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Robert Morrow

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Everything posted by Robert Morrow

  1. That may have been a 2007 debate. I remember a GOP delegate at a straw poll in Dallas, TX telling me "I saw him [Ron Paul] BETRAY his country LIVE on national TV" in the biggest redneck ignoramus way possible - referring to Ron Paul opposing the Iraq War and talking about blowback.
  2. Marina Oswald told a friend of mine - one of the very few people who are friends with her from the JFK research community - that she thought Priscilla McMillen's book Marina and Lee was "about 30% accurate." Marina's friend, a longtime JFK assassination researcher, told me this in 2024. I'm sorry that I have to keep his name anonymous.
  3. Please give me a thumbnail of Paul Hoch's greatest insights on the JFK assassination. What are the top 3-5 things that Paul Hoch has illuminated about the JFK assassination that are valuable? This not a snarky question; I am curious.
  4. Folks, I just put up a huge blog post today. Last weekend I paid a Washington, D.C.-based researcher to go into the Library of Congress and read the Value Line Investment Survey from late 1963 through May, 1964. This confirm Peter Dale Scott's work in his 1971 unpublished manuscript The Dallas Conspiracy. What we found is PROOF that two of Lyndon Johnson's pals, prominent Dallas, TX investors D.H. Byrd and James Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV defense contractor stock sometime IN THE MONTH OF NOVEMBER, 1963. LTV was a military contractor owned by two of Lyndon Johnson's good friends: wealthy Dallas, Texas investors D.H. Byrd (who owned the Texas School Book Depository) and James Ling, the "merger King" who kept a bust of LBJ in his office. LTV's stock price was trading at $16 per share in November, 1963 and after feasting on the Vietnam War it's stock price had skyrocketed to a high of $169 in the year 1967. In today's 2024 dollars Byrd and Ling would have made $185,000 off of their original investment within 4 years in the year 1963. We could not prove whether these massive stock purchases into this LTV military contractor were just before or just after the JFK assassination, but they were made very close to JFK's death. Value Line says these purchases were made sometime in the month of November, 1963. Blockbuster blog post on the D.H. Byrd/James Ling insider buys into LTV stock: https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2024/03/lyndon-johnsons-dallas-tx-insider-pals.html Sincerely, Robert Morrow 512-306-1510
  5. I specifically asked Ron Paul at an Austin, TX fundraiser in 2009 who he thought killed JFK. And his answer to me was a question "Fidel Castro?" To be FAIR, Ron Paul's view on the JFK assassination have changed greatly since 2009. Ron Paul now knows it was a high level domestic coup d'etat. At this 2009 Ron Paul fundraiser, I took a poll of the many libertarians in attendance and asked them who killed JFK. About 33% said the CIA. About 25% said Lyndon Johnson and very few, almost none said "Fidel Castro" or "the Russians. There was a scattering of the Mob did it and very low down the ladder was Lee Harvey Oswald alone. I was a high level organizer in Ron Paul for President - Austin, TX campaign in 2008 and 2012. I was a very active and unpaid volunteer like many of my friends.
  6. Regarding this post below: one can say, well, Lyndon Johnson was terrified and in mortal fear of his life being taken. Or one can take my interpretation which is that LBJ had just orchestrated the JFK assassination and was trying to playact his way out of culpability. One thing is for some Jackie Kennedy, Evelyn Lincoln and Kenny O'Donnell were all on that plane ride back from Dallas and all of them immediately suspected Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination. Gen. Godfrey McHugh (1978 oral history) found a ‘hysterical” Lyndon Johnson on Air Force One “hiding” in the bathroom and saying “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.” Gen. Godfrey McHugh was a former social escort of Jackie Kennedy, who he adored, and he later became an aide to JFK. Gen. McHugh in his 1978 oral history for the JFK Library described the condition and behavior of LBJ on Air Force One in the immediate aftermath of the JFK assassination. Godfrey McHugh (JFK Library oral history, interviewed by Shelden Stern, on May 19, 1978): QUOTE She [Jackie] turned to me again and said, “Please, let’s leave.” I felt obligated to do something. I got back up, walked back through, got to the…. Oh, no. I got on the phone because there was a phone right there and I said, “Let’s leave.” He said, “I can’t do it. I have orders to wait.” So I didn’t want to discuss it there with Mrs. Kennedy sitting there. I walked back and I said, “Swindal, what on earth is going on?” He said, “The President wants to remain in this area.” You see, I could not remember – it was President Johnson at that time. I said, “The President is in the back.” “No,” he said, “I mean President Johnson.” I said, “But he’s the Vice President.” He said, “Well, he’s going to be President.” I said, “That’s true.” And he says, “He’s ordered for me to wait until his luggage is transferred from Air Force Two to here, and I’m told that there’s going to be swearing in. I don’t know because we were told to call a [-47-] judge” – somebody, I don’t know, a woman judge that he knew – “and that she’s coming, so we’re going to have to wait.” I said, “Where is President Johnson?” He said, “I’m told, I don’t know” – because he was talking about the policy to wait – “I’m told he’s going to come, but I don’t know about it. No, I’m told he’s here; he’s in this airplane.” So I said, “I’ve walked the airplane twice” – and I know Johnson well, and I kept on walking back and looking at every person in the face and no Johnson. I get back to Ken O’Donnell, who is now furious, and he said, “Didn’t we tell you to leave?” I said, “I can’t get the crew to do it because they say President Johnson is aboard.” He said, “Obviously he isn’t.” I said, “There’s only one place, he is in the bedroom” – Mrs. Kennedy’s bedroom, which we called it because he didn’t use it so often. We walked in the bedroom, and he was not there. I walked in the toilet, in the powder room, and there he [LBJ] was hiding, with the curtain closed, saying, “They’re going to get us all. It’s a plot. It’s a plot. It’s going to get us all.” He was hysterical, sitting down on the john there alone in this thing. So I walked out and I said, “My God, he’s there. Yes, you’re right. He seems very, very upset.” He said, “I don’t want to upset him any more.” I went back to Mrs. Kennedy and I said, “Mr. Johnson is here and he’s asked that the plane not leave right away.” Now he got hold of himself and got dressed again, changed his shirt or something, and ordered everybody to attend his swearing-in [-48-] ceremony including Mrs. Kennedy. Somebody came in the back saying, “Everybody is to attend including Mrs. Kennedy.” STERN: She was told, she wasn’t asked? McHUGH: She was asked, “Mrs. Kennedy, the President wants you to attend the ceremony, the swearing-in ceremony.” She turned to me and said, “At least you don’t leave him. Don’t leave him. Stay with him.” So I’m the only one on board that airplane that stayed with the casket. Never left it. UNQUOTE
  7. David, could you fill me in on what happened to the video and audio version of the Parkland doctors' press conference? Exactly who (Secret Service or maybe FBI?) confiscated the audio/video and what the world ever happened to this important bit of history?
