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Ryan Crowe

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Everything posted by Ryan Crowe

  1. Didnt Smith I'D Bernard Barker as the man with the SS I'D??
  2. IMHO He has them by the balls, im sure he has insurance so to protect his neck, thats why he is still breathing and hasnt been givin the famous acme heart attack medicine......
  3. Ron, Thanks buddy I needed a good laugh......This is Priceless
  4. According to Dallas detective, Seymour Weitzman, Barker was the man on the Grassy Knoll who was showing Secret Service identification and ordering people out of the area. He wasnt to far off looking like Ruby......
  5. Just a short note..... I am damn proud of you folks for taking the time to look into ballistics/silencers etc. It wasnt long ago that Al Carrier and I was ambushed with questions about ballistics/silencers. Its good to see you folks working hard at this..... I made a post awhile back about silencers and there capabilities and how they work if anyone cares to dig it up....I havent had much time as of late to keep up with the boards, and feel bad about that, but I feel better that you folks are doing a good job looking into these subjects of the case... Keep it up...
  6. From Weberman's site, Nodule 24......... DE TORRES AND GARRISON The CIA reported: "BERNARDO DE TORRES, who according to a cleared, willing, police contact is a detective hired by Garrison. Contact feels certain, but cannot prove, both BERNARDO and his brother CHARLES, also detective, were in New Orleans during last year. Again, request Headquarters instructions as a to whether further feelers should be put out, through AMOTS or other Station Cuban assets, to attempt learn more about his activities." BERNARDO DE TORRES encouraged New Orleans District Attorney Jim Garrison to spend hundreds of futile hours searching for Cuban exile Manuel Gonzalez, who had arrived in the United States in 1964. On one occasion, the District Attorney sought out and questioned Miguel Torres, a Cuban whose only connection to OSWALD was that he had lived one block away from him in New Orleans. [FBI 62-109060-4564; CIA 1228-513, 1227-512; Miami Herald 2.25.67 p2A] On March 13, 1967, the FBI reported that "MM T-1 an American citizen of Cuban descent, who has not been contacted a sufficient number of times to determine his reliability, claimed as follows: (4 paragraphs deleted) It is noted that BERNARDO DE TORRES has been described in the public press as a Cuban private investigator at Miami who has been assisting District Attorney James Garrison of New Orleans in the latter's investigation of the assassination. (Deleted)." [FBI 3.14.67 Miami Copies Destroyed 3.12.73] In 1972 HEMMING put former Los Angeles Mayor Sam Yorty in touch with CARLOS De TORRES. DE TORRES AND THE LETELIER ASSASSINATION BERNARDO De TORRES was called before a Federal Grand Jury in 1976 that was probing the Letelier murder. BERNARDO DE TORRES had attended a meeting with Hector Duran, Bay of Pigs Brigade member Armando Lopez Estrada, the head of DINA (the Chilean secret police) and American Richard Townley, during which the assassination of Orlando Letelier was discussed. [Covert Action July 1978] OTERO TRIES TO MAKE A DEAL WITH THE FBI In March 1977, Rolando Otero was interviewed in prison awaiting sentencing. The FBI reported on the interview: "On March 1, 1977, (deleted) interviewed at (deleted) where incarcerated waiting sentence following his conviction on state charges relating to bombing incident in Miami, Florida, area. Present during interview with Otero were and (Deleted) . These attorneys were present in Okaloosa County, Florida, this date in connection with several motions filed in Circuit Court, Shalimar, relating to Otero's state conviction. Otero is scheduled to be sentenced on state charge on March 17, 1977, at Shalimar, Florida. "The presence of these attorneys during interview was at their request. "Attorneys for Rolando Otero stated prior to the interview that they had no knowledge as to specifics which Otero was to provide FBI relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. "During the interview with Otero, who spoke broken English, Otero alleged that he had information regarding the Kennedy assassination. Otero declined to provide any specific information regarding this matter. "Otero advised that it was his personal opinion that 'CIA, FBI and Secret Service at a high level were involved in the assassination.' When Otero was asked for specifics as a to this opinion, he declined to furnish such information. Throughout interview, Otero alleged that he had information concerning the Kennedy assassination that would 'embarrass FBI.' "Initially, Otero advised that he would be willing to testify before the HSCA, headed by Mr. Sprague, concerning the 'concrete' information he had on the Kennedy assassination. Rolando Otero's condition for this testimony was for his state conviction on bombing charges to be dismissed by the FBI, or government intervention on his behalf with Florida authorities. "Otero was informed that the FBI could not enter into such an agreement. During the later part of the interview with Otero he related that if this condition for his information was not met by the end of this week, he would then release information to the media on limited basis concerning the Kennedy assassination, and in turn provide similar, but more detailed, information to HSCA. He also claimed at the same time he would furnish other information relating to Cuban activities in South Florida and South America, which he alleged would be of embarrassment to the FBI. "After the contradiction in his stated intentions in this matter were discussed with (deleted) it was determined that he initially meant to advise that he would be willing to withhold information he claimed to have concerning the Kennedy assassination, in view of its alleged embarrassment to the Bureau, if the FBI would intervene with state authorities concerning the state charge, resulting in the dismissal of the state charge against him, otherwise he would provide the information he had in his possession to both the media and the HSCA. "At this point, Otero, with his attorneys present, was specifically and unequivocally advised that the FBI wanted him to furnish any and all information he might have relating to the assassination of President John F. Kennedy and other matters to the HSCA, as a was his stated 'desire' and that the FBI would have no part in his withholding such information. "After this point was made clear to Otero, he advised that in view of this he would be willing to testify before the HSCA without condition concerning information relating to the Kennedy assassination, the specifics of which he declined to furnish the FBI. "At the conclusion of interview with Otero he and his attorneys were informed that Otero's stated desire to testify before the HSCA would be furnished by FBI to appropriate authorities." [FBI 62-117290-454X19] A few weeks later Rolando Otero told a Miami reporter: "The killers of Kennedy are alive and living in Miami." The testimony of Rolando Otero to the HSCA was classified, although researcher Dick Russell obtained a copy: "They had a rumor in the Cuban community, like Kennedy was a Communist, he's against us, he's messing up the whole cause. Before the Kennedy assassination they called a meeting of these people, and they said they had to be ready because there was going to be a coup d'etat in the United States." [Russell, Man Who Knew Too Much p538] Rolando Otero told Gaeton Fonzi that Cuban exile Juan Adames (HEMMING claimed the name was Juan Aldama Abreu) told him that BERNARDO De TORRES had some connection with the assassination of President John F. Kennedy. Gaeton Fonzi: "From Otero I got the very detailed contention that, when both were in the Broward County jail, Adames said that BERNARDO DE TORRES personally knew OSWALD." MEMO June 15, 1977 TO: Tannenabaum FROM: Fonzi Re: Adames & Otero interviews. Enclosed are rough notes of my latest interviews with Juan Adames and Rolando Otero. This was my second interview with both men and the first with Adames where I identified myself and my affiliation with the Committee. The additional information developed in both interviews strengthens my opinion that we have a possibly significant new area of investigation which should be given