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The Boston Bombing and Dealey Plaza

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To me, the real interest of this story is not what the Alex Jones crowd, or the Sandy Hook truthers think it is.

IMO, although every defendant deserves a fair trial, they appear to have gotten the right suspects.

To me, the real interest is how the FBI can operate in a terrorist-murder case, vs. how it did operate in the JFK case. Night and day.

As many writers, including myself, have said, this could only have happened if the message came down from on high.

And, as more than a few FBI employees have stated, that is what occurred with JFK.

Don't forget the OKC bombing. The FBI ignored the evidence of foreign (Iraqi) involvement, which had to be uncovered by independent research, most notably by the author of The Third Terrorist, an investigative journalist whom former CIA director Wolsey called a national hero. The official culprits were two lone rednecks, one of whom was executed ASAP.

The apparent word from on high (on OKC as well as on Flight 800) was that we don't want to have to deal with foreign terrorists. And we didn't have to deal with them until 9/11, which couldn't be swept under the rug.

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There are the usual troubling questions here. The "evidence" against these brothers consists of them walking around the area carrying backpacks. There were lots of people with backpacks there, including a number of obvious Navy Seals (they were wearing their patented logo). But since the American people have shown conclusively that they absolutely love martial law, I don't expect that the surviving brother has any chance at justice.

How many amendments to the Bill of Rights were broken during the "lockdown" around Boston? And with all that law enforcement and military presence-they looked like an occupying army-they still couldn't track down one 19 year old kid. If the citizen hadn't been smoking a cigarette and alerted the authorities, he'd probably still be at large. And yet the same voters who loved having their homes searched and movements restricted are unanimous in calling these guys "heroes."

All very troubling Don. The evidence for false flag here is staggering. I don't expect the 19 year old to live. If he does he will be tortured til he confesses. From the horrible pic of the older one going around the net looks like he was tortured already.

For shame people in MA. Liking Martial Law. It broke my heart to see my former hometown of Newton MA. under Martial law. What next? We know there WILL be a "next".


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I keep hearing about the video showing one of the suspects placing the backpack bomb. I've never seen it among the numerous videos broadcast nor online. Has anyone else here?

WASHINGTON (AP) - Massachusetts Gov. Deval Patrick says surveillance video from the Boston Marathon attack shows the suspect putting his backpack down and moving away in time to avoid being injured by the blast of the bomb inside it.

Speaking Sunday on NBC, Patrick says the video clearly puts 19-year-old Dzhokhar Tsarnaev (joh-KHAR' tsahr-NEYE'-ehv) at the scene of the attack. Tsarnaev is in serious condition at a Boston hospital after his capture Friday.

Patrick says the video is "pretty clear about his involvement and pretty chilling, frankly."

So, Gov Patrick has apparently been shown the video, but it still hasn't been made public.

Edited by Daniel Meyer
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There are the usual troubling questions here. The "evidence" against these brothers consists of them walking around the area carrying backpacks. There were lots of people with backpacks there, including a number of obvious Navy Seals (they were wearing their patented logo). But since the American people have shown conclusively that they absolutely love martial law, I don't expect that the surviving brother has any chance at justice.

How many amendments to the Bill of Rights were broken during the "lockdown" around Boston? And with all that law enforcement and military presence-they looked like an occupying army-they still couldn't track down one 19 year old kid. If the citizen hadn't been smoking a cigarette and alerted the authorities, he'd probably still be at large. And yet the same voters who loved having their homes searched and movements restricted are unanimous in calling these guys "heroes."

All very troubling Don. The evidence for false flag here is staggering. I don't expect the 19 year old to live. If he does he will be tortured til he confesses. From the horrible pic of the older one going around the net looks like he was tortured already.

For shame people in MA. Liking Martial Law. It broke my heart to see my former hometown of Newton MA. under Martial law. What next? We know there WILL be a "next".


Imagine the ironic possibility that these two brothers really were terrorists and knew beforehand that a lot of us would claim that they were just innocent victims or "patsies."

