Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 (edited) Centro Mondiale Commerciale. Indegna censura canadese cerca di fermare la verità di Michele Metta Come già ben sanno i lettori che hanno seguito le precedenti puntate della mia inchiesta sul CentroMondiale Commerciale – la S.p.A. romana che, in realtà, nascondeva in sé una centrale occulta della CIA – , il CMC è costola della nordamericana Permindex. Permindex fondata da un canadese: Louis Bloomfield, il cui nome spunta anche all’interno delle esclusive carte del CMC in mio possesso. Bloomfield che, poco prima di morire, decide di affidare i propri documenti riguardanti la Permindex-CMC all’Archivio centrale del Canada. Una decisione meno insolita di quanto si potrebbe pensare: Edgardo Sogno, il golpista che pesantemente incrocia la propria esistenza con quella del CMC, deciderà ugualmente, prima di morire, di finalmente rivelare molti aspetti fino a quel momento celati e negati della propria attività eversiva; l’Agente della CIA Howard Hunt, anche lui farà altrettanto, confidando al proprio figlio, poco prima del proprio decesso, il coinvolgimento, appunto, della Central Intelligence Agency nell’assassinio di John Kennedy. L’incombere del proprio trapasso, porta alcuni a questo tipo di scelte. L’unico vincolo che Bloomfield aveva imposto, è che questo suo lascito fosse consultabile solo dopo venti anni dalla propria dipartita. Decisione lasciata nero su bianco, ed alla quale, però, trascorso appunto tale ventennio, fa opposizione la vedova di Bloomfield, chiedendo che il lascito maritale sia reso inaccessibile. È qui che – siamo nel 2004 – entra in campo un coraggioso ricercatore, chiamato Maurice Phillipps, il quale fa Causa, ottenendo un’importante vittoria: le carte di Bloomfield tornano ad essere consultabili. Con un ma. Magigantesco, perché il Tribunale che s’esprime sul ricorso fatto da Phillipps impone che le carte siano consultabili solo e soltanto man mano che queste divengano vecchie di almeno 50 anni. Perché? Per via di un clamoroso pretesto: all’interno di quelle carte, c’è anche della corrispondenza con Ernst Imfeld, un avvocato. È invocando il dovere della riservatezza nei rapporti tra avvocato e proprio cliente che il Tribunale emette la sua decisione. Decisione ch’è un triplo insulto: alla realtà, all’intelligenza, al Diritto. Infatti, Imfeld non è in nessun modo l’avvocato di Bloomfield, ma un suo socio in affari. Ma c’è di più: per via di questa presenza, il Tribunale impone che tale consultabilità dopo 50 anni sia applicata non unicamente ai documenti davvero riguardanti Imfeld, ma a tutti i documenti lasciati in eredità da Bloomfield all’Archivio del Canada. A questo già difficile quadro, si aggiunge però, oggi, una pesante ed inaccettabile novità, che mi giunge attraverso un altro coraggioso ricercatore: John Kowalski. Kowalski mi ha contattato con estrema urgenza, per pregarmi di denunciare attraverso L’Antidiplomatico che, tornato presso tali Archivi per avere accesso ai documenti che nel 2018 hanno maturato il famoso cinquantennio d’anzianità, si è visto opporre rifiuto. In sostanza, gli Archivi gli hanno fatto sapere che non consegneranno più nessuna carta di Bloomfield. Decisione scandalosa, gravissima, e che, soprattutto, sopraggiunge proprio, guarda caso, nel momento in cui tra me e Kowalski, grazie all’incrocio che stavamo sviluppando, mutuamente, tra le sue ricerche e le mie, stava sul CMCsorgendo una assai proficua collaborazione. E faccio subito e volentieri alcuni esempi. Avevo avuto modo, nei miei scorsi articoli sul tema pubblicati da L’Antidiplomatico, di evidenziare una manovra svolta dal CMC per mettere sotto il proprio controllo gangli importanti della nostra Repubblica. Mi riferisco, cioè, a quella operazione di corruzione capitanata dal membro del CentroMondiale Commerciale chiamato Georges Mantello, e che coinvolse personalità quali: Giovanni De Lorenzo, golpista, piduista, e potentissimo capo dei nostri Servizi; Giuseppe Pighini, un ammiraglio già militare di punta della Marina sotto il fascismo e militare di punta della NATO poi, tanto da essere messo a capo del ComNavSouth, il Comando delle Forze navali del Sud Europa, ed il quale risulta complice di attività eversive sia a fianco del piduista Sindona che del piduista Sogno; Gaetano Piccolella, allora questore di Roma, e quindi, dal 1995 al 1997, vicecapo nazionale della Polizia poi inciampato in un’inchiesta, battezzata Phoney Money, nella quale troviamo anche il nome del Pier Francesco Pacini Battaglia legato alle indagini sulla Strage di Ustica. Questo, per via di una Società del Pacini: la Mediterranean, andata a fare strane prospezioni geologiche all’indomani dell’abbattimento dell’aereo Itavia, e proprio nel tratto di mare in cui tale aereo era precipitato. Mediterranean avente per notaio lo stesso identico notaio del Centro Mondiale Commerciale. Ebbene: Mantello aveva