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Robert Morrow

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Everything posted by Robert Morrow

  1. Roscoe White can have "government connections" and still not be a killer of JFK, which I do not think he was.
  2. After the Roscoe White story became BIG in the early 1990s. 2003. That makes a big difference. Hargis could have seen a policeman on the Grassy Knoll and conflated that fact with the Roscoe White story of the 1990s and then, presto! -Bobby Hargis says he actually saw Roscoe White on the Grassy Knoll. The next question is did Bobby Hargis say he saw Roscoe White on the Grassy Knoll at some earlier time, such is the 1960s? I don't put much credence into the Roscoe White story OR the Hargis identification of him. I am not saying I 100% don't believe it, but it is probably baloney.
  3. What year did Bobby Hargis saw this? Was it before or after the Roscoe White story became a hot news item?
  4. Can you find Rufus Youngblood's comments upon receiving his commendation for bravery from Lyndon Johnson? I have been unable to find them on the internet. (I am sure they are somewhere.) I wonder what Rufus said in his book about this?
  5. LBJ moved quickly to get this fantasy placed in the official record: Remarks at the Presentation of an Exceptional Service Award to Agent Rufus W. Youngblood of the Secret Service | The American Presidency Project (ucsb.edu) 36th President of the United States: 1963 ‐ 1969 Remarks at the Presentation of an Exceptional Service Award to Agent Rufus W. Youngblood of the Secret Service December 04, 1963 Mr. Secretary, Mr. Youngblood, Mrs. Youngblood, members of the Youngblood family, ladies and gentlemen: There is no more heroic act than offering your life to save another, and in that awful moment of confusion when all about him were losing their heads, Rufus Youngblood never lost his. Without hesitation, he volunteered his life to save mine. Nothing makes a man feel better than being an American and to be witness to this kind of noble patriotism. Rufus, there is no prouder person here this morning than I. You are a brave soldier in the highest American tradition of love for country and for duty. You are a proud son of Georgia. You are an excellent example of all the honored and brave and dedicated and diligent men and the women who work with them who make up what we proudly call the United States Secret Service. A more dedicated group of men I have never known from the Chief to the most humble employee. I am glad to know that Chief Rowley has made it possible for you to continue to serve the President as you did the Vice President, and I know in so doing that I will have one of the most noble and most able public servants I have ever known. Thank you. Note: The ceremony was held at 10:30 a.m. in the Rose Garden at the White House. The President's opening words "Mr. Secretary" referred to Secretary of the Treasury Douglas Dillon. Later he referred to James J. Rowley, Chief, United States Secret Service. The citation accompanying the award reads as follows: "This Award is made in recognition of Agent Youngblood's outstanding courage and voluntary risk of personal safety in protecting the Vice President of the United States at the time of President John F. Kennedy's assassination in Dallas, Texas, on November 22, 1963. "Mr. Youngblood was riding in the front seat of the Vice President's limousine within close proximity to the President's limousine when the assassination occurred. Upon hearing the first shot, Mr. Youngblood instantly vaulted across the front seat of the car, pushed the Vice President to the floor, and shielded the Vice President's body with his own. His prompt response in the face of great danger and his readiness to sacrifice his life to save the Vice President were in the highest traditions of the Secret Service. His valor and example make him a worthy recipient of this Award." The text of the introductory remarks by Secretary Dillon, who read the citation, was also released. Lyndon B. Johnson, Remarks at the Presentation of an Exceptional Service Award to Agent Rufus W. Youngblood of the Secret Service Online by Gerhard Peters and John T. Woolley, The American Presidency Project https://www.presidency.ucsb.edu/node/239673
  6. Rufus Youngblood said something like "Well if that is what the President said I did..." which is the takeway he was going along with LBJ's lie. LBJ's slave Lady Bird wrote - I mean fabricated - in her dairy that "Rufus Youngblood, I believe it was, vaulted over the front seat on top of Lyndon, threw him to the floor, and said, "Get down." Remember both LBJ and Youngblood were pretty big men and there was not room in the back of the Lincoln for that to happen with Sen. Ralph Yarborough being completely aware of it. So it never happened. I think Barbara Bush put some fantasies in her dairy from the day of the JFK assassination, too. Lady Bird Johnson’s diary notes about this day in Dallas 1963 Michael Beschloss Twitter feed - https://twitter.com/BeschlossDC/status/536200742538059776/photo/1 Also, here: https://www.archives.gov/exhibits/eyewitness/html.php?section=14 1964: Lyndon Johnson was very hostile to Secret Service director James Rowley – so much so that “Rowley could not make a decision… without Youngblood signing off on it” QUOTE In early 1964, President Johnson shocked Rowley by ordering him to cut the number of agents on his detail. The president handed down his orders just as the Secret Service chief was pressing Congress to agree to let him hire at least a hundred more agents in the coming year. “I want less when I go into the campaign than you had before the assassination,” Johnson told him. Johnson’s motivation was political showmanship. Days earlier, he had promised a budget with the lowest federal spending in years. “I won’t even go to the bathroom if I have to have more people,” he told Rowley. “I’ll just stay right behind these black gates.” The president grew even more hostile toward Rowley that year, accusing him of everything from “running a dictatorship” to “trying to get me killed.” Johnson’s erratic meddling played havoc with the Service’s orderly hierarchy. He had installed Rufus Youngblood as his detail leader, and he soon began swearing him to secrecy about upcoming trips. The president also gave Youngblood final say on who served on the detail or got promoted. Johnson later tried to kick Hill, a Service hero, off the detail because he didn’t trust anyone who had been that close to the Kennedys. Youngblood persuaded Johnson to give him a chance. This palace intrigue further demoralized the Service “when it was going through a serious bout of cancer,” agent Larry Newman said. “Rowley could not make a decision…without Youngblood signing off. It was like we had two leaders. “People were talking about the FBI taking over,” Newman added. “The press was saying the Service sucks. The field was in turmoil. Nobody knew what was going to happen….And the Warren Commission report information was coming out.” Rowley took endless abuse from his new president. But to the agents of the Secret Service, the chief was a hero. That feeling was only vindicated by how the quiet man they knew handled a contentious interview before the Warren Commission. On June 18, Rowley arrived at the commission offices in a Capitol UNQUOTE [Carol Leonnig, Zero Fail: the Rise and Fall of the Secret Service, p. 64]
  7. You can certainly believe that LBJ was not involved in the planning or the execution of the JFK assassination. That is fine. I happen to believe that Lyndon Johnson murdered Sam Smithwick in prison in 1952; that he murdered U.S. Agricultural official Henry Marshall in 1961; that due to his war with the Kennedys, LBJ in a defensive action, murdered JFK; that LBJ and Israel together tried to sink an American ship the USS Liberty, murder all 294 Americans on board so that the heinous crime could be blamed on Egypt. I also think that certain people connected to Billie Sol Estes were murdered because they know too much about the Cash Kickback pipeline from Billie Sol Estes to Vice President Lyndon Johnson. LBJ micromanaged every crime he ever committed, and he micromanaged his daily affairs and subordinates for decades. On the day of the assassination, LBJ told his mistress Madeleine Brown that after today those goddamn Irish mafia bastard Kennedys will NEVER embarrass me again - that is a promise not a threat. And then there is this: Robert Caro describes the LBJ-RFK relationship post 1960 Democratic convention, where RFK had moved heaven and earth attempting to keep LBJ off the 1960 Democratic ticket. Caro: QUOTE John Connally, who during long days of conversation with this author was willing to answer almost any question put to him, no matter how delicate the topic, wouldn't answer when asked what Johnson said about Robert Kennedy. When the author pressed him, he finally said flatly: "I am not going to tell you what he said about him." During the months after the convention, when Johnson was closeted alone back in Texas with an old ally he would sometimes be asked about Robert Kennedy. He would reply with a gesture. Raising his big right hand, he would draw the side of it across the neck in a slowing, slitting movement. Sometimes that gesture would be his only reply; sometimes, as during a meeting with Ed Clark in Austin, he would say, as his hand moved across his neck, "I'll cut his throat if it's the last thing I do." UNQUOTE [Robert Caro, The Passage of Power, p. 140]