--Tommy :sun

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Dawn, are you serious? The REALITY is that we, in the Boston area, had a dangerous bomber in our midst, who was on video planting a bomb, who had killed and showed inclination to kill again. The older brother was not tortured; When he was being captured, his brother ran him over. Schools, businesses and pretty much everything else were closed, people were afraid to leave their homes and they wanted this guy caught. There was a complete consensus to give the various police organizations 100% support in eliminating the threat.

Nobody is being tortured, nobody is having their rights violated. To believe these things is to be out of touch with the reality of the situation. To not understand the fear we felt this week is to be out of touch with the reality of the situation.

Edited by Stephen Roy
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Dawn, are you serious? The REALITY is that we, in the Boston area, had a dangerous bomber in our midst, who was on video planting a bomb, who had killed and showed inclination to kill again. The older brother was not tortured; When he was being captured, his brother ran him over. Schools, businesses and pretty much everything else were closed, people were afraid to leave their homes and they wanted this guy caught. There was a complete consensus to give the various police organizations 100% support in eliminating the threat.

Nobody is being tortured, nobody is having their rights violated. To believe these things is to be out of touch with the reality of the situation. To not understand the fear we felt this week is to be out of touch with the reality of the situation.

generating FEAR is exactly why terrorists terrorize! Fear generates paralysis. From Osama BinLaden all the way down to the corner car-jacker! Power! Whatever happened to Boston type revolutionaries, don't tell me they were all hiding in coffee bars.

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1. There was no Marshall Law. There were thousands of people that were scared of going outdoors. As a matter of fact I was able to drive within a few blocks of the 2 Bomber's apartment in order to pick up one of my grand-children. Their apartment (the 2 bombers) which was located on Norfolk St. in Cambridge Mass had caused law enforcement to cordon off a few blocks to search and destroy explosives that were located inside the apartment . The closer of businesses in multiple communities was Deval Patrick doing what he does best. Earlier this year he banned all traffic on Massachusetts roads due to a snow storm. Hey Deval, it's New England, it snows during the winter. During my 58 years as a Boston native it has snowed during every winter .

2. The reason they didn't stand around after they deposited their pressure cooker bombs was they would have been just as injured as their victims if they didn't walk away. By the way they were captured on film leaving the area without the black backpacks that they were photographed with entering the area where the bombs exploded.

Typical of the Liberal MSM all we keep hearing about is their Chechnyan heritage and less and less about the older brother's Muslim Radical conversion . The small ,you have to dig for this, story that was reported today was that the older brother was tossed out of a mosque recently for an outburst during prayer services . The outburst was directed at another attendee who had held up a picture of Martin Luther King and stated that we should be following this man's message .

What's next , LHO was on the steps?

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Dawn, are you serious? The REALITY is that we, in the Boston area, had a dangerous alleged bomber in our midst, who was allegedly on video planting a bomb, who had allegedly killed and allegedly showed inclination to kill again. The authories claim The older brother was not tortured; When he was being captured, the authorities claim his brother ran him over. Schools, businesses and pretty much everything else were closed, people were afraid to leave their homes and they wanted this guy caught. There was a complete consensus from everyone quoted in the mainstream media to give the various police organizations 100% support in eliminating the threat.

The authorities assure us Nobody is being tortured, nobody is having their rights violated. To believe these things is to be out of touch with the reality of the situation, or to be skeptical of our leaders and their mouthpieces in the establishment press.. To not understand the fear we felt this week is to be out of touch with the reality of the situation.

I added a few things to your post, Stephen, to reflect the legal niceties that still, however tenously, exist in this country.

Look on You Tube- there are a few citizen videos leaking out. If you aren't frightened by the sight of armored tanks and troops in full military gear, roaming freely throughout American neighborhoods, you've lost your sense of history, and of exactly why this country declared independence in the first place. You can see those troops and officers shouting at innocent, baffled citizens, demanding they all put their hands up. Homeowners were rousted from their residences, and treated like suspects.

