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"We're satisfied the two main actors, the people that were committing the damage out there, have been either captured or killed." Boston Police Commissioner, Ed Davis

Definition of ACTOR


: one that acts


: one who represents a character in a dramatic production

a theatrical performer

one who behaves as if acting a part


one that takes part in any affair
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Not to worry, Len, I've asked Tom Scully to compile an enormous data dump of genealogical newspaper links tracing the respective families all the way back to nitrogen in the atmosphere.

Don't know about you, but I can't wait.

Edited by Len Colby
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Boston bombers’ uncle married daughter of top CIA official

by Daniel Hopsicker, April 26, 2013


Paul I missed any proof that Ruslan Tsarni and Ruslan Tsarnaev are one and the same or any evidence that Samantha Ankara Fuller is the daughter of Samuel Fuller. In any case Tsarnev and Fuller were divorced in or before 2004 per Hopstroker's evidence.

Not to worry, Len, I've asked Tom Scully to compile an enormous data dump of genealogical newspaper links tracing the respective families all the way back to nitrogen in the atmosphere.

Don't know about you, but I can't wait.

Good to see someone keeping them honest over here. Thanks again Paul.

Anyone who is still not getting this...well Charles Drago has some specific words for conspiracy deniers.

The evidence is overwhelming. Unless people are refusing to read it and see the truth.

Guess some just want a signed confession from the real perps.

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This just in from F. Dunne:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'


Dzhokhar Was Unarmed:

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'

by Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com 25 April 2013 @ 9:30pmET

According to officials, as reported by CNN, no firearm was found in the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was holed up.

Yet the criminal complaint states that there was: "a standoff between the boat's occupant and the police involving gunfire."

That's a finely crafted choice of words: the police assault on the boat "involved gunfire," but it seems only the police were armed.

This development calls into question the mainstream media's reporting, and the veracity of all the law enforcement testimony forming the basis for the criminal complaint.

When law enforcement first came on the boat, there was a clearly audible around 10 second burst of gunfire, which was heard by many nearby to the scene and reported on live by CNN. Subsequent press photos of the boat show its side pock-marked with bullet holes.

Only after that gunfire was heard did the mass of police scramble to join the first responding team at the boat.

The charge complaint against Dzhokhar describes multiple gunshot wounds to his head, neck, legs(plural), and hand. A minimum of five gunshots.

The question now is: when were those injuries inflicted?

If they were all sustained in the shootout between the police and the brothers, then there would indeed have been a "pool of blood" in the boat where Dzhokhar had presumably been hiding for up to 20 hours.

But despite the account of the boat owner who discovered Dzhokhar, no such substantial "pool of blood" is seen in post-incident photos.

That would be consistent with the majority of the suspects' wounds having been caused in the unprovoked fusillade of police gunfire when the first officers arrived at the boat. Thus less bleeding time.

Hospital doctors who treated Tsarnaev could be called to give testimony, because to a medical professional, the condition of a fresh bullet wound is easily distinguished from a wound many hours old.

In that context, the Israeli nationality of the doctors treating him could be a source of controversy if they are called to give evidence.

Normally, such a serious discrepancy in a police shooting would trigger an immediate internal police investigation, at the least.

All this has serious implications for the prosecution case, as the defense will be able to undermine their entire case on the basis that law enforcement may have demonstrably lied to those preparing the criminal complaint.


Posted by Fintan Dunne at 12:54 PM

(Source/s: http://fintandunne.b...-Suspect-2.html)

I'd also like to point out that a currently mysterious individual known as "Misha" is being sought in relation to the bombing suspects relationships. This is very, very interesting because anyone rationally suspecting a kind of conspiracy could probably point to this character (and I emphasize "probably") to his being a possible Intel handler. We'll see what develops.

(Source/s: http://edition.cnn.c...wash/index.html)

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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Good to see someone keeping them honest over here. Thanks again Paul.

Anyone who is still not getting this...well Charles Drago has some specific words for conspiracy deniers.

The evidence is overwhelming. Unless people are refusing to read it and see the truth.

Guess some just want a signed confession from the real perps.

Since Drago has repeatedly demonstrated that his ego and arrogance exponentially exceed his intelligence and insight why should any reasonable person give a fluke what he has to say? Also if I'm not mistaken he was referring to the JFK assassination, if he recycled that bromide for the Boston bombings we can add hackneyed and delusional to the unfortunate adjectives that apply to him.

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This just in from F. Dunne:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'


Dzhokhar Was Unarmed:

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'

by Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com 25 April 2013 @ 9:30pmET

According to officials, as reported by CNN, no firearm was found in the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was holed up.

Yet the criminal complaint states that there was: "a standoff between the boat's occupant and the police involving gunfire."

That's a finely crafted choice of words: the police assault on the boat "involved gunfire," but it seems only the police were armed.

This development calls into question the mainstream media's reporting, and the veracity of all the law enforcement testimony forming the basis for the criminal complaint.



Did the Feds lie or did they pass on information provided to them by the Watertown PD? The evidence suggests the latter. Did the cops lie or were their claims the result of 'fog of war' confusion? Hopefully time will tell.

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This just in from F. Dunne:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'


Dzhokhar Was Unarmed:

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'

by Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com 25 April 2013 @ 9:30pmET

According to officials, as reported by CNN, no firearm was found in the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was holed up.

Yet the criminal complaint states that there was: "a standoff between the boat's occupant and the police involving gunfire."

That's a finely crafted choice of words: the police assault on the boat "involved gunfire," but it seems only the police were armed.

Thanks for posting, BA. The piece you reproduced reminded me that the language of the American terror industry is itself a thing of wonder - drawing inspiration from, among others, shyster lawyers, the Department of Spooky Circumlocution, politicians, that sort of riff-raff - and long overdue some kind of dedicated glossary.

Here’s a classic example from an “ex-“Charlatan (MI6)* a couple of days ago:


Did Tamerlan ‘Self-Radicalize’?

by Richard Barrett, 25 April 2013

Now what exactly does the phrase “self-radicalize” mean, given that, by the author’s own account, it’s a pretty rare phenomenon:

In the 15 years that I have been dealing with terrorism, first with the British government and then with the United Nations, I can think of only four examples of individuals who committed or tried to commit a terrorist act without significant real-life contact with another extremist.

