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Adele Edisen passes away

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According to Peter Lemkin at DPF, he has found out through a family member that Adele Edisen has passed away at age 88.

She had  good credentials as a witness. She was a Ph.D. and taught physiology at a few colleges and universities.  Also, she reported her story to the FBI shortly after the assassination.

Its a really fascinating story if you have not read it yet.

She did an article for the Third Decade if I recall in 1991.  That was under an assumed name.  Then in 2009, Bill Kelly did a long article about  her under her real name.  

I never thought she got enough attention for whatever reason.


Edited by James DiEugenio
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Sad to hear. I would have to go back and read her story again. (Don't know if there's one good source for that or not.) But I never quite understood what the purpose could have been behind what she said she went through (the weird doctor with his Caroline's pony Macaroni, etc.).



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I am sorry to hear this.  She was a lovely woman and a good witness.  I heard her speak at NID in 98, I think, and then we spoke by phone at length.  I found her statements puzzling yet fascinating.  She was concerned with getting her testimony out, not with making money or gaining fame.  She was the total opposite of JVB. 

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3 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I recall thinking that if her story was true it was monumental, and yes she seemed very believable. But what a weird tale she told.

I agree.  That is exactly how I felt when I first heard her speak. She was completely matter-of-fact and objective, simply sharing her experience and letting the chips fall.  At the time -- 1998 I think -- I had no frame of reference for what she was saying, other than Haslam's book MF+TMV, which intriqued me as supposition, but certainly not fact.  Later, when I became involved with Judyth I was caught up in how similar some aspects of their stories seemed.  Adele wanted nothing to do with Judyth, and I will not give credence to anything Judyth says.  But Adele's statements keep the door open on some very strange things going on in NOLA in 1963.  

Edited by Pamela Brown
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Sorry to hear of her passing. I wasn't aware of her testimony so I read about it just now. 

What an incredible story she told! Did some researchers jumped into it to see if there was evidence that supported it?

i read she is seen as a very credible witness. If so, her story is a smoking gun. While reading it I am rather surprised that there isn't more attention to her story. I have been reading about the assassination for 25 years and I have over 500 books. I mean, I know a lot of details, but this was totally new to me. 

So i am curious to see how the current "status" is for her testimony. Is it backed up with more evidence over the years?

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46 minutes ago, Hugo Langendoen said:

Sorry to hear of her passing. I wasn't aware of her testimony so I read about it just now. 

What an incredible story she told! Did some researchers jumped into it to see if there was evidence that supported it?

i read she is seen as a very credible witness. If so, her story is a smoking gun. While reading it I am rather surprised that there isn't more attention to her story. I have been reading about the assassination for 25 years and I have over 500 books. I mean, I know a lot of details, but this was totally new to me. 

So i am curious to see how the current "status" is for her testimony. Is it backed up with more evidence over the years?

Ironically, and unfortunately, Adele's statements seem to have fallen through the cracks in the mad rush to either 'believe' or discredit Judyth Baker.  You are right -- they deserve further scrutiny and discussion.  It is  my understanding that Adele donated all her research to JFKLancer.  

Edited by Pamela Brown
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Adele Edisen's story is bizarre. Usually when I hear testimony that has unusual twists, I can come up with scenarios that make sense. But not so with Adele's story.

For example, why on earth would Jose Rivera give Adele all those odd clues about Oswald and a plan to kill Kennedy? In doing so he implicates himself and gains nothing.

The only explanations I can come up with are that 1) Rivera is a mentally unstable person who, for some reason, has information on the assassination plot; or 2) Adele is the mentally unstable person who imagined the whole thing. Or only the weird parts.

But neither of these scenarios make sense. Because it is Rivera who sounds unstable, not Adele. Yet it's highly unlikely that such a person would be given access to the plot.

If anybody can come up with a scenario that fits the story and still makes sense, I'd certainly love to hear it.


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26 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

If anybody can come up with a scenario that fits the story and still makes sense, I'd certainly love to hear it.


I'm with you on this one. Adele was trying to make sense of her own story and everything she did, including reporting her experience in a timely fashion to the local FBI, has all the hallmarks of someone telling a truthful story. She sought no fame and came forward much later, reluctantly and at the urging of others. Her story didn't change over time despite how crazy it sounded. Her credentials are impeccable.

Jose Rivera, on the other hand, seems to be right out of Central Casting. A shadowy "doctor" dispensing LSD laced LifeSavers(tm) and speaking in apparent riddles about a conspiracy that hasn't occured but one which does in fact occur in the not-too-distant future.

It points to a MKULTRA connection concerning the "Oswald Project". I can't put it in any other context. It's mind blowing actually. And that's probably why it hasn't gotten more attention despite almost total agreement among researchers that it deserves much more attention.


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2 hours ago, Chris Newton said:


I'm with you on this one. Adele was trying to make sense of her own story and everything she did, including reporting her experience in a timely fashion to the local FBI, has all the hallmarks of someone telling a truthful story. She sought no fame and came forward much later, reluctantly and at the urging of others. Her story didn't change over time despite how crazy it sounded. Her credentials are impeccable.

Jose Rivera, on the other hand, seems to be right out of Central Casting. A shadowy "doctor" dispensing LSD laced LifeSavers(tm) and speaking in apparent riddles about a conspiracy that hasn't occured but one which does in fact occur in the not-too-distant future.

It points to a MKULTRA connection concerning the "Oswald Project". I can't put it in any other context. It's mind blowing actually. And that's probably why it hasn't gotten more attention despite almost total agreement among researchers that it deserves much more attention.



Bingo! That is to say, I'm inclined to believe you're on the right track. The drug angle never occurred to me, but it fits perfectly IMO.

I've been aware of MKUltra but had never read about it till you mentioned it here. Now I know that LSD was administered to all kinds of people ranging from prisoners to CIA agents, members of the military, and even civilians. Most were drugged without being informed. From Wikipedia:

"As the experimentation progressed, a point was reached where outsiders were drugged with no explanation whatsoever and surprise acid trips became something of an occupational hazard among CIA operatives. Adverse reactions often occurred, for example an operative who had received the drug in his morning coffee became psychotic and ran across Washington, seeing a monster in every car that passed him.

I'm thinking that Jose Rivera may have been an MKUltra researcher and may have experimented with LSD himself, which could explain his odd behavior. He obviously knew about Oswald, and probably about the Oswald project. There may have been talk of programming Oswald a la Sirhan Sirhan at some point.

I don't believe what Rivera did with Adele was intentional. I'm inclined to believe he took an interest in her, and then behaved in a quirky way because he was high.

This is all speculation of course. But at least it makes sense. To me it does, anyway.

With that obstacle aside, I am inclined to believe Adele's story. Next question... what can be learned from the story?

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6 minutes ago, Sandy Larsen said:

Is it true that Rivera gave Adele some LSD and tried to hypnotize her? I didn't see that in the Spartacus Educational article on her.

Yes, read her oral history at UT which I linked to a couple of posts back.

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