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Trump and the JFK Assassination

Douglas Caddy

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The Wall Street Journal today has an article that provides supplemental information on Sergei Millian, who mentioned above as being the source of the Trump allegations. The Journal reports that Millian appears in protographs taken at VIP functions connected with the Trump Inauguration last week. The Journal also states that Michael Cohen, Trump's personal attorney, declared that Millian has no connection with the Trump organization. However, the Inquiristr article above states that Millian is one of 100 people that Cohen follows regularly on Twitter. So there is a real story here. Where there is smoke there is fire.

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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All right Doug, Interesting stuff, now I see your link from the previous page and I am forwarding it. This is the supposed connection from the Russian Hierarchy to the former British agent, Christopher Steele, (who is now missing). Sergei Millan is the former head of The Russian American Chamber of Commerce which is an alleged spy front, who greeted Trump in Moscow in 2013. The plot thickens....


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This is unclear to me too. Is this all supposed to suggest that the story of the golden showers in a Moscow hotel room is true?

Trump is mentally ill, but that doesn't mean he's stupid. Wouldn't he suspect that there are hidden cameras in Moscow hotel rooms where people like him and Obama stay?

I wouldn't be surprised if there are hidden cameras in Trump's new hotel in DC. Or every nice hotel in DC for that matter, as the politicians are probably aware.







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My interpretation of the Inquisitr and Wall Street Journal articles is that the infamous 35 page dossier is far from being dead or proved false. Russian intelligence has the goods on Trump gained, perhaps, on his first visit as a businessman in1987 to Russia before he became all-knowing about attempts there to compromise prominent visitors. So there is much activity behind the scenes going on by Western intelligence agencies to establish definitively just how compromised he is today.


That said, there is also a growing consensus that Trump is a loon and may snap or have a public breakdown sooner rather than later, leading to his voluntary or involuntary resignation as President.



Edited by Douglas Caddy
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52 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

My interpretation of the Inquisitr and Wall Street Journal articles is that the infamous 35 page dossier is far from being dead or proved false. Russian intelligence has the goods on Trump gained, perhaps, on his first visit as a businessman in1987 to Russia before he became all-knowing about attempts there to compromise prominent visitors. So there is much activity behind the scenes going on by Western intelligence agencies to establish definitively just how compromised he is today.


That said, there is also a growing consensus that Trump is a loon and may snap or have a public breakdown sooner rather than later, leading to his voluntary or involuntary resignation as President.



That is unfortunate, my only hope was that Trump is uncompromised, and not owned.

***edit---  Pehaps Howard Stern can save him.

Edited by Michael Clark
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We now know in December, The Russian government has arrested a top cybersecurity officer and accused him of treason it is suspected ,for leaking information about hacking to the U.S., according to a report. The biggest spy scandal in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union.


Ruslan Stoyanov, head of its computer incidents investigations unit, was also arrested in December.


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Author Jim Hougan posted the following on Facebook today:

The “en masse” resignation of the State Department’s senior management team is worrisome. At least one of those who resigned (Undersecretary for Management, Pa...trick Kennedy) had been expected to remain in place. This suggests two possibilities: either those who resigned were ousted by the Trumpistas, or it became suddenly clear to those who left that they could not in good conscience continue in their roles - and so they walked. The first possibility suggests that Trump & Co. have scored yet another own goal, destabilizing their own foreign policy even before it can be implemented. The second possibility - that those who resigned did so to distance themselves from a disaster in the making - is even more worrisome. That Kennedy sought to stay on in the new administration, then suddenly changed his mind, raises the specter of a “known unknown” so alarming that the management felt that it had to run (not walk) away. What that might be is anyone’s guess: it could be intel about Trump’s compromised relationship with Russia, or news that a decision has already been made to move the U.S. embassy to Jerusalem. (Just my guess...)


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I may be wrong but it's my understanding that such federal agency senior management officials all turn in letters of resignation when there's a new administration, and the new administration then decides which resignations to accept and which officials to keep. If that is the case, then the "Trumpistas" may have decided to accept these people's resignations, in which case these officials didn't just decide to walk.



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16 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

We now know in December, The Russian government has arrested a top cybersecurity officer and accused him of treason it is suspected ,for leaking information about hacking to the U.S., according to a report. The biggest spy scandal in Russia since the fall of the Soviet Union.