The answer would appear to be: “a patsy fitted up, post-mortem, by means of fake Yourube and social media accounts.”

Other phrases would appear similarly ripe for translation:

“a drill” = 1) an occasion for a false-flag outrage; 2) a tool of enhanced interrogation; 3) something that never happened

“initial reports” = our first set of lies

“Chechen boxer” = 1) a swarthy narcissist and CIA dupe from somewhere – anywhere – in the Caucasus; 2) an Orwellian Trojan horse

“the grieving widow” = CIA handler

“bureaucratic snafu” = he’s one of Langley’s, disguised as one of the FBI’s

“joint enterprise” = the CIA did it unaided

“Iranian angle” = just in from Tel Aviv

“FBI” = the armed fat guys in dark blue

“ATF” = the armed fat guys in green

“local law enforcement” = the fattest blokes in camera shot wielding guns

“Chuck Hagel” = 1) a pseudo-dissident; 2) a command

“responsible critics” = faux liberals & lefties on the Langley payroll, either directly or via Foundations

“responsible Americans” = couch potatoes, presstitutes, the comatose, arms manufacturers, Council on Foreign Relations members, private security companies, Len Colby

“irresponsible critics/conspiracy theorists” = people with memories and internet access

“improvised explosive device” = made in Langley

Trust this helps when deciphering the inevitable follow up.

*(Richard Barrett is a senior director of the Soufan Group. He was formerly the director of MI6 counter terrorist operations, and subsequently the Coordinator of the Al-Qaida and Taliban Monitoring Team at the United Nations.)

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BFP BREAKING NEWS: Boston Terror, CIA’s Graham Fuller & NATO-CIA Operation Gladio B-Caucasus & Central Asia

By Sibel Edmonds

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Graham Fuller: Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege, FBI Gladio-B Target, Handler-Sponsor of Turkey’s Imam Gulen

A major break in the Boston Terror CIA Connection took place last night when I came across a post outing CIA Operative Graham Fuller as the father of the woman married to Boston terror suspect’s infamous uncle Ruslan Tsarni. Further confirmation of this bombshell was received via mainstream reporter Laura Rozen here. Let me first provide a few excerpts from the original reporting site (a real alternative media):

Boston Bombers’ Uncle Married Daughter of Top CIA Official

The uncle of the two suspected Boston bombers in last week’s attack, Ruslan Tsarni, was married to the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller . Ruslan Tsarni married the daughter of former top CIA official Graham Fuller, who spent 20 years as operations officer in Turkey, Lebanon, Saudi Arabia, Yemen, Afghanistan, and Hong Kong. In 1982 Fuller was appointed the National Intelligence Officer for Near East and South Asia at the CIA, and in 1986, under Ronald Reagan, he became the Vice-Chairman of the National Intelligence Council, with overall responsibility for national level strategic forecasting.

Now, take a look at the most explosive aspect of this original report on Graham Fuller’s outing in the CIA Boston Terror Connection [All Emphasis Mine]:

On a more ominous note, Graham Fuller was listed as one of the American Deep State rogues on Sibel Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege Gallery,. Edmonds explained it featured subjects of FBI investigations she became aware of during her time as an FBI translator.

Criminal activities were being protected by claims of State Secrets, she asserted. After Attorney General John Ashcroft went all the way to the Supreme Court to muzzle her under a little-used doctrine of State Secrets, she put up twenty-one photos, with no names. One of them was Graham Fuller.

I presented CIA’s Graham Fuller as one of the top culprits in my State Secrets Privilege Case when the government invoked the State Secrets Privilege and several additional gag orders to cover up the FBI’s investigations and files pertaining to CIA-NATO terror operations in Central Asia & the Caucasus since the mid-1990s. Guess what? I provided this information to the US media long before it became public in 2008 via my website and this website. Not a single media outlet (including quasi and pseudo ones) was willing to touch this. And this, despite of all the gag orders, state secrets privilege invocations, congressional gag orders … you name it. I could name more than a dozen publications that said: ‘no way.’

Not only that. I have been covering one of the main CIA operation figures in Central Asia & the Caucasus-Imam Fethullah Gulen, and this Turkish Imam’s relationship and official Connections to CIA’s Graham Fuller. I’ve been doing this since 2009. Let me provide you with a few explosive examples and excerpts. First a few excerpts from over two years ago published at Boiling Frogs Post:

Turkish Intel Chief Exposes CIA Operations via Islamic Group in Central Asia

First of all, there have been tens if not hundreds of articles establishing Graham Fuller as one of Gulen’s official references to the court for his residency, you can view some of these here, here, here. This quote comes from Foreign Policy Journal:

Fethullah Gulen became a green card holder despite serious opposition from FBI and from Homeland Security Department. Former CIA officers (formally and informally) such as Graham Fuller and Morton Abromovitz were some of the prominent references in Gulen’s green card application.

And Stein let that slide?! I’d quickly ask: ‘how often do you write to the FBI on people you think have been unfairly targeted or treated by them?!’ Last but not least on Graham Fuller is my own on-the-record, more accurately, on-the-album, naming of individuals implicated (criminally) in my case, thus protected via invocation of the State Secrets Privilege:…

Then the following excerpt from an article I wrote in 2010:

After years of investigating him the FBI and the Department of Homeland Security, due to his guardian angels in the State Department and the CIA, are prevented from bringing an indictment against him, so they try to kick him out of the US. But once again Gulen’s CIA angels step in and portray Gulen as a scholar, despite the fact that Fethullah Gulen doesn’t even have a high-school diploma and never went beyond the 5th grade. Among his angels who vouched for him were Graham Fuller, George Fidas, and Morton Abramowitz.

And this excerpt from another related article I wrote in 2010:

You may remember one of these foreign policy makers from my State Secrets Privilege Gallery and my under oath testimony in the Krikorian case. Here is a quote from Graham A. Fuller, former Deputy Director of the CIA’s National Council on Intelligence:

‘The policy of guiding the evolution of Islam and of helping them against our adversaries worked marvelously well in Afghanistan against the Red Army. The same doctrines can still be used to destabilize what remains of Russian power, and especially to counter the Chinese influence in Central Asia.’

