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JFK Assassination and Lee Harvey Oswald Conferences 2015

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Rumor mill: Judyth is working on a third book about her deep friendship with Jack Ruby.

Wow, this is becoming downright scary. I have a lot of respect for Kris and Trine Day but Judyth's bs is going off the charts. Her 4th book will be about her intimate relationship with Clay Shaw, no doubt. Then she can follow that up with a 5th best seller about how close she was to Arlen Specter. They were all in NO after all, so ...it's a natural.

Not laughing.


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Peter Scott is speaking at a Dallas Conference sponsored by Trine Day, hosted by Fetzer, and with Baker as a speaker?

Tell me its not true.

Doug, are you sure? Can you link to the conference site? Wow, is Scott getting senile or what?

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Its the kind of thing that makes you want to scream.

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"Screamin' Jim" DiEugenio has a nice ring to it.

Peter Scott is speaking at a Dallas Conference sponsored by Trine Day, hosted by Fetzer, and with Baker as a speaker?

At the very bottom of the page I noted this:

FOUNDED BY: Judyth Vary Baker PRODUCED BY: TrineDay Publishing & Conscious Community Events. Copyright 2014, 2015.


So Judyth is more than just a speaker FYI

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"Screamin' Jim" DiEugenio has a nice ring to it.

Peter Scott is speaking at a Dallas Conference sponsored by Trine Day, hosted by Fetzer, and with Baker as a speaker?

At the very bottom of the page I noted this:

FOUNDED BY: Judyth Vary Baker PRODUCED BY: TrineDay Publishing & Conscious Community Events. Copyright 2014, 2015.


So Judyth is more than just a speaker FYI

also co-producer...

Edited by David G. Healy
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RA Kris Millegan

Sept. 28, 2015


For Immediate Release

Contact: Kris Millegan TrineDay Publishers (trineday@icloud.com)
David Denton, professor, Olney Central College (dentond@iecc.edu)

Leading Experts on the JFK Assassination will gather in New Orleans for conference entitled “Oswald's Summer of Secrets: New Orleans and the JFK Assassination” Oct. 16-18

Produced by TrineDay, Conscious Community Events, and the JFK Historical Group

On October 16-18 2015 nationally known researchers and scholars will gather in New Orleans at the Crowne Plaza Hotel-Airport, 2829 Williams Blvd., Kenner, Louisiana for Oswald's Summer of Secrets: New Orleans and the JFK Assassination.

The conference will break new ground in unlocking the mysteries of Lee Harvey Oswald’s activities in New Orleans in the summer of 1963 and explore other topics such as David Ferrie, Dr. Mary Sherman, and the Garrison trial, according to organizer Kris Millegan.

Seating is limited so early registration is encouraged. Contact Kris Millegan (trineday@icloud.com) or David Denton (dentond@iecc.edu) for more information and or go to http://oswaldconference.com.

Presenters include:

• Ed Haslam, author, Dr. Mary’s Monkey;

• Judyth Baker, former girlfriend of Oswald and author, Me and Lee and David Ferrie;

• Ed Tatro, author and consultant to Oliver Stone’s film, JFK;

• Robert Groden, author five best-selling books about the assassination, and the first person to bring the Zapruder film to national TV in 1975;

• Jim Marrs, author of four New York Times Best Selling books including Crossfire: The Plot That Killed Kennedy; chief consultant to Oliver Stone on JFK for both the film’s screenplay and production;

• Joan Mellen, biographer Jim Garrison, A Farewell to Justice;

• Russ Baker, Russ Baker is an American investigative journalist.[1][2] In 2005, he founded the nonprofit website WhoWhatWhy.Baker has written for publications including the New Yorker, Vanity Fair, the New York Times, The Nation, the Los Angeles Times, the Washington Post, the Village Voice, Esquire, Slateand Salon, and served as a contributing editor to the Columbia Journalism Review.[3][4][5] Internationally, his work has appeared in publications such as The Globe & Mail (Canada); The Sunday Times, The Guardian, and The Observer (UK); Der Spiegel and Frankfurter Allgemeine (Germany), La Repubblica (Italy), South China Morning Post (Hong Kong), and the Sydney Morning Herald.

• Roger Stone, New York Times bestselling author, The Man Who Killed Kennedy—the Case Against LBJ;

• Daniel Hopsicker, author Barry and “the boys,” The CIA, the Mob and America's Secret History, which chronicles the exploit of famed Louisiana native Barry Seal, his ties to the drug trade and the Kennedy assassination;

• St. John Hunt, son of infamous CIA agent E. Howard Hunt, who stated that he was a benchwarmer during the JFK assassination; author, Bond of Secrecy.

• Todd, Elliot, author of the book, A Rose by Many Other Names: Rose Cherami & the JFK Assassination;

Special invited guest also include:

• Edwin Lea McGehee, the barber who gave Lee Harvey Oswald a haircut in Jackson, Louisiana;

• Anne Dischler, she worked as assistant investigator to Lt. Francis Fruge of the Louisiana State Police for the office of District Attorney Jim Garrison of Orleans Parish, Louisiana. She primarily worked in the areas concerning Rose Cheramie and interviews of citizens of Clinton, Louisiana as they concerned the Shaw\Ferrie\Oswald appearances in that Louisiana town prior to the assassination of President Kennedy. Dischler still has the three stenographic pads of field notes she accumulated during her tenure on the Clinton investigation in 1967.

• Bob Buras, an invesitgator for the House Select Committee on Assassinations

• William Walter, On August 9th, when Oswald was arrested on Canal Street and taken to the police station by Lt. Francis Martello, he asked Martello to call the FBI and tell them he had Lee Oswald in custody. The person who answered the telephone was the night clerk at the FBI field office, a young Tulane student named Walter Walter. In November 1963, Walter was at the FBI office to retrieve a telex from Hoover warning of an incident that might happen to President Kennedy on the 22nd of the month. Later, Walter came forward to Jim Garrison. In the 1970's he was deposed by the HSCA.

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Looks like a strong lineup. I'm especially interested in hearing what William Walter has to say.

Congrats to Trine Day, and thanks to Douglas for sharing.

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Purely in the abstract and unrelated to any particular matter:

If a person believed by most responsible researchers to be fabricating an untrue story were to organize a conference, perhaps through a publisher, for the sole purpose of inviting some well-known names to give the fabricator some degree of rub-off credibility, how should serious researchers and the leaders of our community regard this?

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Are they charging for this one? My understanding is that Judyth conferences are free, because some little bird with millions likes her, and wants her to attract as many as possible, while under-cutting the profitability of other conferences, where she's not invited.

So how about that? It's a conspiracy theory about conspiracy theorists, without any mention of the government!

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If you haven't checked out the JFK Lancer conference speaker list lately I would encourage you to do so. We have added some very strong researchers to the list and I'd like to introduce one of them here:

New Conference Speaker: Michael Chesser, M.D.

Michael Chesser is a neurologist with 24 years of combined experience in academics and private practice. He was approved to view the original autopsy x-rays and photographs at the National Archives this year, and he will review his findings and interpretation. This will include a review of the HSCA x-rays at the Archives and the key differences between the original x-rays and the HSCA and Fox copies. In addition optical density measurements of the original skull x-ray from 1960 will be compared with optical density measurements of the autopsy skull x-rays.

The entire list is still being updated but you can find it in the conference area of the Lancer web site. A direct link is below:


Edited by Larry Hancock
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