The only "evidence" against these brothers is a video of them walking down the sidewalk. They had backpacks on, the same as countless others there. The video of the younger brother supposedly planting the bomb has curiously not been released to the public. I wonder why? Our corrupt leaders know that their bogus "evidence" will be dismantled and discredited by citizen researchers on the internet as quickly as the first phony picture of the dead Bin Laden was.

Call it "lockdown" instead of martial law if you prefer. "Lockdown" is a prison term, and that's the way citizens were treated. If you don't think the protection against unreasonable searches and seizures was violated here, we have a really different view of the Bill of Rights. I realize I'm in the minority in this country, but that doesn't stop me from mourning over how few Americans care about their own civil liberties, or how many cheer and applaud the tyrannical actions of those whose salaries they pay.

Ultimately it doesn't matter who planted the bombs. The person or persons accused by the authorities will always be found guilty. It happens every time. This kid will have an inept defense, if he's even allowed a civilian trial. They always get inept defenses. Most people only even pay lip service to the notion that all defendants are innocent until proven guilty if the defendant is a football player or some other celebrity. Otherwise, they are seen as guilty, and referred to as such, from the moment they're taken into custody.

What about the Navy Seals, or persons dressed in obvious Navy Seal gear, at the scene? There are pictures of these guys running, after the bombing, and their backpacks are clearly gone. One of their backpacks had a distinct logo, which certainly appears identical to what is seen on the remains of the backpack the bomb was in. Suspect #2, on the other hand, is seen in a photo after the bombing, with his back unfortunately juxtaposed against a dark doorway. It is at least debatable that his backpack is still there.

So Boston was "terrorized" by these brothers? How did they transport these bombs, and grenades, and guns, they used against the police in their lengthy gunfight? There has been no talk of a car, other than the one they allegedly highjacked. So they were walking around town with all this stuff? How could they carry all that? And, being the bloodthirsty killers they were, why didn't they kill the guy whose car they stole? And what about the poor schmuck who was stripped naked in front of all those spectators, and paraded around on video? They humiliated that guy for no reason. I hope he sues them for everything he can.

Those who poo-poo "conspiracy theorists" are simply not studying the facts in these cases. The authorities have been staging false flags since well before they trotted out Operation Northwoods and actually did the Gulf of Tonkin. It's the nature of corrupt people to conspire to maintain their power, or to acquire more power. One thing our corrupt leaders know for sure now is that the American People will accept martial law with huge smiles and loud cheering.

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For those with open minds, here is just one little nugget to contradict the official story. This is an interview, from a caller into a radio talk show, who witnessed the older brother being shot and run over by the police, not his brother.

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Guest Tom Scully


Typical of the Liberal MSM all we keep hearing about is .....

The what? It is corporate.

The brass check: a study of American journalism - Page 241

Upton Sinclair - 1920

CHAPTER XXXVIII OWNING THE PRESS The methods by which the "Empire of Business" maintains; its control over Journalism are four : Firfst, ownership of the papers; second, ownership of the owners; third, advertising subsidies ; and fourth, direct bribery. By these methods there exists in America a control of news and of current comment more absolute than any monopoly in any other industry....

The peril of valuing celebrity over history - The New York Times

By James Carroll Published: Monday, July 30, 2007

Like Upton Sinclair, Sinclair Lewis was profoundly countercultural, but he was an omni-directional satirist, and his 1935 forecast of American fascism, "It Can't Happen Here," included a portrait of Upton Sinclair as a political nutcase.....

......Yet, speaking of history, this conjuring of the appearance of opposition where none actually exists has been mandated by the American political system since the onset of the Cold War. The quadrennial political puppet show, highlighting not opposition but its appearance, is essential to keeping the captive-taking war machine running and to inoculating the American people from the viral knowledge that they themselves were first to be captured....

.....Sinclair Lewis, for his part, showed how the simultaneously banalizing methods of capitalist enterprise (false advertising, consumerism, pieties of affluence, amoral bureaucracy) are exactly what that enterprise created to keep from being criticized....

Steve, if you're irritated because you believe the MSM is liberal, especially in a place like this, consider that there is a risk

that if the MSM were to move its political bent any further right it might fall off the edge. This message will probably fall on

EIB protected ears, but it should be presented because the MSM is no more liberal or conservative than a tube of toothpaste.