  8. There is no good reason why in the DALLAS MOTORCADE mere MOMENTS before President Kennedy was about to take a bullet or bullets plural in head, that Lyndon Johnson and his Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood (who became a de facto leader of the Secret Service post JFK assassination) would be listening to a WALKIE TALKIE turned down "real low" so that Kennedy ally and LBJ opponent Sen. Ralph Yarborough could not head what it said. The source on this is Jim Marrs' interview of Sen. Ralph Yarborough. Lyndon, you can't just peacefully sit in your limo for 30 minutes on the way over to lunch at the Trade Mart? You have to be on a walkie talkie obsessively listening in? Listening to what? The weather report? People who have read extensively on LBJ know he was a micromanager in all of his crimes and plots. Rufus Youngblood once said LBJ would give you directions on how to turn a screw. There is no good or innocent reason for this (covertly listening to a walkie talkie at this time), especially when one considers that absolute war that was going on behind the scenes between LBJ and the Kennedys in November, 1963. Lyndon Johnson also fabricated the fantasy that 6'3" Rufus Youngblood vaulted into the back seat, threw LBJ on the floorboard and then protected him with his body. Youngblood and Lady Bird both went along with this big, fat lie. Why do you have to LIE about that LBJ? Are you trying to pretend your life was in danger? From Jim Marrs' Crossfire: Yarborough's Suspicion of Lyndon Johnson "There is the well-publicized story of Agent Rufus Youngblood, who reportedly threw himself on top of Vice President Johnson after the shooting began in Dealey Plaza.... Johnson, in a statement to the Warren Commission, mentioned the incident: I was startled by a sharp report or explosion, but I had no time to speculate as to its origin because Agent Youngblood turned in a flash, immediately after the first explosion, hitting me on the shoulder, and shouted to all of us in the back seat to get down. I was pushed down by Agent Youngblood. Almost in the same moment in which he hit or pushed me, he vaulted over the back seat and sat on me. I was bent over under the weight of Agent Youngblood's body, toward Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough.... However, former Texas senator Ralph Yarborough, who was sitting beside Johnson that day, told this author: 'It just didn't happen.... It was a small car, Johnson was a big man, tall. His knees were up against his chin as it was. There was no room for that to happen.' Yarborough recalled that both Johnson and Youngblood ducked down as the shooting began and that Youngblood never left the front seat. Yarborough said Youngblood held a small walkie-talkie over the back of the car's seat and that he and Johnson both put their ears to the device. He added: 'They had it turned down real low. I couldn't hear what they were listening to.'" --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy Yarborough's Suspicion of the Warren Commission Investigators "A couple of fellows [from the Warren Commission] came to see me. They walked in like they were a couple of deputy sheriffs and I was a bank robber. I didn't like their attitude. As a senator I felt insulted. They went off and wrote up something and brought it back for me to sign. But I refused. I threw it in a drawer and let it lay there for weeks. And they had on there the last sentence which stated: 'This is all I know about the assassination.' They wanted me to sign this thing, then say this is all I know. Of course, I would never have signed it. Finally, after some weeks, they began to bug me. 'You're holding this up, you're holding this up' they said, demanding that I sign the report. So I typed one up myself and put basically what I told you about how the cars all stopped. I put in there, 'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the protection of future presidents, they should be trained to take off when a shot is fired.' I sent that over. That's dated July 10, 1964, after the assassination. To my surprise, when the volumes were finally printed and came out, I was surprised at how many people down at the White House didn't file their affidavits until after the date, after mine the 10th of July, waiting to see what I was going to say before they filed theirs. I began to lose confidence then in their investigation and that's further eroded with time." --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy
  9. JON MEACHAM – apparently LONE NUTTER, endorsing lone nutter James L. Swanson’s End of Days: The Assassination of President Kennedy. Not completely sure about his but Meacham sure acts like a lone nutter. I have found it hard to find anywhere where Jon Meacham says anything definitive about the JFK assassination, but I do know that Meacham is a media shill for the Bush family. https://www.amazon.sg/End-Days-Assassination-President-Kennedy/dp/0062083481 "A master of the form, James Swanson has brought his formidable storytelling skills to bear on another tragic turning point in American history. His treatment of Dallas 1963 is grand narrative at its finest." -- JON MEACHAM - Pulitzer Prize-winning author of American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House and Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power Jon Meacham bio - https://www.vanderbilt.edu/unity/person/jon-meacham/ Jon Meacham, co-chair of the Vanderbilt Project on Unity and American Democracy, professor of Political Science at Vanderbilt University, and Carolyn T. and Robert M. Rogers Chair in American Presidency, is a renowned presidential historian, contributing writer to The New York Times Book Review, contributing editor at TIME, and Pulitzer Prize-winning author. Meacham’s latest book, His Truth Is Marching On: John Lewis and the Power of Hope, published in August 2020. The Soul of America: The Battle for Our Better Angels, was published by Random House in May 2018. His Destiny and Power: The American Odyssey of George Herbert Walker Bush, published in November 2015, was a #1 New York Times bestseller and is available now in hardcover and paperback from Random House. He is currently at work on a biography of James and Dolley Madison. Meacham’s book American Lion: Andrew Jackson in the White House, was a New York Times bestseller. Awarded the Pulitzer Prize for biography in 2009, the book was cited as an “unlikely portrait of a not always admirable democrat, but a pivotal president, written with an agile prose that brings the Jackson saga to life.” His other New York Times bestsellers include Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power, Franklin and Winston: An Intimate Portrait of an Epic Friendship, exploring the relationship between the two great leaders who piloted the free world to victory in World War II, and American Gospel: God, the Founding Fathers, and the Making of a Nation. A member of the Council on Foreign Relations and of the Society of American Historians, Meacham is a distinguished visiting professor at Vanderbilt University. He is a contributing writer to The New York Times Book Review, a contributing editor of Time, and has written for The New York Times op-ed page, The Washington Post, Vanity Fair, and Garden & Gun. Meacham is also a regular guest on “Morning Joe” and other broadcasts. Meacham’s biography of President Bush was named one of the ten best books of the year by The Washington Post and one of the best books of the year by The New York Times Book Review, Time, National Public Radio, and the St. Louis Post-Dispatch. Destiny and Power was also honored for excellence in “Politics and Leadership” in 2015 by the Plutarch Committee of BIO, the Biographers International Organization. Thomas Jefferson: The Art of Power received the 2013 Fraunces Tavern Museum Book Award from the Fraunces Tavern Museum and the Sons of the American Revolution in the State of New York, a prize that “recognizes books of exceptional merit written on the Revolutionary War era.” Franklin and Winston was honored with the Colby Award of the William E. Colby Military Writers’ Symposium at Norwich University. Meacham was also honored with the 2015 Nashville Public Library Literary Award; other winners include John Lewis, Robert K. Massie, Margaret Atwood, John McPhee, Billy Collins, Doris Kearns Goodwin, John Irving, Ann Patchett, John Updike, David McCullough, and David Halberstam. A former executive editor at Random House, he published the letters of Arthur Schlesinger, Jr., and books by, among others, Al Gore, John Danforth, Clara Bingham, Mary Soames, and Charles Peters. After serving as Managing Editor of Newsweek for eight years, Meacham was the Editor of the magazine from 2006 to 2010. He is a former editor of The Washington Monthly and began his career at The Chattanooga Times. Born in Chattanooga in 1969, Meacham was educated at St. Nicholas School, The McCallie School, and graduated from The University of the South in Sewanee, Tennessee, with a degree summa cum laude in English Literature; he was salutatorian and elected to Phi Beta Kappa. A trustee of the Thomas Jefferson Foundation, the Smithsonian’s National Museum of American History, The McCallie School, and The Harpeth Hall School, Meacham chairs the National Advisory Council of the John C. Danforth Center on Religion and Politics at Washington University. He has served on the vestries of St. Thomas Church Fifth Avenue and of Trinity Church Wall Street as well as the Board of Regents of The University of the South. The Anti-Defamation League awarded Meacham its Hubert H. Humphrey First Amendment Prize. In 2013 the Historical Society of Pennsylvania presented him with its Founder’s Award; in 2016 he was honored with the Sandra Day O’Connor Institute’s Spirit of Democracy Award. Meacham also received an honorary Doctor of Humane Letters degree from the Berkeley Divinity School at Yale University in 2005 and holds honorary doctorates from Middlebury College, Wake Forest University, the University of Tennessee, Dickinson College, Sewanee, and several other institutions. He lives in Nashville with his wife and children. Education – St. Nicholas School, a very fancy, expensive Episcopal elementary school https://www.stns.org/www The McCallie School – Christian non-denominational college prep school. University of the South, B.A. English literature, summa cum laude, salutatorian of his class and Phi Beta Kappa
  10. Thank you. H.L. Hunt's son Lamar Hunt founded the Kansas City Chiefs, in much the same way that the son of Clint Murchison founded the Dallas Cowboys. Both families hated the guts of John Kennedy and both families were in political alliance with John Kennedy. Having said that there is much more information that indicts D.H. Byrd in the JFK assassination as opposed to H.L. Hunt and Clint Murchison. John Curington - as he told me many times - was the actual person in the Hunt organization who picked the city KANSAS CITY for the start of a new football franchise. He did this by looking at a map and seeing how many semi-major cities or radio stations were within close distance of Kansas City as opposed to other candidate towns. It was purely a demographic play trying to reach the biggest base of support for the new football team.