attention. Here are some of the important points developed in the interview with Adames: - His experience in the Dominican Republic revolution reveal Mitch Werbell to be an extremely important character in that operation whose connections go up to the highest levels of the military-intelligence community. - Werbell had very close association with Paul Bethel. I have always thought Bethel to be a key figure. He was press attache in the Havana Embassy and was probably the CIA's liaison-coordinator with anti-Castro groups in Miami. He was one of the first persons Veciana was told to see when he arrived here. Bethel is a very close friend of DAVID PHILLIPS whom, Bethel himself told me, was working covert propaganda in Havana... - That De TORRES himself does have past experience in assassination involvement. - That Werbell does have a special relationship with Andrew St. George, and that our assumption about that relationship (see Memo May 22, 1977) may be right. - Although we get a partial corroboration of what Otero had told us Adames had told him about De TORRES having some connection with the Kennedy assassination, from Adames we don't get the information that De TORRES was involved or that he was on the scene on November 22, 1963. That's specifically why I went back to Otero. From him I again got the very detailed contention that Adames told him, when both were in the Broward County Jail, that De TORRES was involved in the Kennedy assassination and that he personally knew LEE HARVEY OSWALD. Otero said he would be willing to testify under oath to that. Corroborating to some extent Otero's story is what Otero's girlfriend Kathy told Otero's lawyer, Bob Rosenblatt, a few weeks ago. She said that during the brief period that Adames was out on bond, he came to see her regarding possibly helping Otero. However, without being asked about it, Kathy volunteered that Adames seemed interested in what Otero might have told her about this fellow De TORRES. Conversely, Adames says nothing to us about meeting Otero in the Broward County jail (though records indicate they were there at the same time) or his visit to Kathy. I didn't want to question him about it specifically because I did not want to reveal to him our lead to him was Otero, and if we ever get them both under oath, that could be a significant point to put some pressure on. I tend to put more validity to Otero's information since we have made no deals with him and he has nothing to gain, as a far as a I can see now, from feeding us misinformation. There's a possibility as a far as a I can read it now, that Adames may be weighing the value of his information, holding back to see if the situation will develop where he can get the best price or deal for it. Adames is undoubtedly a con man and there is a risk in using him that he will sell out, but, on the other hand, he could be of immense value in developing the details of De TORRES possible involvement. On that assumption, I told him I would make an effort to expedite his situation to either a work release program or parole. This week he has been transferred to the Broward County Prison, which may be preliminary to placing him on the work release program. I'm checking on that, but I would like him to think, it's so, that we had something to do with it. Adames, as a a risk to society, is minimal or nil. I feel we should make an effort to expedite his situation in order to use him most effectively, or at least do something to make him feel we were instrumental in what is going to happen to him anyway. I also feel we should perhaps consider at some point a subpoena duces tecum for De TORRES regarding those photo he allegedly has in his bank vault. I think we should combine it with a 24-hour surveillance program when he gets it. [NARA HSCA 180-10092-10141] Juan Adames, was incarcerated for possession of a forged driver license. Gaeton Fonzi elaborated: "Otero said his source had told him that OSWALD was sent to Russia as a CIA agent. The decision to kill Kennedy was made before OSWALD'S return to the United States. Most of the final planning and coordination took place at meetings held at the Dallas YMCA building. BERNARDO De TORRES posed as a photographer in Dealey Plaza on November 22." Gaeton Fonzi checked with Juan Adames and was told, "I would not put anything past De TORRES since I know that's the kind of business he's involved in. He led me to believe he had some photographs from down there, but I don't know from when. He said they were in a bank vault. The more I think about it, if De TORRES was involved in anyway, Mitch Werbell must have been." [Fonzi, Last Investigation Ch. 28] HEMMING 1994: " Juan Adames worked with Lucian Conein. I did time with Otero. Somebody tried to poison him in the Okalusa County jail. They gave the poison to the wrong guy and almost killed him. Otero can tell you something about Dealey Plaza. De TORRES was military leader of the Brigade in the 1970's. He worked with Anslinger and the Federal Bureau of Narcotics for years. Him and his brother. They worked around Gene Marshall. He is still operational. He had dealt with people like Adames before. De TORRES don't read this stuff. Unless someone in the government brings it to his attention and that ain't Fonzi's fault or your fault. I could give a rat's ass for Adames. His case officer will fry. De TORRES did surveillance of OSWALD in New Orleans and in Texas, Dealey Plaza. He don't sue. If you use De TORRES name, the son-of-a-bitch will kill you. You put that kind of a guy's name on [the Net], the son-of-a-bitch, and you're dead. You wanna be a martyr? This guy is a xxxxing professional killer. He won't do it personally. He has people that work for him. He'll wack your xxxxing ass in a heartbeat. I wouldn't bandy his name about. Fonzi didn't use his name, neither did Propper, a former U.S. Attorney. [Propper used the name.] I guess they're all cowardly xxxxs anyway. Maybe you're the only one with any balls? De TORRES is afraid of me. He think's I'm even more evil than he is. I made him a partner in Parabellum, and got him on Werbell's payroll. That's a long story. It has nothing to do with JFK yet. The HSCA wouldn't give him immunity, so he wouldn't talk." In March 1977 Rolando Otero was sentenced to 40 years. Released from prison in the late 1980's, he attempted to extort money from his lawyers by threatening to bomb them. State and federal warrants were issued for his arrest. As of 1996 Rolando Otero was a fugitive. HEMMING intimated that the De TORRES brothers might have been individuals who offed many JFK witnesses: "I don't see people on the periphery, people that don't have a direct link. People that couldn't prove xxxx, they just fill in blanks, what with the nasty FBI running around talking to everyone's dog, putting xxxx together, who would feel threatened? Not the real shooters. They could give a xxxx. But who's out there that feels threatened that may have been running dope, or doing all kinds of crazy xxxx, who is somebody now. Who is somebody now? Who is somebody in the xxxxing community now? I know one of them made money in the dope trade and turned that money around and used it against Fidel again. The Contras. And these people live comfortably. Their associates are politically prominent. They could erroneously say, 'This guy could cause us a problem.' There are cold-blooded motherxxxxers out there that do this xxxx for practice. It don't mean nothing to them. I mean these people love their work. Good thing the American people don't know about it. "It depends on how the job was done. Shooting a guy with a rifle - that's Cuban. Karate chop, Jim Koethe, he's linked to me cause he interviewed me in 1963 when I went through Dallas. [Koethe, a reporter, was killed by a karate chop to the neck in Dallas on September 21, 1964. His murder remained unsolved.] If you're talking about someone who had an apparent heart attack or something, those are the Cuban technicians." ANALYSIS BERNARDO De TORRES fit HEMMING'S description although I have no evidence De TORRES ever committed a crime. The CIA reported: "In conversation Subject stated he is private detective employed by U.S. Government and is sales supervisor for Central and South American of Defense System International. Has suspicious visitors and there are rumors that he and brother involved in illegal activity." [CIA 201-295,213] END OF NODULE.