  8. How is the audio of the Parkland doctors' press conference going to be available soon? Has the U.S. Government even acknowledged that such a recording exists? The last time the government got its hands on such recordings, such as the TV films, they disappeared never to be found again.
  9. I never said Gochenaur said that Moore said LBJ did it. The wording of my post is quite clear. It is year another example of someone (Elmer Moore) telling us that Lyndon Johnson believed in a conspiracy in the JFK assassination and most certainly did not believe in the Warren Report fantasy. Jim DiEugenio, in an earlier post made a reference to Jackie Kennedy having PTSD - he is referring to Jackie Kennedy who in real time on the Air Force One turned to her secretary Pamela Turnure and said QUOTE Lyndon Johnson did it. UNQUOTE. [Eddie Fisher, Been There, Done That: An Autobiography, pp. 257-258] Jimmy likes to pooh pooh that quote which I think is quite legit and extremely important. Pamela Turnure was a mistress of JFK (exposed by Florence Kater just before the 1960 presidential campaign) and Kennedy had her installed as Jackie's press secretary as a way of hiding her out in the open. Pamela Turnure later dated the famous singer Eddie Fisher who she told this anecdote to. In 1999 Eddie Fisher told this anecdote in his autobiography Been There Done That, pp. 257-258. I wanted to underscore to DiEugenio that it was not merely Jackie Kennedy who thought LBJ had killed JFK, but also Robert Kennedy, Ethel Kennedy, Evelyn Lincoln and Kenny O'Donnell who thought this as well. DiEugenio also pooh poohed my saying that Lyndon Johnson installed his Secret Service agent Rufus Youngblood as the de facto leader of the Secret Service in 1964. The readers can read the passage from Carol Leonnig's book Zero Fail, p. 64 and decide if I accurately described what she wrote. I posted above the relevant excerpt from Leonnig's book. DiEugenio commented about Rufus Youngblood and DiEugenio commented about Jackie; that is why I responded to his post.
  10. Secret Service agent Elmer Moore told Jim Gochenaur that Lyndon Johnson believed in a conspiracy in the JFK assassination [“JFK Files – Secret Service agent opens up about JFK’s murder,” Jeff Meek, Hot Springs Village Voice, June 20, 2023.] https://www.hsvvoice.com/stories/jfk-files-secret-service-agent-opens-up-about-jfks-murder,22172 QUOTE There was also a time when Moore pulled out a huge folio of documents and photos from his safe. Gochenaur remembers seeing a transparency of one of those famous backyard photos of Oswald holding a rifle and on it he could clearly see a line across the photo through Oswald’s chin area. “It looked fishy in the chin line,” Gochenaur said. (Note: This is significant because for decades some have felt, and Oswald said, the photos are a fake, it’s Oswald’s face on another person’s body. Studies have shown both sides of that argument). Moore also said that LBJ thought the murder involved a conspiracy. Then Moore dropped a bombshell when he told Gochenaur that he received orders to intimidate Parkland Hospital Dr. Malcom Perry into recanting his statement that the wound in the front of Kennedy’s neck was an entrance wound. Moore told Perry that he would ruin his practice if he (Perry) didn’t change his statements to say the throat wound was an exit wound. (Note: this finding was significant to the Warren Commission conclusions that the throat wound was an exit wound because the Commission said that same bullet caused all 5 of Gov. Connelly’s wounds, who was seated in front of Kennedy). Gochenaur: “Moore told me he was ordered to verbally put Perry up against a wall to not say it was a frontal wound.” UNQUOTE
  11. It all points towards LBJ: Robert Kennedy, Jackie Kennedy, Evelyn Lincoln (not family, but close), Ethel Kennedy, Kenny O'Donnell (JFK's appointments secretary) - they all suspected Lyndon Johnson immediately. William Manchester's book Death of a President had to be censored because there was so much anti-LBJ material in it that the Kennedys felt like it would make them look bad, like sore losers - at at time when RFK wanted to preserve his presidential aspirations. The Kennedys actually sued William Manchester, there were so desperate to remove the anti-LBJ sentiment in it - which was based off of interviews with the Kennedys and their staff! The Kennedys did not think the American public would appreciate how lowly they thought of LBJ. The Kennedys immediately sent family friend William Walton to the USSR after the JFK assassination, and one of the things he underscored was that it was a grotesque mistake to pick Lyndon Johnson as Vice President. This is one reason by September of 1965 the KGB, then the World's largest intelligence service, had INTERNALLY CONCLUDED that Lyndon Johnson was behind the JFK assassination. Web link, Hoover memo to LBJ, 12/1/1966: https://www.archives.gov/files/research/jfk/releases/docid-32204484.pdf Robert Kennedy, Jr. - like Oliver Stone and David Talbot - has not figured out that LBJ orchestrated the JFK assassination. JFK was not murdered because he "was not going to prosecute the Vietnam War." I actually believe that the actually shooters of JFK, the field team, were enraged over Kennedy Cuba policy (no invasion, shutting down the anti-Castro camps, etc.). I had a Kennedy insider - a close friend of the family - call me one time years ago. He said that the Kennedys suspected LBJ or Richard Nixon in the JFK assassination. Years later so much points towards LBJ and absolutely nothing points towards Richard Nixon, who like Barry Goldwater and the KGB, became convinced that Lyndon Johnson had orchestrated the JFK assassination.
  12. This does not answer your question... but I would like to add: 1) The Kennedys were a sure lock to force J. Edgar Hoover to mandatorily retire on January 1, 1965, when Hoover reached the mandatory federal retirement age of 70. 2) Gen. Edward Lansdale was pretty much forced out of the military on 10/31/1963 just 3 weeks before the JFK assassination. 3) The Kennedy Administration forced Ngo Dinh Diem, the leader of Vietnam, to "retire" on 11/1/1963 because of an American backed CIA coup that unfortunately ended in his death on 11/2/1963 along with his brother. 4) John J. McCloy was JFK's arms control negotiator with the Soviets. Because McCoy, a classic hardline cold warrior was not getting the job done, JFK brought in Averell Harriman to replace McCoy and within a period the USA/Soviet nuclear test ban treaty was accomplished. 5) JFK book Gen. Lyman Lemnitizer from being head to the Joint Chiefs of Staff to a job with NATO, where I am sure he did many shady things.