  11. Dick Russell told me around 2019 that John Curington had not changed his story in the 25 years that he has known him or had dealings with him. A few years ago, I interviewed and/or spoke with John Curington many times. I think it is preposterous to think that he or Paul Rothermell was some sort of CIA plant on H.L. Hunt. Curington told me he was not that close to Paul Rothermell, who I think was a former FBI guy. John Curington was H.L. Hunt's right hand man for 12 years. And he knew first hand all the hatred H.L. Hunt, Lyndon Johnson, J. Edgar Hoover and Sen. John Eastland had for the Kennedys - and all 4 of those men were close buddies. Not long before LBJ died, H.L. Hunt and John Eastland went to visit LBJ and that is a proven fact. I am not saying I agree with everything John Curington has ever said, but he was in fact extremely close to H.L. Hunt, whether he was embezzling from Hunt or not. The Hunts got in trouble for illegally wiretapping Curington and there was a court case on this. One think John Curington told me was that he and H.L. Hunt had the largest intel file in the world on the JFK assassination - that is how closely H.L. Hunt was following this case. Hunt was know to make verbal death threats in regards to the Kennedys. John Curington told me he used to liaison with the head of the Texas Rangers Homer Garrison on any new development in the JFK assassination case. Homer Garrison lived from 1901-1968 and he is buried in the Texas State Cemetery which is a choice place to be buried - https://www.tshaonline.org/handbook/entries/garrison-homer-jr Homer Garrison was also the head of the Texas Dept. of Public Safety. Occasionally H.L. Hunt and Lyndon Johnson would have private meetings in the top suites of the Dallas Adolphus Hotel - a place I have been many times for JFK assassination conferences. Curington also said Billie Sol Estes came to visit H.L. Hunt about 1/2 dozen times. Estes told Curington, "John, you can shear a sheep 2-3 times, but you can only skim him once." (Whatever that means, don't get too greedy it is counterproductive.) I interviewed Curington in 2019- he said LBJ used to call H.L. Hunt and say "Good morning, Mr. Hunt, how are you?" and H.L. Hunt would reply "You can dispense with asking how I am, you can just take it for granted that I feel like talking with I call you." Curington also said that PR man Booth Mooney was on the Hunt payroll. Mooney later went to work for Lyndon Johnson and that is one way Hunt kept track of what LBJ was up to - had an inside man in LBJ's office. Curington said LBJ and H.L. Hunt might talk 2-3 times per day if there was a pressing issue or they might go 6 months without talking.
  12. Denny, you are very welcome. I have an endless amount of ammo aimed at Lyndon Johnson. Here is NBC reporter Nancy Dickerson who used to make Lady Bird jealous by dancing so much with LBJ in the White House: CBS Reporter Nancy Dickerson's Account of how Lyndon Johnson got selected at the 1960 Democratic convention: the Kennedys greatly wanted Stuart Symington for VP and repeatedly had made that known. QUOTE As the convention drew nearer, JFK had three secret meetings with Clark Clifford, who was handling the campaign of Senator Stuart Symington. The first was a luncheon at Kennedy's Washington house, where, through Clifford, he offered the Vice Presidency to Symington, provided Symington's Missouri delegation votes went to Kennedy. Symington turned down the deal. The second conversation, which took place in Los Angeles, was a repeat of the first, and again it was refused. The third conversation was in Kennedy's hideaway in Los Angeles, during which he told Clifford that he was fairly certain of a first-ballot victory and asked if Symington would be his running mate. As Clifford later told me, "There were no strings attached. It was a straight offer." The Symington and Clifford families conferred, Symington agreed to run, and Clifford relayed the news to Kennedy. Clifford was playing a unique role: he was not only Symington's campaign advisor but JFK's personal lawyer as well. He is one of the world's most sophisticated men, and he does not make mistakes about matters like this. As he told me, "We had a deal signed, sealed and delivered." [...] Early the next morning, Thursday, July 14, John Kennedy walked down the flight of stairs from his suite to call on Senator and Mrs. Johnson. There was a new sense of seriousness about him, a reserved inner calm that was perceptible not only in the way he walked, but in the way reporters and onlookers gave him a new deference, standing aside to let him through. I never dreamed that he was there to offer the Vice Presidency to LBJ- and if any of those among the more than fifty other reporters outside the door were thinking about it, they didn't say so. It never crossed my mind because Johnson had sworn to me a dozen times, both on the air and off, that he would never take the Vice Presidency. For his part, Johnson had been expecting the offer; he took it at face value and said he'd think it over. A politician to his bones, he could see the merits of a Kennedy-Johnson combination. All the Johnson aides believed it was a serious offer, and LBJ went to his grave saying he thought so, but there were many in the Kennedy camp who believed that it was only a courtesy. UNQUOTE [Nancy Dickerson, "Among Those Present: A Reporter's View of 25 Years in Washington," pp. 43-44] Robert Kennedy stormed into LBJ’s hotel room in Los Angeles and told him if he (LBJ) knew what was good for him, he would get off the 1960 Democratic ticket! LBJ and Unity: Kennedy vs. Johnson https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LzJn7vaA3ZQ John Connally, Bobby Baker and a third man are in this video 01:29 Finally, the candidate's brother, Robert Kennedy, paid Johnson a visit. 01:35 I was in the room, in Johnson's bedroom with Johnson and John Connally, the three of us 01:40 alone on the morning of the nomination for the vice presidency at about 10:30, when Bobby 01:49 Kennedy stormed in and started screaming at Johnson that if he knew what was good for 01:55 him, he'd get off that ticket. 01:56 So what happened was that Mr. Rayburn and John Connally went in to meet with Bobby Kennedy. 02:01 And Bobby Kennedy said that all hell had broken loose on the convention floor and that Johnson 02:08 was going to have to withdraw, just change his mind and not accept the vice presidency. 02:12 And Mr. Rayburn looked at him and he said, "Aw," and uttered an expletive that I am not 02:18 going to use. 02:19 Old man Rayburn said, "dooky, sonny," and kicked him out. 02:22 I said, "Your brother came down here and offered him the vice presidency and Mr. Johnson accepted it. 02:29 Now, if he doesn't want him to have it, he's going to have to call and ask him 02:33 to withdraw." 02:34 And I am grateful, finally, that I can rely in the coming months on many others, on a 02:42 distinguished running mate who brings unity and strength to our platform and our ticket, 02:48 Lyndon Johnson. Nancy Dickerson had known Lyndon Johnson since the early 1950s and had covered him for both CBS and NBC. Nancy Dickerson was a friend of Lyndon Johnson. https://slate.com/news-and-politics/2013/11/nancy-dickersons-reporting-on-lyndon-johnson-inside-lbjs-house-the-night-after-jfk-died.html “Inside LBJ’s Home the Night After JFK Died,” by John Dickerson for Slate, Nov. 22, 2013 John Dickerson, the son of Nancy Dickerson:
