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Jim Marrs interviews Doug Horne

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Reproduced from http://www.unknowncountry.com of Feb. 19, 2010:

This Week on Dreamland: The Kennedy Assassination

Doug Horne was the Chief Military Analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board that was delegated to study the Kennedy assassination by Congress in 1992.

Here, Jim Marrs interviews him, and he says, quite frankly, "there was massive fraud in the evidence," and that the autopsy results released after the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital are false, and conceal an exit wound that prove the fact that he was struck by a bullet from the front, as well as the ones that hit him in the back of the head.

This will be the most extraordinary interview about the Kennedy Assassination that you have ever heard. Listen as a man in a unique position to know the truth talks about how the real autopsy reports have been destroyed, and the available documents are forgeries. He outlines exactly how he discovered this, and creates an airtight case, and we have this message from Whitley Strieber: "Please, folks, do not let the Kennedy Assassination go. Listen to this and continue to demand that your representatives take action. The Review Board came about because of public pressure on Congress. Demand the truth!"

To listen to the interview, click on the link below:


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Reproduced from http://www.unknowncountry.com of Feb. 19, 2010:

This Week on Dreamland: The Kennedy Assassination

Doug Horne was the Chief Military Analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board that was delegated to study the Kennedy assassination by Congress in 1992.

Here, Jim Marrs interviews him, and he says, quite frankly, "there was massive fraud in the evidence," and that the autopsy results released after the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital are false, and conceal an exit wound that prove the fact that he was struck by a bullet from the front, as well as the ones that hit him in the back of the head.

This will be the most extraordinary interview about the Kennedy Assassination that you have ever heard. Listen as a man in a unique position to know the truth talks about how the real autopsy reports have been destroyed, and the available documents are forgeries. He outlines exactly how he discovered this, and creates an airtight case, and we have this message from Whitley Strieber: "Please, folks, do not let the Kennedy Assassination go. Listen to this and continue to demand that your representatives take action. The Review Board came about because of public pressure on Congress. Demand the truth!"

To listen to the interview, click on the link below:


Someone should transcribe this so it can be referenced and quoted as a source.

Otherwise it is just a media show.

The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Rep. Ed Towns (D. NY) is responsible for oversight of the JFK Act, specifically the Subcommittee on Information Policy, NARA and the Census chaired by W. L. Clay (D. St. Louis).

COPA has been lobbying this committee for over ten years now [since June 2001 -http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2009/12...university.html]

and while we had no chance of any oversight while the Republicans controlled the committee, we now have an opportunity to convince Towns and Clay that this is really an important issue.

We have targeted Sunshine Open Government Week - March 14-20 as the time to rally the troops to get them to contact their representatives and ask them to talk personally to Towns and Clay, both of whom are supportative of JFK Act hearings.

In the meantime, John Judge and Sen. Kerry have been working on getting the same subcommittee to hold hearings on the proposed MLK Act, and the subcommittee staff have penciled in a tentative joint JFK Act - MLK Act hearing for one day during Sunshine Week that might actually happen.

While such a hearing will not investigate who kill JFK, it will focus on the JFK Act, the work of the ARRB, and the records that were destoryed, are missing and wrongfullywithheld, and there's enough of that to keep them busy for months.

That will be a great start, and it will obtain new sworn testimony on the assassination for the first time since the review boad was in action.

Doug Horne, Jim Lesar, Jeff Morley, John Newman, Peter Dale Scott and others should be called to testify, or else it will be just a fake show and tell by the usual suspects - Max Holland, Steve Tilley, Mark Zaid and other appologists for the coup.

You can make a difference, read more about it:


Get on the JFK Act Oversight Bandwagon - Sign the petition:


Contact your Representative and ask them to support the Oversight of JFK Act, as I know a few members of the forum have already done.

Sign up as a follower at my blog and I'll keep you posted on the progress of the petition.


Bill Kelly


Edited by William Kelly
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I clicked on the link provided,and it prompted me to download Windows Media Player Extension.I did that,and still was unable to listen.

Well,I clicked on the "X" like it told me to.

Edited by Michael Crane
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I clicked on the link provided,and it prompted me to download Windows Media Player Extension.I did that,and still was unable to listen.

Well,I clicked on the "X" like it told me to.

Try clicking on the link below and then go to the top of the Unknowncountry.com website on the right side marked "Dreamland Radio." Click on that. I use Windows Media Player and have no difficulty in accessing the live interview there.


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Reproduced from http://www.unknowncountry.com of Feb. 19, 2010:

This Week on Dreamland: The Kennedy Assassination

Doug Horne was the Chief Military Analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board that was delegated to study the Kennedy assassination by Congress in 1992.

Here, Jim Marrs interviews him, and he says, quite frankly, "there was massive fraud in the evidence," and that the autopsy results released after the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital are false, and conceal an exit wound that prove the fact that he was struck by a bullet from the front, as well as the ones that hit him in the back of the head.

This will be the most extraordinary interview about the Kennedy Assassination that you have ever heard. Listen as a man in a unique position to know the truth talks about how the real autopsy reports have been destroyed, and the available documents are forgeries. He outlines exactly how he discovered this, and creates an airtight case, and we have this message from Whitley Strieber: "Please, folks, do not let the Kennedy Assassination go. Listen to this and continue to demand that your representatives take action. The Review Board came about because of public pressure on Congress. Demand the truth!"

To listen to the interview, click on the link below:


Someone should transcribe this so it can be referenced and quoted as a source.

Otherwise it is just a media show.

The House Oversight Committee, chaired by Rep. Ed Towns (D. NY) is responsible for oversight of the JFK Act, specifically the Subcommittee on Information Policy, NARA and the Census chaired by W. L. Clay (D. St. Louis).