  7. Excellent stuff as always guys, thank you to you both....
  8. Does anyone have a picture of Holt in 1963?
  9. Stephen, Thanks for the list of firearms from Ferrie's place... Thanks again, Ryan
  10. We discussed this awhile back, and I thought the same thing Pat, I also think if you look at the C.A.P photo with Oswald and Ferrie, there is a young man who looks very much like Seymour...
  11. another photo of Ferrie's plane....
  12. Is there any records of what type of rifles were found in Ferrie's home??
  13. Jack, I thought the same thing, very strange
  14. DAVIS. On the 17th; and I was holding the turkey shoot at the same time. Mr. Slack come to me and was complaining about someone shooting his target. So there was two young fellows, I can remember the approximate height of them but I don't remember what their faces looked like, that were in booth No. 8. I do remember the person that was in booth No. 7, though, because I don't know whether you have talked to Mr. Charlie Brown in the last 2 weeks or not on this---- Mr. LIEBELER. Mr. Brown, the FBI agent, yes. Mr. DAVIS. There was a fellow with a black beard in that booth No. 7, at the same time. I remember him because he was outstanding, you know, and I went to these fellows in booth No. 8, and was giving them heck about shooting at the wrong target. And this other fellow, I remember him because he wouldn't say anything to me. I tried to speak to him two or three different occasions, because he had a lot of guns, and I thought he would be a good customer. Mr. LIEBELER. The fellow with the beard? Mr. DAVIS. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. He was how tall, approximately? Mr. DAVIS. He was over 6 feet and he weighed a good 250 pounds. A big bruiser. Mr. LIEBELER. I think we can assume that was not Lee Harvey Oswald. Mr. DAVIS. They were trying to find him. Charlie Brown was trying to find this person, and 2 weeks ago on a Sunday morning I saw him in an automobile out on Davis, I believe it was. Mr. LIEBELER. The big fellow with the beard? Mr. DAVIS. The big fellow there with the beard. And I got the license number on the car and the type of car it was and called it into the office. I haven't heard anything from Mr. Brown since then, whether he got the information, but I am sure he did when I turned it into the office. Mr. LIEBELER. Now let's review this. Mr. Slack was in booth No. 9, is that correct? Mr. DAVIS. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. This big fellow was in booth No. 7? Mr. DAVIS Right. And there was the two young fellows in booth No. 8. One of them was 5 foot 6 or 5 foot 7, somewhere in that vicinity, and the other one was about 6 foot, and he was blackheaded. I can remember that, but as far as remembering their faces, with that turkey shoot we had 225 people that day, I can't remember what they looked like. Mr. LIEBELER. You say that these two fellows, one was approximately 6 feet tall or over, is that correct? Mr. DAVIS. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Was heavy-set or slender? Mr. DAVIS. No; he wasn't particularly heavy-set, he was just a medium build. Mr. LIEBELER. He was not of a light build, however? Mr. DAVIS. No; he wasn't. He was just about my size. I would say 160 to 170 pounds. Mr. LIEBELER. How tall are you? Mr. DAVIS. Six-one. Mr. LIEBELER. And you weigh? Mr. DAVIS. I weigh about 160, but I was a little bit heavier about that time. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you determine which of the fellows was shooting at Mr. Slack's target? Mr. DAVIS. No, sir. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you speak to both of them or all three of them? Mr. Mr. DAVIS. Not as an individual. I spoke to the group to be sure they were firing at the right target and to watch where they were facing because they were shooting at the wrong target. Mr. LIEBELER. This Mr. Slack, now then, believes that one of the two of these fellows could have been Lee Harvey Oswald, is that right? Mr. DAVIS. Yes; that's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Mr. Slack has told you that? 358 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. DAVIS. Yes, sir. Mr. LIEBELER. And Mr. Price was also there the same day? Mr. DAVIS. He said he was. Mr. LIEBELER. He also indicated that he thinks one of those two gentlemen was Oswald? Mr. DAVIS. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. You yourself had an opportunity to observe both of these gentlemen, did you not? Mr. DAVIS. Yes; I sure did. Mr. LIEBELER. I want to show you some pictures which have been previously marked as Commission Exhibits Nos. 451, 453, 454, 455, and 456, and ask you if you recognize from these pictures the pictures of the individuals who were firing from booth No. 8, at your range on Sunday, November 17, 1963? Mr. DAVIS. He sure looks familiar, but I couldn't say for sure. It sure looks familiar. This would have been the taller of the two, and this is almost. Mr. LIEBELER. You pointed to Commission Exhibit 451, and you think that gentleman resembles the taller of the two men that were firing from booth No. 8? Mr. DAVIS. Yes; he is about the same size. The face features, I seem to have seen them before, but as far as--it sure looks like him. I couldn't say definitely that it was him, but it sure looks a lot like him. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you see any resemblance between any of the pictures which I have shown and the shorter of the two men? Mr. DAVIS. The face on the other one, I couldn't say what it looked like. So many of these pictures of Lee Harvey Oswald have been shown to me, and they started showing me things about the time it all happened, and I would hate to say that it was him. But definitely this fellow, the taller of the two fellows was about his built. He looked like he is about my size. He may be a little bit shorter in those pictures.
