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Ryan Crowe

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Everything posted by Ryan Crowe

  1. Hi Mark, First and Foremost...welcome aboard, your spelling is great dont worry about it.. As for Files and his story, simply wash your hands and forget about it, its a lie..
  2. Reminds me of a old Merle Haggard song..."Tonight the bottle let me down"......I cant believe I read that entire thing, now I need a drink...
  3. Hi James, I would not doubt Cuban Exiles were using AK-47's during the mid to late 60's, after China got ahold of the blue prints those things were being stamped out a dime a dozen..It is thee most copied weapon ever produced, I cant think of a third world country that doesnt use the AK-47 or its brother the AK-74..Just think of the siezed weapons the U.S Govt had taken from Vietnam, nothing like free guns to arm a group..
  4. Hi James, I will do my best on 2hrs of sleep The weapon in the picture looks to be a AK-47, with folding stock and silencer.The AK-47 is NOT thee most accurate rifle in the world, just the most reliable IMHO. How the silencer will effect its performance would be in the accuracy dept. Again this isnt a long range rifle and would be used to take out enemy personel on a trail etc. where silence was very important and a silenced pistol wouldnt be enough fire power to drop multiple targets.. There are four noise levels while firing a weapon.. One is the pressure wave from rapidly expanding propellant gases, second would be the sonic crack of the bullet, third would be the cycle action of the weapon, and fouth would be the flight of the bullet. The only noise out of the 4 that a silencer can control is the pressure wave, the silencer reduces noise by two parts, first things it does is slows the release through expansion and turbulance of the high pressure gases that are ears hear as a loud "BANG" or "Boom".. The second part is when some of the kinetic energy of the noise impulse is converted into heat.. Now something that is very important when talking silencers on HIGH powerd rifles is that the only way to eliminate the "sonic crack" of a high velocity rifle round is by the use of "sub sonic" ammo. These can either be bought for some calibers or hand loaded to download the velocity below the speed of sound. I hope this answers your question James on the silencer? If there is any incorrect spelling please forgive me as ive been up most of the night. Also if a silencer or silencer's were used in DP that horrible day, the only thing people would have heard is bullets whizzing by them, as im sure the shooters would use sub sonic rounds to eliminate the "sonic crack"... Im not up to par on DB noise, but have heard the difference when using high velocity(or super sonic) and sub sonic rounds with a silencer, the super sonic sounds like a .22 and the sub sonic is as loud as a mouse fart, all I could hear was the bolt operating...spooky stuff. The weapon used was a Springfield M1A1 .308 I hope I was of some help, And just hearing the news I want to give my thoughts and prayers to the victims and families in London.....
  5. He looks like a young William Seymour to me..
  6. Hi James, That is a very interesting document, Here is a question, Why would Castro want to whack JFK when the U.S Govt is telling these guys to stay out of Cuba?? I would think by looking at the dates they were served March-June, assassination plans would be in full swing... Also wasnt the Bayo run in June of 63? Hmm looks like Morales wasnt listening to anyone who tried to give him orders..... Thanks for posting this James....
  7. Road rage set in on level 8 and I found myself reaching for a gun, had to stop as I dont feel like buying a new computer......
  8. John St John aka Jigsaw John, now there is a old cop that you wouldnt want to piss off that was good friends with my dad when he was a Homicide Det. with LAPD. I have a picture of him somewhere that he gave my dad of him with a Tommy Gun...
