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General Walker, Lee Harvey Oswald and Dallas Officials

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8 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Hi Paul,

I offer this 25 November 1963 memo for Bill Moyers which gives the marching orders you describe in your post - neither the communists nor the extreme right are to receive public blame for the assassination.  I am impressed with the sublime recognition only 3 days after the assassination that Oswald's commie credentials are "too pat -- too obvious."  Furthermore, Washington is already discontent with the DPD for pushing the commie conspiracy explanation.

Hi Jason,

That 11/25/1963 memo from US Assistant Attorney General Nicholas Katzenbach to Bill Moyers nails the Washington DC attitude about Dallas, Texas in November, 1963.   It was solidified by J. Edgar Hoover by 3pm on 11/22/1963 when he told RFK that JFK's shooter was "not a Communist" and "not an officer of the FPCC."  

It was all settled by the afternoon of 11/22/1963.  Texas Attorney General Waggoner Carr and Dallas District Attorney Henry Wade were threatened by Washington DC that unless they had material proof of a Communist Conspiracy, there would be hell to pay.   Of course, the only "proof" was that Lee Harvey Oswald had a Fake FPCC in New Orleans.  So, they back-pedaled quickly, and then Henry Wade broke the news to Chief Curry, Captain Fritz and Sheriff Decker that very evening.   

This isn't my guess.  This is all carefully documented in WC testimony.

All best,
--Paul Trejo

Edited by Paul Trejo
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11 hours ago, Roger DeLaria said:

Now, if I can only get the cliff notes version!


As I am to serve, here is an attempt at a CliffsNotes® Version.  It's helpful to keep track of where we've been and where we hope to go.

>Thread pp #<

>1< Paul Trejo's thesis states in my understanding:

  1. Oswald participated in the shooting attack on General Edwin Walker of 10 April 1963, as one of two shooters
  2. Oswald is brought to New Orleans by the crew Jim Garrison identified - ««Guy Banister is operating Oswald«« in New Orleans
  3. Oswald is theatrically made into a hyper-communist bent on supporting Castro while in New Orleans
  4. Oswald's penultimate costume in his commie-nut legend is crystallized by action in Mexico City, with a loud and ostentatious Cuban/Soviet embassy edition of the show adding the final cosmetic touches.
  5. Oswald imagines himself as 007 James Bond, albeit a *poverty-stricken James Bond* without decent housing, healthcare, a car, or money
  6. Oswald is through deliberate manipulation (and perhaps some dumb luck) becoming the strongest candidate to play a patsy role in the JFK assassination - all unbeknownst to Oswald himself - his commie-nut-act has a variety of uses.
  7. Oswald was drafted into a conspiracy by the American Radical Right headed by General Edwin A Walker in Dallas - even though Oswald knows not his master nor his true purpose.  Oswald is unaware that Oswald will be blamed and quickly silenced as part of the conspiracy, and perhaps only Oswald is, of all the prime actors, unaware that actually killing JFK is part of the plan.
  8. The local law enforcement in Dallas are the mechanics of the assassination from start to finish - under clandestine command of General Walker
  9. FBI Director J Edgar Hoover and President Johnson are scared to death of either the communists or the Radical Right catching the blame for JFK's death (see Moyers memo above) - so they command Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren to manage the cover-up centered on a Lone Nut explanation
  10. The Warren Report cover-up and the authors of the assassination are two separate efforts sponsored by separate people with separate goals as shown by the blatant evidence of conspiracy un-hidden in the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits which the American people and press are too lazy to read

>2< Dr Jeff Caufield is highlighted as a key researcher in the General Walker-Radical Right CT; other evidence of the extreme right is discussed, especially the Minutemen.  I say Dr Jerry Rose deserves a lot of credit for aiming in the direction of Walker and the Radical Right starting 25+ years ago.

>3-6< General discussion of Oswald's Soviet period and the Radical Right

  1. Leander Perez & John T Masen are discussed as prime suspects in the Radical Right. 
  2. Jim Root introduces theory that LHO was manipulated by General Walker as early as Oswald's defection to the USSR in 1959.   
  3. The logistics of Oswald's defection through Europe seem suspicious - especially his near-miraculous choice of Helsinki as a departure point since this is the one place in the world at the time issuing immediate entry permits to the Soviet Union.   
  4. Jim Root says Oswald is programmed by those like General Walker who want no peace between the USA and USSR.