  13. Who was Rufus Youngblood? Youngblood was LBJ's Secret Service agent right hand man who was so chummy with LBJ that he bought a house out in the Hill Country to be close to Lyndon Johnson. Youngblood was also the Secret Service agent who held a small walkie talkie over the back seat so LBJ could hear it mere moments before John Kennedy was shot in the head on Elm Street, Dallas, TX. LBJ and Youngblood were listening to the walkie talkie turned down low so no one else could hear it. There is no innocent explanation for this and it is proof that both Lyndon Johnson and Rufus Youngblood were involved in the JFK assassination. Lyndon Johnson also fabricated the fantasy the Secret Service agent Youngblood "vaulted" over the seats and covered LBJ's body with his own during the JFK assassination. That flat out never happened and we know this because Sen. Ralph Yarborough, a man who did not like LBJ, was sitting in the backseat and he said this never happened. LBJ's crone Lady Bird and Youngblood went along with LBJ's Big Fat Lie about this. In 1963, on the day John F. Kennedy was assassinated in Dallas, Ralph Yarborough rode in the motorcade only two cars back from the presidential limousine. Yarborough was in the same convertible as Vice President Lyndon Johnson, Lady Bird Johnson, and secret service agent Rufus Youngblood. In several interviews, Yarborough voiced suspicions of a JFK conspiracy. Yarborough's Suspicion of the Military-Industrial Complex "As we approached the city and then finally turned down Main Street toward the Trinity River, the crowd increased as we got to the heart of Dallas ... and one of the most enthusiastic crowds we saw in any city we ran into in Texas on that tour ... that's on the sidewalks. Now if you looked up, in the upper stories, I never saw a single smile in any window I looked at. Some looked down ... it looked like ... with dislike on their faces." --former Senator Ralph Yarborough, interviewed in the documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Part 1: The Coup D'etat "Had Kennedy lived, I think we would have had no Vietnam War, with all of its traumatic and divisive influences in America. I think we would have escaped that. I think the world would have escaped the 50,000 odd Americans dead and 300,000 more wounded and over half a million more hooked on dangerous drugs ... tropical diseases ... the divisiveness of that war that so many of the people thought unjustified and unnecessary ... and that we shouldn't have been there ... that split this country. Many of those things have lingered on since." --former senator Ralph Yarborough, interviewed in the documentary, The Men Who Killed Kennedy: Part 5: The Witnesses Yarborough's Suspicion of Lyndon Johnson "There is the well-publicized story of Agent Rufus Youngblood, who reportedly threw himself on top of Vice President Johnson after the shooting began in Dealey Plaza.... Johnson, in a statement to the Warren Commission, mentioned the incident: I was startled by a sharp report or explosion, but I had no time to speculate as to its origin because Agent Youngblood turned in a flash, immediately after the first explosion, hitting me on the shoulder, and shouted to all of us in the back seat to get down. I was pushed down by Agent Youngblood. Almost in the same moment in which he hit or pushed me, he vaulted over the back seat and sat on me. I was bent over under the weight of Agent Youngblood's body, toward Mrs. Johnson and Senator Yarborough.... However, former Texas senator Ralph Yarborough, who was sitting beside Johnson that day, told this author: 'It just didn't happen.... It was a small car, Johnson was a big man, tall. His knees were up against his chin as it was. There was no room for that to happen.' Yarborough recalled that both Johnson and Youngblood ducked down as the shooting began and that Youngblood never left the front seat. Yarborough said Youngblood held a small walkie-talkie over the back of the car's seat and that he and Johnson both put their ears to the device. He added: 'They had it turned down real low. I couldn't hear what they were listening to.'" --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy Yarborough's Suspicion of the Warren Commission Investigators "A couple of fellows [from the Warren Commission] came to see me. They walked in like they were a couple of deputy sheriffs and I was a bank robber. I didn't like their attitude. As a senator I felt insulted. They went off and wrote up something and brought it back for me to sign. But I refused. I threw it in a drawer and let it lay there for weeks. And they had on there the last sentence which stated: 'This is all I know about the assassination.' They wanted me to sign this thing, then say this is all I know. Of course, I would never have signed it. Finally, after some weeks, they began to bug me. 'You're holding this up, you're holding this up' they said, demanding that I sign the report. So I typed one up myself and put basically what I told you about how the cars all stopped. I put in there, 'I don't want to hurt anyone's feelings but for the protection of future presidents, they should be trained to take off when a shot is fired.' I sent that over. That's dated July 10, 1964, after the assassination. To my surprise, when the volumes were finally printed and came out, I was surprised at how many people down at the White House didn't file their affidavits until after the date, after mine the 10th of July, waiting to see what I was going to say before they filed theirs. I began to lose confidence then in their investigation and that's further eroded with time." --Jim Marrs, Crossfire: The Plot that Killed Kennedy
  14. Dear Jim DiEugenio, Lyndon Johnson installed Rufus Youngblood, his right hand man, and fellow conspirator in the JFK assassination, as the de facto chief of the Secret Service and this applied to every major decision made by the Secret Service. Rowley could not make a move with LBJ/Youngblood approving it. As for Jackie Kennedy, both she and Evelyn Lincoln, in real time and on the Air Force One ride back to Dallas, fingered Lyndon Johnson as having involvement in the JFK assassination. Evelyn Lincoln, JFK's secretary for 12 years, in particular made it clear to anyone who talked with her that Lyndon Johnson was a key player in the high cabal that murdered JFK. Furthermore, Robert Kennedy, immediately knew LBJ had murdered JFK but he could not do anything about it because he was politically castrated. Lyndon Johnson, who orchestrated the JFK assassination, was deeply concerned that Robert Kennedy would not let him assume power. Robert Kennedy, in November 1963, at the behest of his brother, was running a two-pronged "destoy LBJ" campaign that entailed sending over 40 national reporters to go to Texas (see Horace Busby for this) to dig up fatal dirt on LBJ and also included and RFK-fed Senate Rules Committee investigation into LBJ's epic corruption. Don Reynolds, a former associate of Bobby Baker, LBJ's man who predicted the JFK would not serve out the term of his office and would die a violent death, was giving closed door testimony on LBJ's spectacular corruption at 12:30 CST, the very time a bullet went into JFK's head. Lyndon Johnson in real time in November, 1963 was acutely aware of the Kennedy's "destroy LBJ" gameplan and Lyndon Johnson was highly concerned and agitated about this, so he took ACTION to end this imminent personal and political threat of the Kennedy's having their knives at his belly. Decades later, Ethel Kennedy was asked by her longtime hairdresser who killed Kennedy. Ethel Kennedy responded, "We all thought it was Lyndon Johnson." My source on this is an attendee at a JFK assassination conference who met Ethel Kennedy's hairdresser on the Ruby Princess cruise in January, 2015. Furthermore, on top of all that, in summer of 1964 Jackie Kennedy's mother Janet Auchincloss believed that Lyndon Johnson had something to do with JFK's murder. Janet Auchincloss did not know how or why, but she was sure of it. You might want to talk with Randy Taraborrelli about this because it is in his book Jackie: Public Private Secret (published in 2023) on p. 179. 