condotto tale operazione tramite il ricorso ad un’altra Società ancora, battezzata Marina Reale. Quel che il bravo Kowalski era riuscito a trovare negli Archivi del Canada prima che gli Archivi, misteriosamente, gli comunicassero che gli serravano la porta in faccia, è un documento, scritto da Bloomfield e, nel luglio del 1961, inviato a Tibor Rosenbaum. Documento che elenca i possessori di Marina Reale. Questi sono: Georges Mantello, con il 25% delle quote; Enrico Mantello e Tim Pales, detentori di un altro 25%; Dov Biegun, 10%; Joseph Slifka, 15%; Bloomfield, 10%; Max e Moe Pascal, 7.5%; Nate Dolin, 7.5%. È un dato clamoroso sotto più d’un aspetto. Innanzitutto, infatti, confrontato con le carte del CMC in mio possesso, smaschera per intero MarinaReale come struttura di comodo del Centro Mondiale Commerciale: Biegun, Georges ed Enrico Mantello, che, tra loro, sono padre e figlio, Slifka, Bloomfield, tutti appartengono al CMC. Quanto a Max e Moe Pascal, sono parenti di Bloomfield. Già. L’aspetto successivo è che, se allarghiamo l’orizzonte ad un altro dei Pascal, e cioè Harry Pascal, nipote di Luis Bloomfield, vediamo la sua presenza nella BCCI, Istituto di credito dedito a tal punto al lavaggio di denaro sporco delle peggiori provenienze da essere d’autorità chiuso nel 1991. Bene: è interessantissimo notare che, ad essere ancor più precisi, il documento di Bloomfield reperito da Kowalski è indirizzato a Tibor Rosenbaum direttamente presso la sede dell’International Crèdit Bank di Ginevra, di cui Rosenbaum è a capo. ICB la quale può essere considerata progenitrice della BCCI. Non solo: quando ho approfondito le mie ricerche, ho scoperto che, come evidenziato dal saggista Naylor nel suo molto apprezzato Hotmoney and the politics of debt, l’ICB era un tutt’uno con il Mossad, la massima agenzia d’Intelligence israeliana; talmente un tutt’uno «da potersi ad un certo punto stimare che il 90% dell’acquisto di armi all’estero da parte del Dipartimento della Difesa israeliano passasse attraverso questa [banca]». Siamo all’agghiacciante riprova del ruolo forte del Mossad all’interno del CMC già dimostrato dalla mia rivelazione, in esclusiva mondiale a L’Antidiplomatico, della presenza, nella cabina di comando del Centro Mondiale Commerciale, di Gershon Peres, fratello del Presidente di Israele Shimon Peres. Non basta: come avevo già avuto modo di rivelare, il Biegun contitolare dei capitali di Marina Reale è personaggio ugualmente legatissimo alle politiche di Destra israeliane. Mettendo assieme tutti i pezzi, significa che Bloomfield, attraverso quel documento reperito presso gli Archivi del Canada da parte di Kowalski, stava facendo rapporto al Mossad del procedere dell’opera di corruzione di personaggi di vitale importanza dello Stato italiano. Un altro cocente esempio di quanta sinergia nasca dall’incrociare il mio lavoro investigativo con quanto Kowalski stava scoprendo in Canada, è offerto da una lettera recante proprio intestazione Marina Reale ed inviata ad Hans Seligman, socio – rivelano le mie carte – del CMC. Lettera del gennaio del 1961, e che comunicava che sfere di potere molto in alto erano in grado di iniettare liquidi nel CMC per l’equivalente di 200 milioni di Lire di quegli anni: una cifra colossale. Ma non è finita: sì, perché Kowalski ha reperito pure un documento riguardante la Trans IsraelPipeline, oleodotto tuttora di grandissima importanza che va da Eilat, porto israeliano sul Mar Rosso, ad Ashkelon, porto israeliano sul Mediterraneo. È una ulteriore lettera di Bloomfield, e tale oleodotto, allora non ancora realizzato, è oggetto di conversazione con un avvocato: Graham Mattison, della Dominick & Dominick. Bloomfield punta a convincere Mattison a prendere parte a tale progetto. Quel che, più di tutto, colpisce, è il modo con il quale Bloomfield si rapporta con Mattison. È con il linguaggio di chi snocciola da vero intenditore temi di geopolitica globale, indicando che, con tale oleodotto, si sta cercando sia di mettere fuorigioco gli appetiti sovietici sia di creare un’asse petrolifera forte che fonda assieme Stati Uniti ed Israele. Bloomfield mostra anche dimestichezza, confidenza estreme con il Dipartimento di Stato. Tutte indicazioni robuste che Louis Bloomfield debba necessariamente appartenere ad ambiti dell’Intelligence statunitense, perché solo così si spiega la sua conoscenza dettagliatissima di manovre USA segretissime e delicatissime. Ma l’ultimo ingrediente che voglio segnalare di tale lettera, è che si affaccia in essa un colloquio tra Mattison ed un certo Dulles. Deve trattarsi – tutto il contesto, più che indicarlo, lo grida – di Allen Dulles, direttore della CIA, fratello di Foster Dulles, e nemico acerrimo di JFK. Lo evidenzio anche perché i miei studi, grazie alle mie carte del CMC, hanno determinato lampantemente quanto presente fossero, all’interno del Centro Mondiale Commerciale, sia Foster che Allen