>7< Dallas Police Department, Dallas County Sheriff's Department, Dallas FBI office, and Dallas Secret Service office are presented as the operational foot soldiers of 22 November 1963

>8< Out of ~91 local law enforcement officers testifying to the Warren Commission, the thread focuses on 18-20, especially leaders and those at the TSBD:

  1. The Sheriff's Deputies (Walthers, Mooney, Boone) and Constable Wetizman are all conveniently standing at the corner of Main and Houston happy to wave and frolic with the crowd as Kennedy drives by.   Upon gunfire they run up the Grssy Knoll to the triple underpass area where they believed a shooter was located.  "Someone" tells them to go to the TSBD.   The sheriff's deputies in the official narrative discover all the key evidence at the TSBD.  (underapreciated FACT: Kennedy is killed <100 yards from the jail and the sheriff's office - they are in a prime position to manage the crime scene)
  2. Numerous police testify to encountering or receiving orders from Secret Service men in Dealey Plaza.  Officially there are no Secret Service men in Dealey Plaza.

<9> Deputy Buddy Walthers is identified as the superman of 22 November - he's everywhere!   His testimony about the Grassy Knoll, the nothing-at-all he is looking at in the pictures of him investigating the infield of Dealey Plaza, his interaction with TSBD witnesses, his presence at Oswald's capture, his finding file cabinets of commie literature at Ruth Paine's house, his ability to extract Oswald's Beckley address by interrogating Marina, et al., convince us that Walthers has a starring role in the day's events.  By contrast, Sheriff Decker's testimony is almost a blank page of vagueness.

<10-26 > Highlights of other police testimony:

  1. DPD Inspector Herbert Sawyer is initial commander at TSBD, claims building is secure at 1245
  2. DPD Captain Will Fritz testifies to a magical just-in-time appearance at the day's important events - he shows up at TSBD just in time for the rifle and spent shells to be found, and to hear Oswald is missing, and to hear Tippit is dead, and gets back to the station just in time to interrogate Oswald - who remains in custody for 2 days with almost no record of what he says or does in Fritz's custodial control
  3. DPD motorcycle officer Marrion Baker practically ruins the Lone Nut narrative by testifying to Oswald's appearance calmly in the 2nd floor lunchroom, barely a minute after gunshots (¿¿¿if the WC is in on it - why not discount/quash/destroy this testimony???)
  4. DPD crime scene investigator Lieutenant Day and journalist Tom Alyea argue that the 6th floor evidence is tampered with before the scene is composed and dressed for crime scene photography (¿¿¿if the WC is in on it - why not discount/quash/destroy this testimony???)
  5. The Tippit murder scene and investigation is minimal-to-non-existent in witness testimony, even so, the police...
  6. ...immediately know <1 hour after Kennedy's death that Oswald is the prime suspect, his [inaccurate] description is used to find and arrest Oswald at the Texas Theatre
  7. There is no reliable chain of evidence for any of the key pieces used to establish Oswald's guilt (rifle, pistol, shells, bullets, wallet, ID, etc.)   The police often testify they don't know where evidence went, when it arrived, or who they gave it to
  8. All witnesses above the Grassy Knoll in the Triple Underpass / railroad tracks area report a sea of police officers present - even the police nominally first on the scene report police are already present.

<27-28> Focus on apparent principles - Captain Fritz and Sheriff Decker. 

  1. Fritz tries to hide his repeated contacts with Decker on 22 November. 
  2. Evidence DPD officer Roscoe White involved in Tippit's murder.   
  3. I offer speculative hypotheses that the evidence shows:
  • |a| Fritz knew of Tippit's murder before the official 1:18 announcement AND
  • |b| the police knew of Oswald's Beckley St rooming house before they even arrested him - because Earlene Roberts says they showed up trying to find him at about 1:30, AND
  • |c| there are numerous examples of a »»»schism between the authors of the assassination and the cover-up««« found in the form of planted pro-Castro commie-nut evidence linked to Oswald, such as the file cabinets Deputy Walthers claims to pack up in his trunk from the Paine house and the entire New Orleans thru Mexico City Summer of '63 Oswald acts out in dramatic, highly visible fashion unnecessary for a Lone Nut patsy.

NEXT UP: a closer look at those closest to Oswald during his last 48 hours of life: FBI agents Hosty & Bookhoust, SS agent Sorrels, USPS Inspector Holmes

Edited by Jason Ward
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1 hour ago, Jason Ward said:


As I am to serve, here is an attempt at a CliffsNotes® Version.  It's helpful to keep track of where we've been and where we hope to go.