1964: Lyndon Johnson was very hostile to Secret Service director James Rowley – so much so that “Rowley could not make a decision… without Youngblood signing off on it" QUOTE In early 1964, President Johnson shocked Rowley by ordering him to cut the number of agents on his detail. The president handed down his orders just as the Secret Service chief was pressing Congress to agree to let him hire at least a hundred more agents in the coming year. “I want less when I go into the campaign than you had before the assassination,” Johnson told him. Johnson’s motivation was political showmanship. Days earlier, he had promised a budget with the lowest federal spending in years. “I won’t even go to the bathroom if I have to have more people,” he told Rowley. “I’ll just stay right behind these black gates.” The president grew even more hostile toward Rowley that year, accusing him of everything from “running a dictatorship” to “trying to get me killed.” Johnson’s erratic meddling played havoc with the Service’s orderly hierarchy. He had installed Rufus Youngblood as his detail leader, and he soon began swearing him to secrecy about upcoming trips. The president also gave Youngblood final say on who served on the detail or got promoted. Johnson later tried to kick Hill, a Service hero, off the detail because he didn’t trust anyone who had been that close to the Kennedys. Youngblood persuaded Johnson to give him a chance. This palace intrigue further demoralized the Service “when it was going through a serious bout of cancer,” agent Larry Newman said. “Rowley could not make a decision…without Youngblood signing off. It was like we had two leaders. “People were talking about the FBI taking over,” Newman added. “The press was saying the Service sucks. The field was in turmoil. Nobody knew what was going to happen….And the Warren Commission report information was coming out.” Rowley took endless abuse from his new president. But to the agents of the Secret Service, the chief was a hero. That feeling was only vindicated by how the quiet man they knew handled a contentious interview before the Warren Commission. On June 18, Rowley arrived at the commission offices in a Capitol UNQUOTE [Carol Leonnig, Zero Fail: the Rise and Fall of the Secret Service, p. 64] Regarding Jackie Kennedy and her extreme dislike of Lyndon Johnson, especially in the years after the JFK assassination (which she had immediately fingered him as the perp) Jackie Kennedy on her Mistrust of Lyndon Johnson. Source is Meg Azzoni, an early girlfriend of JFK, Jr. One of JFK, Jr.'s best friends at the Phillips Academy was Meg Azzoni. In spring, 1977, she and John went to visit Jackie while Caroline was still at Harvard. Meg says: "Jackie told John and I at the 'break-the-fast' breakfast, 'I did not like or trust Lyndon Johnson.' No one said another word the whole meal in memorial contemplative silence." [Meg Azzoni, "John F. Kennedy, Jr. to Meg Azzoni: 11 Letters: Memories of Kennedys & Reflections on His Quest,” p. 52] Arthur Schlesinger on Robert Kennedy being convinced at one point that Lyndon Johnson had murdered John Kennedy "We tried to perpetuate the myth by convincing ourselves that we were good and that LBJ was evil. I remember one time Bobby telling me he was convinced that Lyndon was behind his brother's death. 'Come on Bob. Get real.' I said. His other theory had it that Richard Nixon and Howard Hughes were somehow involved. He hated them both. 'Nixon's a true slimebucket,' he said. 'And I should have investigated Hughes years ago.'" [C. David Heymann, RFK, p. 365] Kenny O’Donnell, JFK’s chief of staff, in real time on 11/22/1963 and on the flight back from Dallas suspected Lyndon Johnson in the JFK assassination; just as both Jackie Kennedy and Evelyn Lincoln did Oswald in the doorway: the blog of the Oswald Innocence Campaign, by Ralph Cinque Joachim Joesten in the Dark Side of Lyndon Johnson – Joesten is quoting an Edward Epstein article in Commentary magazine that is quoting the original, unexpurgated manuscript of William Manchester’s Death of a President that the Kennedys made Manchester sanitize. Thomas Halle (in a book review): QUOTE By far the most interesting aspect of this matter, however, is Epstein's contention that Manchester's original theme, which gave unity to his book, was 'the notion that Johnson, the successor, was somehow responsible for the death-of his predecessor'. Several quotations from the original draft bear out this contention. At one point, the Lancer version states, 'The shattering fact of the assassination is that a Texas murder has made a Texan President'. At another, Kenneth O'Donnell, Kennedy's appointments secretary, is quoted as exclaiming 'They did it. I always knew they'd do it. You couldn't expect anything else from them. They finally made it'. Then Manchester comments: 'He didn't specify who "they" were. It was unnecessary. They were Texans, Johnsonians'. UNQUOTE JFK researcher Dan Storper (8-9-2021 email) to Robert Morrow regarding Jackie Kennedy: Dan Storper: QUOTE Thanks, Robert. Jackie also told a friend of mine and his family that she thought LBJ was responsible. UNQUOTE
  15. This is an edited version of a recent email exchange I had with the JFK Library Email from Robert Morrow, dated March 4, 2024 JFK Library archivist, Was Jackie Kennedy at the White House on the evening of October 27, 1962? This was at the absolute peak of the Cuban Missile Crisis: October 27, 1962: The Most Dangerous Day in Human History | History News Network Does someone at the JFK Library know the answer to this question? Sincerely, Robert Morrow Austin, TX AND THE REPLY On March 4, 2024: Dear Robert Morrow, Jackie herself confirms that she was at the White House that day and evening, and beyond, in the book Jacqueline Kennedy: Historic Conversations on Life with John F. Kennedy see: https://www.amazon.com/Jacqueline-Kennedy-Conversations-Interview-Hardcover/dp/B0072XVTTE The book contains the complete audio on CDs and complete transcripts of her interviews with Arthur Schlesinger in 1964. This is the relevant audio of the interview with the transcript on p. 263 of the book: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=qAm5PHw_Wr4 She refers to the days- "were they eleven, ten something?"- from the time President Kennedy asked her to come back to the White House with the children on October 20, 1962 from Glen Ora in Virginia. The October 20 date is confirmed on page 262 of the book. The tape with the relevant remarks #6, is here in the archives at the John F. Kennedy Presidential Library, as are the other six, but they are closed: https://www.jfklibrary.org/asset-viewer/archives/jfkoh-jbk-06 JFK LIBRARY ARCHIVIST