  13. This may be the same video but I am going to post it anyhow: History Channel 2003 -- LBJ vs. The Kennedys--Chasing Demons – originally aired on June 1, 2003. Soon it was banned from the History Channel This is a very good documentary that details the absolute war that was going on between Lyndon Johnson and Robert Kennedy in the aftermath of the JFK assassination. The reason for this is that Lyndon Johnson had just orchestrated the murder of JFK in response to the Kennedys trying to utterly destroy him with massive coordinated media exposes of his corruption as well as a Senate Rules Committee investigation into LBJ’s corrupt that was also being instigated by Robert Kennedy in early November of 1963. The Kennedys were not merely going to drop Lyndon Johnson from the 1964 Democratic ticket; they were going to napalm LBJ into roasted ruins. Web link: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=seoy3TUwnRw “LBJ RFK WHAT REALLY HAPPENED” "With the assassination of President John F. Kennedy on November 22, 1963, Lyndon Johnson was thrust into the nation's highest office, starting a new chapter in his increasingly bitter feud with the dead president's brother, Robert Kennedy. These two men, who openly despised one another, were now expected to work together to guide the nation through a turbulent time. This episode goes inside the oval office to tell the complete story of this strained relationship, using never-before-heard oral histories and LBJ's White House telephone recordings. See how the Kennedys saw Johnson as a threat to the New Frontier, while Johnson maintained a deep-seated fear of being overshadowed by the Kennedys and their quest to preserve the increasingly mythologized legacy of JFK. Johnson's fear was made worse by J. Edgar Hoover, whose secret files, break-ins, and phone taps served to fuel LBJ's paranoia." QUOTE The death of President Kennedy thrust Lyndon Johnson into the nation's highest office--and a new chapter in a bitter feud with Robert Kennedy. One of the greatest rivalries in U.S. history, this feature-length look at their tumultuous relationship features never-before-heard oral histories and LBJ's White House telephone recordings. We reveal how the Kennedys saw Johnson as a threat to the New Frontier, while LBJ nursed a deep-seated fear of being overshadowed by an increasingly mythologized JFK legacy. UNQUOTE QUOTE The strained relationship between former president Lyndon Johnson and Bobby Kennedy is chronicled through Dictaphone recordings; dramatic reenactments; and commentary from many who knew both men. Among those commenting: former Johnson secretary Marie Fehmer; former press secretary George Reedy; and Nicholas Katzenbach, former assistant attorney general. UNQUOTE
  14. Lyndon Johnson blackmailed his way onto the 1960 Democratic ticket because relations with the Kennedys were so rancid that Johnson knew that the Kennedys would instigate a revolt in the Democratic caucus and have him REMOVED as Democratic Majority Leader. If JFK were to be elected, that gig would be OVER for Lyndon Johnson. As John Connally told LBJ "The Kennedys play for keeps." So Johnson and his crew that the only way to preserve LBJ's political career was to go for the Vice Presidency despite the fact that for months LBJ had told people both publicly and privately that he would NEVER take a VP slot from the hated Kennedys. LBJ was following the motto "Keep your friends close and your enemies closer." John Kennedy had already told Sen. Stuart Symington that the Vice presidency was his, but over the night from July 13th to July 14th something mysterious happened to upend those plans. LBJ forced is way onto the 1960 Demo ticket and on the night of his election as VP in November, 1960 witnesses reported that they never saw a more UNHAPPY man than Lyndon Johnson on the night of the Democratic victory. On inauguration day 1961 LBJ's right hand man Bobby Baker told Don Reynold that JFK would not live out his term and would die a violent death. That is what the LBJ people thought about the Kennedys. JFK’s good friend Hy Raskin tells how Lyndon Johnson got on the Democratic ticket as VP in 1960: read the Dark Side of Camelot by Seymour Hersh, p.124-129: Close JFK friend Hy Raskin: “Johnson was not being given the slightest bit of consideration by any of the Kennedys… On the stuff I saw it was always Symington who was going to be the vice president. The Kennedy family had approved Symington.” [Hersh, p. 124] John Kennedy to Clark Clifford on July 13, 1960: “We’ve talked it out – me, dad, Bobby – and we’ve selected Symington as the vice president.” Kennedy asked Clark Clifford to relay that message to Symington “and find out if he’d run.” …”I and Stuart went to bed believing that we had a solid, unequivocal deal with Jack.” [Hersh, p.125] Hy Raskin: “It was obvious to them that something extraordinary had taken place, as it was to me,” Raskin wrote. “During my entire association with the Kennedys, I could not recall any situation where a decision of major significance had been reversed in such a short period of time…. Bob [Kennedy] had always been involved in every major decision; why not this one, I pondered… I slept little that night.” [Hersh, p. 125] John Kennedy to Clark Clifford in the morning of July 14, 1960: “I must do something that I have never done before. I made a serious deal and now I have to go back on it. I have no alternative.” Symington was out and Johnson was in. Clifford recalled observing that Kennedy looked as if he’d been up all night.” [Hersh, p. 126] John Kennedy to Hy Raskin: “You know we had never considered Lyndon, but I was left with no choice. He and Sam Rayburn made it damn clear to me that Lyndon had to be the candidate. Those bastards were trying to frame me. They threatened me with problems and I don’t need more problems. I’m going to have enough problems with Nixon.” [Hersh, p. 126] Evelyn Lincoln: In the famous photo of JFK and RFK huddling together, sitting on a bed, at the 1960 Democratic convention, they were trying to figure out how to keep Lyndon Johnson off the 1960 Demo ticket, but they could not because in the words of Lincoln, “Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover had them boxed into a hole or a corner. They were absolutely boxed in” in regards to Hoover’s sexual blackmail of JFK. This shame is why the Kennedys never told anyone how LBJ got onto the ticket. https://isgp-studies.com/american-security-council-membership-list Evelyn Lincoln, President John F. Kennedy's personal secretary, claims in the FRONTLINE documentary that Hoovers's files on Kennedy's personal life were used to pressure Kennedy to choose Lyndon Johnson as his running mate in the 1960 Democratic convention. Mrs. Lincoln was the only other witness to some of the private conversations between John and Robert Kennedy on the day Johnson was chosen. ''When I came in (the hotel room), they were huddled together closely on the bed discussing this tremendous issue about Lyndon B. Johnson being on the ticket,'' says Mrs. Lincoln. ''Bobby would get up and go look out the window and stare. Kennedy would sit there and think. In fact, they hardly knew I came into the room they were so engrossed in their conversation ... trying to figure out how they could maneuver to get it so he wouldn't be on the ticket.'' Mrs. Lincoln told FRONTLINE that what she heard that day convinced her that the Kennedys were being blackmailed. ''One of the factors that made John F. Kennedy choose Lyndon B. Johnson for vice president were the malicious rumors that were fed to Lyndon B. Johnson by Edgar Hoover about his womanising,'' said Mrs. Lincoln. ''Lyndon B. Johnson and J. Edgar Hoover had them boxed into a hole or a corner. They were absolutely boxed in.'' "Hoover and Johnson both had something the other wanted,'' said Robert Baker, the Texan's longtime confidant. ""Johnson needed to know Hoover was not after his ass. And Hoover certainly wanted Lyndon Johnson to be president rather than Jack Kennedy. ""Hoover was a leaker, and he was always telling Johnson about Kennedy's sexual proclivities. Johnson told me Hoover played a tape for him, made by this woman who had rented an apartment to one of John Kennedy's girlfriends. And she turned the tape over to the FBI. '' One senior official, William Sullivan, said flatly that Edgar tried ""to sabotage Jack Kennedy's campaign. '' Surviving records suggest agents in charge had standing orders to report everything they picked up on him. ... Historians have tried repeatedly to analyze the tense negotiations between the Kennedy and Johnson camps that led to Johnson accepting the vice presidential slot. Kennedy himself told his aide Pierre Salinger cryptically that ""the whole story will never be known. And it's just as well it won't be. '' ""The only people who were involved in the discussions were Jack and myself,'' said Robert Kennedy. ""We both promised each other that we'd never tell