  15. Reading Mr Price's and Mr Davis testimony, This big fellow keeps coming up in the conversation. Mr Price also states that this "big fellow" was at the range two weeks prior to there testimony and got the license plate number of his car and turned it in to the FBI, Does anyone know who this "big fellow" is??? Also Mr Price says that this big fellow was there twice at the same time Oswald was..... Mr. PRICE. It is Malcolm Howard Price, Jr. Mr. LIEBELER. Where do you live, Mr. Price? Mr. PRICE. At 1127 Rice, Grand Prairie. Mr. LIEBELER. Where were you born? Mr. PRICE. I was born at Graham, Tex. Mr. LIEBELER. Have you lived all your life here in Texas? Mr. PRICE. No; I have lived in Oklahoma for 4 years and in California for 5 years. Mr. LIEBELER. How long have you lived in Dallas--this last time in Grand Prairie? Mr. PRICE. Oh, about 13 years. Mr. LIEBELER. When were you born? Mr. PRICE. April 6, 1928. Mr. LIEBELER. Where are you employed? Mr. PRICE. I am retired--I am unemployed. Mr. LIEBELER. I understand that's primarily because of the fact that you have a heart condition? Mr. PRICE. Yes; that's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Are you married? Mr. PRICE. Yes; I am. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any children? Mr. PRICE. I have five. Mr. LIEBELER. Are you familiar with Sports Drome Rifle Range? Mr. PRICE. Yes; very familiar with it. Mr. LIEBELER. As a matter of fact, you work there from time to time, do you not? Mr. PRICE. I have helped them there--I'm not, as you say, employed, but I 369 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- do help there from time to time. They are close friends of mine and I have helped them get the things set up and get it started. Mr. LIEBELER. Are you referring to the Davises? Mr. PRICE. Virginia and Floyd Davis. Mr. LIEBELER. The Commission has information to the effect that sometime during November 1963, you saw a gentleman at the rifle range whom you subsequently came to believe was Lee Harvey Oswald; is that correct? Mr. PRICE. That's right. The first time that I saw this person was in September, the last week--the last Saturday of September, and that was the afternoon that they opened the rifle range. Mr. LIEBELER. On the last Saturday of September? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. That would be September 28? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Tell me the circumstances under which you first saw this fellow? Mr. PRICE. Well, it was just about dusky dark and he came in in an old model car, I would judge it was possibly a 1940 or 1941 model Ford. Mr. LIEBELER. Was there anyone with him? Mr. PRICE. No; he was by himself, and I have heard that he couldn't drive, but he was driving that day because he was the only one in the car, and he came down and inquired if there was anyone there that could set a scope, a telescope on a rifle, and I told him that I could, and he said, well--he had one that he had had mounted and boresighted but it hadn't been fired on a range and that he would like to have it sighted in, so I went down and set up a target on a hundred yards. Actually, he set the target up himself and I drove my car and turned the headlights on on the target and as I proceeded to set the rifle--I fired the rifle approximately 12 to--12 to 18 times I would say and zeroed it in on a hundred yards and Mr. Davis came in from work before we left and he also drove his pickup down and turned his lights on. He drove his pickup down on the opposite side and turned his lights on the target. Mr. LIEBELER. On the opposite side of the target from your car? Mr. PRICE. Yes; and Mrs. Davis went home--she was tired and wasn't feeling too good and she went home as soon as he got down there. Mr. LIEBELER. As soon as Mr. Davis did? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Did Mr. Davis see this fellow at that time? Mr. PRICE. Well, I don't know whether he saw him or not. He apparently don't remember it. Mr. LIEBELER. You have discussed it with Mr. Davis? Mr. PRICE. Oh, we have talked about it some, but he doesn't--he don't even recall turning his headlights on. Mr. LIEBELER. Now, did this man fire the rifle himself? Mr. PRICE. He fired three shots after I had got it set to where I could fire a pattern, with three shots in a bull's eye. I turned it over to him and I said, "Now, I'm satisfied with it, you try it." And, he fired three shots and he scored bull's eye with all three--a very tight pattern and he said, "Well, I am completely satisfied." Mr. LIEBELER. How much did you charge him for zeroing the rifle in? Mr. PRICE. I didn't charge him anything. I charged him $1 for the use of the range and that was all. I just did that as a favor to Floyd to help him get his business in. I figured this was just another hunter who had come down to get his rifle zeroed in for deer season. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have any other conversation with this fellow at that time? Mr. PRICE. No, that was all. It was rather abrupt. He didn't talk too much, and I was kind of surprised that he didn't fire the rifle more. He just fired the three shots and he said, "Well, that's good enough," and he got up and left. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he leave the shell casings lying there at the range or did he take them with him? 370 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. PRICE. No, he took them with him--he picked them all up after the rifle was fired and took the shell casings along with him. Mr. LIEBELER. You had an opportunity to observe the rifle, did you not? Mr. PRICE. Yes, I had it in my hand. Mr. LIEBELER. Would you be able to identify the rifle? Mr. PRICE. Well, I believe I would--it was a foreign make rifle and I wasn't too familiar with it at the time. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see it again? Mr. PRICE. On two other occasions that he was there. Mr. LIEBELER. Before we go on to that, you indicated that in order to see the target you had to turn the lights of the automobile on and that of Mr. Davis' truck on; is that right? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Was it light up at the rifle range from where you fired? Mr. PRICE. Oh, yes; we have neon lights there. Mr. LIEBELER. So you didn't have any difficulty in seeing this fellow? Mr. PRICE. No--no difficulty at all. Mr. LIEBELER. Then this fellow just put the rifle in the car and drove off? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he have a gun case or anything like that? Mr. PRICE. Well, if he did, he didn't bring it down to the firing house. Mr. LIEBELER. He didn't have anything he wrapped the rifle in? Mr. PRICE. Not that I know of. In fact, the best I remember, when he got out of the car, he just picked the gun up out of the back seat because it wasn't wrapped in anything or wasn't in a case. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see this fellow again? Mr. PRICE. On two other occasions--one was 2 weeks later and at turkey shoot. It was Sunday, though, it was on a Sunday. Mr. LIEBELER. It would have been in October sometime, then, is that right? Mr. PRICE. Yes, it would. Mr. LIEBELER. The last Saturday in September, which is the day you indicated was the first time you saw him was the 28th of September? Mr. PRICE. Yes; that was the day they opened. They opened in the afternoon. Mr. LIEBELER. And 2 weeks later would have been the 12th of October, and the Sunday following would be the 13th of October; is that right? Mr. PRICE. Yes, somewhere around there. They had a turkey shoot and I went down to participate in a turkey shoot and he was sitting in Booth 6 or 8 and was firing on a 100-yard line with a heavy bore rifle and I didn't talk to him then, but the third time that I saw him there I did. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see this time in October, the day of this turkey shoot, did you see that he had the same rifle you had observed? Mr. PRICE. No, I didn't pay too much attention to that. I just saw him as he came by and he went on down to the booth. There are people that come down there and some of them have as high as six or seven different rifles. This Mr. Slack that you just talked to--I noticed him in particular because he had quite a variety every time he come down there he had three or four rifles with him. Mr. LIEBELER. There's nothing that happened on this second time that you saw that particularly stands out? Mr. PRICE. Well--not that I know of personally, but I do understand there was a hassle between him and Mr. Slack over shooting the wrong target or something like that. I was over on the opposite end shooting at a target for the turkey shoot and I didn't pay any attention to that. That was their business. Mr. LIEBELER. Who told you that there was a hassle between this guy and Slack? Mr. PRICE. It was Mr. Davis and Mrs. Davis. Mr. LIEBELER. But you, yourself, don't remember anything that happened on this day, as far as this fellow was concerned? Mr. PRICE. No. Mr. LIEBELER. Now, going back to the first time you saw him, was there anyone there at the rifle range besides this man, Mr. Davis and yourself? Mr. PRICE. At the first time I saw him--me and Mrs. Davis was the only one there, and we were just fixing to close up and go home and he came in and, like 371 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- I said, inquired if there was anybody that could set a telescope. I took him down to set his telescope and we stayed there that much longer and Mr. Davis came in and Mrs. Davis went on home. Mr. LIBELER. Did Mrs. Davis have an opportunity to see this man? Mr. PRICE. Not that I know of--she knew there was somebody there but she was inside the building. Mr. LIEBELER. There was nobody else there? Mr. PRICE. There was no one else there. Mr. LIEBELER. When was the next time you saw him, the third time? Mr. PRICE. Well, I don't remember just exactly when it was, but it was--it could be anywhere from 1 to 3 weeks later--I don't remember exactly, but it was on a Sunday, Sunday was the only time I went down there after that in a good while. Mr. LIEBELER. Mr. Price, this is Mr. Davis from the attorney general's office for the State of Texas. Mr. Price has testified that he saw Oswald out at the Sports Drome Rifle Range. Mr. PRICE. I don't remember the exact date on that, but the third time that I saw him he did have the same gun. Mr. LIEBELER. He did? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Well---- Mr. PRICE. And I asked him if it was still doing the job, if it was still set, and he said, "It was shooting just fine," and Mr. Slack was there at the time and at this particular time that might have been the day that they had the hassle I there, I don't know, but they were sitting right next to one another--Mr. Slack was in booth 9 and Oswald was in booth 8, and he commented on his telescope. Mr. LIEBELER. Who commented on the telescope? Mr. PRICE. Oswald. Mr. LIEBELER. Commented to you? Mr. PRICE. Yes; he asked me to look through it, and he said, "It's one of the clearest telescopes that I have ever seen---one of the brightest." He said, "It's a Japanese scope and I gave $18 for it." Mr. LIEBELER. He told you that he paid $18 for it? Mr. PRICE. Yes; he said that it was--he remarked that it was a 4-power telescope and he said it was mounted on Redfield mounts. You see, they make mounts for several different guns, but I don't know one mount from another myself. I just took his word for it that it was a Redfield mount, but I looked through the scope and it was very clear. It was very bright and we compared it with two scopes that Mr. Slack had on his gun and a fellow that was shooting on the right side in booth 7--I don't know who that was, but we compared it with three different American-made scopes and his telescope was brighter and clearer by far. You could read the lines and numerals on the target very plainly with it. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he tell you that he paid $18 for the scope or did he say that he paid $18 for the whole works? Mr. PRICE. No; he said he paid $18 for the scope. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he tell you where he had it mounted? Mr. PRICE. He said that he got the thing from a gunsmith in Cedar Hill for a debt, the gun, and that he bought the scope and that the gunsmith mounted it for him. Mr. LIEBELER. The same gunsmith? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. And that was in Cedar Hill? Mr. PRICE. It might be; but I don't know of any gunsmith in Cedar Hill. Mr. LIEBELER. But you remember that he did tell you it was done by a gunsmith in Cedar Hill? Mr. PRICE. Yes; then, I questioned him about it, I told him, I said, "I didn't know there was a gunsmith in Cedar Hill." Mr. LIEBELER. And. what did he say? Mr. PRICE. He said, "Yes; one over there and he owed me some money and he 372 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- gave me this gun to settle the debt" and he said, "I bought the scope and he mounted it and boresighted it." Mr. LIEBELER. Did he tell you where this gunsmith was located? Mr. PRICE. No; he didn't say anything about the location other than it was in Cedar Hill. Mr. LIEBELER. Did he tell you what the guy's name was? Mr. PRICE. No. Mr. LIEBELER. Was there anyone with him that day or was he by himself? Mr. PRICE. I don't know; I don't know whether he was by himself or not. Mr. LIEBELER. You didn't see anybody else that seemed to be with him? Mr. PRICE. No; there was a lot of people there and everybody was milling around talking to everybody else and I don't know whether he was with anyone or not. Mr. LIEBELER. Now, what about the fellow that was in the booth on the other side of Mr. Slack, do you remember anything about him--I think you said. Mr. PRICE. All I remember about him was that he was a big fellow with a long black--it was either black or dark red beard. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you talk to him at all? Mr. PRICE. Other than just to comment on his scope---I didn't have any conversation at all with him. Mr. LIEBELER. You are talking about Oswald now? Mr. PRICE. No; I'm talking about the fellow with the beard. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you look through his scope too? Mr. PRICE. Yes; I did. Mr. LIEBELER. Did Oswald talk to the fellow with the beard? Mr. PRICE. Well, I suppose he spoke to all of them--to Oswald and Slack both, about the clarity of the telescope. Mr. LIEBELER. Were you there when they were talking about the clarity of Oswald's telescope? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see this fellow that you think was Oswald come or go from the range or did you just see him there then? Mr. PRICE. I just saw him there. I just saw him there a couple of times. Mr. LIEBELER. A couple of times that day? Mr. PRICE. No; two separate times, I believe, that Oswald was present at the range both times that he was, as I remember, but I don't know whether they were there together or not. Mr. LIEBELER. We are getting our wires crossed--you're talking now about the fellow with the beard? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. You meant that he was there on the range a couple of different times? Mr. PRICE. Yes; he was there both times that I saw Oswald. Mr. LIEBELER. That you saw Oswald? Mr. PRICE. That I saw Oswald; yes. The second and third time. Mr. LIEBELER. But you never saw them come and go together? Mr. PRICE. No; I didn't pay any attention to who came--whether they came and left together or how they got there, but just that one particular time he was the only one there. Mr. LIEBELER. You never noticed how Oswald came to the rifle range and left the range? Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Except that first time you saw him? Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Did anything else happen with relation to this fellow that you think was Oswald on this third time that you saw him there at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. No; it was just a conversation about the telescope is all. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you see the rifle closely that day--you must have handled it in looking through the scope? Mr. PRICE. Oh, yes; I handled it--it was a Mauser-type rifle. Mr. LIEBELER. What do you mean by that--I don't know anything about rifles? 