  16. Time for a little focus on D.H. Byrd and James Ling, two wealthy Dallas investors, and close friends of Lyndon Johnson, who bought large shares of their company LTV's stock (a defense contractor) in either the weeks before or just after the JFK assassination. I wonder why they did that? LTV was trading about $16/share in November of 1963 and by 1967 it traded as high as $169/share. As an LBJ-favored company, it made a ton of money off of the Vietnam War. [I edited this to reflect the fact that LTV was about $16 in November of 1963 and the the Byrd/Ling stock purchases have been confirmed to be in NOVEMBER OF 1963 (but an exact purchase day in November by these LBJ insiders was not specified in the January, 1964 Value Line Investment Survey.] D.H. Byrd could fly his airplane to LBJ’s ranch anytime he wanted to, even if President LBJ told him not to land - Darrell Royal story from his son Mack Royal Mack Royal is the son of legendary University of Texas football coach Darrell Royal (UT head coach 1957-1976; 2 national championships). Darrell Royal was personal friends with Lyndon Johnson, Clint Murchison, D.H. Byrd and a slew of other upper crust Texas power elite who were in the Lyndon Johnson inner circle. His son Mack Royal knew the children of the power elite of Texas. In fact he knew them and their families quite well. Mack Royal also used to work at the LBJ Library and he has a sharp interest in the JFK assassination. Mack Royal also told me he was there when the LBJ Library was taking steps to "slow Robert Caro down." They literally had meetings about this and that late Robert Hardesty was one of the ringleaders in this effort to subvert Caro and other researchers into LBJ: http://www.nytimes.com/2013/07/14/us/politics/robert-l-hardesty-speechwriter-for-johnson-dies-at-82.html?_r=0 Coach Royal and his wife were at the LBJ one time when Johnson was president. They remember D.H. Byrd flying his plane to the LBJ Ranch; LBJ telling them not to land because he was busy and had company, and D.H. Byrd over-riding the president of the USA and landing his plane anyhow. I guess that one little anecdote tells you a lot about the relationship of Lyndon Johnson and D.H. Byrd. Here are some excerpts from Mack Royal's book, which is a fascinating collection of his emails to friends. MACK ROYAL: I knew D. Harold Byrd..flew on his DC3 (orange and white with a snorting "Bevo" on the tail) and heard this story about him during that time.. My parents were at the LBJ ranch with Lyndon when D. Harold Byrd radioed the ranch and said he was landing. Lyndon told him NOT to land and Byrd replied, "I'm landing." which he did. Royal, Mack (2010-06-08). Fourteen Years on Fnord-L (Kindle Locations 8906-8911). Bozo Texino Press. Kindle Edition. This link tells about D. Harold Byrd owning the Texas School Book Depository Building. I knew old D. Harold Byrd. I ate supper at his house and flew on his plane. Later I met partners of Murchison. One of them became my "uncle" Bedford. Later I met the Murchisons. Coke-Anne Murchison is totally gorgeous, by the way. These folks were thick with LBJ. These folks are my folks. I met LBJ too, and drove his car, swam in his pool, visited the White House and got a tour of the FBI. I have a nodding acquaintance with Admiral Inman. So do you suppose I picked up a thing or two along the way? Duh. Royal, Mack (2010-06-08). Fourteen Years on Fnord-L (Kindle Locations 9120-9130). Bozo Texino Press. Kindle Edition. More about D. Harold Byrd. His cousins were Senator Harry Flood Byrd and Admiral Byrd of Antarctica fame. He started a company called Tempco which later became part of Ling Temco Vaught, which got a juicy contract out of the Viet Nam war. (TFX fighter plane) He was a conservative Dallas oil man who helped start the Civil Air Patrol. He took the "sniper's window" out of his building (Texas School Book Depository) after the assassination and hung it in his house! One of the panes had been replaced. By the way, Mac Wallace's prints were all over that room called the sniper's nest on the sixth floor. Billy Sol Estes said some stuff about Mac Wallace if you wanna look it up. Royal, Mack (2010-06-08). Fourteen Years on Fnord-L (Kindle Locations 9153-9165). Bozo Texino Press. Kindle Edition. D.H. Byrd, James Ling - heavy insider buying into LTV just before the JFK assassination http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2010/11/peter-dale-scott-dallas-copa-2010.html Go to footnote #49 49. In early November 1963, Byrd and his investment partner, James Ling, made a significant insider purchase of stock in their defense industry investment, LTV. Although required by SEC rules to report this insider purchase, they delayed doing so until well after Kennedy’s assassination. Then in January LTV received the first major LBJ defense contract from the Pentagon – for a fighter plane designed for Vietnam. Cf. Joan Mellen, “The Kennedy Assassination and the Current Political Moment,” Part II, http://www.joanmellen.net/truth-2.html . DH Byrd was so close to LBJ they might as well have been Siamese twins. And he is Col. DH Byrd Air Force friends with Gen Curtis Lemay who called the Kennedys' "cockroaches" in his LBJ oral history. Air Force Gen. Edward Lansdale running the show at Dealey Plaza - joint CIA/military intelligence operation. The heavy insider buying was based on DEAD KENNEDY coming up soon with LBJ INSIDE WHITE HOUSE. And who did LBJ tell Madeleine who did it? The fat cats in Dallas and renegade intelligence bastards. LBJ-DALLAS OIL/MILITARY CONTRACTORS/CIA/MILITARY INTELLIGENCE murdered JFK. I should note that DH Byrd employed LBJ's alleged personal hit man Malcolm Wallace and the DH Byrd owned the Texas School Book Depository. And that DH Byrd could land his plane on LBJ's ranch anytime he wanted to. Why was D.H. Byrd making huge insider buys into LTV stock before the JFK assassination at a time Newsweek and Defense Secretary Robert McNamara were telling everyone that huge defense cuts were coming? Fletcher Prouty vs Edward Epstein (kennedysandking.com) Jim DiEugenio: QUOTE Fletcher Prouty also wrote about the transformation that took place after Kennedy’s death. For instance, concerning the war in Indochina and how that fed the war machine. And conversely how that would not have happened if JFK had lived. Reader James Finn has clipped two valuable stories from the MSM that illustrate the point Fletcher was making, namely that Kennedy’s withdrawal plan was already impacting the war economy. And the second story shows how his death turned that deceleration around in a hurry. Predictably, it appears that Epstein was wrong about that and Colonel Prouty was correct. One more posthumous feather in Fletcher’s cap. And thanks to Mr. Finn. UNQUOTE 1986 NYT describes D.H. Byrd as a “philanthropist” in its obituary of him – D. Harold Byrd Is Dead; A Texas Philanthropist - The New York Times (nytimes.com) QUOTE D. Harold Byrd, a philanthropist who made his fortune in Texas oilfields and helped finance the exploration of Antarctica, has died. He was 86 years old. Mr. Byrd, who was also a co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol and a geologist, died Sunday at his home after a short illness. The philanthropist, as a cousin and close friend of