what happened. '' According to new testimony, what happened was blackmail. For John Kennedy, a key factor in giving Johnson the vice-presidential slot was the threat of ruinous sex revelations that would have destroyed the ""American family man'' image so carefully seeded in the national mind and snatched the presidency from his grasp. The blackmailers, by this account, were Johnson himself -- and Hoover. The new information comes from Evelyn Lincoln, John Kennedy's personal secretary for 12 years, before and throughout his presidency, and herself a part of the Kennedy legend. Sexual blackmail During the 1960 campaign, according to Lincoln, Kennedy discovered how vulnerable his womanizing had made him. Sexual blackmail, she said, had long been part of Johnson's ""modus operandi'' -- abetted by Edgar. ""J. Edgar Hoover,'' Lincoln said, ""gave Johnson the information about various congressmen and senators so that Johnson could go to X senator and say, "How about this little deal you have with this woman? ' and so forth. That's how he kept them in line. He used his IOUs with them on what he hoped was his road to the presidency." JFK to Pierre Salinger on how LBJ got to be picked as Vice President: “The whole story will never be known. And it’s just as well that it won’t be.” Stuart Symington (spartacus-educational.com) QUOTE Following the nomination and selection of Johnson as the vice-presidential candidate Thursday night, I returned to the office and was immediately called by a number of newspaper men who were checking on a story by John S. Knight, publisher of the Knight Newspapers, which purported that Johnson had forced Kennedy to select him as the vice-presidential candidate. Earlier that day I had gone to Bob Kennedy's room which was across from mine in the Biltmore Hotel. Ken O'Donnell was there and after I came in they were discussing the possibilities for Vice President. Bob Kennedy asked me to compute the number of electoral votes in New England and in the "solid South." I asked him if he was seriously thinking of Johnson and he said he was. He said Senator Kennedy was going over to see Johnson at 10 a.m. Ken O'Donnell violently protested about Johnson's being on the ticket and I joined Ken in this argument. Both of us felt that Senator Stuart Symington would make a better candidate but Senator Johnson seemed to be on Bob's mind. I remembered all of this later that night when I saw the news report about Johnson forcing himself on the ticket. I called Bob Kennedy that night to check the Knight story. Bob said it was absolutely untrue. From my conversation with him, however, I gathered that the selection of Johnson had not been accomplished in the manner that the papers had reported it had. I got the distinct feeling that, at best, Senator Kennedy had been surprised when he asked Senator Johnson to run for Vice-President and Johnson accepted... A day or two after the convention, I asked JFK for the answer to that question. He gave me many of the facts of the foregoing memo, then suddenly stopped and said: "The whole story will never be known. And it's just as well that it won't be." UNQUOTE [Pierre Salinger, With Kennedy, p. ]
  15. Bill Simpich’s State Secret, Chapter 6 is critical to understanding the Frame-Up of Oswald https://www.maryferrell.org/pages/State_Secret_Chapter6.html An unknown man provided “5 foot 10, 165 pounds” tip at JFK crime scene Fourteen minutes after the shooting, a 12:44 pm radio call in Dallas gave a description of a man with a rifle on the 6th floor of the Texas Book Depository. This radio call was based on the report of an “unknown white man’s” report to police inspector Herbert Sawyer. “Slender white male about 30, five feet ten, 165”.[ 2 ] The dispatcher Murray Jackson relied on this description, providing it again at 12:47, 12:49, 12:55 and 1:08, offering it as “all we have” prior to the shooting of Tippit at 1:09 pm. Ann Egerter and the FBI had used the phony Webster-like description of Oswald as “5 feet ten, 165” repeatedly to describe Oswald since his time in the USSR in 1960. This was no molehunt. This was a manhunt. The specificity of the “5 feet ten, 165” tip cannot be squared with the impossibility of providing a height-and-weight ID of a sixth floor sniper located at a window and only visible from near-waist height. You’re only seeing a portion of his body. There is no way to tell how tall he is, much less how much he weighs. What you would notice would be his clothes – but the witness noticed nothing on that subject. Also, there’s nothing “slender” about any man who is 5 foot 10 and 165. Such a man comes up with a body mass index (or “BMI”) of 23.7 – right in the middle of the American population. “Average” is BMI of between 23 and 26. Oswald, however, was generally referred to as “slender” in his CIA and FBI records. His weight was generally between 126 and 140. J. Edgar Hoover exhausted all leads before concluding that the 5'10"/165 description came from an “unidentified citizen” that approached Sawyer. No one ever convinced the FBI that the alleged witness Howard Brennan provided this tip. For whatever reason, Hoover was not willing to go along with the Warren Commission’s finding that credited Brennan as the tipster. The HSCA took the same approach as Hoover and did not rely on Brennan in any way. The powerful evidence that Brennan was not the “unidentified citizen” can be reviewed in the attached endnote.[ 3 ] Sawyer was asked if he personally received the “5’10”/165” tip, and he said that he did. When Sawyer was asked to describe the tipster, he said, “I don’t remember what he was wearing. I remember that he was a white man and that he wasn’t young and he wasn’t old. He was there. That is the only two things that I can remember about him.”[ 4 ] On another occasion, he said the man was middle-aged. The tip about the five-ten/165 pound man is even more remarkable when you realize that Sawyer reported the witness’ claim that the five-ten/165 pound man was “carrying what looked to be a 30-30, or some type of Winchester rifle”.[ 5 ] When asked if the shooter “was still supposed to be in the building”, Sawyer responded “unknown if he was there in the first place”. The five-ten/165 tip made it from Sawyer to Hoover in minutes. Hoover circulated among his top officers a chronology of what he learned in the first couple of hours after the assassination. At 1:07 pm CST, Shanklin told Hoover that “he had just received word the President was shot with a Winchester rifle”.[ 6 ] Sawyer’s tip was the only news regarding a Winchester. No one to my knowledge ever remarked that the tip largely matched Oswald’s FBI description from 1960 until his arrest in August, 1963, when he was described as five foot nine/140. The absence of important evidence in the record - what Peter Dale Scott refers to as “the negative template” – is often the strongest evidence of all. Something else to think about is that the CIA and the FBI both had computers in 1963. Within a very short period of time, a Soviet defector and Dallas resident such as Lee Harvey Oswald would have leaped right out from the CIA’s Records Integration Division. As we have seen, the “five-ten/165” Oswald description was embedded right in FBI agent John Fain’s May 12, 1960 memo that CIA officer Bill Bright went to great lengths to include in the CIA’s Records Integration Division files. (See Chapter 1) I believe that Sawyer was telling the truth. He was told that a man was carrying a Winchester rifle, and that he was 5 foot 10, 165, about 30, with a slender build. It wouldn’t take long to find out which book depository employee fit that rough description. I don’t believe the unknown witness was telling the truth. The unknown witness was part of an assassination team. He was nondescript: White, not too young, not too old, clothing unknown. I conclude that fifteen minutes after the assassination, Oswald was swept into this case by someone with access to the FBI reports or the CIA HQ description of Oswald as “five feet ten, 165”[ 7 ], and knew how to get it onto the police radio.