And this from another commentary I wrote on the Gulen-CIA nexus:

No one is daring to mention one of his top backers in the US, another butler of Israel, Mort Abramowitz, or and how Abramowitz vouched for Gulen during his deportation hearing. No one is talking about Gulen’s other CIA bodyguard, Graham Fuller. No ‘real’ questions on Gulen’s ‘real’ sources of multibillion dollar funding…No emphasis on Gulen’s real role for the real US decision-makers’ use, and their strategy for Central Asia since 1997…

Some of these reporters have their hands tied by their MSM editors. Some of the semi- independent journalists have fallen for the creators of the smoke and mirrors. And others are simply guided by ignorance and utter dumbness emboldened by their arrogance. Well, they are just the latest being sold and fed garbage when it comes to Gulen.

If you haven’t watched our Operation Gladio series, please do so now: Sibel Edmonds on Operation Gladio Part I, Part II, Part III, Part IV, Part V. And I urge you to watch and disseminate the following video interview on my analysis linking the CIA & the Boston Terror Case:

You can check out our latest updates on this case here, here and here.

Let’s watch and observe the coverage, or lack of, pertaining to CIA’s Graham Fuller and his three-decade long connections to CIA-Made terror in the Caucasus and Central Asia. I suspect we will not be seeing any coverage with substance. You will not find a single media outlet in the United States that would dare expose what I exposed several years ago on Graham Fuller’s major role in my State Secrets Privilege Case, in black operations in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and in the propping and handling of infamous Islamic Imam Fethullah Gulen and his $20+ Billion Dollar network of NGO’s in the US.

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BFP BREAKING NEWS: Boston Terror, CIA’s Graham Fuller & NATO-CIA Operation Gladio B-Caucasus & Central Asia

By Sibel Edmonds

Saturday, 27 April 2013


Graham Fuller: Edmonds’ State Secrets Privilege, FBI Gladio-B Target, Handler-Sponsor of Turkey’s Imam Gulen

Let’s watch and observe the coverage, or lack of, pertaining to CIA’s Graham Fuller and his three-decade long connections to CIA-Made terror in the Caucasus and Central Asia. I suspect we will not be seeing any coverage with substance. You will not find a single media outlet in the United States that would dare expose what I exposed several years ago on Graham Fuller’s major role in my State Secrets Privilege Case, in black operations in the Caucasus and Central Asia, and in the propping and handling of infamous Islamic Imam Fethullah Gulen and his $20+ Billion Dollar network of NGO’s in the US.

Former CIA officer: ‘Absurd’ to link uncle of Boston suspects, Agency

Posted on April 27, 2013 by Laura Rozen


Retired CIA officer Graham Fuller confirmed to Al-Monitor Saturday that his daughter was previously married to an uncle of the suspects in the Boston Marathon attacks, but called rumors of any links between the uncle and the Agency “absurd.”

Graham Fuller’s daughter, Samantha A. Fuller, was married to Ruslan Tsarnaev (now Tsarni) in the mid-1990s, and divorced in 1999, according to North Carolina public records. The elder Fuller had retired from the agency almost a decade before the brief marriage.

“Samantha was married to Ruslan Tsarnaev (Tsarni) for 3-4 years, and they lived in Bishkek for one year where Samantha was working for Price Waterhouse on privatization projects,” Fulller, a former CIA officer in Turkey and vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council, told Al-Monitor by email Saturday. “They also lived in our house in [Maryland] for a year or so and they were divorced in 1999, I believe.”

“I, of course, retired from CIA in 1987 and had moved on to working as a senior political scientist for RAND,” Fuller continued.

Fuller said his former son in law was interesting but homesick, and moved back to Central Asia after the divorce.

“Like all Chechens, Ruslan was very concerned about his native land, but I saw no particular involvement in politics, [although] he did try to contact other Chechens around,” Fuller continued. “He also felt homesick and eventually went back to Central Asia after the divorce. His English was shaky. (We always spoke Russian together).”

Stories on the Internet implying “possible connections between Ruslan and the Agency through me are absurd,” Fuller said.

“I doubt [Ruslan] even had much to say of intelligence value other than talking about his own family’s sad tale of deportation from Chechnya by Stalin to Central Asia,” Fuller said. “Every Chechen family has such stories.”

Fuller said he had made several visits to Central Asia to do research on post-Soviet political developments, and visited Samantha and Ruslan there. “Our visit is briefly mentioned in my recent memoir, Three Truths and a Lie, as well as their marriage celebration in [Maryland],” he wrote.

A former Russian history and literature major at Harvard, Fuller had a long interest in Soviet minorities, and found Ruslan interesting.

Ruslan Tsarni has said in media interviews that his family was estranged from his brother Aznor’s, over what Ruslan described as the growing religious fanaticism of Aznor’s wife, Zubeidat, and that the families had not spoken for several years. Aznor and Zubeidat’s sons Tamerlan, 26, and Dzhokhar, 19, are accused of carrying out the April 15th Boston Marathon bombings.

Fuller said he thinks he met Aznor Tsarnaev once, fleetingly, in Kazakhstan. His daughter, he said, knew the family better, but when Tamerlan was just a toddler, and Dzhokhar not yet born.

According to Fuller, the suspects’ mother Zubeidat Tsarnaeva was not an ethnic Chechen herself, but Dagestani, and so the family spoke the couple’s common language Russian, not Chechen, at home. “People who lose their native language (identity) sometimes are more fanatic in some respects,” he observed.

U.S. officials this week said that they added Tamerlan Tsarnaev and Zubeidat Tsarnaeva to a US counterterrorism database in the fall of 2011, based on a warning from Russia’s intelligence service that they were suspected of being followers of radical Islam. Russia secretly recorded some telephone conversations of Tamerlan and his mother Zubeidat, including one between the two in 2001 “vaguely” discussing jihad in Palestine, the Associated Press reported Saturday.