Adm. Richard E. Byrd, financed some of the Antarctic explorer's ventures in the 1920's and 1930's. An Antarctic range, the Harold Byrd Mountains, was named for him. Mr. Byrd used his oil profits to build a financial empire that included recreational facilities, manufacturing, real estate, commercial and industrial ventures and farming and ranching enterprises. UNQUOTE “Merger King” James Ling kept a bust of Lyndon Johnson in his Dallas office. Both James Ling and D.H. Byrd were very close to Lyndon Johnson. They bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock in the weeks before the JFK assassination https://www.nytimes.com/1981/07/12/business/conglamerateur-extraordinaire-james-j-ling-with-ltv-memory-he-s-taking-his-act.html [“Conglamerateur Extraordinaire: James J. Ling: With LTV a Memory, He’s taking his Act to the Oil Patch,” Leslie Wayne, NYT, July 12, 1981] QUOTE Nonetheless, he talks about the LTV episode as ''the front nine.'' His attention is now focused on ''the back nine.'' ''I didn't get a chance to finish it,'' he said, while seated in an office that featured a bust of Lyndon Johnson and newspaper clips about Mr. Ling on the walls in the outer hallway. UNQUOTE James Ling lived a lavish lifestyle in his in estate in Dallas’s Gaywood area [“Boldface Dallas: Today’s super rich dwarf the city’s gilded age by comparison,” Dallas Morning News, 1-12-2013] https://www.dallasnews.com/arts-entertainment/2013/01/12/boldface-dallas-todays-super-rich-dwarf-the-citys-80s-gilded-age-by-comparison/ QUOTE It wasn’t always this way. In early 1970s Dallas, opulence was at its most rarefied in the orbit of Troy Post and his pal and sometime partner, Jim Ling. Post was an insurance financier who owned 80 percent of Braniff Airways, all of National Car Rental and a jet-set resort in Acapulco, Tres Vidas en la Playa. Ling built one of the great conglomerates, Ling-Temco-Vought, known simply as LTV. Post's massive Park Lane estate, his audacious business deals and his financial reverses were all the stuff of newspaper headlines. The lavishness of Ling's estate on Gaywood attracted so much media coverage that it became a target for the infamous jewel thief known as the King of Diamonds, who raided Dallas' oligarchs for a decade and never got caught. In January 1963, when the king entered a second-story balcony window and boosted the family gems while Ling and his wife watched TV downstairs, the heist made the front page of The Dallas Morning News. By 1970, financial reversals forced the Lings out of the house, and H.L. Hunt's sports-minded son, Lamar Hunt, moved in. The delicious Post/Ling-style ostentation seemed colossal, but even when adjusted for inflation, the money in play does not measure up to the present scale of affluence. UNQUOTE 1986 NYT obituary on D.H. Byrd described him as a “Texas Philanthropist” with no mention of his close friendship with LBJ or that he owned the Texas School Book Depository at the time of the JFK assassination or that he and James Ling bought 132,000 shares of LTV stock in the weeks before the JFK assassination (at a time when Defense Secretary Robert McNamara and the business press were talking about cuts in defense spending) https://www.nytimes.com/1986/09/16/obituaries/d-harold-byrd-is-dead-a-texas-philanthropist.html QUOTE D. Harold Byrd, a philanthropist who made his fortune in Texas oilfields and helped finance the exploration of Antarctica, has died. He was 86 years old. Mr. Byrd, who was also a co-founder of the Civil Air Patrol and a geologist, died Sunday at his home after a short illness. The philanthropist, as a cousin and close friend of Adm. Richard E. Byrd, financed some of the Antarctic explorer's ventures in the 1920's and 1930's. An Antarctic range, the Harold Byrd Mountains, was named for him. Mr. Byrd used his oil profits to build a financial empire that included recreational facilities, manufacturing, real estate, commercial and industrial ventures and farming and ranching enterprises. He and a small group of civilians founded the Civil Air Patrol in 1941 in Washington. He also was co-founder and director of Dallas-area aircraft companies, including the Temco Aircraft Corporation. In 1957, he organized and became board chairman of the Space Corporation, which manufactured propulsion and ground test equipment for jet engines and aerospace ground support equipment. Survivers include his wife, Mavis, and two sons. UNQUOTE D.H. Byrd was a national security insider bigtime and close personal friend of General Doolittle. Doolitte said in Byrd’s obituary in the Dallas Times Herald that “we were substantial friends from the early days of aviation.” Doolittle Report, 1954 - Wikipedia https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Doolittle_Report,_1954 Jim Garrison fingers “Military-Industrial Complex” and it’s “Aerospace Wing” that were behind the JFK assassination. http://mcadams.posc.mu.edu/jimloon1.htm Jim Garrison to Ramparts’ Warren Hinckle on November 5, 1968, The caller was in no mood to inquire about the weather. "This is urgent," Jim Garrison said. "Can you take this in your mailroom? They'd never think to tap the mailroom extension." . . . Garrison began talking when I picked up the mailroom extension: "This is risky, but I have little choice. It is imperative that I get this information to you now. Important new evidence has surfaced. Those Texas oilmen do not appear to be involved in President Kennedy's murder in the way we first thought. It was the Military-Industrial Complex that put up the money for the assassination -- but as far as we can tell, the conspiracy was limited to the aerospace wing. I've got the names of three companies and their employees who were involved in setting up the President's murder. Do you have a pencil?" I wrote down the names of the three defense contractors -- Garrison identified them as Lockheed, Boeing, and General Dynamics -- and the names of those executives in their employ whom the District Attorney said had been instrumental in the murder of Jack Kennedy. I also logged a good deal of information about a mysterious minister who was supposed to have crossed the border into Mexico with Lee Harvey Oswald shortly before the assassination; the man wasn't a minister at all, Garrison said, but an executive with a major defense supplier, in clerical disguise. I knew little about ministers crossing the Rio Grande with Oswald -- but after several years of fielding the dizzying details of the Kennedy assassination, I had learned to leave closed Pandora's boxes lie; I didn't ask. I said that I had everything down, and Garrison said a hurried goodbye: "It's poor security procedure to use the phone, but the situation warrants the risk. Get this information to Bill Turner. He'll know what to do about the minister. I wanted you to have this, in case something happens . . . ." (Hinckle, If You Have a Lemon, Make Lemonade, 198-9)
  17. Washington Post reporter Carol Leonnig in her book on the Secret Service Zero Fail wrote that every major thing SS director James Rowley did after the JFK assassination had to be approved by Rufus Youngblood, who was Lyndon Johnson's #1 Secret Service agent. In other words, Rufus Youngblood was de facto running the Secret Service post JFK assassination, formal titles and nominal chains of command be damned. I don't think Leonnig understood the significance of this.