COPA has been lobbying this committee for over ten years now [since June 2001 -http://jfkcountercoup.blogspot.com/2009/12...university.html]

and while we had no chance of any oversight while the Republicans controlled the committee, we now have an opportunity to convince Towns and Clay that this is really an important issue.

We have targeted Sunshine Open Government Week - March 14-20 as the time to rally the troops to get them to contact their representatives and ask them to talk personally to Towns and Clay, both of whom are supportative of JFK Act hearings.

In the meantime, John Judge and Sen. Kerry have been working on getting the same subcommittee to hold hearings on the proposed MLK Act, and the subcommittee staff have penciled in a tentative joint JFK Act - MLK Act hearing for one day during Sunshine Week that might actually happen.

While such a hearing will not investigate who kill JFK, it will focus on the JFK Act, the work of the ARRB, and the records that were destoryed, are missing and wrongfullywithheld, and there's enough of that to keep them busy for months.

That will be a great start, and it will obtain new sworn testimony on the assassination for the first time since the review boad was in action.

Doug Horne, Jim Lesar, Jeff Morley, John Newman, Peter Dale Scott and others should be called to testify, or else it will be just a fake show and tell by the usual suspects - Max Holland, Steve Tilley, Mark Zaid and other appologists for the coup.

You can make a difference, read more about it:


Get on the JFK Act Oversight Bandwagon - Sign the petition:


Contact your Representative and ask them to support the Oversight of JFK Act, as I know a few members of the forum have already done.

Sign up as a follower at my blog and I'll keep you posted on the progress of the petition.


Bill Kelly


Seems I have been saying there was fraud and evidence had been tampered with many years ago. I am on record many years ago say what has now been stated by one who who was in charge of some of those investigations. In Fact some of these same people put the word out that the south knoll story was nothing to investigate and a fabrication, that " there was no front shot from the south knoll.

Perhaps Jim Marrs or Peter Lemkin might like to comment on this now..., in view of the following interview of Jim Marrs.

From the interview of Jim Marrs:

".... Doug Horne was the Chief Military Analyst for the Assassination Records Review Board that was delegated to study the Kennedy assassination by Congress in 1992.

Here, Jim Marrs interviews him, and he says, quite frankly, "there was massive fraud in the evidence," and that the autopsy results released after the autopsy at Bethesda Naval Hospital are false, and conceal an exit wound that prove the fact that he was struck by a bullet from the front, as well as the ones that hit him in the back of the head.

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DOUG also refers to a bullet track wound from in the front high in the right forehead..see book 3 page 832 thereabouts and on...

Bernice, I hate to always be the stick-in-the-mud, but perhaps it should be pointed out that not one witness in Dallas OR Bethesda saw a bullet hole in the location depicted.

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Inside the ARRB: Appendices

Current Section: Appendix 54: HSCA staff report and transcript of its interview

of Gawler's Funeral Home mortician Tom RobinsonPage 299(491 pages) Pagelink: 1511272

Purdy: Did you notice anything else unusual about the body which may have been artificially caused, tht is, caused by something other than the autopsy?

Robinson: Probably, a little mark at the temple in the hairline. As I recall, it was so small, it could be hidden by the hair. It didn't have to be covered up with mak-up. I thought it probably a piece of bone or a piece of the bullet that caused it.

Purdy: In other words, there was a little wound.

Robinson: Yes.

Purdy: Approximately where, which side of the forehead or part of the head was it on.

Robinson: I believe it was on the right side.

Purdy: On his right side?

Robinson: That's an anatomical right, yes.

Edited by William Kelly
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Inside the ARRB: Appendices

Current Section: Appendix 54: HSCA staff report and transcript of its interview

of Gawler's Funeral Home mortician Tom RobinsonPage 299(491 pages) Pagelink: 1511272

Purdy: Did you notice anything else unusual about the body which may have been artificially caused, tht is, caused by something other than the autopsy?

Robinson: Probably, a little mark at the temple in the hairline. As I recall, it was so small, it could be hidden by the hair. It didn't have to be covered up with mak-up. I thought it probably a piece of bone or a piece of the bullet that caused it.

Purdy: In other words, there was a little wound.

Robinson: Yes.

Purdy: Approximately where, which side of the forehead or part of the head was it on.

Robinson: I believe it was on the right side.

Purdy: On his right side?

Robinson: That's an anatomical right, yes.

Bill, Robinson created a drawing where he depicted this wound over by Kennedy's ear. He also made it clear that it was not a bullet entrance, and that he instead thought it to have been an exit for a bullet fragment...

No one saw a bullet wound on Kennedy's forehead...

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While I respect Doug Horne, and appreciate Marrs' book Crossfire, I rather worry about JFK and other political material keeping company with UFO "speculation."


I must say that I emphatically share this worry of David's. We know that mentioning a UFO is the fastest way to winnow an audience. Never researched the stuff myself... not saying its not there ... but WHY THE ASSOCIATION? Why the phylum sharing when the two topics are two different species. There is no way this does not help the dismissers, even if -- for all I know the UFOers are onto something. I wince when I see the topics connected. To me its like mixing apples and machine guns.

Edited by Nathaniel Heidenheimer
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Yes, I'm not thinking as much of the reputations of persons (or curtailment of belief and study) as of the potential to diminish the JFK research field at the same time Horne is increasing its value.

But I understand that book sales are hard to come by now. If Streiber's site gets Horne's work out there, and that supports his further research...well, OK - I guess. It's a good interview.

It's the kind of appearance that a book publicist drums up for an author, and mainstream media has not been generous to JFK researchers. Let's hope Horne, and other researchers to come, get the mainstream exposure that Jim Douglass got.

Edited by David Andrews
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