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Joseph McBride replies to Dale Myers re Tippit case

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Well written, Joseph.

I have read about your revelation concerning the information gleaned from Tippit's father and the possibility that Tippit, and others, were searching for Oswald long before they should have had a reason to be searching for Oswald and I find this concept quite fascinating.

Is it possible to narrow down the time when a search in the area of Oswald's rooming house should have begun for him? This is assuming, of course, Oswald would have taken the illogical step of returning to his rooming house following the shooting of the POTUS.

If JFK was shot at 12:30, it seems to me that a lot of events had to take place before the APB for Oswald could be issued by the DPD. Roy Truly and Marrion Baker had to climb six flights of stairs at the TSBD (and stop to check out a man on the 2nd floor), investigate the roof of the TSBD, and descend by elevator to the main floor. How long was Truly on the main floor before it was noticed Oswald was not there? And did Truly not consider sending someone up to the 2nd floor lunch room before telling Fritz he had a man named Oswald unaccounted for? How long was spent getting Oswald's particulars from the other building? Then Truly had to go back up to the 6th floor and wait politely to tell Fritz he had a man missing. Did Fritz act upon this immediately? Was an APB put out on Oswald following this, as a suspect in JFK's assassination, or was the first APB on Oswald a result of the Tippit shooting?

I guess my main question is, was there enough time for the events I listed to take place before Tippit's encounter with Oswald, giving Tippit the description of JFK's killer, or should we be suspecting "other" sources?

Edited by Robert Prudhomme
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Mr. McBride - I enjoyed your latest book very much, and revived the Tippit thread here because your work on Tippit was so thought provoking. I see your point that Tippit's actions after 12:30 pm are best explained by assuming he was ordered to Oak Cliff in order to hunt for Oswald. The big mystery is why then was he killed, and you present some possible subjects and explanations as alternatives to the official story that it was Oswald. But I was very intrigued by the sections of your book that explore the possibility that Tippit was a Dealey Plaza shooter, and have been posting on that idea. If you have some time could you read the recent posts by myself and others on the Tippit thread and share some insights?

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Mr. McBride,

I enjoyed your article at CTKA. I look forward to buying your book when I next travel to the US. (We have limited selection at our local bookstores in the "frozen north").

If Tippit was a shooter then it made sense for the perps to eliminate him. One less witness, one less problem. (Maybe I watched too many Bogart movies!). Coup d'etat is written all over this.

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Thanks for your comments. I have followed parts of the other thread

but have not had time to study them all. I will go over it some more.

Meanwhile, I would encourage those who have not read INTO

THE NIGHTMARE to dig into the book's highly detailed analysis

of these events. In regard to one question above:

The Dallas Police Department claimed not to have known who

Oswald was until he was at the police station after 2 p.m. They claimed the man

arrested at the Texas Theatre about ten minutes before that had two pieces of identification,

in the names of Lee Oswald and Alek Hidell. and that Oswald wouldn't give his name, though that account is highly questionable.

So an order to Tippit and the other officer (probably William

Mentzel) to hunt down Oswald shortly after the 12:30 assassination

indicates covert police foreknowledge of Oswald-as-suspect. There is

no record of an APB for him in the police dispatcher tapes. The

description of a suspect that was broadcast at 12:45 differs in some particulars from Oswald.

It does not mention the suspect is headed to Oak Cliff. So

the two officers had to have had another way of getting their orders

to pursue Oswald in Oak Cliff. I believe Oswald was known to

the DPD through surveillance and possibly as an informant.

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Thanks for your comments. I have followed parts of the other thread

but have not had time to study them all. I will go over it some more.

Meanwhile, I would encourage those who have not read INTO

THE NIGHTMARE to dig into the book's highly detailed analysis

of these events. In regard to one question above:

The Dallas Police Department claimed not to have known who

Oswald was until he was at the police station after 2 p.m. They claimed the man

arrested at the Texas Theatre about ten minutes before that had two pieces of identification,

in the names of Lee Oswald and Alek Hidell. and that Oswald wouldn't give his name, though that account is highly questionable.

So an order to Tippit and the other officer (probably William

Mentzel) to hunt down Oswald shortly after the 12:30 assassination

indicates covert police foreknowledge of Oswald-as-suspect. There is

no record of an APB for him in the police dispatcher tapes. The

description of a suspect that was broadcast at 12:45 differs in some particulars from Oswald.

It does not mention the suspect is headed to Oak Cliff. So

the two officers had to have had another way of getting their orders

to pursue Oswald in Oak Cliff. I believe Oswald was known to

the DPD through surveillance and possibly as an informant.

Wasn't Tippit supposed to have dashed into the Top Ten record store to use the phone? Maybe that's how they were getting surreptitious messages.

By the way, Joseph. I'm in the middle of your book and loving it.Well done.

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