Tamerlan was killed in a police chase April 19th. Dzhokhar was charged on two federal counts of terrorism April 21, and transferred to a prison hospital outside of Boston on Friday, April 26.

“I for one was astonished at the events, and to find myself at two degrees of separation from them,” Fuller said.

(Top photo: Graham Fuller, former vice chairman of the National Intelligence Council and CIA officer; courtesy of author, from his 2012 memoir: second photo: Ruslan Tsarni, Fuller’s former son in law, CBS News)

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Boston Bombing: Federal Affidavit Fails to Mention Green Honda, Contradicts Witness “Danny” on Many Counts

by Scott Creighton, 28 April 2013


Found this on NBC “News’ today… they’re trying to fix a little problem we noticed a couple days ago… that is, the federal affidavit claims that both brothers rode in the stolen SUV with the secret witness all the way to Watertown. But if that’s the case, how come the witness says something else (now) and there happens to be images of the shootout with both the SUV and the Green Honda parked in the street (with nothing stopping them from getting away from the cops at the other end)

“After the Cambridge shooting, the suspects carjacked a Mercedes 350 SUV at gunpoint, according to a federal affidavit. Both suspects rode in the SUV to Watertown, the affidavit says.

However, photographs obtained by NBC News and eyewitness accounts given to NBC News producers indicate that both a green Honda and black Mercedes SUV were parked at the scene of the Watertown shooting. Several people who were near the scene that night said the Honda was positioned behind the Mercedes.

Dzhokhar Tsarnaev has been moved from the hospital to a federal prison at Fort Devens, Mass., the government said on Friday.” NBC News

Massachusetts State Police conducted a reenactment of the scene to see if they could figure out their little problem.

Below is the text of the affidavit and as you can see, there is no mention of both the SUV and the other car, the green Honda, going to Watertown. This federal affidavit is based on the statement given to the police by the secret witness and police statements from those who supposedly chased the SUV. If they were chasing two cars, don’t you think they would have noticed it?

The affidavit, the witness statements and the physical evidence on the scene (including the AP’s revelation that no guns were recovered except for the one supposedly used by Tamerlan on Thursday night during that “shootout”) are all in stark contrast with one another. This is a major problem for the peddlers of the “no questions asked” official story.

I base the allegations set forth in paragraphs 18 through 27 on information that has been provided to me by fellow law enforcement officers, including members of the JTTF and state and local law enforcement who responded to the crime scenes, as well as on publicly available information that I deem reliable.

18. At approximately 5:00 p.m. on April 18, 2013, the FBI published video and photographic images of Bomber One and Bomber Two on its web site. Those images were widely rebroadcast by media outlets all over the country and the world.

19. Near midnight on April 18,2013, an individual carjacked a vehicle at gunpoint in Cambridge, Massachusetts. A victim of the carjacking was interviewed by law enforcement and provided the following information. The victim stated that while he was sitting in his car on a road in Cambridge, a man approached and tapped on his passenger-side window. When the victim rolled down the window, the man reached in, opened the door, and entered the victim’s vehicle. The man pointed a firearm at the victim and stated, “Did you hear about the Boston explosion?” and “I did that.” The man removed the magazine from his gun and showed the victim that it had a bullet in it, and then re-inserted the magazine. The man then stated, “I am serious.”

20. The man with the gun forced the victim to drive to another location, where they picked up a second man. The two men put something in the trunk of the victim’s vehicle. The man with the gun took the victim’s keys and sat in the driver’s seat, while the victim moved to the front passenger seat. The second man entered the victim’s vehicle and sat in the rear passenger seat. The man with the gun and the second man spoke to each other in a foreign language.

21. While they were driving, the man with the gun demanded money from the victim, who gave the man 45 dollars. One of the men compelled the victim to hand over his ATM card and password. They then drove to an ATM machine and attempted to withdraw money from the victim’s account. The two men and the victim then drove to a gas station/convenience store in the vicinity of 816 Memorial Drive, Cambridge. The two men got out of the car, at which point the victim managed to escape.

22. A short time later, the stolen vehicle was located by law enforcement in Watertown, Massachusetts. As the men drove down Dexter Street in Watertown, they threw at least two small improvised explosive devices (“IEDs”) out of the car. A gun fight ensued between the car’s occupants and law enforcement officers in which numerous shots were fired. One of the men was severely injured and remained at the scene; the other managed to escape in the car. That car was later found abandoned a short distance away, and an intact low-grade explosive device was discovered inside it. In addition, from the scene of the shootout on Laurel Street in Watertown, the FBI has recovered two unexploded IEDs, as well as the remnants of numerous exploded IEDs.

As you can see, no mention of the second car and they both rode in the car with the victim. But here is the second car in the photographs:

Here are the rest of those images.

The Washington Post published a version of the secret witness’ story which is similar, but not entirely to the official version.

According to the report, one of the brothers jumped out of a Honda Civic and reached in through the front passenger side window of the SUV, opened the door and pointed a silver colored semi-automatic pistol at the driver.

The gunman then ordered him to drive to Watertown and was followed by the Honda, the report said.

Once in Watertown, the victim was ordered to slide over to the passenger side, the report said. The two brothers then removed luggage from the Honda and loaded it into the trunk of the Mercedes, the report said.

From there, one of the brothers drove the Mercedes while the second sat behind the victim, the report said. Washington Post

In this version, both brothers pick up the victim at the original carjacking having jumped out of the Green Honda. But instead of riding together, one follows behind in that car til the get to Watertown where they stop for some reason, take luggage out of the Honda, put it in the SUV and then they all go on from there. Again, ditching the Honda.

There are a lot of glaring problems with the official story but this one is pretty big. How do you miss another car altogether? How do you miss two guys hijacking your car instead of one?

Also notice… in the official story, the two brothers are in the car and the victim never drives… but in his story, the gunman makes him drive all the way to Watertown. In the official story he only made it as far as Cambridge.

The only place the officials could have gotten that story to begin with is from the secret witness/victim. He’s the only one who was there and was still alive or not incapacitated. That wasn’t a statement from the younger brother so it could ONLY have come from the victim. But it was wrong. Demonstrably wrong.