[ 8 ] Oswald probably played no role in the Tippit shooting After Sawyer called in with the five-ten/165 description, police dispatcher Murray Jackson explained over the radio that Sawyer’s call was about a suspect in the President’s shooting that had been sighted at the Texas School Book Depository. Two officers immediately reported that they were either at the location or en route. For no understandable reason, Dispatcher Jackson then summoned patrolmen J. D. Tippit and R. C. Nelson and mysteriously asked them to “move into Central Oak Cliff area”. This is the neighborhood where Oswald lived. By this time, Oswald was heading for home. Nine minutes later, Dispatcher Jackson informed Tippit at 12:54 that “you will be at large for any emergency that comes in” nearby “Lancaster and 8th” in the Oak Cliff neighborhood – placing him less than a mile from Oswald’s address at 1026 North Beckley and far away from the manhunt in downtown Dallas three miles away! Years later, Jackson made the improbable claim to CBS News that he “realized that, as you said, that we were draining the Oak Cliff area of available police officers, so if there was an emergency, such as an armed robbery or a major accident, to come up, we wouldn’t have anybody there…”[ 9 ] The Warren Commission asked three officers if they could explain Tippit’s movements on November 22. Not only could none of them offer a reasonable explanation, but none of them even knew that the dispatcher ordered Tippit to go to the Oak Cliff neighborhood. The Warren Commission also asked police chief Jesse Curry about Jackson’s strange order to Tippit at 12:45 pm, with special concern because it was mysteriously omitted from the original transcription. As one wag put it, Curry suggested that Tippit had moved out of his assigned district to search for his own murderer. In a multiple hearsay story that is worthy of consideration, Tippit’s father told author Joseph McBride that he learned from Tippit’s widow that an officer told her that Tippit and another officer had been assigned by the police to hunt down Oswald in Oak Cliff. The other officer was involved in an accident and never made it to the scene, but “J.D. made it”.[ 10 ] Tippit’s widow has never made a statement for the record. When you have a witness that has offered limited interviews but no sworn testimony, that’s when a hearsay account may provide the reason why the witness is reluctant to talk. Tippit’s story is backed by none other than Johnny Roselli’s associate John Martino – both of these men admitted their involvement in JFK’s murder. Martino said that Oswald “was to meet his contact at the Texas Theater” in his Oak Cliff neighborhood.[ 11 ] What makes this all even more intriguing is that even by the time of Tippit’s death at about 1:09, Oswald has not yet been identified as an assassination suspect because the shells were not found until 1:12. Even after the rifle was found a little later, no one was able to tie the gun or shells to Oswald until early the next morning after visiting Klein’s Sporting Goods in Chicago, where “Alex Hidell” had mail-ordered the Mannlicher-Carcano found on the sixth floor. Nor was Oswald noticed as missing from the Depository until well into the afternoon. By around 1 pm, Oswald had reached his home in Oak Cliff, changed his clothes, grabbed his revolver, and went back out the door. A police car beeped outside Oswald’s home shortly before he left. The distance from Oswald’s house to theater was about a mile – three minutes if he got a ride, at least fifteen minutes if he was on foot. It was roughly the same calculus if Oswald headed towards the Tippit crime scene. I think it’s more likely that Oswald went straight to the Texas Theater, and was never at the Tippit crime scene. Butch Burroughs, a Texas Theater concessions employee for decades, told author Jim Marrs in 1987 that he sold Oswald popcorn right around 1:15 pm. Author Dale Myers challenged Burroughs, saying that he “told the Warren Commission that he didn’t see Oswald slip into the theater. He also didn’t mention selling popcorn to Oswald.” Myers missed the point. Ticket taker Julia Postal quoted Burroughs as saying “Well, I saw him coming out.”, presumably when Oswald bought the popcorn. Burroughs was never asked by the Warren Commission if he saw Oswald prior to the police hunt. Burroughs didn’t have much to offer the Warren Commission - it would be good to find out how he was prepared before his questioning - although he did hear from the shoe store owner down the street that someone had slipped into the theater without paying. This “someone” may have done it precisely to draw attention to Oswald. Burroughs didn’t know who it was, but believed that anyone who did that had gone straight up the stairs to the balcony because otherwise he would have had the right angle to see who it was. Oswald was arrested on the ground floor. He told the Warren Commission, “I hope I helped you some”, and the response was merely, “Yes, I hope you did too.” Burroughs also told Marrs that Julia Postal knew that she sold Oswald a ticket earlier that day, but didn’t want to admit it. She moved away from Dallas to escape questioning on the subject. When Ms. Postal was asked by researcher Jones Harris if she realized upon seeing Oswald’s face that she might have sold him a ticket, she burst out in tears. Burroughs also saw someone who looked a lot like Oswald arrested about four minutes after he was. This Oswald look-alike was taken out through the rear of the theater, rather than the front. Bernard Haire, who ran his business Bernie’s Hobby House two doors away from the theater, thought he had seen Oswald taken away through the rear doors for more than twenty-five years. When he learned that he had seen someone else, he was absolutely stunned. Burroughs’ story was corroborated by eighteen-year-old Jack Davis, never questioned by the Warren Commission, who remembered at 1:15 seeing Oswald squeeze in right next to him at the mostly deserted theater during the opening credits to the movie, then got up quickly and sat down next to someone else. Researcher Dale Myers states that the opening credits for the 1 pm movie ran at 1:20 pm.[ 12 ] The account from neighboring shoe store owner Johnny Brewer was that someone furtively entered the theater without paying at about 1:30 pm. That may have been when someone else entered, or it may have been Oswald after going outside to look for his contact. When Brewer saw the suspicious man enter the theater, he contacted the ticket-taker, and she called the police. Davis stated that Oswald sat next to him and then another patron before going out to the lobby. According to author Lamar Waldron, Oswald was armed with half a box top saying “Cox’s, Fort Worth”. If Waldron is correct, Oswald was apparently trying to meet someone who had the other box top half.[ 13 ] Manuel Artime did this kind of thing – his practice was to meet AMWORLD officers with torn one dollar bills. Tippit made an unsuccessful attempt to call the dispatcher at 1:08, right before he stopped his car to question a young man on foot. Domingo Benavides, a key witness, was driving his car when he saw Tippit step out of his police car and reach for his gun as he walked towards the front of the car. When the young man saw Tippit draw, he pulled out his gun from his coat pocket and fired several shots at Tippit. The time of the shooting is estimated at 1:09.[ 14 ] Another witness, Jack Tatum, reported that the gunman then stepped forward and administered a coup de grace to Tippit’s head. The Tippit autopsy report reflected a shot to the head from point-blank range. The HSCA believed that a coup de grace indicated that “this action, which is often encountered in gangland murders…is more indicative of an execution than an act of defense intended to allow escape or prevent apprehension.” Oswald was hardly a professional hitman, and this evidence is extraordinarily important. One unknown man described Tippit's shooter as "5 foot 10, 160-170 pounds"
  16. How can you trust a man who wrote a book "I, Witless to History?" The DPD got Brennan to lie after the death of Oswald so they could frame Oswald, which is what the DPD was doing within 14 minutes of JFK being shot. No, Brennan did not give that description to Herb Sawyer. Both men were lying about that.
