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Two Dallas cops were involved in the pre-arranged murder of Tippit...

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... and the framing of Oswald
Evidence newly compiled by John Armstrong shows that two DPD policemen, Captain W.R. Westbrook and reserve officer Kenneth Croy, were intimately involved in the murder of J.D. Tippit and the framing of "Lee Harvey Oswald" for the assassination of JFK.
This information is contained in a major update to the "November 22, 1963" page at the Harvey and Lee Website, which I just put up a few hours ago.
Oct. 12, 2018 update:
John has recently completed an entirely new write-up on the Tippit murder, which can be read by clicking on the link below:
Edited by Jim Hargrove
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If Oswald was not involved in the assassination plot, I wonder for what possible purpose he was going to the Texas Theater to meet someone right after the assassination. And according to his actions in the theater (moving from one seat to another), he didn't even know who he was supposed to meet there.

And why did he carry a gun there? If he wasn't involved but suspected he was being set up, why did he even go to the theater as he had apparently been instructed?

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One of the reasons Harvey Oswald became the designated patsy was that he had already demonstrated that he could follow orders... even fairly difficult ones. And the designated patsy had to follow all kinds of orders on 11/22/63, such as being in the right place at the right time, and so much more.

According to the DPD report, Harvey had on his person two torn in half dollar bills when he was arrested. No doubt these halved bills were supposed to be used to find his "contact," who would hold one or two of the matching halves. At least that's probably what the poor schmuck was told. I don't think Harvey had any idea he was being set up for either murder as he walked into the theater. He was just following orders and playing more spy games, as he had for years.


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I found the article very interesting. Thanks for sharing it. I am always for getting a closer look at the Tippit murder, which remains a huge mystery to me.

I think the article makes a persuasive case that Sgt. Kenneth Croy and Capt. W.R. Westbrook were involved with the Tippit shooting. There was a lot to absorb there, and I'm not sure I got it all, but upon first read it didn't seem to conflict with any known facts and seems to be a plausible scenario as I understand it. The information on Oswald's wallets was much appreciated. That has always been deeply suspicious. I'm looking forward to hearing any LN's debate the evidence presented in the link, if they find themselves so inclined.

While even J. Edgar Hoover believed that someone was using Oswald's identity, I still have trouble believing that there was an exact double of Oswald running around. It seems implausible to me, but I can't fully dismiss it. The theory does seem to answer some questions: The alleged test drive at the automobile dealership, how George de Mohrenschildt believed Oswald spoke Russian like a native, ect. Right at the moment I remain unconvinced. I would have to study it some more.

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I found the article very interesting. Thanks for sharing it. I am always for getting a closer look at the Tippit murder, which remains a huge mystery to me.

I think the article makes a persuasive case that Sgt. Kenneth Croy and Capt. W.R. Westbrook were involved with the Tippit shooting. There was a lot to absorb there, and I'm not sure I got it all, but upon first read it didn't seem to conflict with any known facts and seems to be a plausible scenario as I understand it. The information on Oswald's wallets was much appreciated. That has always been deeply suspicious. I'm looking forward to hearing any LN's debate the evidence presented in the link, if they find themselves so inclined.

While even J. Edgar Hoover believed that someone was using Oswald's identity, I still have trouble believing that there was an exact double of Oswald running around. It seems implausible to me, but I can't fully dismiss it. The theory does seem to answer some questions: The alleged test drive at the automobile dealership, how George de Mohrenschildt believed Oswald spoke Russian like a native, ect. Right at the moment I remain unconvinced. I would have to study it some more.

Thanks for the comments, Denny.
Harvey and Lee Oswald may have had similar appearances, but they were hardly twins. What confused so many people is that they both used the Lee Oswald name and they both carried Oswald IDs. For example, on the morning of 11/22/63, while Harvey Oswald was working at the Book Depository, Lee Oswald walked into the Jiffy store at 310 S. Industrial and showed store clerk Fred Moore a Texas driver’s license so he could buy two bottles of beer. Moore told the FBI the name on the license was “Lee Oswald” or “H. Lee Oswald.” (Harvey Oswald didn’t drive and didn’t have a driver’s license.)
Also, John Armstrong has a whole lot to say about Johnny Brewer. See the second half of the November 22 write-up.
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... and the framing of Oswald
Evidence newly compiled by John Armstrong shows that two DPD policemen, Captain W.R. Westbrook and reserve officer Kenneth Croy, were intimately involved in the murder of J.D. Tippit and the framing of "Lee Harvey Oswald" for the assassination of JFK.
This information is contained in a major update to the "November 22, 1963" page at the Harvey and Lee Website, which I just put up a few hours ago.

Regarding the 2nd photograph in the article - This is Ruth Paine's home as seen from 5th St. - Is that BWF's car parked in front? If so, why?

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Now that you mention it, that DOES look like Frazier's car. Linnae Mae Randle lived nearby, but it still seems weird to have caught the car there. I'll try to remember to ask John what else he knows about the photo. Maybe it was staged by "investigators" after the assassination.

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Following the assassination, Capt. Westbrook re-located to South Vietnam, where he worked as an advisor to the Saigon Police Dept. (courtesy of the CIA).

Hello Jim,

That certainly is an intriguing bunch of information. Kind of a surprising and suspicious move from a Texas police department to a Saigon police advisor...

More W.R. Westbrook information:

...as author Larry Sneed writes in his book; following his retirement from the DPD in 1966, Westbrook served as a Police advisor in South Vietnam (Sneed, No More Silence, page 325).

William Ralph "Pinky" Westbrook (1917-1996):


photo from p. 177 "No More Silence" by Larry Sneed 1998

Edited by Tom Neal
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Westbrook also looks like the old tramp. Those people sure knew how to carry out a conspiracy.

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