It distributes a product, exactly what that enterprise created to keep from being criticized....


The Elephant in the Green Room

.....Then, three weeks after the election, David Rhodes, Fox’s vice-­president for news, quit to work for Bloomberg. Rhodes had started at Fox as a 22-year-old production assistant and risen through the ranks to become No. 2 in charge of news. His brother was a senior foreign-policy aide to Obama, and Rhodes told staffers that Ailes had expressed concern about this closeness to the White House. Rhodes privately told people he was uncomfortable with where Fox was going in the Obama era.

David Rhodes - CBS News


Oct 10, 2012 – David Rhodes was named President of CBS News in February 2011. As President, he is responsible for programs including the award-winning .....


By Russ Baker 3/23/2013 at 00:03:16

- To Nowhere: A Cipher In The Oval Office

.....Almost as an afterthought about this fellow who rocketed from obscurity to being one of Obama's most influential advisors, the writer, quoting Rhodes' older brother on the family's baseball feud, notes that the brother "is now the president of CBS News." Searching sources other than the Times, we find that David Rhodes was a production assistant at the fledgling Fox News Channel around the same time Benjamin was volunteering for Giuliani -- and was the conservative channel's news desk Assignment Manager when the planes struck the Twin Towers. Highly trusted by Fox's chairman Roger Ailes, he managed Fox's coverage of three presidential elections, including the one where his brother was writing Obama's speeches, was hired by Bloomberg TV right after Obama's election, and in 2011 was named president of CBS News.

Only a news organization so hopelessly compromised by nepotism and thoroughly woven into the power structures of this society could not think the fact of Rhodes's brother's job and connections worthy of a single full sentence.....

The MSM, the poor, and the other are not worth complaining about. Politics is acceptance or resistance to the demonization of the

least wealthy and powerful. They are the curtain. Pull it aside.:

The idea that people make the same or less today than they made 40 years ago is a stunning historical fact. - Author Jeff Madrick


As Income Gap Balloons, Is It Holding Back Growth? July 10, 2011

Kenneth Douglas had the good life. He had a three-bedroom house in the Chicago suburbs. He drove a Cadillac to work. He belonged to a country club.

Douglas was the CEO of Dean Foods, a dairy company. During his tenure from 1970 to 1987, Dean increased its yearly sales from $165 million to $1.4 billion. Yet his annual salary never topped $1 million.

According to Peter Whoriskey of The Washington Post, "The board said, 'We want to give you some more money' " as a reward for the company's success. "And he would say repeatedly, 'No.' He was making enough."

Whoriskey reports that the culture of corporate modesty at Dean Foods is a relic. The current CEO, Gregg Engles, lives a much different life.

"He has averaged about $10 million a year," Whoriskey tells weekends on All Things Considered host Guy Raz. "He's got a $6 million house in Dallas. He's got property in Vale. He's got membership at four different golf clubs. He's got a corporate jet."

"It's a whole new level of executive grandeur that we see today."

But while the current CEO of Dean Foods makes 10 times the amount the company's CEO did 30 years ago, the rest of the employees make on average 9 percent less than they would have in the 1970s, after you adjust for inflation.

So how do the employees feel about executive pay?

"They were resentful of it," says Whoriskey. "But for the most part, they were just trying to figure out how to get by. They honestly said they were just happy to have jobs."

Financial Failure: Inequality's Dance Partner?

David Moss is a professor of economics at Harvard Business School. Back in 2008, he was researching U.S. bank failures from the 19th century to the present. He charted those failures over time and found an interesting pattern.

"They peak up in crisis years. They peak in the 1920s," Moss tells Raz. "But then most striking, after 1933, when we saw the introduction of federal banking and financial regulation, these banking crises disappear almost completely. And then it continues very, very low until the 1980s, then they pick back up again."

Moss found it striking that banking failures go down after financial regulation and start rising after the introduction of deregulation.