>Thread pp #<

>1< Paul Trejo's thesis states in my understanding:

  1. Oswald participated in the shooting attack on General Edwin Walker of 10 April 1963, as one of two shooters
  2. Oswald is brought to New Orleans by the crew Jim Garrison identified - ««Guy Banister is operating Oswald«« in New Orleans
  3. Oswald is theatrically made into a hyper-communist bent on supporting Castro while in New Orleans
  4. Oswald's penultimate costume in his commie-nut legend is crystallized by action in Mexico City, with a loud and ostentatious Cuban/Soviet embassy edition of the show adding the final cosmetic touches.
  5. Oswald imagines himself as 007 James Bond, albeit a *poverty-stricken James Bond* without decent housing, healthcare, a car, or money
  6. Oswald is through deliberate manipulation (and perhaps some dumb luck) becoming the strongest candidate to play a patsy role in the JFK assassination - all unbeknownst to Oswald himself - his commie-nut-act has a variety of uses.
  7. Oswald was drafted into a conspiracy by the American Radical Right headed by General Edwin A Walker in Dallas - even though he knows not his master or his true purpose.  Oswald is unaware that Oswald will be blamed and quickly silenced as part of the conspiracy, and perhaps only Oswald is, of all the prime actors, unaware that actually killing JFK is part of the plan.
  8. The local law enforcement in Dallas are the mechanics of the assassination from start to finish - in cooperation with General Walker
  9. FBI Director J Edgar Hoover and President Johnson are scared to death of either the communists or the Radical Right catching the blame for JFK's death (see Moyers memo above) - so they command Supreme Court Chief Justice Earl Warren to manage the cover-up centered on a Lone Nut explanation
  10. The Warren Report cover-up and the authors of the assassination are two separate efforts sponsored by separate people with separate goals as shown by the blatant evidence of conspiracy un-hidden in the Warren Commission Hearings and Exhibits which the American people and press are too lazy to read

>2< Dr Jeff Caufield is highlighted as a key researcher in the General Walker-Radical Right CT; other evidence of the extreme right is discussed, especially the Minutemen.  I say Dr Jerry Rose deserves a lot of credit for aiming in the direction of Walker and the Radical Right starting 25+ years ago.

>3-6< General discussion of Oswald's Soviet period and the Radical Right

  1. Leander Perez & John T Masen are discussed as prime suspects in the Radical Right. 
  2. Jim Root introduces theory that LHO was manipulated by General Walker as early as Oswald's defection to the USSR in 1959.   
  3. The logistics of Oswald's defection through Europe seem suspicious - especially his near-miraculous choice of Helsinki as a departure point since this is the one place in the world at the time issuing immediate entry permits to the Soviet Union.   
  4. Jim Root says Oswald is programmed by those like General Walker who want no peace between the USA and USSR.

>7< Dallas Police Department, Dallas County Sheriff's Department, Dallas FBI office, and Dallas Secret Service office are presented as the operational foot soldiers of 22 November 1963

>8< Out of ~91 local law enforcement officers testifying to the Warren Commission, the thread focuses on 18-20, especially leaders and those at the TSBD:

  1. The Sheriff's Deputies (Walthers, Mooney, Boone) and Constable Wetizman are all conveniently standing at the corner of Main and Houston happy to wave and frolic with the crowd as Kennedy drives by.   Upon gunfire they run up the Grssy Knoll to the triple underpass area where they believed a shooter was located.  "Someone" tells them to go to the TSBD.   The sheriff's deputies in the official narrative discover all the key evidence at the TSBD.  (underapreciated FACT: Kennedy is killed <100 yards from the jail and the sheriff's office - they are in a prime position to manage the crime scene)
  2. Numerous police testify to encountering or receiving orders from Secret Service men in Dealey Plaza.  Officially there are no Secret Service men in Dealey Plaza.

<9> Deputy Buddy Walthers is identified as the superman of 22 November - he's everywhere!   His testimony about the Grassy Knoll, the nothing-at-all he is looking at in the pictures of him investigating the infield of Dealey Plaza, his interaction with TSBD witnesses, his presence at Oswald's capture, his finding file cabinets of commie literature at Ruth Paine's house, his ability to extract Oswald's Beckley address by interrogating Marina, et al., convince us that Walthers has a starring role in the day's events.  By contrast, Sheriff Decker's testimony is almost a blank page of vagueness.

<10-26 > Highlights of other police testimony:

  1. DPD Inspector Herbert Sawyer is initial commander at TSBD, claims building is secure at 1245
  2. DPD Captain Will Fritz testifies to a magical just-in-time appearance at the day's important events - he shows up at TSBD just in time for the rifle and spent shells to be found, and to hear Oswald is missing, and to hear Tippit is dead, and gets back to the station just in time to interrogate Oswald - who remains in custody for 2 days with almost no record of what he says or does in Fritz's custodial control
  3. DPD motorcycle officer Marrion Baker practically ruins the Lone Nut narrative by testifying to Oswald's appearance calmly in the 2nd floor lunchroom, barely a minute after gunshots (¿¿¿if the WC is in on it - why not discount/quash/destroy this testimony???)
  4. DPD crime scene investigator Lieutenant Day and journalist Tom Alyea argue that the 6th floor evidence is tampered with before the scene is composed and dressed for crime scene photography (¿¿¿if the WC is in on it - why not discount/quash/destroy this testimony???)
  5. The Tippit murder scene and investigation is minimal-to-non-existent in witness testimony, even so, the police...
  6. ...immediately know <1 hour after Kennedy's death that Oswald is the prime suspect, his [inaccurate] description is used to find and arrest Oswald at the Texas Theatre
  7. There is no reliable chain of evidence for any of the key pieces used to establish Oswald's guilt (rifle, pistol, shells, bullets, wallet, ID, etc.)   The police often testify they don't know where evidence went, when it arrived, or who they gave it to
  8. All witnesses above the Grassy Knoll in the Triple Underpass / railroad tracks area report a sea of police officers present - even the police nominally first on the scene report police are already present.