  9. Demonstrations in support of extradition of Posada Carriles continue "CRIMINALS in the pay of the United States always have privileges, because they are protected so that they don’t go to prison, but we have to have strength, ethics and principles to ensure that justice is done," Hebe de Bonafini, president of the Plazo de Mayo Madres in Argentina, told Prensa Latina, in reference to the Bush administration refusal to extradite terrorist Luis Posada Carriles to Venezuela. Bonafini, who will be in Havana with other mothers and Argentine intellectuals and leaders later this week for the international meeting Against terrorism, for truth and justice, considers that the compelling reason for the protection granted to Posada is Operation Condor, as the coordinated intelligence plan among the dictatorships of the Southern Cone in the 1970s was known. "They (the United States) were the ones that directed Operation Condor and many people in the world do not know that," affirmed the representative of the women who have demonstrated every Thursday for 30 years in the Plaza de Mayo, calling for justice for the disappeared. The president of the non-governmental organization described the convening of the meeting in Havana on June 2-3 as very significant. "For me it’s extremely important to talk about all this, because if we don’t international public opinion could even think that the United States is only savage because it attacks Cuba or because it has destroyed the people of Iraq with its bombs. In order to unmask the current crusade against US terrorism, it is essential to go into what is also known as the international death squad. "I don’t think that it is only Carriles, there are many others who have played terrible roles and have returned to the United States for protection," she warned. MIAMI MARCH FOR EXTRADITION OF TERRORIST MIAMI, May 29.—For the second time in under one month, 100-plus people, the majority of them Cuban émigrés from organizations grouped together into the Alianza Martiana, demonstrated outside the Immigration Department at midday last Saturday with the central demand of denying asylum to and supporting the extradition to Venezuela of Luis Posada Carriles. The mood of the protesters was combative. For two hours they chanted slogans like "Posada, terrorist! Posada: to jail! For the victims: justice! For the Five: freedom!"
  10. I have always believed Oswald thought he was flying out of the country, his movements in the theater are very suspect, going from one seat to another, sitting next to people. I think Oswald was looking for his contact inside the theater, then he knew once his contact wasnt there he knew without a doubt he was set up. His reaction when the DPD showed up was that of a desperate man, he could have been going to Mexico or Cuba, who nows for sure, but IMHO he thought he was flying out of there.
  11. Al, I cannot tell you how many times I have said this (until I was blue in the face)and the LNers never give a answer to this HUGE problem. Also no extra ammo was found in Oswalds belongings, no gun cleaning supplies, and if I recall, not even a simple cleaning rod....How is Oswald maintaining his (POS) rifle without such equipement? The WC says he is seen numerous times at the range, yet he is never cleaning his rifle(no cleaning supplies) and no ammo is found. I guess he payed someone to clean his rifle and saved some extra rounds for his day in Dallas
  12. For some reason when looking at photo's I look at the ear's first, Lair's and Paske base mans left lobes match up perfect. I think there is a strong resemblance for whats its worth..
  13. Thanks John, that is a very interesting article...
  14. Drew, I agree with James on this. But whats more important is that its good to see young folks like yourself looking into this to keep the research alive incase we dont see this mess solved in our lifetime,mind you im still young: )but its good to know that there will be others to carry the torch.
  15. For some reason I have a feeling he will have the flu very soon The can of worms he can open is way to dangerous to just send him on his way to Venezuela or Cuba to stand trial.
  16. Hi Mike, Im not sure as I will look into it about her and being top 100... A buddy did send this to me, I believe this had happen a couple of weeks ago... A Vietnam veteran was arrested in Kansas City yesterday for allegedly spitting on actress Jane Fonda during a book-signing event. Michael A. Smith, 54, reportedly waited in line for 90 minutes, passed a book to the Academy Award winner, and then spit tobacco juice into her face. Though he attempted to flee, he was taken into custody and charged with disorderly conduct. Fonda declined to prosecute Smith, and issued a statement through her publisher stating: "In spite of the incident, my experience in Kansas City was wonderful and I thank all the warm and supportive people, including so many veterans, who came to welcome me last night." Fonda has become a polarizing figure in the wake of the Vietnam War. In 1972, she was photographed laughing on a North Vietnamese anti-aircraft tank. She has since expressed regret, stating in 1988, "I will go to my grave regretting the photograph of me in an anti-aircraft gun, which looks like I was trying to shoot at American planes. It hurt so many soldiers. It galvanized such hostility. It was the most horrible thing I could possibly have done. It was just thoughtless." Smith told the Kansas City Star that Fonda is a "traitor" who had been spitting at war veterans for years. "There are a lot of veterans who would love to do what I did," Smith told the paper.. Seems there are still Vets who dont want to move on, and wont forget..