Dulles. Ma grida che quel Dulles è proprio Allen Dulles anche un altro dato: una serie di documenti, che ho reperito presso la Biblioteca della PrincetonUniversity. Riguardano, appunto, Allen Dulles, e l’offerta di collaborazione in attività di Intelligencead Allen Dulles giunta da parte dell’ungherese Tihame?r de Fabinyi. Offerta respinta da Dulles con grande nettezza. Cosa succede mai – rivelano sempre i documenti presso la Princeton University – a quel punto? Si cerca di far cambiare idea ad Allen Dulles ricorrendo proprio all’intervento del Mattison destinatario della lettera di Bloomfield circa l’oleodotto. Mattison esplicitamente indicato come amico di Allen Dulles. È, la lettura di questi documenti custoditi presso la prestigiosissima Università statunitense, tassello che suona conferma ad una assai preziosa intuizione giunta da parte di Jim DiEugenio, tra i massimi esperti mondiali sull’assassinio di JFK. Nell’elogiare gli studi miei e di Kowalski, DiEugenio, infatti, diceva di notare elementi tali per cui ci si trova a pensare che il CMCfosse una sorta di livello superiore alla stessa CIA. Che Mattison potesse essere preso in considerazione come persona in grado di modificare la decisione presa tanto nettamente da Allen Dulles, spinge, in effetti, in questa direzione. Anche perché, sempre presso la Princeton University, esiste un altro documento riguardante Mattison. Documento che dimostra come lui fosse già intimo, negli anni Quaranta del secolo scorso, di Hoyt Vandenberg, un militare ai vertici dello spionaggio USA prima della creazione della CIA. Clicca qui per la lettura degli altri documenti Potrei aggiungere molto altro, ma mi fermo qui, perché già certamente è evidente, in chi mi legge, quanto importante assolutamente sia il poter continuare ad attingere agli Archivi del Canada, e quanto assurdo e pericoloso sia, altrettanto, questo voltafaccia di tali Archivi che, in spregio ad una Sentenza di Tribunale e alla volontà di Bloomfield, chiudono totalmente i rubinetti su quanto, appunto da Bloomfield, è stato loro lasciato. Colpisce, come ho già detto, che ciò avvenga proprio sul nascere d’una collaborazione tra me ed il valente ricercatore Kowalski. Pare proprio che qualcuno, al superattico del Potere, stia avendo paura, ed anche tanta. Edited February 18, 2018 by Paz Marverde Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 We will try to translate the article as soon as possible. Any help welcome. Thank you Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Gary Murr Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 Hello Paz: I look forward to the translation of this article. As a Canadian researcher possessing a long interest in the subject matters generated on this and other forums I can understand/sympathize with the frustration one endures in dealing with Library and Archives, Canada, though this is obviously not a "mind set" unique to this particular institution. I have been attempting to acquire information from Archives Canada concerning William Sucher and the former International Firearms Company, Montreal, Quebec for several years now and still have not obtained everything I have requested. I just yesterday completed a request for records that pertain to the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation circa 1954 to 1962 and have been told that a response could take up to five months! Oh well, carry on!! Gary Murr Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
James DiEugenio Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 (edited) Its a disgrace that they have now stopped Bloomfield's papers from being released. There is a genuine defiance of the law in that decision. Clearly, what happened was that Maurice Phillips was getting documents which exposed just how connected to the world wide Power Elite Permindex was e.g. Rockefellers and Rothschilds. And they decided, enough is enough. The common people do not need to know how we operate. Edited February 14, 2018 by James DiEugenio Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 13 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said: Its a disgrace that they have now stopped Bloomfield's papers from being released. There is a genuine defiance of the law in that decision. Clearly, what happened was that Maurice Phillips was getting documents which exposed just how connected to the world wide Power Elite Permindex was e.g. Rockefellers and Rothschilds. And they decided, enough is enough. The common people do not need to know how we operate. Yes, it is a total shame what they are doing in Canada, Jim. Really Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 29 minutes ago, Gary Murr said: Hello Paz: I look forward to the translation of this article. As a Canadian researcher possessing a long interest in the subject matters generated on this and other forums I can understand/sympathize with the frustration one endures in