<27-28> Focus on apparent principles - Captain Fritz and Sheriff Decker. 

  1. Fritz tries to hide his repeated contacts with Decker on 22 November. 
  2. Evidence DPD officer Roscoe White involved in Tippit's murder.   
  3. I offer speculative hypotheses that the evidence shows:
  • |a| Fritz knew of Tippit's murder before the official 1:18 announcement AND
  • |b| the police knew of Oswald's Beckley St rooming house before they even arrested him - because Earlene Roberts says they showed up trying to find him at about 1:30, AND
  • |c| there are numerous examples of a »»»schism between the authors of the assassination and the cover-up««« found in the form of planted pro-Castro commie-nut evidence linked to Oswald, such as the file cabinets Deputy Walthers claims to pack up in his trunk from the Paine house and the entire New Orleans thru Mexico City Summer of '63 Oswald acts out in dramatic, highly visible fashion unnecessary for a Lone Nut patsy.

NEXT UP: a closer look at those closest to Oswald during his last 48 hours of life: FBI agents Hosty & Bookhoust, SS agent Sorrels, USPS Inspector Holmes


Thanks for the nice, concise summation. It's greatly appreciated and helps the digestion.


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3 hours ago, Roger DeLaria said:


Thanks for the nice, concise summation. It's greatly appreciated and helps the digestion.


Yes, I'll second that motion.   Jason's summary of my current position is well-worded.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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20 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

I'd like to concentrate on four people who weren't members of the Dallas Police or Deputies, but who sat with Captain Will Fritz during the final hour of Lee Harvey Oswald at the Dallas Police HQ.    Here are the people:

1. Dallas FBI agent James Hosty

Dallas Law Enforcement testimony in the Warren Commission Part 20: FBI Agent James Hosty