  17. Hi James, Yeah he does look about as old as Yoda in that photo, looks like he might just end up in a cell with a bad case of the CIA Flu
  18. A TRAITOR IS ABOUT TO BE HONORED KEEP THIS MOVING ACROSS AMERICA This is for all the kids born in the 70's who do not remember, and didn't have to bear the burden that our fathers, mothers and older brothers and sisters had to bear. Jane Fonda is being honored as one of the "100 Women of the Century." Unfortunately, many have forgotten and still countless others have never known how Ms. Fonda betrayed not only the idea of our country, but specific men who served and sacrificed during Vietnam. The first part of this is from an F-4E pilot. The pilot's name is Jerry Driscoll, a River Rat. In 1968, the former Commandant of the USAF Survival School was a POW in Ho Lo Prison the "Hanoi Hilton." Dragged from a stinking cesspit of a cell, cleaned, fed, and dressed in clean PJ's, he was ordered to describe for a visiting American "Peace Activist" the "lenient and humane treatment" he'd received. He spat at Ms. Fonda, was clubbed, and was dragged away. During the subsequent beating, he fell forward on to the camp Commandant's feet, which sent that officer berserk. In 1978, the Air Force Colonel still suffered from double vision (which permanently ended his flying career) from the Commandant's frenzied application of a wooden baton. From 1963-65, Col. Larry Carrigan was in the 47FW/DO (F-4E's). He spent 6 years in the "Hanoi Hilton",,, the first three of which his family only knew he was "missing in action". His wife lived on faith that he was still alive. His group, too, got the cleaned-up, fed and clothed routine in preparation for a "peace delegation" visit. They, however, had time and devised a plan to get word to the world that they were alive and still survived. Each man secreted a tiny piece of paper, with his Social Security Number on it, in the palm of his hand. When paraded before Ms. Fonda and a cameraman, she walked the line, shaking each man's hand and asking little encouraging snippets like: "Aren't you sorry you bombed babies?" and "Are you grateful for the humane treatment from your benevolent captors?" Believing this HAD to be an act, they each palmed her their sliver of paper. She took them all without missing a beat. At the end of the line and once the camera stopped rolling, to the shocked disbelief of the POWs, she turned to the officer in charge and handed him all the little pieces of paper. Three men died from the subsequent beatings. Colonel Carrigan was almost number four but he survived, which is the only reason we know of her actions that day. I was a civilian economic development advisor in Vietnam, and was captured by the North Vietnamese communists in South Vietnam in 1968, and held prisoner for over 5 years. I spent 27 months in solitary confinement; one year in a cage in Cambodia; and one year in a "black box" in Hanoi. My North Vietnamese captors deliberately poisoned and murdered a female missionary, a nurse in a leprosarium in Ban me Thuot, South Vietnam, whom I buried in the jungle near the Cambodian border. At one time, I weighed only about 90 lbs. (My normal weight is 170 lbs.)We were Jane Fonda's "war criminals." When Jane Fonda was in Hanoi, I was asked by the camp communist political officer if I would be willing to meet with her. I said yes, for I wanted to tell her about the real treatment we POWs received... and how different it was from the treatment purported by the North Vietnamese, and parroted by her as "humane and lenient." Because of this, I spent three days on a rocky floor on my knees, with my arms outstretched with a large steel weights placed on my hands, and beaten with a bamboo cane. I had the opportunity to meet with Jane Fonda soon after I was released. I asked her if she would be willing to debate me on TV. She never did answer me. These first-hand experiences do not exemplify someone who should be honored as part of "100 Years of Great Women." Lest we forget..." 100 Years of Great Women" should never include a traitor whose hands are covered with the blood of so many patriots. There are few things I have strong visceral reactions to, but Hanoi Jane's participation in blatant treason, is one of them. Please take the time to forward to as many people as you possibly can. It will eventually end up on her computer and she needs to know that we will never forget. RONALD D. SAMPSON, CMSgt, USAF 716 Maintenance Squadron, Chief of Maintenance DSN: 875-6431 COMM: 883-6343
  19. Hi Don, LOL Looks like we heard it at the same time, I posted the story under the Luis Posada Carilles thread...Now the question is, what are they going to do with him????