Then, one of Moss' colleagues showed him a chart of income inequality over the same period. Moss took that curve and plotted it on the same page as his bank failure curve.

"And lo and behold, it was a striking, striking connection," Moss says.

As bank failures went up in the 1920s, so did income inequality. As inequality came down in the 1930s, bank failures stayed down. They stayed down together until the advent of deregulation in the 1980s.

For Moss, this coincidence raises more questions than it provides answers. He isn't sure what exactly the correlation between income inequality and financial failure means.

"Is there a connection especially between extreme inequality and economic growth?" Moss asks. "Does it cut down on demand? Spending not as vibrant? Do we see more borrowing? Do we see more risk taking at excessive levels? Deregulation feedback loops?"

These are questions Moss hopes he can answer with future research.

Sarah Bloom Raskin, the Federal Reserve governor, points to studies that suggest income inequality could cause economic turmoil.

Raskin tells Raz that "growing levels of income inequality are associated with increases in crime, profound strains on households, lower savings rates, poorer health outcomes, diminished levels of trust and people and institutions — those are all forces that have the potential to drag down economic growth.".....


But so far, unlike the regulations put in place after the Great Depression, Dodd-Frank hasn't done much to shrink the inequality gap. Regulators say they've struggled to implement the bill's many rules. Many are being rolled out well behind schedule.

In the meantime, Moss suggests more social-oriented solutions.

He says that World War II had a profound effect on how executives saw themselves in American society.

"I think that probably led many executives to not even think about asking for the kind of salaries that are now typical," he says. "It wouldn't have seemed right."

Moss wonders what sort of programs could foster that same feeling in the CEOs of today.

"Could there be some kind of compulsory or voluntary public service at a young age, where people come together across groups that don't normally come together?" Moss asks.

"It seems to me that trying to build communities, bring people together from different parts of the spectrum and different parts of the country, probably has, long term, the best likelihood of bringing down inequality."

See the chart comparing "Bank Failures, Regulation, and Inequality in the United States"»


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The only "evidence" against these brothers is a video of them walking down the sidewalk. They had backpacks on, the same as countless others there.

BS see my previous post on this thread, you really do need to pay better attention.

What about the Navy Seals, or persons dressed in obvious Navy Seal gear, at the scene?

BS see my previous post on this thread, you really do need to pay better attention.

There has been no talk of a car, other than the one they allegedly highjacked. So they were walking around town with all this stuff? How could they carry all that?

Wrong again as widely reported they also had a Honda Civic, you really do need to pay better attention.

Police originally believed the brothers may have held up a convenience store in the area, but later stated that was not the case.

Massachusetts State Police said the brothers did stop at a 7-11 to purchase gas. They spent the night in a Honda Civic (originally reported to be a CRV) and used it to carjack a Mercedes SUV in the area of Third Street in Cambridge. One of the brothers stayed with the carjacking victim for a few minutes and then let him go at a gas station on Memorial Drive. He was not injured.

Police said one brother drove away in the Civic, and the other one drove away in the Mercedes.

One then abandoned the Civic in Cambridge and joined up with his brother again in the Mercedes.

Note there are conflicting reports that one of them drove the Civic to Watertown. Brazilian TV network Globo reported that according to the carjack victim the brothers stopped alongside another car and transferred items from it to his car. Globo also interviewed a Brazilian auto-mechanic who had a garage (repair shop) in Cambridge; he said he had been friends with Jahar for two years. He said the teenager came in on Tuesday, less than 24 hours after the bombing to pick up his car: "’I need the key now, I have to go now, I have to go now.’ I gave him the key and in five minutes he left…He was very nervous. I had never seen him that way. He was biting his nails and shaking legs and looking from side to side”

Here's a link text and video in Portuguese:


Here’s a Google translation of the text:


And what about the poor schmuck who was stripped naked in front of all those spectators, and paraded around on video? They humiliated that guy for no reason. I hope he sues them for everything he can.

Well we don’t know why they stopped him at this point but I agree he should sue.

Those who poo-poo "conspiracy theorists" are simply not studying the facts in these cases.