dealing with Library and Archives, Canada, though this is obviously not a "mind set" unique to this particular institution. I have been attempting to acquire information from Archives Canada concerning William Sucher and the former International Firearms Company, Montreal, Quebec for several years now and still have not obtained everything I have requested. I just yesterday completed a request for records that pertain to the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation circa 1954 to 1962 and have been told that a response could take up to five months! Oh well, carry on!! Gary Murr Hi, Gary: Thank you very much indeed for your words, for your sympathetic mood, and for your solidarity. It’s precious. Sorry for your own experience. Yes: carry on!! Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Robert Harper Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 Of course this is yet another look into what Jim Garrison smelled. It is also part of what Michael Piper Collins wrote about. Trouble is that some topics are just not pursued. Why that is, could give one some insight into who was involved. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 3 minutes ago, Robert Harper said: Of course this is yet another look into what Jim Garrison smelled. It is also part of what Michael Piper Collins wrote about. Trouble is that some topics are just not pursued. Why that is, could give one some insight into who was involved. I absolutely agree with you, Robert. Thanks indeed for your clever comment Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paul Brancato Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 38 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said: Its a disgrace that they have now stopped Bloomfield's papers from being released. There is a genuine defiance of the law in that decision. Clearly, what happened was that Maurice Phillips was getting documents which exposed just how connected to the world wide Power Elite Permindex was e.g. Rockefellers and Rothschilds. And they decided, enough is enough. The common people do not need to know how we operate. Agree with you, and look forward to this latest article in Italian from Paz and Metta. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Kowalski Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 1 hour ago, Gary Murr said: Hello Paz: I look forward to the translation of this article. As a Canadian researcher possessing a long interest in the subject matters generated on this and other forums I can understand/sympathize with the frustration one endures in dealing with Library and Archives, Canada, though this is obviously not a "mind set" unique to this particular institution. I have been attempting to acquire information from Archives Canada concerning William Sucher and the former International Firearms Company, Montreal, Quebec for several years now and still have not obtained everything I have requested. I just yesterday completed a request for records that pertain to the Crown Assets Disposal Corporation circa 1954 to 1962 and have been told that a response could take up to five months! Oh well, carry on!! Gary Murr Gary: Google translate did a decent job of translating the article. Archives can be slow, I requested Bloomfield's world war 2 records and was told that I have to wait 10 months. Never heard of William Sucher and the former International Firearms Company, Montreal, Quebec. How do they fit into the JFK story? John Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 18 minutes ago, John Kowalski said: John Hi, John, Very happy to see you here Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
John Kowalski Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 2 minutes ago, Paz Marverde said: Hi, John, Very happy to see you here Thank you Paz. Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 Just now, John Kowalski said: Thank you Paz. My pleasure Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Steve Thomas Posted February 14, 2018 Share Posted February 14, 2018 1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said: Its a disgrace that they have now stopped Bloomfield's papers from being released. "tassello che suona conferma ad una assai preziosa intuizione giunta da parte di Jim DiEugenio, tra i massimi esperti mondiali sull’assassinio di JFK." One of the world's leading experts huh? *tease* Steve Thomas Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