  • March 1963: Hosty is xxxigned the Marina Oswald case as part of the FBI's routine to track immigrants from the USSR; no Lee Oswald case was active
  • The Oswald's landlady on Elsbeth St. has evicted them for drinking and fighting, Hosty says.   He locates them on 214 Neely St nearby.
  • Hosty testifies the Oswalds need a "cooling off period" because of their fighting.  Hosty reviews Lee Oswald's file and delays contact.
  • Hosty requests Lee Oswald's casefile from New York and notices he has a connection to The Daily Worker; Hosty re-activates the file to active status
  • A 45 day delay for first contact date is set by Hosty; but by May the Oswalds have departed Neely St - whereabouts unknown
  • Marina cannot speak English and relies entirely on her husband to communicate, Hosty learns
  • 17JUN63 Dallas FBI office is alerted by New Orleans FBI office that LHO might now be in New Orleans
  • Summer 1963 - New Orleans and Dallas FBI offices exchange bureaucratic communications with each other; this paperwork is apparently more important that actually studying the Oswalds
  • Early August 1963 - New Orleans and Dallas FBI offices finally agree that Oswald is in New Orleans and the N.O. office is in charge 
  • Jun63 - Hosty hears that on 21April1963 a Confidential Informant tells the FBI that Oswald is publicly demonstrating for the FPCC. Hosty decides to ignore this information as "stale" and/or invalid
  • Although he is aware of the FPCC from bureau-wide memos, Hosty denies any FPCC presence in Dallas
  • Hosty now reveals that he has worked on the Oswald case in July 1962, which is arguably a year+ earlier than Hosty initially implied
  • 3OCT63 Hosty reconnects with the Oswald case - having no contact with it during the summer when it was handled by the New Orleans office
  • 3OCT63 the N.O. office asks Dallas to find the Oswalds as they were last seen leaving N.O. in a station wagon with Texas plates
  • 25OCT63 Hosty learns from the CIA that Oswald was in Mexico City in early October at the Soviet embassy, this now makes Hosty very very curious about the Oswalds
  • 29OCT63 Hosty learns of Ruth Paine's address in Irving from a change-of-address notice the Oswalds left in New Orleans
  • Hosty gets background information about the Paines from their neighbors & employers - and does a credit check on the Paines
  • 1NOV63 Hosty visits Ruth Paine & Marina Oswald at Ruth Paine's house in Irving
  • Hosty admits that he was concerned the Paines were traitors to the US, but is re-assured by positive information received from several sources
  • Ruth Paine tells Hosty she is taking care of Marina and the kids while Lee Oswald lives somewhere unknown in Oak Cliff
  • Ruth Paine tells Hosty Lee Oswald works at the TSBD
  • Ruth Paine tells Hosty that she has forbidden Lee Oswald from living in her house
  • Marina is alarmed at Hosty's presence because, according to Hosty, people from communist-controlled countries equate the police with the Gestapo
  • Marina is told not to be alarmed and Hosty tries to reassure her that she is in no trouble - using Ruth Paine as a translator
  • Marina is smiling, happy, and shaking hands with Hosty as he leaves, Hosty says
  • Hosty leaves his name and number with a request that Oswald's rooming house address be provided to him when known
  • Because Lee Oswald told Ruth Paine that he had been fired from every job he ever had by the FBI, Ruth Paine paused slightly before revealing to Hosty that Lee worked at the TSBD - according to Hosty
  • 4NOV63 Hosty verifies LHO works at the TSBD in a non-security-sensitive role
  • 5NOV63 Hosty briefly visits Ruth Paine's house in Irving where he is told by Ruth that Oswald is a "very illogical person" for saying he is a "Trotskyite Communist."
  • Hosty admits he knew about Oswald's TV appearances in New Orleans and considered Marxism and communism part of his "character"
  • Hosty connects the Trotskyite reference with the Socialist Workers Party and in turn with the FPCC, which, Hosty insists, is categorically separate from the Communist Party of the United States
  • WC member Allen Dulles asks Hosty several times if he is from the Dallas office or from the New Orleans office - Hosty explains he is from Dallas and that the previous witness was from New Orleans; Dulles is apparently asleep 
  • Hosty and the WC have a lengthy discussion of file numbers and bureaucratic nonsense for 3+ pages of testimony
  • Oswald is doing work for the FPCC in the summer of 1963, Hosty says
  • A paperwork inconsistency is discussed whereby one document says Oswald was married in Texas and the other says he was married in the USSR - indicating Oswald has told different stories about his marriage and also about Marina's maiden name
  • Hosty says there is evidence that Oswald told the FBI in New Orleans that he was born in Cuba
  • Hosty says that as of 1NOV63 he is aware Oswald has lied to the FBI at least about his marriage details 
  • Hosty's initial interest during this period was primarily in determining why Oswald visited the Soviet embassy in Mexico City
  • Hosty takes no further action concerning the Oswalds between 5NOV63 and 22NOV63
  • 15NOV63 - the Dallas FBI office is asked to report any potential threats to JFK or LBJ in preparation for the 22NOV63 visit, Hosty says
  • 21NOV63 - Hosty learns by reading a newspaper that there will be a presidential motorcade through Dallas the next day
  • Hosty denies knowing the motorcade route, denies countact with the Secret Service, and denies any recognition that the TSBD is on the motorcade route
  • Hosty insists he alerts the Secret Service to the "Wanted For Treason" handbills on 21NOV63
  • The Secret Service was also made aware of a "person in Denton" who had "made some remarks about the President;" additionally they were made aware of planned protesters at the Trade Mart
  • Hosty insists he has no knowledge of who produced the "Wanted for Treason" handbills and did not investigate them further
  • Until about 11:45am on 22NOV63 Hosty is in conference with an Army Intelligence agent and an [ATF] agent on - he says - an unrelated matter
  • Hosty and the Army intelligence agent watch JFK pass by the intersection of Main & Field; Hosty then goes to lunch and hears of shots fired