How did he forget he drove to Watertown? How did he forget the first time telling the story about the green Honda that followed them? How could he forget the other brother getting in the car? How could the cops explain the second car in the wild bombs-going-off car chase?

When a witness screws up this badly, it’s a big deal. Details this large aren’t missed easily not by witnesses and not by police officers chasing black SUVs tossing bombs out the windows.

Is there another magic bullet theory in the making?

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Washington’s «Civil Society» and CIA Financing of Chechen and Other Caucasus Regional Terrorists

Wayne MADSEN, 29.04.2013


Through a myriad of «civil society» organizations, the United States has been financing Chechen groups inside the autonomous republic, in Russia, and abroad. However, large portions of U.S. assistance money has «bled» over to support Chechen and other North Caucasus terrorist groups, which the U.S. State Department and U.S. intelligence agencies insist on referring to as «separatist guerrillas», «nationalists», «insurgents», and «rebels», instead of terrorists.

The U.S. National Security Agency (NSA) has continuously refused to refer to Chechen and Islamic Emirate terrorists operating in Russia as «terrorists». NSA analysis reports of signals intelligence (SIGINT) intercepts of Russian police, Federal Security Bureau (FSB), Foreign Intelligence Service (SVR), and Russian military communications, including radio, landline and cellular telephone, fax, text message, and fax, have, since 2003, referred to Chechen and North Caucasus terrorists as «guerrillas». Prior to that year, TOP SECRET Codeword internal NSA directives stated that Chechen terrorists were to be called «rebels».

Imagine the surprise if the United States began referring to «Al Qaeda» as Islamist guerrillas and rebels instead of terrorists. Yet, that is exactly how the NSA and CIA have referred to terrorists in Russia that have launched deadly attacks on airports, trains, subway stations, schools, and movie theaters throughout the Russian Federation.

U.S. «humanitarian» and «civil society» assistance to radical Islamist groups has, for the past three decades, filtered into the coffers of terrorist groups celebrated as «freedom fighters» in Washington. This was the case with U.S. support for the Afghan Mujaheddin through such groups as the Committee for a Free Afghanistan during the Islamist insurgency against the People’s Democratic Republic of Afghanistan in the 1980s and the Bosnia Defense Fund in the 1990s. In the case of Afghanistan, U.S. and Saudi money ended up in the hands of insurgents who would later form «Al Qaeda» and in Bosnia U.S. funds were used by Al Qaeda elements fighting against Yugoslavia and the Bosnian Serb Republic and, later, Al Qaeda elements supporting the Kosovo Liberation Army (KLA) in its war against Serbia.

After revelations that an entity called the Caucasus Fund was used by the CIA-linked Jamestown Foundation of Washington, DC to sponsor seminars on the North Caucasus in Tbilisi from January to July 2012, Georgian authorities moved to shut down the fund. The reason given by Georgia was that the organization had «fulfilled its stated mission». Caucasus Fund and Jamestown Foundation events were attended by accused Boston Marathon bomber Tamerlan Tsarnaev, a citizen of Kyrgyzstan born to parents from Dagestan. Jamestown had previously held a seminar in Tbilisi on «Hidden Nations» in the Caucasus, which, among other issues, promoted a «Greater Circassia» in the Caucasus.

U.S. «civil society» aid to groups fomenting terrorism, nationalism, separatism, and irredentism in the Caucasus is either direct through the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) or covert through organizations funded by George Soros’s Open Society Institute.

Much can be learned about U.S. backing for terrorist groups operating in the North Caucasus from information gleaned from the tranche of a quarter million leaked classified State Department cables.

A November 12, 2009 Confidential cable from the U.S. embassy in Moscow implies that the Carnegie Center NGO in Moscow be engaged to stymie Russia's political and economic goals in the North Caucasus, particularly by taking advantage of 50 percent unemployment in Ingushetiya and 30 percent in Chechnya. Areas of high unemployment in the Muslim world have served as prime recruiting grounds for Wahhabist and Salafist radical clerics financed by Saudi Arabia, Qatar, and the emirates of Sharjah and Ras al Khaimah. Dagestan is cited in a June 8, 2009 embassy Moscow cable as Russia's «weakest link» in the Caucasus region.

A Confidential September 16, 2009 cable from the U.S. embassy in Moscow indicates that Assistant Secretary of State for European and Eurasian Affairs Philip Gordon was urged to push the concept that the Ramzan Kadyrov government in Chechnya had «neither control nor stability». The NGO Caucasian Knot told Gordon at a meeting at the U.S. embassy that «foreign fighters» were joining a jihad in the region and that there was a «Hobson's Choice» between «terrorists» and «corrupt local government». Apparently, the Obama administration decided, likely with the strong support of then deputy national security adviser and current CIA director John O. Brennan, a confirmed Saudiphile and a participant in the Hadj pilgrimage to Mecca, opted for the terrorists.

Other leaked Confidential cables provide in-depth details on U.S., British, and Norwegian support for exiled «Chechen-Ichkeria» leader Akhmed Zakayev, a close friend of the late exiled Russo-Israeli tycoon Boris Berezovsky. A July 29, 2009 Confidential cable from the U.S. embassy in Oslo quotes the head of the Russian section at the Norwegian Foreign Ministry, Odd Skagestad, as telling the American embassy there that Zakayev was the «legitimate representative of not just the Chechen exile community, but of Chechens in Chechnya», although he added that «Zakayev is on various INTERPOL lists» for suspected terrorist links. Skagestad stated the Norwegian PST, Norway’s FBI, ignored INTERPOL arrest warrants and permitted Zakayev to visit Norway from his place of exile in London. The Oslo embassy also stated that the Norwegian head of the «Chechnya Peace Forum», Ivar Amundsen, was very «tight lipped» about his activities and that he was a close friend of the late renegade ex-Russian intelligence officer Alexander Litvinenko. Zakayev has also received significant support from the governments of Denmark, Finland, and the Czech Republic, where there are active Chechen exile community. The Kavkaz Center, which runs a pro-Caucasus Emirate website, provides an important public relations service for Emirate leader Doku Umarov’s terrorist cells in southern Russia…

Ruslan Zaindi Tsarnaev, the Maryland-based uncle of suspected bombers Tamerlan and Dzokhar Dudayev, established the Congress of Chechen International Organizations, Incorporated, in Maryland on August 17, 1995 and in the District of Columbia on September 22, 1995. The Maryland entity’s status was forfeited and is not in good standing, likely because of delinquency in filing required fees and forms. The District of Columbia corporate entity was active for 17 years and seven months. Interestingly, the DC corporate status was revoked at around the time of the Boston Marathon bombings. Ruslan Tsarnaev, also known as Ruslan Tsarni, a graduate of Duke University Law School in North Carolina, worked for USAID in Kazakhstan and other countries in preparing them for vulture capitalist enterprises such as derivative financing and hedge funds.