  17. I don't know the answer to that question. I haven't know Weisberg to fabricate anything so I prefer to trust him on what Carrico said.
  18. Here is absolute proof that the Dallas Police Department was involved in the frame up of Oswald. Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960
  19. JFK’s wound to his throat was an entrance wound and, importantly, the bullet entered ABOVE his shirt and did not do any damage to his tie. Source: Dr. Carrico Harold Weisberg: QUOTE With the button and the button hole exactly in line and with the pattern at each end of the collar also coinciding exactly, the damages to the ends of the collar that overlapped when buttoned as it was do not coincide, as they would have if caused by a bullet. The damage to each side is a slit, not a hole made by a bullet. Both slits are frayed. On the president’s right, as worn, the slit begins below the neckband and extends downward. It is only about half the length of the slit in the left side as worn. This larger slit extends upward well onto the neckband, to where, if caused by a bullet, it would have struck the button. The button is unscathed. The damage to the shirt was not caused by any bullet. It was caused, as the commission’s transcript indicates, in emergency procedures. Carrico demonstrated this to me by grasping his own tie with his left hand and making cutting motions upward and downward with his right hand. He told me what he was not asked by the commission, that two nurses under his supervision cut the tie off with a scalpel. There was no time to untie the knot. It was the scalpel that make the slits in the shirt collar. UNQUOTE [Oliver Stone and Zachary Sklar, JFK: The Book of the Film, p. 228]
  20. See Russ Baker excerpt below. I wonder how those Texas oil barons who were Lyndon Johnson's best friends would react to the views of Walter Heller who wanted to "murder them?" I am particularly thinking of D.H. Byrd who had deep and longstanding personal friendships to people in the military and U.S. intelligence who hated JFK and well as a personal friendship with Lyndon Johnson, the greatest Kennedy-hater of all time. Secondly, how would H.L. Hunt think about all Heller stuff? Hunt was already privately making death threats to the Kennedys. It is a fact that H.L. Hunt made a visit to LBJ's hotel suite at the 1960 Democratic convention in Dallas. How would Clint Murchison, Sr. (still alive and kicking in 1963, even shooting doves with John McCloy down in Mexico in summer 1963) - I would what he would think about Walter Heller wanting to "murder" his oil profits. Mae Newman, who was a maid at the Murchisons, said that the Murchison family celebrated for a week after the death of JFK. D.H. Byrd, also a military contractor who made a mint off of the Vietnam War, H.L. Hunt, Clint Murchison, Sr - these men, along Texas power broker Ed Clark were all close personal friends with Lyndon Johnson and they all hated the Kennedys. I wonder how they would react to the Kennedys being about to destroy their decades long investment in cash cow Lyndon Johnson who made them so much money and saved them so much taxes. I wonder what George Brown, LBJ's sugar daddy with Halliburton, Brown and Root, thought about what was going on. What would these men do to protect their wealth and status? Kellogg Brown and Root minted money off of the Vietnam War. John Kennedy to Walter Heller about the oil industry: “Those robbing bastards, I’m going to murder them.” Russ Baker: Kennedy was locked in grim battle with oil and steel and banking interests, hated by mining giants and soda pop companies, resisting pressures from the burgeoning defense industry, and on and on. The list of the offending and the aggrieved was endless. Executives were taking out ads to excoriate him, and even showing up at the White House to practically spit in his face. “Those robbing bastards,” JFK told Walter Heller, chairman of the Council of Economic Advisors, when Heller mentioned the oil and gas industry. “I’m going to murder them.”—as cited in Family of Secrets, from audiotape held by John F. Kennedy Library and Museum - See more at: http://whowhatwhy.com/2014/06/29/carlyle-groups-latest-acquisition-the-jfk-library/
  21. Yes sir! Lee Harvey Oswald was a reader. People who are readers often have active minds and are trying to improve themselves. The other thing to look for is diversity in reading habits. Teenage Oswald to William Wulff, the head of the New Orleans Astronomy Club: “I like to infiltrate.” http://www.joanmellen.com/oswald.html Joan Mellen QUOTE Among the most telling details about Oswald emerged in the testimony of William Wulff, who had been head of the Astronomy Club of New Orleans. One day Oswald showed up, wanting to be a member, although it was clear he had no interest in astronomy. Wulff asked him why he wanted to join the Astronomy Club. “I like to infiltrate,” Oswald the teenager said, even then a person who preferred the company of others to being alone. At the same time, he cultivated invisibility, as if he were transparent. Infiltrating, he could follow the path laid out by that favorite of his fictional characters, FBI informant Herbert Philbrick, hero of “I Led Three Lives.” A caveat: it was Oswald’s brother Robert alone who gave out that Lee watched obsessively “I Led Three Lives,” while, as John Armstrong points in his book, “Harvey & Lee,” Robert is less than credible. In his book “Lee,” Robert Oswald wrote that when he left home to join the Marines, Lee was still watching the reruns of “I Led Three Lives.” In fact, Robert joined the Marines on July 15, 1952, and the re-runs were not aired until after the series ended, in mid-1956. Oswald may have watched “I Led Three Lives,” but it wasn’t as his brother said. The program was first aired in September 1953. UNQUOTE
  22. Would you like absolute proof that Lyndon Johnson was deeply involved in the JFK assassination and not some sort of "informed bystander" while other people did the dirty deed? Here it is: Lyndon Johnson and his top Secret Service aide Rufus Youngblood were LISTENING TO A WALKIE TALKIE TURNED DOWN LOW while LBJ was in the Dallas motorcade just a few cars behind sitting duck John Kennedy. Senator Ralph Yarborough witnessed this and years later told Jim Marrs about this. This is no innocent reason for LBJ and Youngblood listening to a walkie talkie turned down so low Lady Bird and Sen. Yarborough could not hear what was being said. Really, Lyndon Johnson, you can't sit quietly and relaxed in a motorade for 30 minutes while you are en route to having lunch at the Dallas Trade Mart? Mr. Johnson, why are you on a walkie talkie mere minutes before a bullet or bullets are put into JFK's head in Dallas? Lyndon Johnson also fabricated a complete lie about Rufus Youngblood barreling over the back seat, pushing LBJ to the floorboard and covering LBJ's body with his. A complete and total and typical lie from Lyndon Johnson. Jim Marrs from his Crossfire book: In several interviews, Yarborough voiced suspicions of a JFK conspiracy. Yarborough's Suspicion of the Military-Industrial Complex "As we approached the city and then finally turned down Main Street toward the Trinity River, the crowd increased as we got to the heart of Dallas ... and one of the most enthusiastic crowds we saw in any city we ran into in Texas on that tour ... that's on the sidewalks. Now if you looked up, in the upper stories, I never saw a single smile in any window I looked at. Some looked down ... it looked like ... with dislike on their faces." --former Senator Ralph Yarborough, interviewed in the documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Part 1: The Coup D'etat "Had Kennedy lived, I think we would have had no Vietnam War, with all of its traumatic and divisive influences in America. I think we would have escaped that. I think the world would have escaped the 50,000 odd Americans dead and 300,000 more wounded and over half a million more hooked on dangerous drugs ... tropical diseases ... the divisiveness of that war that so many of the people thought unjustified and unnecessary ... and that we shouldn't have been there ... that split this country. Many of those things have lingered on since." --former senator Ralph Yarborough, interviewed in the documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Part 5: The Witnesses Yarborough's Suspicion of Lyndon Johnson "There is the well-publicized story of Agent Rufus Youngblood, who reportedly threw himself on top of Vice President Johnson after the shooting began in Dealey Plaza.... Johnson, in a statement to the Warren Commission, mentioned the incident: I was startled by a sharp report or explosion, but I had no time to speculate as to its origin because Agent