Paz Marverde Posted February 14, 2018 Author Share Posted February 14, 2018 (edited) TRANSLATION (WORK IN PROGRESS) As my readers well know, CMC is branch of the North American Permindex, founded by a Canadian: Louis Bloomfield, whose name also appears inside the exclusive CMC papers in my possession. Bloomfield who, shortly before his death, decided to give his Permindex-CMC documents to the Central Canadian Archives. A less unusual decision than one might think: Edgardo Sogno, the right-wing extremist who heavily crossed his life with that of CMC, he too decided, before dying, to finally reveal many aspects till that moment hidden or denied of his own subversive activity; the CIA Agent Howard Hunt, he too did the same, revealing to his son, just before his death, the involvement of the Central Intelligence Agency in the assassination of John Kennedy. The looming of the last moment brings some to this kind of choices. The only constraint that Bloomfield imposed was that his papers would have been accessible only after twenty years from his departure. Decision left well clear, to which, however, Bloomfield’s widow made opposition, asking to deny whatever access to the marital bequest. It is here that - we are in 2004 - a courageous researcher, Maurice Phillipps, obtained an important victory recurring to a Court: Bloomfield’s papers, the Court said, must be available. With a “but”. A gigantic one, because that Court added that we can read them only as they become at least 50 years old. Why? Because of a clamorous excuse: inside those papers, there are also letters from or to Ernst Imfeld, a lawyer. It’s invoking the confidentiality in the relationship between a lawyer and his client that the Court made its decision. Decision which is a triple insult: to reality, to intelligence, to law. In fact, Imfeld was in no way Bloomfield's lawyer, but a business partner. But there is more: because of Imfeld, the Court required that such consultation after 50 years would be applied not only to documents actually concerning Imfeld, but to all the documents left by Bloomfield to the Canadian Archives. An already difficult situation, that from today becomes unacceptable: in fact, another courageous researcher contacted me with extreme urgency, begging to report through the L’Antidiplomatico Italian newspaper that, gone to these Archives in order to have access to those documents that in 2018 have matured the famous fifty years of seniority, he received a refuse. In essence, the Archives told him that they will no longer deliver any Bloomfield’s paper. A shameful decision that, above all, arrives exactly, what a coincidence, in the moment Kowalski and I have started a very fruitful collaboration on CMC. Let’s see what I mean. In my latest articles on the subject published by L'Antidiplomatico, I was able to highlight a maneuver carried out by CMC to put under control some very important Italian people. It was an operation of bribery led by the CMC member Georges Mantello, and that involved personalities such as: Giovanni De Lorenzo, fascist, P2 member, and powerful head of the Italian intelligence; Giuseppe Pighini, an admiral under fascism and, eventually, among NATO's top members, since it was head of ComNavSouth, the Command of the Naval Forces of Southern Europe, but also accomplice of subversive activities both alongside the P2 member Sindona and the P2 member Sogno; Gaetano Piccolella, then Head of Rome Police, and then, from 1995 to 1997, Deputy Head of the Italian Police then stumbled into an investigation, christened Phoney Money, in which we also find the name of Pier Francesco Pacini Battaglia related to the investigation of the Ustica massacre. This, due to a company of Pacini: the Mediterranean, gone to make strange geological operations after the slaughter of the plane Itavia, and right in the stretch of sea where this plane felt. Mediterranean whose notary was the very same notary of CMC. Well: Mantello conducted this operation through another company: Marina Reale. What Kowalski had managed to find in the Canadian Archives before the Archives mysteriously informed him that the door was slammed into his face, is a document, written by Bloomfield in July 1961, and sent to Tibor Rosenbaum. A document listing the owners of Marina Reale. These were: Georges Mantello, with 25% of the shares; Enrico Mantello and Tim Pales, holders of another 25%; Dov Biegun, 10%; Joseph Slifka, 15%; Bloomfield, 10%; Max and Moe Pascal, 7.5%; Nate Dolin, 7.5%. It is a resounding document. First of all, in fact, when cross-examined side by side to the CMC papers in my possession, it unmasks the entire Marina Reale as a structure under full CMC control: Biegun, Georges and Enrico Mantello, (they were father and son, by the way), Slifka, Bloomfield, all they were CMC members. Max and Moe Pascal, instead, were Bloomfield’s relatives. The next aspect is that, if we widen the horizon to Harry Pascal, Bloomfield’s nephew, we see his presence in the BCCI, a Bank so deeply involved in dirty money washing that it was obliged to close in 1991. Well: it is very interesting to note that, to be even more precise, the Bloomfield’s document found by Kowalski is addressed to Tibor Rosenbaum directly at the headquarters of International Crèdit Bank of Geneva, of which Rosenbaum was the heads. ICB which can be considered a progenitor of