The Maryland address for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations is listed in Maryland corporate records as 11114 Whisperwood Lane, Rockville, Maryland 20852, which is the address for Graham E. Fuller.

Fuller is a former Russian-speaking CIA official, including station chief in Kabul and vice-chair of the National Intelligence Council during the 1980s Iran-contra scandal, with which Fuller was heavily involved. Fuller has been active in events sponsored by the Jamestown Foundation, including keynoting an October 29, 2008 conference titled «Turkey & the Caucasus after Georgia».

Fuller’s daughter, Samantha Ankara Fuller, is a UK and US dual national who is listed as a director of Insource Energy, Ltd. of the UK, a firm owned by Carbon Trust, a not-for-profit company «with the mission to accelerate the move to a low carbon economy». According to the Bank of England’s Prudential Regulation Authority’s Financial Services Register, Samantha Ankara Fuller’s previous name was Mrs. Samantha Ankara Tsarnaev. She was the wife of Ruslan Tsarnaev and ex-aunt of the two accused Boston Marathon bombers. At the time of her marriage to Ruslan Tsarnaev, Fuller was an investment adviser to Dresdner Bank, J P Morgan Ltd. in the UK, J P Morgan Securities, and J P Morgan Chase Bank, according to the UK Financial Services Register.

Ruslan Tsarnaev is the vice president for business development and corporate secretary for Big Sky Energy Corporation, headquartered in Calgary, Canada with the headquarters of its Big Sky Group holding company located in Little Rock, Arkansas.

North Carolina court records indicate that the Tsarnaevs were married in North Carolina in 1995, the year Ruslan established the Congress of Chechen International Organizations in Washington, DC and Maryland, and divorced in 1999. The divorce was granted in Orange County, North Carolina.

It is noteworthy that the Washington DC corporate registration agent for the Congress of Chechen International Organizations is Prentice-Hall.

Prentice-Hall is owned by Pearson, the publishing and educational firm based in London that owns the Financial Times and fifty percent of The Economist Group. In 1986, the Economist Group bought the New York-based Business International Corporation (BIC), the CIA front company for which Barack Obama, Jr. served as an employee from 1983 to 1984, and folded it into the Economist Intelligence Unit.

The other uncle of the alleged Boston bombers, Alvi S. Tsaranev of Silver Spring, Maryland, not far from his brother Ruslan’s home, is apparently affiliated with another Chechen exile organization, the United States-Chechen Republic Alliance Inc., with an address of 8920 Walden Road, Silver Spring, Maryland 20901-3823. The address is also that of Alvi S. Tsarnaev. The registered officer for the organization is listed U.S. Internal Revenue Service filings as Lyoma Usmanov. The organization is registered as a charitable organization engaged in «International Economic Development».

In the book, Power and Purpose: U.S. Policy Toward Russia after the Cold War, by James M. Goldgeier and Michael McFaul, the latter the present activist and neo-conservative U.S. ambassador to Russia who has directly intervened in Russian politics to seek the ouster of President Vladimir Putin from power and stir up secessionist, religious, and political extremists throughout the Russian Federation. According to this book, former National Security Adviser Zbigniew Brezezinki was Usmanov’s sponsor in the United States: «Brzezinski helped to establish and finance Chechen representation in the United States headed by Usmanov».

Another U.S.-based group that has championed the Chechen movement, regardless of the presence of terrorist entities, is the American Committee for Peace in the Caucasus (ACPC), formerly known as the American Committee for Peace in Chechnya. The ACPC was founded in 1999 by Freedom House, a Cold War right-wing group that has been financed by the National Endowment for Democracy and USAID-funded groups. The ACPC has defended the political asylum in the U.S. of former Chechen Foreign Minister Ilyas Akhmadov, accused of past terrorist links. The ACPC and Freedom House work with the Jamestown Foundation, founded in 1984 by CIA director William Casey, along with high-ranking intelligence defectors from the Soviet Union, Romania, Poland, and Czechoslovakia.

An October 17, 2008 Sensitive cable from the U.S. embassy in Moscow outlines the priorities for USAID and NGOs in their operations in the North Caucasus. The cable states that the North Caucasus Program was active in North Ossetia and Kabardino-Balkaria and was working with local NGOs. The cable states explicitly that USAID's mission in the North Caucasus was to «advance critical U.S. interests». USAID-specified «hot zones» included Chechnya, Ingushetia, and the Elbruz region of Kabardino-Balkaria. The USAID North Caucasus Program focused on four key regions: Chechnya, Ingushetia, North Ossetia, and Dagestan, plus Krasnodarsky Krai, Adygea Republic, Karachay-Cherkessia, Stavropolsky Krai, and Kabardino-Balkarskaya Republic.

USAID’s network of NGOs in the region are identified in the cable. They are: International Rescue Committee (IRC), World Vision, Keystone, IREX, Children's Fund of North Ossetia (CFNO), Russian Microfinance Center, UNICEF, ACDI/VOCA, Southern Regional Resource Center (SRAC), Center for Fiscal Policy (CFP), Center for International Private Enterprise (CIPE), Institute for Urban Economics, «Faith, Hope and Love (FHL), International Federation of the Red Cross (IFRC), and the Fund for Sustainable Development (FSD). Many of these groups have close links with the CIA and/or Soros, particularly World Vision and IRC.