  20. Facing growing international pressure, federal immigration authorities Tuesday detained a Cuban militant linked to a deadly 1976 airliner bombing and other acts of anti-Fidel Castro violence who has been seeking asylum in the United States. Luis Posada Carriles, a former CIA operative and Venezuelan security official, was detained by the Department of Homeland Security on Tuesday afternoon, said Dean Boyd, spokesman for U.S. Immigration and Customs Enforcement. Cuban President Fidel Castro's calls for Posada's arrest by U.S. authorities was echoed by thousands in protests in Havana on Tuesday. Castro claims Posada was brought to Miami from Mexico on a shrimp boat, but Posada says he entered the United States through Mexico and came to Miami on a bus. Earlier Tuesday, Posada told reporters he was willing to leave the United States and his asylum request and go to another country, but he was detained before he could leave, said Santiago Alvarez, his friend and benefactor. Posada had planned to go to a Central American country, Alvarez said. He would not say which country. "There's no reason for them to detain him, but that's the part of the process in this country," Alvarez said. Posada, 77, is wanted by Venezuela for escaping from prison in 1985 while awaiting a prosecutor's appeal of his second acquittal in the Cubana Airlines bombing, which killed 73 people when it crashed near Barbados. Recently declassified CIA and FBI documents quoted informants as linking Posada with planning meetings for those bombings. Venezuela recently approved a formal extradition request and Castro has made numerous televised speeches calling Posada a terrorist and accusing the United States of a double standard in the war on terror. The United States and Venezuela have an extradition treaty. "The majority of Americans would never be in favor of harboring a terrorist," said Wayne Smith, a former U.S. envoy to Cuba who now heads the Cuba program at the Washington-based Center for International Policy. If the United States were to grant asylum, Smith added, "we will be seen as hypocrites and as being against terrorism only when is suits our purposes." Posada and three others were pardoned last August by Panama's then-president for their role in an alleged assassination plot in 2000 against Castro during a conference in Panama. Posada's whereabouts had been unknown until he surfaced in Miami in March after entering the United States through Mexico. Posada was also connected to a series of 1997 bombings of tourists sites in Cuba, one of which killed an Italian tourist. Posada refused to confirm or deny involvement in those attacks, telling The Miami Herald in an interview published Tuesday, "Let's leave it to history." "I feel that I've committed many errors, more than most people," he said. "But I've always believed in rebellion, in the armed struggle. I believe more and more every day that we will triumph against Castro. Victory will be ours."
  21. Fox news says he has just been takin into custody
  22. This is the first time I have seen a picture this clear of the fragment, very interesting.. Thanks James
  23. Have you folks ever thought about or have, looking into the Zodiac killer?
  24. Just read this on Yahoo news....Thought I would add it to this thread... Back to Story - Help Cuban Terrorism Suspect Seeks U.S. Asylum By GEORGE GEDDA, Associated Press Writer 2 hours, 15 minutes ago A Cuban exile long regarded as a violent opponent of Cuban President Fidel Castro has applied for asylum in the United States, a government official said Monday. Luis Posada Carriles, a suspect in the bombing of a Cuban passenger plane in 1976, reportedly slipped into South Florida several weeks ago but the Bush administration says it cannot confirm his whereabouts. Posada, a former senior officer of the Venezuelan intelligence service, denies involvement in the bombing, which killed 73 people, including 24 members of Cuba's national fencing team. To be eligible for political asylum, Posada must prove that he has a well-founded fear of persecution in his native country, said a Department of Homeland Security official said. Castro has called Posada "the most famous and cruel terrorist of the Western Hemisphere," and he has repeatedly demanded Posada's extradition to Venezuela, where authorities want him for the 1976 bombing. The official, asking not to be identified, said consideration of asylum requests includes national security and law enforcement criteria. A person who seeks asylum need not be in the presence of a U.S. government official when applying. Cuban National Assembly President Ricardo Alarcon said Monday in Havana that Posada "learned to kill" during a Cold War-era stint with the CIA in the 1960's. State Department spokesman Tom Casey said Monday that no extradition request from Venezuela for Posada had been received. "In terms of where he presently is, I think it's fair to say we don't know," Casey said. Posada's Miami lawyer, Eduardo Soto, confirmed at a news conference last month that the Cuban had arrived clandestinely into the United States. Casey declined to discuss Posada's past, saying only that the United States "has no interest in allowing anyone with a criminal background to enter the United States." Venezuela's vice president criticized the United States on Monday. "The protection that the U.S. government is giving to a terrorist like Posada Carriles is the denial of all (President) Bush's speeches against terrorism," Jose Vicente Rangel said. "Terrorism has to be fought globally, or we will fall into the ambiguity that the United States has shown, not just in the Posada case, but in the terrorist aggression of a terrorist government like the (U.S.) government when it invades countries," he added. ___
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