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On 4/26/2023 at 6:33 PM, David Von Pein said:


The current US Ambassador to Australia:   watch dvp video from the 12.02 mark for some Caroline nostalgia....poor girl has been surrounded by President's her whole life. She has been very active the past 2 months here in Australia visiting many cities up and down the east coast, including the area i now live. Thank you for your service Madam Ambassador.



Edited by Adam Johnson
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  • 4 weeks later...
23 hours ago, David Von Pein said:


To actually hear these phone conversations between the Governor of Mississippi and JFK is an astounding and eye-opening experience.

JFK stepped right up to the plate himself in that explosive situation.

He didn't budge in his responsibility to uphold the U.S. Constitution regards the civil rights of black students like Meredith.

You could hear JFK's growing frustration with the Governor who kept throwing out his state constitution loyalty when JFK was reminding him of the U.S. constitution having overriding authority.

Finally, when it was obvious the state police were losing control of the violence in Oxford, JFK sent 20,000 federal troops there ( two divisions! ) to show he meant business.

He also mentioned arresting retired Air Force General Edwin Walker if he continued to participate in law breaking protests, which he did!

And incredibly, JFK even mentioned arresting the Governor of Mississippi himself if necessary!

JFK was not afraid to jump into that fray knowing it could have triggered even more violence throughout that state and beyond.

No one hated JFK more than the segregationist of our country.

Of course people like Joseph Milteer, Guy Bannister and many others in that world wanted JFK's hide.

And no wonder black Americans revered JFK as much as they did. They knew he was putting his life at risk standing up for them like he did in the integration crisis in Mississippi.

JFK was hated way more by millions of people in his own country than he was outside of it, including the Russians and even Castro imo.

Hated to a murder minded degree.




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I always enjoy it immensely when I am able to dig up a "new" JFK-related audio or video recording that I had not heard or seen before.

Such was my good fortune on June 16th, 2023, when I came across the WRUL shortwave radio broadcast from November 22, 1963, linked below.

WRUL (for "World Radio University Listeners") was a shortwave radio station in Massachusetts. In 1966, the call letters of the station were changed to WNYW (for "New York Worldwide").

This rare 11/22/63 audio was provided by Todd Kosovich and Tom Gavaras (via Archive.org). Many thanks to those two gentlemen. ....



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I really enjoyed watching and listening to the Sixth Floor Museum's 2016 Oral History interview with Dr. Cyril Wecht (linked below).

As you might have guessed, I totally disagree with Cyril's pro-conspiracy slant on the JFK assassination, but even so, it's nearly impossible not to personally like Dr. Wecht. His enthusiasm and passion when he discusses the John Kennedy murder case, even after all these years of talking about it over and over again, are things I can't help but admire.

And keep in mind, Cyril was 85 years old at the time of this interview! And his mind is still as sharp as they come. (He's 92 as of the date of this post [June 22, 2023], and still going strong.)

This interview is 82 minutes long....of which Dr. Wecht is speaking for about 80 of those minutes (maybe even more). No kidding. But that's not too surprising to me, because I know Cyril loves to talk. And, boy, he sure does a lot of that here. But even a dedicated "LNer" like myself (of all people) thoroughly enjoyed this interview....

Custom logo by DVP; the "bursting" passion courtesy of Dr. Cyril Harrison Wecht of Pittsburgh:



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4 hours ago, David Von Pein said:

This interview is 82 minutes long....of which Dr. Wecht is speaking for about 80 of those minutes (maybe even more). No kidding. But that's not too surprising to me, because I know Cyril loves to talk. And, boy, he sure does a lot of that here. But even a dedicated "LNer" like myself (of all people) thoroughly enjoyed this interview....

Nice one David.

Cyril arrived at Lancer with Doug Horne and I had the chance to briefly speak with both of them.  Good guys.

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I was recently made aware of the following television newscast, which was broadcast on the evening of November 22, 1963, by the United Kingdom's ITV (Independent Television) Network.

My thanks go out to Stephen May for providing me with the information about the existence of this rare British coverage of JFK's assassination:


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  • 2 weeks later...

The JFK-related video below was made public on YouTube on July 24, 2023. It's called "The Kennedy Assassination: Inside The Book Depository" and was created by a "30-something Swedish guy" who runs the YouTube channel known as "LEMMiNO".

And this talented fellow from Sweden evidently has quite a large following there at YouTube, because his Kennedy video embedded below has amassed more than 3-million views in just its three days of existence.

It's a darn good video too—very (very!) good, in fact—featuring stellar graphics, music, and narration. I was quite impressed by just about everything in this video, including the common sense and logic that exists within the video's narration and (most importantly) the accuracy of the evidence and testimony that was presented throughout the 98-minute program.

That last comment I just made should have given away the following fact --- the video definitely was not made by a conspiracy theorist.

Given the tremendous amount of detail that had to have gone into the graphics work, research, sourcing, and voiceover narration for this video, this impressive project must have taken a very long time to complete. I applaud "Lemmino" for his diligent efforts. I, for one, think those efforts were worth it.

Here's the video:


To see the complete (and huge) list of sources utilized for the video, GO HERE.

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3 hours ago, Michael Crane said:

Not only have I already seen it, it just so happens that I'm watching it again right now as I logged on.

It's definitely worthy of a second (and third) look, that's for sure.


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