373 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. PRICE. Well, it's strictly a military rifle and it's patterned after the German Mauser. Mr. LIEBELER. A bolt-action rifle? Mr. PRICE.. A bolt action, and the general outline it had--about oh, possibly a six shot clip that set just ahead of the trigger, and I understand it was a 6.5 Italian, but at that time I didn't know. I thought it was a Mauser because there's a friend of mine in Grand Prairie that has an Argentine Mauser that was 7.6 and it looked very familiar--they looked a whole lot alike. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you have a chance to look at any of the writing or printing that was stamped on the rifle? Mr. PRICE. Well, the only thing that I could see on it--I looked for a brand name so I could see approximately where it was made, and the only thing that I could find on it was a serial number. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you look closely for a brand name? Mr. PRICE. I didn't examine it too close. Mr. LIEBELER. But you did see the serial number? Mr. PRICE. I saw the serial number and the gun wasn't blued at the time--it had a bright finish on the barrel. It looked like it had been placed in a lathe and turned down, as far as--well, in an attempt to sporterize the gun Mr. LIEBELER. It had been worked on in some manner in an attempt to sporterize it? Mr. PRICE. I thought it had. Mr. LIEBELER. How far did the barrel protrude from the stock of the rifle, how far did it stick out from the end of the stock? Mr. PRICE. Possibly 6 or 8 inches at the most. Mr. LIEBELER. Had the stock been cut back in this attempt to sporterize the rifle? Mr. PRICE. Well, not that I could tell--it was similar to a German Mauser and they have, you know, they have got a full length, almost a full length stock with a wooden piece on the top of them also. Mr. LIEBELER. And the wooden piece on top was still on this rifle--which you did see? Mr. PRICE. No; I don't believe it was. Mr. LIEBELER. It had been taken off? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. It had been taken off as part of the attempt to sporterize the rifle? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Had the end of the barrel been cut off? Mr. PRICE. I don't know whether it had been cut off or not. Mr. LIEBELER. You say the barrel had a shiny finish? Mr. PRICE. Yes; it did at that time. Mr. LIEBELER. I will show you two pictures that have been previously marked "Exhibits 3 and 4" on the deposition of Mr. Greener and ask you if you recognize that as the rifle that this man had at the range? Mr. PRICE. [Examining instruments referred to.] Except for the sling and the forepiece--I would say they are the same gun. The gun had no sling on it. It did have the mounts on the side for a sling. Mr. LIEBELER. It didn't have a sling on it? Mr. PRICE. It didn't. Mr. LIEBELER. What do you mean when you say the forepiece? Mr. PRICE. The forepiece is this top wooden piece; of course, that could be taken off and replaced very easily. Mr. LIEBELER. The wooden piece that is on top of the barrel, is that what you are referring to? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. And you say that that was not on the rifle that you saw? Mr. PRICE. No; it wasn't. This barrel has a step along in here somewhere. Mr. LIEBELER. A step? Mr. PRICE. A step along in here building it up to a larger diameter and another one here, which you can see. 374 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. LIEBELER. It gets larger by degrees as it comes back toward the action, is that right? Mr. PRICE. That's right, and that's the reason I thought at the time that it had been placed in a lathe and turned down, but I'm not too familiar with the foreign made guns and I have learned since then that all Mauser rifles are that type--they are made that way. Mr. LIEBELER. With these steps as they come back toward the action? Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Is this the same kind of scope that you saw on the rifle that Oswald had, the fellow you thought was Oswald? Mr. PRICE. Yes; it had large receivers at both ends and I believe, now, I might not be right about the brand name, but I believe it was a Tascosa, since I examined it--it was a Japanese made scope. They make several different brands of those things--it could be any of them, but I believe, as I remember it--it was a Tascosa. Mr. LIEBELER. So, if you took the sling off this rifle and took the top wooden piece off the barrel, you think it would look pretty much like the one that this fellow had? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Now, you testified before that when you examined this rifle, you looked for the brand name and you weren't able to find a brand name? Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. But you did see the serial number? Mr. PRICE. The serial number was--it was in here, in here, or in here I believe it was right along in here. Mr. LIEBELER. And you are referring to the fore part of the action or the part of the rifle just before the action and immediately under the front edge of the scope, is that right? Mr. PRICE. Yes; the largest diameter of the barrel. The clip is here. Mr. LIEBELER. It fits in just in front of the trigger? Mr. PRICE. It fits in just in front of the trigger there. Mr. LIEBELER. I will hand you some pictures and see if you can recognize any of the people in them as the man you saw at the rifle range these have been previously marked "Commission Exhibits Nos. 451 and 453 through 456." Mr. PRICE. [Examining documents referred to.] Yes; this is the only one that has any similarity I can recall. Mr. LIEBELER. You are referring to No. 455--does that look like him? Mr. PRICE. Well, these all seem like a photograph of the same fellow, but this is the only one that has any resemblance, as I can remember. Mr. LIEBELER. Now, I show you another picture--it is a photograph of a street scene with several people in it and I show you two different pictures and ask you if you notice anybody in there as being the fellow you saw at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. Yes; this one here and this one here--he has a part of the receding hairline on the right side. Mr. LIEBELER. Which one? Mr. PRICE. This one--right here--he's got a long--kind of a sharp nose. Mr. LIEBELER. The pictures that I have just showed you do not have any marks on them, is that right? Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Let me show you two other pictures which are the same as the pictures I just showed you except that they have some green marks on them. Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. The first picture I showed you--you have indicated on it that you recognized the man who has a green mark over his head. Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. In the identical picture which has been marked as "Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-B," and that is the man that you saw at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. Right. Mr. LIEBELER. On the second picture I showed you, you identified as the man you saw at the rifle range the man who has a green "X" over him? Mr. PRICE. That's right. 375 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. LIEBELER. And that picture has been marked "Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-A." I'll show you a picture that has been marked as "Pizzo Exhibit No. 453-C , and ask you if you recognize that as the man you saw on the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you have any questions about it at all? Mr. PRICE. About that picture? Mr. LIEBELER. Whether that's the fellow? Mr. PRICE. Other than the scar or cut on his head, because he didn't have a cut on his head at the time. Mr. LIEBELER. When did you first become aware of the fact that this fellow you saw was Lee Oswald, did you ever know his name? Mr. PRICE. No; I never knew his name. Mr. LIEBELER. When did you first become aware of the fact it was Oswald--when did you first think that it was Oswald? Mr. PRICE. When I saw him on television when they were transferring him from the Dallas jail. Mr. LIEBELER. And did you recognize him right away as the fellow you had seen at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. Yes; and I contacted the FBI the next day. I debated on it all night whether I should call them or get mixed up with it or not. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you mention it to anyone else, when you saw him on television? Mr. PRICE. Yes; my family. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you talk about it with anyone else before you told the FBI? Mr. PRICE. No. Mr. LIEBELER. Whom did you talk with at the FBI, do you remember? Mr. PRICE. Charlie Brown. Mr. LIEBELER. Let's see if we can establish the date of the last time that you saw this man at the rifle range. Do you recall that the President was assassinated on Friday, November 22? Can you tell us approximately how long prior to the assassination this time was that you saw the man? Mr. PRICE. The last time I saw him was a week before Thanksgiving; Sunday before. Mr. LIEBELER. The Sunday before Thanksgiving--that's the last time you saw him at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. That's the last time that I was down at the rifle range the last time I went there until after, oh, a month or so after the assassination. Mr. LIEBELER. You mean it was the Sunday immediately preceding Thanksgiving? Mr. PRICE. That's right; I was down there for the turkey shoot we had. Mr. LIEBELER. You saw him at the rifle range that day? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Well, the last Sunday before Thanksgiving was after assassination. Mr. PRICE. It was after? Mr. LIEBELER. Yes; and you saw this man at the rifle range, you saw Oswald at the rifle range after the assassination? Mr. PRICE. I believe I did, because that was the last time that I went down there. Mr. LIEBELER. And the time you saw him the last time and looked through the scope was the last time you were down at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. Yes; that was the last day I was down there. Mr. LIEBELER, What makes you say it was the Sunday preceding Thanksgiving, are you sure about that? Mr. PRICE. Well, I'm not exactly positive but it was getting close to Thanksgiving because I was trying to get a turkey. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you remember whether you saw him after the assassination? Mr. PRICE. No. Mr. LIEBELER. You are not sure one way or the other? Mr. PRICE. I know I haven't seen him after the assassination, but it was before this assassination--I was down there the last time and I was thinking it 376 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- was a week before Thanksgiving, but anyhow, it was before the assassination, the Sunday before, but they were holding a turkey shoot. Mr. LIEBELER. The Sunday before the assassination would have been the 17th--that would have been two Sundays before Thanksgiving. Mr. PRICE. Well, it might be right--that's been so long ago--I'm not sure about the dates, I don't remember dates too well. Mr. LIEBELER. But you were pretty clear in your mind you didn't see Oswald after the assassination? Mr. PRICE. That's right. Mr. LIEBELER. Have you ever seen him since? Mr. PRICE. I have never seen him since. I have been down there quite often since December. Mr. LIEBELER. Down at the rifle range? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. And business at the rifle range has fallen off since the assassination, rather sharply, hasn't it? Mr. PRICE. Well, for a while it continued, but it has fallen off very sharply in the last, oh, in the last month and a half except for Sundays--they do have good business on Sunday. Mr. LIEBELER. Did the FBI show you any pictures of anybody and ask you to identify them when they talked to you? Mr. PRICE. It was the FBI or Secret Service, one of the two, I believe it was the FBI. Mr. LIEBELER. Did they show you any of the pictures that we have shown you this morning? Mr. PRICE. They have shown one similar--they had three or four photos showing this bruise and cut on the forehead. Mr. LIEBELER. Did they show you a picture of the rifle? Mr. PRICE. I believe the Secret Service showed me a picture of the rifle. I told them the same thing--it wasn't made up exactly the same it--didn't have the sling, it didn't have the forepiece, like there had been an attempt to sporterize the gun. Mr. LIEBELER. The last time you saw this man at the rifle range do you remember if there was anybody else there that you know? Mr. PRICE. Garland Slack. Mr. LIEBELER. And you saw Mr. Slack? Mr. PRICE. Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Anybody else? Mr. PRICE. Well, there was this big fellow--I don't know who he is. Mr. LIEBELER. Have you ever seen him since? Mr. PRICE. No; I haven't. I understand that Mr. Davis saw him one time because he called me and told me that he saw him, about 2 weeks ago, and he turned the license number of the car over to the FBI. Mr. LIEBELER. But you, yourself, have never seen him since? Mr. PRICE. I have never seen him since. Mr. LIEBELER. Was there anybody else that last day at the rifle range that saw this man that might be able to identify him other than Mr. Slack and Mr. Davis? Mr. PRICE. Well, not that I know of. There was a lot of people there--there were 300 or 400 people there. There could be any number of them that could identify him, but I don't know them. Mr. LIEBELER. Can you think of anything about this subject that I haven't asked you about that you think I should have asked you about--anything you would like to add? Mr. PRICE. No; a conversation I had with him about the telescope--I forgot that. I forgot to mention that--to Mr. Brown when he was out, and I don't know whether I mentioned that to the Secret Service agent or not. It will be in his report if I did. Mr. LIEBELER. The conversation about the clarity of the scope? Mr. PRICE. Yes. He wasn't--he didn't seem to be too talkative to anyone other than when he was talking about the telescope---he seemed rather proud of that. 377 -------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Mr. LIEBELER. Did you ever see him talk to this big fellow other than talk to him about this telescope on this time you have told us about? Mr. PIZZO. Well, not that I particular remember. Mr. LIEBELER. Did you form any impression as to whether they were together or not? Mr. LIEBELER. You couldn't tell one way or the other? Mr. PRICE No; I didn't pay any attention to it. There was--I just thought of it--there was a doctor and his son there at the same time and they were firing a .308 caliber Winchester, I believe---it was either a Winchester or a Remington and anyhow, they had identical guns and they were sharpening up for, I believe, they said they were going to Canada and they were there at the same time. Mr. LIEBELER. This was the Sunday, the last time you saw him? Mr. PRICE Yes. Mr. LIEBELER. Do you know their names--do you know what their names are? Mr. PRICE. No; I don't--I don't know their names--I have heard it but I don't remember it. Mr. LIEBELER. Would you remember it if I mentioned it to you? Mr. PRICE. Well, I might. Mr. LIEBELER. Is the doctor's name--Dr. Wood? Mr. PRICE. That don't sound like it--there was a doctor there and his son--I know they were father and son. Mr. LIEBELER. About how old was the son? Mr. PRICE. He was in his early twenties, I believe. Mr. LIEBELER. And did they talk to this fellow about the telescope? Mr. PRICE. I don't remember whether they had any conversation with him or not. Mr. LIEBELER. What makes you mention that? Mr. PRICE It's just the fact that they were there at the same time and I know they were talking to Garland Slack and there is a possibility that they either observed or talked to Oswald, because he was sitting next to Slack. Mr. LIEBELER. You have nothing else that you want to add--I don't think of any more questions. I want to thank you for coming down and cooperating with us to the extent that you have and it has been considerable cooperation because you got very short notice and you came very early this morning, and we appreciate this and we want you to know that the Commission appreciates this very much. Thank you. Mr. PRICE. Well, I try to help all I can. I don't remember dates too well--it's been quite some time. I can remember faces but I can't remember names and dates worth a hoot. Mr. LIEBELER. Well, we sure appreciate your coming down. Mr. DAVIS. Thanks again--we appreciate your coming down. Mr. PRICE. You bet.