  18. I very seriously doubt that FBI agent John Fain fabricated Marguerite Oswald's description of her son Lee. I think people are better served focusing on the before the event framing of Lee Harvey Oswald for the JFK assassination than any hunt for a Soviet mole who had penetrated U.S. intelligence. So you are telling me FBI agent John Fain was working on behalf of James Angleton of CIA CI in a molehunt and using Oswald do to that? Doubt it.
  19. Lyndon Johnson "saying" something and LBJ "believing" something were two very different thinks for his entire life. Lyndon Johnson was pushing the line that the JFK assassination was a communist plot as a DEFLECTION from his own orchestration and micromanagement of it. LBJ was a pathological liar and, no, he did think a communist killed JFK because he KNEW he killed JFK. LBJ had to tamp down any thoughts of "conspiracy" in the JFK assassination because he was the "conspirator" in the middle of it. Better to blame it on a lone nut and stick with it. So the public was fed a lone nut killed JFK, but LBJ's manipulation method behind the scenes was to tell the insiders that "Fidel Castro" did it. Just one of many times LBJ used this line: Lyndon Johnson blaming Fidel Castro for the JFK assassination to his good friend publisher George Weidenfeld - March 1971 March, 1971 QUOTE “Of Kennedy’s assassination he said: ‘I think I know who killed JFK. I can’t prove it yet, but one day I will. Goddammit, I know it … It was Castro. You see, the Kennedy brothers liked playing cops and robbers, and when Bobby was Attorney-General he was responsible for the CIA and they sent people into Cuba to git Castro, but they failed and Castro git Jack Kennedy.’ He continued to expand on his theory. ‘I could never understand why Bobby tried to put some CIA people on the Warren Commission. I had Dick Helms here not long ago and I asked him point blank, but he refused to be drawn. Oswald was a communist agent, he was in Cuba, he was in the Soviet Union. One day I will prove it.’ UNQUOTE [George Weidenfeld, Remembering My Good Friends, p. 350]
  20. In 2013 I personally met Luis Posada in Miami at the home of a high level anti-Castro Cuban. Posada was proud to be a top enemy of Fidel Castro even in 2013. Posada did not have an imposing presence, more like an old pal, buddy of the home owner, an aging anti-Castro activist. I did not ask him, hey, did you blow up that Cuban airplane? Posada was proud of his notoriety though.
  21. That happens to be an extremely important fact. Oswald negative for paraffin on his face and in the control study, all seven who fired a rifle all tested positive for paraffin on their faces. Absolute Proof Lee Harvey Oswald was a *pre-selected patsy* for the JFK assassination: “5 feet 10 inches, 165 pounds” https://robertmorrowpoliticalresearchblog.blogspot.com/2023/01/5-feet-10-inches-165-pounds-is-absolute.html Dallas Police Dispatcher was immediately using Marguerite Oswald’s description of Lee given to Dallas FBI in May, 1960
  22. Sandy, didn't Oswald make a detailed report on the radio factory where he was working at? He was a (lowly paid) spy for the CIA just as his mother Marguerite Oswald was making abundantly clear in the early months after the JFK assassination. Didn't the CIA's Pete Bagley in 2012 conclude that Oswald was a WITTING asset/agent of the CIA? Longtime CIA officer Pete Bagley had some very interesting things to say about Oswald to JFK researcher Malcolm Blunt in 2012: “OH NO, HE HAD TO BE WITTING!” (that is a witting, willing asset/agent of the CIA) QUOTE It was during a meeting in 2012, that the most telling moment in their relationship took place. Malcolm Blunt laid out in front of Pete Bagley, piece by piece, the documents demonstrating the capture of the Oswald paper trail by the Security Office Security Research Staff (SRS) after Oswald’s defection in 1959. Bagley carefully examined the documentation. He was especially interested in the details reported by H.C. Eisenbess in 1976, on the Office of Central Reference (OCR) dissemination of non-CIA documents - discussed at length in a previous section of this chapter. At this point, the same switch that had turned on in Bagley’s brain when Kondrashev told him that that the Polyakov defection sequence was no coincidence, turned on again. And so, Bagley, right out of the blue, put the following question to Blunt: “Okay, was he witting or unwitting?” Bagley knew Malcolm would have no trouble understanding who “he” [Oswald] was. Blunt replied, “You can’t ask me that question, how would I know?” At this and, raising his voice, Bagley responded, “No, No, you have to know! Was he witting or unwitting?” Challenged in this manner, Malcolm had little choice but to proffer a guess. With some reluctance he replied, “Okay, unwitting.” With even firmer emphasis Bagley countered, “OH NO - HE HAD TO BE WITTING!” Malcolm believes that these were Bagley’s thoughts that resulted from suddenly seeing the documents that had been withheld from SRD: “Yes, I think in that instant he saw that this high school dropout, a nothing, a nobody, may have indeed been utilized.” By many observers, Pete Bagley was considered the “best counterintelligence analyst of the cold war era,” as the International Journal of Intelligence and Counterintelligence later said about him. He had served as Chief of Counterintelligence in the CIA’s Soviet Russia Division (SRD/CI) and Deputy Chief of SRD and been Nosenko’s case officer. His reaction to the documents that Blunt showed him was a telling moment. It was, as Malcolm told me and Alan Dale later, “a significant departure from Bagley’s normal cautious phrasings.” Bagley said nothing more at the time. When asked about no mention of Oswald in Spymaster, Malcolm recalls “he went sideways and I didn’t press him.” Malcolm’s moment with Bagley that day reminds of of the day I was sitting across the table from Jane Roman, the liaison officer for James Angleton. Just as Malcolm had done with Bagley, I was showing her documents one at a time. When I asked her what she thought of the untrue statement about the CIA paper trail on Oswald in the HQS cable to Mexico Station in October 1963, she replied: “Well, to me, it’s indicative of a keen interest in Oswald, held very closely on a need-to-know basis.” The chains moved down the field that moment with Roman. And they moved again during Blunt’s moment with Bagley. UNQUOTE [John Newman, Countdown to Darkness: The Assassination of President Kennedy, Volume II, pp. 29-30] Tennent H. “Pete” Bagley – CIA officer – obituary in the Washington Post – Bagley dies on Feb. 20, 2014 at the age of 88 Washington Post obituary: https://www.washingtonpost.com/national/tennent-h-pete-bagley-noted-cia-officer-dies-at-88/2014/02/24/b2880bf2-9d6c-11e3-a050-dc3322a94fa7_story.html NYT obituary - https://www.nytimes.com/2014/03/03/us/politics/tennent-h-bagley-who-aided-then-mistrusted-a-soviet-spy-dies-at-88.html