  • Hosty is ordered to Parkland; but before he arrives he is ordered back to the office where he is to search files for any possible assassins
  • 1:30 Hosty hears of the Tippit shooting
  • 2:00 Hosty is shocked, shocked! to hear Oswald is in custody for Tippit's murder according to a FBI agent at the DPD
  • The first thing Hosty then notices is an administrative detail related to Oswald's file of no importance to anyone but a professional government bureaucrat
  • Hosty then notices the New Orleans FBI office has supplied the Dallas FBI office with Oswald's mugshot made in the aftermath of the Carlos Bringuier incident
  • The 2:00 call from a FBI man at the DPD also informed Hosty that Oswald was witnessed shooting Tippit, Hosty says
  • Hosty is ordered to proceed immediately to the DPD and participate in the Oswald interrogation
  • 3pm: While parking his car at the DPD, Hosty meets DPD Lt Revil who says he has a hot lead - a TSBD employee named "Lee"
  • Lt Revil conveys doubt that LHO is the presidential assassin - either by words or an unbelieving look
  • Hosty explains he had to create an affidavit on 24APR64 to "set the record  straight" as to what he and Lt. Revil discussed - which was the subject of an article in the Dallas Morning News whereby Hosty was alleged to say that Oswald was capable of killing the president
  • Hosty denies ever telling Lt Revil or anyone else that Oswald was capable of killing the president
  • Hosty denies talking with any DPD officer or chief between 24APR64 and the day of his WC testimony
  • After leaving Revil, Hosty joins FBI agent James Bookhout and DPD Captain Will Fritz in Fritz's office to interrogate Oswald
  • Oswald's initial interview notes are destroyed and reduced to a typed report on 23NOV63, Hosty testifies
  • 3:15 Oswald's interrogation begins, agree Hosty & Bookhout
  • Oswald goes completely nuts when Hosty identifies himself by "ranting and raving" against Hosty personally and the FBI
  • Hosty says Oswald snarled at them and was surly - including the use of profanity
  • Oswald is hostile because Hosty has reached out to Marina without Lee present, Hosty claims
  • Because Oswald reacts angrily towards Hosty, Hosty and Brookhout adopt a retiring, silent posture in the back of Fritz's office.  They merely observe, Hosty says.
  • LHO denies owning a rifle, denies bringing a rifle to the TSBD, admits living in the USSR, and calls himself secretary of the FPCC
  • Fritz confronts Oswald with a "marksman's medal from the Marine Corps," which Oswald claims he won as a Marine sharpshooter
  • LHO provides provides his address on Beckley and admits to being at work in the TSBD on 22NOV63, Hosty says
  • LHO says he is having lunch and a Coca-Cola in the TSBD lunchroom when JFK is shot
  • LHO says that he left work because he felt the assassination chaos would cancel work for the rest of the day, Hosty says
  • LHO says he leaves the TSBD, takes a bus to Beckley, and goes to a movie, Hosty says
  • LHO says he carried a pistol the the Texas Theatre because he "felt like it," Hosty says
  • LHO admits to resisting arrest and denies shooting Tippit or Kennedy, Hosty says
  • After prompting from WC member McCloy, Hosty says Oswald denies being in Mexico except for Tijuana on the California border
  • DPD Capt Fritz did not hear about Oswald in Mexico from Hosty, according to Hosty
  • DPD Capt Fritz did not hear about Oswald's FPCC activities in New Orleans from Hosty, according to Hosty
  • Hosty has not talked to DPD chief Curry in several years because they are not on the same professional level
  • Hosty says he deals with Lt Revil, not Curry, and provides him with information - although he is vague about this
  • WC attorney Stern wonders how Fritz could get the information about Oswald in Mexico 
  • CJ Earl Warren asks Hosty if Oswald was ever an informant or used in a cooperative role by the FBI - Hosty says no and offers a supporting affidavit
  • Hosty denies meeting LHO prior to 22NOV63
  • Hosty denies Oswald is connected with any other US government agency
  • 4:03PM Oswald leaves first interview in Fritz's office
  • 4:03pm to 8:00pm - Hosty camps out in Fritz's outer office
  • 6:00pm Hosty observes Secret Service SAIC Forrest Sorrels interview Oswald without Hosty present
  • Hosty on 22NOV63 believes the FBI has no jurisdiction in the assassination although the Secret Service does - but Hosty admits he later determines that neither the FBI nor the Secret Service have jurisdiction in the Kennedy assassination
  • Upon the conclusion of Oswald's interview with Forrest Sorrels, Hosty tells Sorrels that the FBI HQ in Washington has secret information about Oswald which can be provided to Secret Service headquarters in Washington
  • Hosty testifies that the secret information he is unable to share with Sorrels involves Oswald's contacts with the Soviet embassies in Washington and Mexico City
  • Since 22NOV63 Hosty says he has spoken to DPD Lt Revil twice, but they did not discuss the JFK assassination
  • 23NOV - 24NOV Hosty has no more contact with the DPD but works around the clock investigating Oswald - talking to Ruth Paine and others who knew Oswald
  • Some time in January or February of 1964, Hosty says he talked with TSBD boss Roy Truly.  Truly says he didn't know the motorcade would pass by the TSBD until he saw a newspaper article on 21NOV63
  • Hosty says that there was no reason to worry about violence from Oswald merely because of his defector status and communist affiliations
  • Hosty says that Oswald was a security risk "of some sort," but again insists there was no indicated risk of violence prior to 22NOV63
  • The threshold reporting criteria for relaying a presidential security threat to the Secret Service is actual intent to harm or "take action," according to Hosty
  • Although Hosty insists he made no connection prior to 22NOV63 between Oswald's known employment at the TSBD and the presidential motorcade route, he elaborates that even if he had made the connection that a defector-communist like Oswald worked at the TSBD, he would not have considered this a threat
  • Hosty has no knowledge of anyone else besides LHO involved in the assassination, he testifies