The interests who are linked to the Boston Marathon and terrorism in Russia run the gamut from Soros-funded NGOs, to CIA front companies and non-official cover (NOC) agents, foreign intelligence services, and Western energy companies.

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Guest Tom Scully



Officer’s Killing Spurred Pursuit in Boston Attack - By WENDY RUDERMAN, SERGE F. KOVALESKI and MICHAEL COOPERPublished: April 24, 2013

...Police officials initially announced that officers had “exchanged gunfire” Friday evening with the surviving suspect, Dzhokhar Tsarnaev, 19, as he hid in a boat in the backyard of a house in Watertown, Mass. Now several law enforcement officials say no gun was found in the boat, and officials say they are exploring what prompted officers to fire at Mr. Tsarnaev, who some feared was armed with explosives.

The man noticed blood on the boat, spotted a body inside the boat and called 911, according to Boston Police Commissioner Ed Davis. According to police, a helicopter with infrared technology then located Tsarnaev in the boat and noted that he was moving about within it. The helicopter directed officers on the ground to the boat, where they briefly exchanged gunfire shortly before 7 p.m.

Police halted their gunfire and sent hostage negotiators to try and talk Tsarnaev out of the boat Davis said.


Authorities had previously said Dzhokhar exchanged gunfire with them for more than an hour Friday night before they captured him inside a boat covered by a tarp in a suburban Boston neighborhood backyard. But two U.S. officials said Wednesday that he was unarmed when captured, raising questions about the gunfire and how he was injured.....

The officials told the AP that no gun was found in the boat. Boston police Commissioner Ed Davis said earlier that shots were fired from inside the boat.

Asked whether the suspect had a gun in the boat, Davis said, "I'm not going to talk about that."

Kurt Schwartz, director of the Massachusetts Emergency Management Agency, did respond to the report.

"Within half a mile of where this person was captured, a police officer was shot. And I know who shot him." Schwartz said. "And there were three bombs that went off, and I know where those bombs came from. ... To me, it does not change anything. This guy was captured alive and will survive. True or not true, it doesn't change anything for me."

Law enforcement officials now say they have recovered only one gun elsewhere, which they believe was used by Mr. Tsarnaev’s older brother, Tamerlan — not the three previously reported. And initial reports that the brothers first came to the attention of the police after robbing a 7-Eleven were wrong. The police were called to a gas station convenience store early Friday after a man who said he had been carjacked by the marathon bombers escaped and sought help.



Paul Nice to see you posting again. You and Don, Ron and Scully otherwise this thread is ....ah...lacking in discernment. (Sorry if I missed anyone, hard to read a thread filled with so many anti CT comments).

Jim this is HARDLY about Alex Jones. You are a DPF member, have you even read the thread over there? (Apology for bringing up another forum, trying to make a point. Won't do it again)


B.A., "F. Dunne" was two days late.......

This just in from F. Dunne:

Friday, April 26, 2013

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'


Dzhokhar Was Unarmed:

Feds Lied About Boat Shootout With 'Suspect 2'

by Fintan Dunne, BreakForNews.com 25 April 2013 @ 9:30pmET

According to officials, as reported by CNN, no firearm was found in the boat where Dzhokhar Tsarnaev was holed up.

Yet the criminal complaint states that there was: "a standoff between the boat's occupant and the police involving gunfire."

That's a finely crafted choice of words: the police assault on the boat "involved gunfire," but it seems only the police were armed.

This development calls into question the mainstream media's reporting, and the veracity of all the law enforcement testimony forming the basis for the criminal complaint.


Thank you, Dawn. I have a stomach full of the cheek Mr. Rigby is lately serving me because I suffer through a steady diet of it from Mr. Colby and his sidekick Tommy and it is indigestible. Those who can, do. I would enjoy reading posts by any of these gentlemen extolling their recent contributions to this community's knowledge base.

North Carolina Divorce Index, 1958-2004 about Ruslan Tsarnaev

Primary Name: Ruslan Tsarnaev Spouse's Name: Samantha Fuller Marriage Date: 7 Marriage State & County: North Carolina Divorce Date: 26 Apr 1999 Divorce County: Orange

I doubt anyone would dispute my opinion that, if I had authored this thread, Len Colby would have devoted all of his (many) posts to protesting the irelevancy of the placement of the thread almost entirely about The Boston Bombers, here on the JFK Debate Forum.

(Remind me what you have added to this forum recently Len?)



Monday, April 15, 2013

Bill Simpich's Lancer 2012 presentation on Mexico City

......Staff D Some of the old timers may not know Staff D very well. That was the worldwide communications intelligence division. And, can you read that, okay? And a big part of Staff D’s assets was the wiretap info. The best of their stuff went to their chief who was Bill Harvey. I think most people here know who Bill Harvey was. Show of hands? That helps me. Thank you.

audience member - (mocking Peter Janney’s presentation ) Was it Bill or William?........

(Big Laughter ) Ah, both. (endquote)

Is it me, or are a number of members posting to discourage or stop exposure to new or more complete information? It may come as news to some, but there is much more to learn.

Below is an account of some background and on the later years of J. Walton Moore's CIA supervisor, Colonel Ernest Allen Rische:


....In 1961 George de Mohrenschildt was invited to lunch by J. Walton Moore. According to Edward Jay Epstein, during the meeting Moore told de Mohrenschildt about Lee Harvey Oswald living in Minsk. However, in his book on the case, I'm a Patsy (1977), he gives a different version of events: "Early in the summer of 1962 the rumors spread out among the Russian-speaking people of Dallas and Fort Worth of an unusual couple-the Oswalds. He was supposedly an ex-marine, an unfriendly and eccentric character, who had gone to Russia and brought back with him a Russian wife. He had lived in Minsk where I had spent my early childhood. And so I was curious to meet the couple and to find out what had happened to Minsk. Someone gave me Lee's address and one afternoon a friend of mine, Colonel Lawrence Orloff and I drove to Fort Worth, about 30 miles from Dallas."...