I think it’s clear who “is not studying the facts in th[is] case”

Edited by Len Colby
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For those with open minds, here is just one little nugget to contradict the official story. This is an interview, from a caller into a radio talk show, who witnessed the older brother being shot and run over by the police, not his brother.

All that we have is an anonymous source who we have no way of confirming was actually in the area The DJ asked her to confirm that she lived on "Dexter STREET" presumablly confirming something she had said earlier in the call, but the events happen at the corner of Laurel Street and Dexter AVENUE she only corrected him to sat that's where her boyfriend lives. By contrast I found an account from someone confirmed to lived close by:

A bomb went off with a huge cloud of smoke, with another bomb and then it was even more chaos on the corner where they kept firing. And there was a black Mercedes SUV that stormed through the corner and hit a police cruiser. And right after that occurred, I saw a police officer, he had his foot on the dead suspect with the gun pointed at him," said Mike Julakis, who lives on Dexter Avenue in Watertown.

So according to Julakis both were shooting then his saw the SUV "storm[] through the corner and hit a police cruiser" and immediuately after that the older brother lying on the ground apparenbtly dead. White Pages confirms he lives about 30 yards from the intersection.

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There is reasonable doubt and there is doubt. The former needs to meet the test of reasonableness while the latter is a very broad category which can include unreasonable doubt. With time to pause and reflect, one can raise doubt about almost anything and spend the time to try to elevate the discussion to the benchmark of reasonable doubt. When, however, there is a reasonable risk involved in proceeding too slowly, one needs to act responsibly to reduce that risk. This involves some degree of trust in each other. There was a bombing - not alleged. There WAS a bomber on the loose - not alleged. Do we stop everything to see if the evidence is iron-clad and invite every police officer to personally view the Marathon surveillance tapes (which might later be used in court, by the way) or do we trust others with access to those tapes to develop a working theory and possible suspects, then go and search for the suspects and try to capture them alive, to reduce the risk?

One can be skeptical of the law enforcement people up to a point, the point where it hinders public safety. Fish or cut bait. We are told that the video shows one of them leaving a backpack where the bomb was planted. We are told that the suspects told a person whose car they hijacked that they were the Marathon Bombers. We are told that a guy who had portions of his legs blown off (seen in an iconic photo being helped by a man in a cowboy hat) identified Suspect 2 as the man who left the bag that exploded. We are told that they killed an officer, stole his car, and detonated explosive devices when police approached them. We are told that Suspect 2 was hiding in a boat in someone's backyard. Is this reasonable enough to get out of the way, let the police do what we hope they will do, and ask questions later?

Every citizen of Watertown and surrounding areas I spoke with was relieved to see the police presence, not threatened by it. You're entitled to be suspicious, but don't question the commitment to civil liberties of those of us who lived through it. We wanted the danger to ourselves and our kids ended, to return to safety. Why was there spontaneous applause as the emergency vehicles left? I bet I share your devotion to civil liberties, but I don't agree at all with the level of distrust you indicated.

Personal: On Friday, my daughter was scheduled to "shadow" at a school in Waltham, and take a test on Saturday in Newton, both of which adjoin Watertown. Was I supposed to demand conclusive evidence before being scared to send her there?

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So Boston was "terrorized" by these brothers?


Dear Mr. Jeffries,

Well, Don, that's what terrorists do, you know. They terrorize people. Preferably in large cities. Probably easier to spread that kind of fear amongst an urban population hooked on instant digital communication and "social networking" than it was back in the day of, say, Ghengis Khan.

By allegedly bombing the heavily-attended Boston Marathon with two bombs (ten seconds and 550 feet apart), allegedly killing a MIT security guard, allegedly robbing a guy after allegedly hijacking his car, and then evidently being at large for awhile, they did what they probably wanted to do-- they effectively terrorized the residents of a large city and hit the big time in the process.

Are you so absolutely convinced so soon after the ordeal that the two brothers must be innocent?

If so, should we start lionizing them? Calling them martyrs, perhaps?


--Tommy :sun

Edited by Thomas Graves
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