  1. Is Hosty's explanation for the failure to reach the Oswalds in Dallas during the spring of 1963 reasonable - that they needed a "cooling off period" in view of marital strife?  Is marital strife an effective tool to keep the FBI away?
  2. Where and when did Fritz obtain Oswald's Marine Corps Medal?  Is this consistent with other testimony about collecting evidence?
  3. Is Hosty's claim that Oswald denied shooting JFK in the initial interview consistent with other tetimony?
  4. How and when does Fritz learn of Oswald in Mexico City?
  5. How and when does Fritz learn of Oswald's FPCC activities in New Orleans?
  6. Isn't the FBI the only possible source for Fritz's interrogation technique of confronting Oswald with Mexico City and the FPCC?  Hosty denies giving this information to Fritz - so how does Fritz know?
  7. 4:03 is the time Hosty says Oswald's first interview ends - but do Hosty + Fritz agree on interview timelines?
  8. What is Hosty doing for four hours, between 4 and 8pm, when he testifies he is in the DPD Homicide office?
  9. Does Hosty's 6pm timestamp match Forest Sorrels testimony around the first Secret Service contact with Oswald?
  10. Are the interviewers present for Oswald's first interview consistent as between Hosty and DPD testimony?   
  11. Secret Service agent Sorrels learns of Oswald in Mexico City when and how?  Does Sorrels join Fritz in confronting Oswald about Mexico City and if so - is this consistent with how Sorrels could know about Mexico City?
  12. Hosty endures perhaps the most intense direct examination by actual Warren Commission members including the big guns - the US Chief Justice Earl Warren, future US president Gerald Ford, ex-CIA man Alan Dulles....why is there such intense personal interest in Hosty almost unprecedented in terms of law enforcement testimony?
  13. Is the WC looking to set up Hosty as a fall guy for not protecting the president?    Is Hosty perhaps an unwitting patsy-in-waiting to take the blame for not protecting JFK from Oswald?
  14. Hosty denies any conspiracy in the assassination for the WC, but doesn't he in his book insist on a communist conspiracy?
  15. Is Hosty telling the truth around the 21APR63 information from a confidential informant regarding Oswald's FPCC activites?  Or is he trying to retroactively cover his xxx by insisting he had no such knowledge until around October?
  16. Hosty portrays only mild, lazy interest in the Oswalds until the Mexico City embassy event - is this accurate or is he trying to retroactively cover his xxx by insisting the FBI had little interest in Oswald until around October?
  17. Does Hosty intimate his first knowledge of the Oswalds is in the Spring of 1963 only to later admit that his first knowledge came in July of 1962?
  18. Given that the Wanted for Treason handbills are printed by Minutemen-related figures Bob Surrey and/or General Edwin Walker in almost exact format of previously known Khrushchev posters - is Hosty telling the truth when he denies knowing who's behind the Wanted for Treason handbills?  Hosty has written a memo in September of 1963 shown above in this thread acknowledging the Minutemen "Wanted For... " handbills created about Khrushchev.  IS Hosty protecting the Dallas Minutemen?
  19. Is Hosty deliberately trying to cast suspicion on Ruth Paine by his testimony that she was reluctant to reveal Oswald's TSBD employer?
  20. Isn't Hosty unusually conversant with shades of communism (like, he says, Ruth Paine); i.e. Trotskyite, Stalinist, the Socialist Workers Party - and doesn't he have an inexplicably precise understanding of which of these is linked to the FPCC?
  21. Do we believe that Hosty has no knowledge of a Dallas presidential motorcade until the day before Kennedy arrives, as he testifies?
  22. ...and is it perhaps more likely that Hosty knows of the presidential motorcade for many days or weeks in advance, and thus realizes that it passes by Oswald and the TSBD...but wants to hide this from the Warren Commission?
  23. Why is Hosty meeting with army intelligence on 22NOV63 prior to the assassination?   (from other sources we see that the meeting was about Minuteman illegal gun dealer John T Masen - and also included ATF agent Frank Ellsworth.  Ellsworth  separately said General Walker's Minutemen are the group most likely behind the Kennedy assassination).   THIS MEETING IS VERY SUSPICIOUS! ! !  ISN'T HOSTY CALLING JOHN T MASEN AN "UNRELATED MATTER" EVIDENCE HE IS PROTECTING THE DALLAS FAR RIGHT?
  24. What is the meaning of Lt Revil's 3pm parking lot/stairwell disbelief that Oswald is the presidential assassin?
  25.  Some of the big cinematic talking points of Oswald's interrogation are remarkably the same between the testimonies we've seen so far - Oswald says he owns no rifle, he's belligerent, he lives on Beckley, he takes a bus from the TSBD, he admits to carrying a pistol, he's in the FPCC- is there a rehearsed agreement as to what Oswald said made between all those present, (except of course the dead Oswald)?
  26. Hosty's WC testimony is obfuscated by paragraph after tiring paragraph discussing bureaucratic minutia of no relevance to the assassination - this is a powerfully effective way to hide information and discourage readers.
  27. Besides IMO evidence Hosty is protecting the Radical Right (the handbills and 22NOV63 morning meeting re: John T Masen ) ....doesn't Hosty do the most damage to DPD Capt Fritz by offering a competing timeline, Oswald's medal, and the provenance of knowledge around the Mexico City embassies?
  28. Obviously the music Hosty wants us to hear is that he had minimal knowledge and contact with Oswald AND had no legitimate reason to have anything but minimal knowledge and contact with Oswald....does this ring true?