Ruslan Stoyanov, head of its computer incidents investigations unit, was also arrested in December.



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I for one hope Trump doesn't quit. The advantage of having Trump in office over Mike Pence is that he always over-promises. This is a good thing for liberal causes like national healthcare. He, as president, has already promise healthcare for everybody. When the Republicans try to pass a bill that drops millions from coverage, the media is going to announce that Trump is reneging on his promise. Trump of course will say the media is lying. The media will then demand an answer from the press secretary as to how Trump can claim the media is lying when it is the CBO who has determined that millions will lose coverage.

We saw how that played out with Trump's lies about inauguration attendance. The press secretary had to eat his words.

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On ‎1‎/‎26‎/‎2017 at 3:31 PM, Douglas Caddy said:

My interpretation of the Inquisitr and Wall Street Journal articles is that the infamous 35 page dossier is far from being dead or proved false. Russian intelligence has the goods on Trump gained, perhaps, on his first visit as a businessman in1987 to Russia before he became all-knowing about attempts there to compromise prominent visitors. So there is much activity behind the scenes going on by Western intelligence agencies to establish definitively just how compromised he is today.


That said, there is also a growing consensus that Trump is a loon and may snap or have a public breakdown sooner rather than later, leading to his voluntary or involuntary resignation as President.




I wish Hunter S. Thompson were here.  If he had known, he'd never have left.

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Trumps son, Donald Trump Jr. said this:" Russia is one of the hottest places in the world for investment,” Trump said in a 2007 deposition. ... “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump's son told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication.Jul 27, 2016 .

Whatever intimate contacts may have with Putin, that if true, should eventually sink him.This is not even to mention Trumps conflict of interest already with Russia.

In the days of JFK, Trump's holdings in Russia would have been enough to disqualify him from running for the Presidency. There is an obvious conflict of interest that no other candidates have ever had, that people are having to come to grips with, because apparently no one wants to deny a poor billionaire access to the Presidency in the modern multi national corporate day. Now we're being told it's  unrealistic for a candidate to sell all of his holdings at the drop of a hat, but this question should have been vetted by the press over a year ago.

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10 hours ago, Kirk Gallaway said:
Trumps son, Donald Trump Jr. said this:" Russia is one of the hottest places in the world for investment,” Trump said in a 2007 deposition. ... “Russians make up a pretty disproportionate cross-section of a lot of our assets,” Trump's son told a real estate conference in 2008, according to an account posted on the website of eTurboNews, a trade publication.Jul 27, 2016 .

Whatever intimate contacts may have with Putin, that if true, should eventually sink him.This is not even to mention Trumps conflict of interest already with Russia.

In the days of JFK, Trump's holdings in Russia would have been enough to disqualify him from running for the Presidency. There is an obvious conflict of interest that no other candidates have ever had, that people are having to come to grips with, because apparently no one wants to deny a poor billionaire access to the Presidency in the modern multi national corporate day. Now we're being told it's  unrealistic for a candidate to sell all of his holdings at the drop of a hat, but this question should have been vetted by the press over a year ago.

That's a really good point, Kirk.

Unlike Trump, I believe the media is pretty honest. So why didn't the media bring up Trump's holding's in countries like Russia? Is it because they thought Trump would lose? Were they lazy? Not profitable enough for real investigations in this age of readers getting free news on the internet?

Another thought is that maybe the honesty of the media has its limits. Could the media have secretly hoped for a Trump presidency? Four years of provocative Washington news?

That thought may sound crazy. But I recall MSNBC suddenly becoming dumb (in both senses of the word) when W. Bush was making his case for war with Iraq. I recall myself almost yelling at Chris Matthews on the TV, "Hey! Why aren't you telling everybody that Bush is intentionally trying to draw a link between the 9/11 terrorists and Saddam Hussein! So that he can get America's support for war!"

I knew there was no link. I'm certain Chris Matthews did too. But he remained silent. Till after the war began, after which he finally piped up.

It seemed like the media was welcoming the Iraq war back then. And now I'm thinking that maybe  they wanted a Trump presidency. Even if it seemed like a long shot.

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