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John Geraghty

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Everything posted by John Geraghty

  1. I think nowadays we are less likely to get an inquiry into events sych as these, this is where broadcasters and producers come into the fold as they are likely to pay for studies to be done before they make a programme and should the programme be made this will cause public interest. it is imperative that documentaries be made about subjects such as these. john
  2. yes nixon gave a pieve of 'mmon rock' to every nation in the world, irelands was lost when the national observatory burnt down. i wonder if any study has been done on the rocks. they fetch quite a high price on the black market as they have been stolen from nations in times of revolution, it looks as though they may in fact be worthless! john
  3. thanks jack, this is fascinting stuff indeed. Im sorry to keep asking these questions but how are the cellphone calls made by passengers accounted for? is the general concensus among family members of victims that this is the scenario that took place or do they think more along the lines that the govt had prior knowledge? john
  4. Jack, can I have a bit of speculation from you as to what happened on sep11. it is believed that the planes were cargo planes, does this suggest somebody in military did this? if the planes werent hijakced, were they flown into the sea? what happened to the plane that went down in pitsburgh? who did this (im asking generally as I know as with the jfk case names cant be mentioned) and why? I would assume as it has been pointed out as a reichstag fire type scenario john
  5. if my mind serves me correctly, werent aldrin and armstrong mere rookies and other more qualified astronauts were overlooked. Jack, in your opinion, how were aldrin and armstrong co-erced into going along with this, I dont think i could live a lie like that for the whole of my life. presumably they sent a craft up into space for show and then broadcast the faked images of them on the moon. are there any photos of the shuttle landing? john
  6. thanks pam, will check a few of those out. jack, yes one has to look closely but what you have shown is quite convincing. most people will scoff at the idea of the moon landings being faked as I once did but along with the jfk case it is pure ignorance and people find it easier to put something down than to read up about it. 5 more missions eh! it is said that the craft that landed on the moon had a computer no more powerful than a modern calculator, is this true? thanks john
  7. jack, im am indeed very interested as I have yet to read up on either matter. most people take a direct link to the jfk assassination forum, thats probably why people may not see it as much as the other forum. cheers john
  8. Did not James Files say something about Marcello actually being the number two man behind someone else or am I confusing mafioso?
  9. I was reading 'The Last Patrician, Bobby Kennedy and the end of the American Aristocracy' when I came accross Joseph Alsop who was a rich columnist. Alsop was also good friends with Ed Lansdale and also supported Jack Kennedy for president. Has anybody got any other information on him?
  10. this seems quite incredible and it is shocking how many differences there are in photos. I cant wait for posners book on this one! john
  11. jack, can you suggest any good books on 9/11? cheers john
  12. I think Jim Garrison is one of the heros of this case, it was extremely brave of him to bring forward his investigation and perhaps had David Ferrie and Guy Banister survived and if Garrison had gotten all the subpaena's he wanted we could be looking at a very different case today. The man was a hero.
  13. perhaps somebody should email him and ask if he any manlicher carcanos lying around! claudia@johnmasen.com there is a small picture of him on the contact page. john
  14. george hw bush was a inherited shares in united fruit . castro took over united fruit when he came to power, this pissed them off big time. bush was also afraid that his oil near cuba was at risk. john
  15. Here is a link I found about Halliburton and Permidex with a list of a few names who may have financed the assassination. http://www.apfn.net/messageboard/09-27-04/...ion.cgi.25.html These people at least had something to gain. Permidex was proven to have had CIA connections, they would have had the contacts and the money to carry this out. Does anybody know any businesses that Allen Dulles may have been involved in?
  16. John, great summary, I think we needed that, well I did anyhow. I would throw Howard Hunt into the equation. I shall try to find a list of companys involved with oil production, weapons production and steel manufacturing and cross reference the names of major shareholders, this could give us a few names to work with. I assume that under what you said about discontinuing the cold war you included Vietnam. Very good summary.
  17. i sent the seller a message via ebay, heres how it read You asked: "If you were really interested in releasing the truth you would declare a press release and let everybody know, this is a hoax and your trying to make money and by doing so you are belitling all the good work done by researchers over the years. thanks for nothing" response. What if you held a "press release" and nobody came? Man are you naive. I've researched this for probably older than you are and know of or have met most all the players. The game's over, pal. The coup was accomplished in '63. Now all you're seeing are the finishing touches. john
  18. is it just me or are there a lot of homosexuals involved in this case? john
  19. most of the conspirators are dead by now so why not try to find the children of possible conspirators and ask them a few questions? I have been trying to track down a few lately with a bit of success. anybody know if walker had children or any brothers or sisters. john
  20. To be honest I thought that the forum had been going for quite a while before I joined, which was about a month after it opened I think. I have to say that it is a great asset to us all, we have all thanked John many times for providing us with this service but I would just like to do it again.
  21. I have got robert groden to thank (or blame!) for getting me interested in this whole assassination business after reading his book 'the killing of a president' in my local library. john
  22. during aitopsies, arent there usually tape recordings of what the doctor sees, or is that too recent to be applicable in 63. john
  23. one has to think , where are the other rifles used that day, were they destroyed or kept as trophies? john
  24. Revelatory news about 9/11 is about the only way that we can stop Bush before his full 8 years are up, the problem is that there is a lot of evidence there and a lot of people have come forward yet the media just dont take it on, we need a new Watergate. I heard that patriot act 2 was in the making but was stopped, but surely they will not stop there.
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