell us because he was permanently silenced.
  12. This hi-jacked thread got me to thinking about inflation and what things cost then vs now. It looks like when you compare apples to apples, the $49 you would spend today for a family meal at KFC is only about 3% more than the $3.59 you would have spent for same product in 1966. I used the O-6 military pay scale for Air Force Colonel for an example of pay inflation, a job which paid $12,700 a year for 22 years of service in 1966, vs $141,876 a year in 2022. Of course that 3% shows that wages have not kept up with inflation, but it gives you reassurance that we aren't in hyper-inflation (yet).
  13. The SBT is pure bunk. Maybe we need a Forum poll with a question like: "Do you believe the Magic Bullet Theory is plausible, or is it based on junk science?"
  14. I was into all the UFO stuff until I paid good money for a "non-fiction" book dealing with the Gulf Breeze sightings. Gulf Breeze being just a few miles from my then-home in Pensacola FL. By the early nineties the whole story had been debunked.
  15. Yep. Marina was always making things up. The testimony about her taking the backyard photos is a real howler.
  16. Marina's testimony on pretty much anything is not to be believed. She was constantly changing her story. Not a good witness, would have been destroyed if she testified at a trial. No points for bringing up Marina's testimony.
  17. Maybe he did. He heard the gunshots well before he was hit, or even before he knew the prez was hit. Not a happy realization!
  18. KFC fun fact: I first enjoyed KFC at a restaurant called the Rustic Inn in Blytheville Arkansas in 1967. My dad, an Air Force pilot, became an instant fan and I made many KFC runs for the family my late teenage years in Florida. The Rustic Inn sadly eventually succumbed to arson by owner.
  19. Oswald also would have had to have clairvoyant powers to know that the motorcade was running at least 15 minutes late. He was not at the 6th floor SN (based on BRW testimony) when the motorcade turned onto Elm if it had been on time.
  20. The balcony-lurker was most likely the same cat who killed Tippit, and was later whisked out the back door after Oswald was led out the front door. Greg Doudna has written extensively about the theater escapade.
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