Youngblood turned in a flash, immediately after the first explosion, hitting me on the shoulder, and shouted to all of us in the back seat to get down. I was pushed down by Agent Youngblood. Almost in the same moment in which he hit or pushed me, he vaulted over the back seat and sat on me. I was bent over under the weight of Agent Youngblood's body, toward Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough.... However, former Texas senator Ralph Yarborough, who was sitting beside Johnson that day, told this author: 'It just didn't happen.... It was a small car, Johnson was a big man, tall. His knees were up against his chin as it was. There was no room for that to happen.' Yarborough recalled that both Johnson and Youngblood ducked down as the shooting began and that Youngblood never left the front seat. Yarborough said Youngblood held a small walkie-talkie over the back of the car's seat and that he and Johnson both put their ears to the device. He added: 'They had it turned down real low. I couldn't hear what they were listening to.'" --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy Yarborough's Suspicion of the Warren Commission Investigators "A couple of fellows [from the Warren Commission] came to see me. They walked in like they were a couple of deputy sheriffs and I was a bank robber. I didn't like their attitude. As a senator I felt insulted. They went off and wrote up something and brought it back for me to sign. But I refused. I threw it in a drawer and let it lay there for weeks. And they had on there the last sentence which stated: 'This is all I know about the assassination.' They wanted me to sign this thing, then say this is all I know. Of course, I would never have signed it. Finally, after some weeks, they began to bug me. 'You're holding this up, you're holding this up' they said, demanding that I sign the report. So I typed one up myself and put basically what I told you about how the cars all stopped. I put in there, 'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the protection of future presidents, they should be trained to take off when a shot is fired.' I sent that over. That's dated July 10, 1964, after the assassination. To my surprise, when the volumes were finally printed and came out, I was surprised at how many people down at the White House didn't file their affidavits until after the date, after mine the 10th of July, waiting to see what I was going to say before they filed theirs. I began to lose confidence then in their investigation and that's further eroded with time." --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy
  23. And you can find quotes by the Kennedys saying that JFK did not have Addison's Disease, too, which, btw, Lyndon Johnson's team of John Connally and India Edwards (https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/India_Edwards) were pounding Kennedy with at the 1960 Democratic convention. John Kennedy, big fat liar that he was, was making public comments in the fall of 1963 that he was going to keep LBJ on the Democratic ticket at the very same time he had unleashed Robert Kennedy to enact a "destroy LBJ" program of coordinated national media exposes into LBJ's epic corruption of massive kickbacks and bribes. James Wagenvoord of LIFE magazine confirmed that Robert Kennedy was behind this. I once asked Wagenvoord, how did you know it was RFK who was sending you all the LBJ dirt and Wagenvoord said that a JUSTICE DEPARTMENT LAWYER had been sent to Life with a large dossier of dirt on LBJ. Robert Kennedy, of course, ran the Justice Department. Senate GOP counsel Burkett van Kirk, interviewed by Seymour Hersh and others, confirmed that RFK had sent a JUSTICE DEPARTMENT LAWYER up to the Republicans on Capitol Hill with a dossier on LBJ that was delivered to GOP members of the Senate Rules Committee, who the Kennedys were urging to take down Lyndon Johnson. And the of course AFTER the JFK assassination, Robert Kennedy, big fat liar that he was, denied, and other RFK aides denied, that the Kennedys were going to dump Johnson. Oh, but Evelyn Lincoln knew better and she in her book let everyone what was going to happen to Johnson. Evelyn Lincoln, like Jackie Kennedy and Ethel Kennedy and Robert Kennedy and Jackie's Mom Janet Auchincloss, was convinced that Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination. The reason Robert Kennedy and his aides denied that the Kennedys were going to drop the completely hated Johnson was that they thought it would negatively affect RFK's future presidential prospects. This is the same reason Jackie and Robert Kennedy went to war with their author William Manchester: because his book contained much material, gotten from the Kennedys themselves, that was very negative about Lyndon Johnson. The Kennedys were worried that this might make them look spiteful or like sore losers. The hard reality of it was the Kennedys in their guts KNEW Lyndon Johnson had murdered JFK but they did not have the 100% goods to go public and say that. In the fall of 1963, Lyndon Johnson was acutely aware of and highly agitated about the Kennedys' ongoing attempt to destroy him - just ask LBJ aides George Reedy, Horace Busby and John Connally who have all confirmed this. Mere days before the JFK assassination, Robert Kennedy's friends gave him an LBJ voodoo doll for his 38th birthday (RFK born on 11/20/1925). But you gotta be careful: if you stick pins in LBJ, he might stick BULLETS in you! Let me further add, the #1 cause of the JFK assassination was the Kennedys absolute war with Lyndon Johnson; it was not because (primarily) of some sort of JFK "move to peace" that the military and CIA looked unkindly on. I do think that Gen. Edward Lansdale was enraged over the death of Diem, which he would have blamed JFK, and that some anti-Castro Cubans who killed JFK were angry over no Kennedy invasion of Cuba.
  24. That is the difference between being president with a well known history of vindictiveness and aggressiveness vs being a vice president who the media insiders, including Life and the Washington Post were ready to gut in early November, 1963. The same media organizations who the Kennedys were using to destroy Lyndon Johnson in November, 1963 were the SAME media organizations who carried water for Lyndon Johnson on the JFK assassination and on the topic of Vietnam for years, until Vietnam was such a mess that everyone knew it had been a gargantuan mistake. Never underestimate the deep and longstanding media ties of 1) Lyndon Johnson 2) CIA and Allen Dulles and 3) FBI J. Edgar Hoover and Deke DeLoach. All of these men were friends at the OWNERSHIP LEVEL with the national corporate media. And they used their influence in spades in the aftermath of the JFK assassination.
  25. It is a proven fact that both Lee Harvey Oswald and and Lyndon Johnson knew George DeMohrenschildt. LBJ absolutely had the power to swing national media; the owners, executives and reporters of the national media were Lyndon Johnson's personal friends for decades. For example, LBJ was pals with William Paley of CBS since 1943 and CBS did many favors for both LBJ and the the CIA. Lyndon Johnson, FBI J. Edgar Hoover and CIA Allen Dulles, collectively, had a massive media manipulation operation. J. Edgar Hoover, of course, was a close neighbor and friend of LBJ from 1943 to 1961. The FBI's de facto PR man Deke DeLoach was a close personal friend of Lyndon Johnson. LBJ used Deke DeLoach to vet Richard Helms for the CIA directorship (told to me personally by Deke DeLoach in 2011). Lyndon Johnson a great pal with Lew Wasserman the King of Hollywood and other moguls like Arthur Krim. LBJ's top Wall Street fundraisers was a Jew named Ed Weisel who ALSO was the chief counsel for the Hearst Media empire. Everywhere you turn you will see Lyndon Johnson plugged in at the highest levels of the media. CBS President Richard Stanton in fact acted as an IMAGE CONSULTANT for LBJ while he was in the White House! See all about that in David Halberstam's book on the media called The Powers that Be. LBJ was personal friends with these media powers that were. Someone needs to write a 700 page book on the close ties and personal friends between Lyndon Johnson and all the media: TV., radio, print, Hollywood, newspapers, magazines. LIFE Magazine, who was preparing to gut LBJ in its issue to be print on 11/29/63 flipped on a time to became one of LBJ's greatest shields, protecting him from scrutiny in the JFK assassination as Life went along with the JFK assassination cover up. LIFE Magazine, just like the Washington Post, was a hawk on the Vietnam War. Phil and later Katherine Graham were close personal friends of Lyndon Johnson.
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