  16. Hi James, That is a Johnson 30-06 , same type of weapon Hemming had Very accurate rifle.
  17. Remember me as i walk away for you i lived and died this day And in this moment i can recall that as i fell i still stood tall Into the falling night i cry tell them i love them and tell them why I am not there to see them grow or curb the wild oats they sow I am the one with arms held wide even in death not stepping aside For god and country i am here your pain i hold i feel your fear Freedom is my gift to you as i left, this price i knew I am so cold and so afraid and as the fear begins to fade I think of those to follow me to give their lives to liberty As i taste death's embrace i pray for strength and a bit of grace Let me die as i have lived leaving nothing to forgive My eyes are heavy let me rest I know now i have done my best ......... John, you shall suffer no more, you did great things for the research community and for this country, And for that I thank You, You will be missed... All those Marines gaurding heavens gates, tell that one with the white feather in his hat I said hi..... From all your fellow shooters, we miss you both..Rest In Peace brother.........
  18. Thanks Nic and Steve. Steve I will be reading that today, greatly appreciate it...
  19. In Garrison's book... QUOTE "Additional volunteers helped handle the burgeoning leads coming in. One was an urbane, very bright young man who had grown up in Latin America and spoke spanish like a native; he was useful in interviews with cuban exiles. Jim Rose, another former CIA employee, was accepted after a strong recommendation from Boxley, who had known him back in his agency days. Rose had a number of photographs showing himself instructing anti-castro guerilla trainees at the no name key training camp in Florida back in the early 60's.END QUOTE Does anyone know any history on Jim Rose??
  20. I found this last night............. Perhaps because of the following account, David Atlee Phillips was questioned by the HSCA about his possible relationship with both Freeport Sulphur and Moa Bay Mining Company. While working for the HSCA, Fonzi interviewed James Cogswell III, in his home in Palm Beach, Florida. Cogswell presented Fonzi with various leads he felt were important to the case, one of which was the following: Cogswell says the Bishop sketch resembles the former president of a Moa Bay subsidiary, Freeport Sulphur of New Orleans. Cogswell doesn't remember name of that officer, but says he knew he had very powerful connections and came from Texas. When Phillips, who came from Texas, was asked about Freeport, the HSCA staffer noted this response: Mr. Phillips stated that he "probably" did have some contacts with someone or some persons associated with the Moa Bay Mining Company, but he did not recall any specific names. He also "must have" had some contact with Freeport Sulphur people. "I was fairly socially active at the time and the name of the company is familiar to me." Note that Phillips did not deny an association, but left it to the investigators to find more. Steve Dorrill reported in the Lobster article mentioned previously that one of the pilots of the Moa Bay Mining Company was Pedro Diaz Lanz, a hotshot pilot who defected from the head of Castro's air force and subsequently befriended both Frank Sturgis and E. Howard Hunt, both of whom have also been closely associated with David Phillips. Another employee of the Moa Bay Mining Company, Jorge Alfredo Tarafa, listed Freeport Nickel Company, Moa Bay Cuba as his place of employment from 9/21/59 to 4/8/60 on his job resume. Tarafa was identified as a delegate of the Cuban Revolutionary Front (FRD) in New Orleans, headed by Sergio Arcacha Smith. The FRD was the group that E. Howard Hunt set up with exiled Cuban leader Tony Varona to sponsor anti-Castro activities. Arcacha, Banister, and "Mr. Phillips" Probe has turned up a long lost transcript of a deposition of a person whose name would be instantly recognized by anyone who has studied the Kennedy assassination. It is our hope to reveal the source of this deposition to the ARRB if and when they come to the West Coast. In this deposition, we find the following startling information. Picking up where the witness was telling how Sergio Arcacha Smith, one of Garrison's original suspects in the Kennedy assassination planning, had invited the witness to a meeting in Guy Banister's office: Q: Did you go alone to that meeting? A: As I recall, I did, yes. Q: Who was there? A: Mr. Banister, Mr. Arcacha Smith, and Mr. Phillips. Q: Do you know his first name [meaning Phillips]? A: No. Q: Had you seen him before? A: No. Q: Was he a Latin? A: No. Q: What was his interest in the meeting? A: He seemed to be running the show. Q: Telling Banister and Arcacha Smith what to do? A: His presence was commanding. It wasn't in an orderly military situation, you know. It was just they seemed to introduce Mr. Phillips. Q: How old a man was he? A: I would say he was around 51, 52 [Note: the speaker is young.] Q: American? A: American. Q: Was he identified as to his background? A: No. Q: Were hints dropped as to his background? A: Just that he was from Washington, that's all. Q: Did you assume from that he was with the CIA? A: I didn't assume anything, I never assume anything. . . .I think someone mentioned something about this conversation isn't taking place. The project that Banister and Arcacha and Mr. Phillips were working on, according to the witness, was to be a televised anti-Castro propaganda program, something that would have been in the direct purview of David Phillips as chief of propaganda for Cuban operations at that time.
  21. Excellent post Al, you took the words right out of my mouth....
  22. Yawn, we are still talking about this LOL, Do a search at JFK Lancer and here and see what comes up with Files scenerio LOL..... Stephen has taken the words right out of my mouth, Good job buddy.. Nancy, If you have evidence that Files story is true, and are not making it public, then guess what, you are part of the cover up LOL..Oh now I see Nancy, you are connected to the mob and thats where you get some info....Is it the ghost of Momo and Nicoletti, or is it Henry Hill and Jimmy "two times" cause he says everything two times like "Im gonna go get the paper get the paper"?? Ahhh what a day LOL....Al I know your laughing, just post a comment please LOL...
  23. Mark, Please explain why a scoped weapon is the ideal weapon of choice to use on the grassy knoll??
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