U.S. Naturalization Record Indexes, 1791-1992 (Indexed in World Archives Project) Name: Samuel L Orlovsky Birth Date: 15 Feb 1851 Birth Place: Russia Age at event: 45 Court District: Maine, Massachusetts, New Hampshire, and Vermont Date of Action: 13 Jul 1896

JewishGen Online Worldwide Burial Registry (JOWBR) Name: Samuel Orlovsky Death Date: 1 Jan 1906 Burial Plot: Section 12, grave 21 Burial Place: West Roxbury, Massachusetts, United States Cemetery: Congregation Beth Israel Cemetery Address: Center Street Cemetery Burials: 754

Massachusetts, Boston City Directory - 1921


Obituary 11 -- No Title

Daily Boston Globe - Jun 2, 1949

Elka Zlata of 246 Seaver St Roxbuy Widow Of Samuel Orlov formerly of the North End of Boston Beloved mother of George Peter Nathan David and Lawrence .....

Obituary 11 -- No Title

‎Daily Boston Globe - Jun 2, 1949

Elka Zlata of 246 Seaver St Roxbuy Widow Of Samuel Orlov formerly of the ... Nathan David and Lawrence Orlov Rose Hersey and rather Student Services at the ....

Obituary 18 -- No Title

Boston Globe - Jun 3, 1969

... No Title ORLOV-On Sunday June IZ hags of 248 Seaver St brother of Rtose Hersey of Esther Student of David Ortov of Rtoxbury and Lawrence Orlov of Texas .....


Friday, February 15, 2013

Lawrence Student

Leominster - Lawrence S. Student LEOMINSTER - Lawrence S. Student, 84, of 30 Parker Rd., Leominster died on Thursday, Feb. 14th. His wife of 49 years, Shirley (Rubin) Student died in 2001. He leaves a son, Michael J. Student and his wife Barbara of Scarsdale, NY; a daughter, Toby wife of Michael Schindler of Fitchburg; and a grandson, Sanford Student. He was born in Fitchburg, the son of Hyman and Esther (Orlov) Student and had lived in Fitchburg and Leominster his entire life. With his father, he owned and operated Student Bros. Family Shoe Stores in Fitchburg, Gardner and Leominster......


Lois Jackson Rische

......Lois practiced orthoptics in Galveston and Houston. She met and married one of her patients, the dashing Colonel Allen Rische, originally from San Antonio and Dallas, who became her constant companion until his death in 1993 of Alzheimer's. Lois penned the humorous side of living with the disease, in a loving tribute to Mr. Rische, in her book The Mariachis Are Gone....


Hold Me, Kiss Me, Thrill Me - Kill Me?

How a Montrose romance turned into memories of the CIA, things that go bump in the night ... and an eternal commitment.

By Claudia Kolker Thursday, Aug 3 1995

One night in 1987, Lois Rische's husband, Allen, the retired CIA field chief for Texas and New Mexico, was stepping into their car when he decided he had to return to the house. He was only gone for a few minutes. Lois thought nothing of it -- until later that evening, when they returned from the show they'd attended and she found that every shoe she owned had been piled in a mountain on her bedroom floor.

Someone had also been into Lois' closet and twisted her clothes into a snarled wilderness; drifts of scouring powder coated the bathtubs. Under Lois' bedclothes, and onto her pillow, someone had shaken a thick layer of dirt and black dog hair. Crowning the toilet seat was a tall, elaborate tower made of art books, picture frames, a Kleenex box and a large flask of bleach.

Someone else might have thought they'd been vandalized, but Lois Rische recognized the author of this chaos: it was her husband. And someone else might have flinched at the apparent evidence of Allen's hostility, which would, in fact, escalate later to include pesticides, booby traps and Indonesian head hunting knives. But Lois Rische saw it differently. She greeted her husband's handiwork with a sort of stunned awe. "It was difficult to believe," she points out gamely, "that in such a short period of time, he was able to accomplish so much." To Lois, the chaos in her bedroom -- and even the real danger to her that eventually followed -- were simply the tragicomic last act in a great love story. It's a story, Lois likes to say, of commitment......

.....Then there was the eerie matter of Rische's retarded son Andy. Although he and the former nanny who cared for him lived near Allen's beach house, the nanny never permitted the boy to go out with his father. One day she told Lois that the boy's mother had begged on her deathbed that Allen never be left alone with his son. A few months later, Allen told Lois why: he had meant to kill Andy when he was a baby. "My planning was so deliberate and meticulous that there was no way that I would have been caught," Allen said. "I still don't know why I didn't carry it out."

Though Lois learned to live without prying too much,....


But if Allen's scavenging instinct was at least familiar, Lois was at a loss to explain two other manias: shoplifting and booby traps. Starting around 1985, he began to come up with tricks that were so cunning, and so potentially dangerous, that both Lois and Pat wondered if they were some distorted vestige of Allen's past training in the CIA. Standing in front of the armoire that housed some of Allen's most sophisticated traps, Lois laughs ruefully and says, "I have no idea ... how would I know?" A spokesman for the Alzheimer's Association, though, says the ailment's manifestations are usually random. Colleen Webb, a former CIA colleague of Allen's, also discounts the notion. "He didn't get those things from his job," she says. "There were some sensitive operations that required some special skills. But not," she adds with a tiny smile, "any [skills] that were outlined in [Lois'] book."

Yet Lois found Allen's increasing craftiness otherwise hard to fathom.......

.....Though she knew she had to place Allen in a nursing home, Lois brooded darkly about his request that she find some way to kill him when this time came. The evidence she had recoiled from for seven years now seemed to bear down on her all at once. Shortly after she decided to send Allen away, Lois heard Pat Gross call from the bathroom. She had opened two cardboard boxes that Allen had been quietly shifting about the second floor for a year. Inside one box lay surgeon's gloves; inside the other were two glass syringes and vials containing atropine, paregoric and epinephrine. Were these the tools he had planned to use on his retarded son Andy?....


Either your posts add to the richness of the collective knowledge base or you post questions in order to learn, clarify, or to debate, or you post to provoke. If you cannot help but to interfere, seek help. If you are deliberately taking more than you share here, there are many other venues where sophomoric humor and mean spirited taunting are the culture.

Edited by Tom Scully
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