BCCI. Not only that: when I deepened my research, I discovered that, as stressed by Naylor in his much-appreciated Hot Money and the Politics of Debt, the ICB was totally under Mossad control, the top Israeli intelligence agency. It is so true, Naylor writes, that "at some point 90% of the purchase of weapons abroad by the Israeli Defense Department passed through this [bank]". We are once again before the chilling evidence of the strong role of Mossad within the CMC. A role I already demonstrated by a worldwide exclusive serie of articles I wrote for L'Antidiplomatico. Articles where I described the presence, in the BoD of CMC, of Gershon Peres, brother of the President of Israel Shimon Peres. There’s more: as I had already got to reveal, the Biegun co-owner of the capital of Marina Reale is a character equally attached to the Israeli far-right policies. Putting all the pieces together, it means that Bloomfield, through that document found at Kowalski's Archives of Canada, was reporting to Mossad about the CMC operation of corruption of extremely powerful Italian figures. Another good example of how much synergy arises from crossing my investigative work with what Kowalski was discovering in Canada, is offered by a letter Marina Reale sent to Hans Seligman, a member - reveal my papers - of CMC. Letter of January 1961, and communicating that “powerful” interests may give 200,000,000 lira into CMC: an astonishing amount of money. Another example more: Kowalski also found a document concerning the Trans Israel Pipeline, an even today very important oil pipeline that goes from Eilat, Israeli port on the Red Sea, to Ashkelon, Israeli port on the Mediterranean. It is a further letter from Bloomfield, and this pipeline, then not yet realized, is the subject of conversation with a lawyer: Graham Mattison, of Dominick & Dominick. Bloomfield aimed to convince Mattison to take part in this project. The most intriguing element of this letter is the way in which Bloomfield relates to Mattison. It is with the language a true connoisseur of global geopolitics. Bloomfield, in fact, explained that, with that pipeline, the USA were trying to both offside Soviet appetites and to create a strong oil axis with Israel. Bloomfield also did show extreme familiarity with the State Department. All robust indications that Louis Bloomfield must necessarily belong to some US intelligence apparatus, because this is the only way to explain his very detailed knowledge of so extremely secret US maneuvers. But the last ingredient I want to point out of this letter is that there is a conversation between Mattison and a certain Dulles. It must be - the whole context shouts it - Allen Dulles, director of the CIA, brother of Foster Dulles, and bitter enemy of JFK. I also highlight this because my studies, thanks to my CMC papers, have clearly shown a very strong presence, inside CMC, of both Foster and Allen Dulles. But there is another strong evidence crying loud that that Dulles is Allen Dulles: a series of documents I found at the Princeton University Library. Documents about an offer of collaboration in activities of Intelligence made to Allen Dulles from the Hungarian Tihamér de Fabinyi. Offer absolutely rejected by Dulles. What happens at that point? Those Princeton documents show that to try to make Allen Dulles change his mind is invoked the intervention of Mattison, the recipient of Bloomfield's letter about the pipeline. Mattison explicitly indicated as a good friend of Allen Dulles. All in all, the reading of these documents kept at the prestigious US University, sounds as confirmation of a very precious intuition come from Jim DiEugenio, one of the world's leading experts on the JFK assassination. In praising my own and Kowalski's discoveries, DiEugenio, in fact, said he saw the presence of elements for which we find ourselves thinking that the CMC was a sort of level superior to the CIA itself. That Mattison could be considered as a person capable of modifying the decision taken so clearly by Allen Dulles, actually pushes in this direction. Also because, again at Princeton University, there is another document concerning Mattison. Document that shows how he was already intimate, in the forties of the last century, of Hoyt Vandenberg, a military man at the top of US espionage before the creation of the CIA. I could add much more, but I will stop here, because it is certainly evident in those who read me how important it is that the Archives of Canada will stop their absurd censorship. Especially since, as I already said, this is happening exactly at the beginning of a collaboration between myself and the talented researcher Kowalski. It seems that someone, in the attic of the Power, is scared, a lot scared. Edited February 18, 2018 by Paz Marverde Link to comment Share on other sites More sharing options...
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