  23. Lyndon Johnson's Motive for the JFK Assassination. Lyndon Johnson would regularly make death threats in reference to Robert Kennedy which happened to be quite similar to what LBJ told his mistress Madeleine Brown on the morning of the JFK assassination as she relates in her book: "That son-of-a-bitch crazy Yarborough and that goddamn f____g Irish mafia bastard Kennedy, will never embarrass me again!" LBJ would say that is a promise and not a threat. Bobby Baker, LBJ's right hand man and bagman, predicted a VIOLENT DEATH for John Kennedy on inauguration day of January 20, 1961. Bobby Baker was telling this to DON REYNOLDS who at the exact moment a bullet was going into JFK's head, was giving closed door testimony on Lyndon Johnson's corruption for the Senate Rules Committee to Burkett van Kirk, who was the GOP counsel for the Republicans on the Senate. The Kennedys were working with the Senate Republicans to take down LBJ because Johnson was too close to the Democrats. Burkett van Kirk conirms that Robert Kennedy was feeding damaging information on Lyndon Johnson's corruption to the Senate Rules Committee in fall, 1963, in attempt to destroy LBJ. The Kennedys were working with the Republicans on the Senate Rules Committee to take down LBJ because LBJ was too close to the Democrats. SEYMOUR HERSH: QUOTE In a series of interviews for this book, Burkett Van Kirk, who was chief counsel in 1963 for the Republican minority on the Rules Committee, told me of his personal knowledge of Bobby Kennedy's direct intervention. "Bobby was feeding information to 'whispering Willie'" - the nickname for Senator John Williams. "They" - the Kennedy brothers, Van Kirk said - "were dumping Johnson.." Williams, as he did earlier with Donald Reynolds's information about Lyndon Johnson, relayed the Kennedy materials to the senior Republican on the Rules Committe, Carl Curtis. The attorney general thus was secretly dealing with Williams, and Williams was dealing secretly with Curtis and Van Kirk. The scheming was necessary, Van Kirk told me, because he and his fellow Republicans understood that a full-fledged investigation into Bobby Baker could lead to the vice president. They also understood, he said, that the chances of getting such an investigation where slim at best. The Democrats had an overwhelming advantage in the Senate - sixty-seven to thirty-three - and in every committee. The three Republicans on the ten member Rules Committee, Van Kirk said, had little power. "We never won one vote to even call a witness," he told me. The investigation into Bobby Baker and Lyndon Johnson would have to be done in a traditional manner - by newspaper leak. Van Kirk, who was named after his grandfather Senator E. J. Burkett of Nebraska, said that Bobby Kennedy eventually designated a Justice Department lawyer that fall to serve as an intermediary to the minority staff; he began supplying the Republicans with documents about Johnson and his financial dealings. The lawyer, Van Kirk told me, "used to come up to the Senate and hang around me like a dark cloud. It took him about a week or ten days to, one, find out what I didn't know, and two, give it to me." Some of the Kennedy-supplied documents were kept in Williams's office safe, Van Kirk said, and never shown to him. There was no doubt of Bobby Kennedy's purpose in dealing with the Republicans, Van Kirk said: "To get rid of Johnson. To dump him. I am as sure of that the sun comes up in the east." UNQUOTE [Seymour Hersh, The Dark Side of Camelot, pp. 406-407] Burkett Van Kirk on how Don Reynolds had the proof of Lyndon Johnson’s corruption as he testified to a closed session of the Senate Rules Committee in the morning of November 22, 1963. Van Kirk was interviewed in the History Channel’s documentary LBJ vs. The Kennedys: Chasing Demons and it aired on June 1, 2003. Burkett Van Kirk: QUOTE Don presented a good case. He could back it up. Everything he had, he had a receipt for. It’s hard to argue with a receipt. Or a cancelled check. Or an invoice. It’s hard to argue with documentation. UNQUOTE [Burkett van Kirk in the History Channel’s LBJ vs. The Kennedys: Chasing Demons, 2003] also in [Robert Caro, Passage of Power, p. 664] Robert Caro on the Senate Rules Committee investigation into Bobby Baker and Lyndon Johnson QUOTE Mollenhoff, the Pulitzer Prize-winning investigative reporter for the Des Moines Register was, in Novemer 1963, working closely – and on virtually a daily basis – with Senator Williams and the Rules Committee staff. He was to write that “It was a few minutes before 10 A.M. when Reynolds and Fitzgerald were escorted to Room 312, where two committee staff members (Van Kirk and Drennan) waited.” Mollenhoff was to report that “in the first two hours, the questioning ranged over the whole scope of Baker’s financial operations,” including those concerning the District of Columbia Stadium (Mollenhoff, Despoilers of Democracy, pp. 295-97). The journalist Sy Hersh had a series of interviews with Van Kirk, and writes that “at ten o’clock” Reynolds walked with his lawyer into a small hearing room… and began providing … Van Kirk … with eagerly awaited evidence” (Hersh, Dark Side of Camelot, p. 446). Senator Carl Curtis of Nebraska, the ranking Republican member of the Rules Committee, who was told in 1963 about Reynolds’s testimony by Van Kirk, confirmed that Reynolds had provided documentation. Also Curtis Files, Curtis Papers; Curtis interview. Mollenhoff, Despoilers of Democracy, pp. 295-98; Rowe, The Bobby Baker Story, pp. 84-86; Steinberg, Sam Johnson’s Boy, pp. 602, 611. UNQUOTE [Robert Caro, Passage of Power, pp. 664-665]
  24. Steve, a have a question for you. What is wrong with you? I have never seen someone at Education Forum EVER admit they were wrong about ANYTHING, even if encountered with a massive amount of information that contradicts their claim. Have you ever considered mental health counseling to cure you of this alleged infirmity that you might have?
  25. Where does Julian Assange explicitly mention the JFK assassination? I did not see it.
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