I don't have Hosty's book.  What else can we add from it to his WC testimony?

Edited by Jason Ward
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This is a superb summary of Dallas FBI agent James Hosty's WC testimony.    I want to respond to all of it -- but I can only respond to part of it right now.

First, you ask about Hosty's book, A$$ignment Oswald (1996), and what we might add to the WC testimony.

Here's the first thing to add -- it's from Chapter 1.

My caseload in the four-man counter-intelligence squad in the Dallas office was dominated by right-wingers.  I spent much of my time tracking the movements and actions of both Klan members and members of former US Army General Edwin Walker’s radical militia group, known as the Minutemen.  Convinced there was a Communist hiding under every bush, the Minutemen had been quietly and discreetly arming themselves with an impressive arsenal of weapons.  In the eyes of the Minutemen, Kennedy was at best a dupe of the Communists; at worst a Communist collaborator.  (James Hosty, A$$ignment Oswald, 1996, p. 4).


This is crucial, in my reading.  It tells us that James Hosty was first and foremost concerned in his Dallas FBI case load with the Dallas Radical Right.  Hosty tells us directly where he spent much of his time: he mentions two groups: (1) the KKK; and (2) the Minutemen, which he attributes to "former US Army General Edwin Walker."


I'll defer a review of Walker's journey from conservatism to radicalism -- but by 1962, Walker became the leader of the violent, revolutionary "Minutemen" in Dallas, who were heavily armed and ready to defend Dallas against a feared Cuban invasion.  In their view, JFK was the true leader of Fidel Castro, helping Castro at every turn. 


To speak of General Walker is to speak of Robert Alan Surrey, who had his office inside the home of General Walker at 4011 Turtle Creek Blvd, in Oak Lawn, Dallas (almost certainly owned by H.L. Hunt).   Surrey was the President of Walker's company, the American Eagle Publishing Company, and according to Penn Jones, Jr., Surrey was also the bridge partner of James Hosty for years.


At this point I want to engage in some speculation -- which I will admit it open to questioning.   The continual connection of James Hosty with the Radical Right in Dallas gave him many contacts with the Radical Right.   Robert Alan Surrey was not only a personal aide to General Walker, but he was also very close with many other extremists among the Radical Right.  This is well-known.


Yet if James Hostry really was Surrey's bridge partner for years -- that doesn't sound like an FBI relationship.   To give James Hosty the benefit of the doubt, he might have been using friendly bridge games in order to pump Surrey for inside information about the Radical Right.   That's plausible.  Yet, if that's plausible, then it's equally plausible that at some point in 1962, FBI agent James Hosty was TURNED.


This is my CT.   I say that James Hosty, like General Walker, was obsessed with Lee Harvey Oswald (LHO) soon after LHO first arrived in Fort Worth in June, 1962.   LHO was from RUSSIA.  LHO was a COMMUNIST.  Why didn't the White House do something about this?   The answer must be that the White House is also COMMUNIST.   Simple.


You noted, Jason, a crucial and possibly accidental confession on the part of James Hosty, that he had been tracking LHO since July, 1962.  That corresponds well with General Walker's obsession with LHO.  Surrey was also involved at some level.  


Gayle Nix Jackson, in her new book, Pieces of the Puzzle: An Anthology (2018) offers some surprising interview data about Surrey's alleged communications with LHO in 1963.


My point is that FBI agent James Hosty was impressed with the Radical Right, and perhaps around the time of the Cuban Missile Crisis of 10/1962, and the Ole Miss Crisis of the  same period, decided to join forces with Robert Alan Surrey and General Walker.


James Hosty knew PLENTY about the Minutemen in Dallas, Jason, as you have amply shown in many recent FBI FOIA releases.  That Hosty would deliberately lie to Washington DC about the status of the Minutemen in Dallas is material evidence that Hosty was TURNED


If we proceed with this hypothesis -- this CT -- that Hosty was working alongside the Dallas Radical Right since October, 1962 at the latest (if not July, 1962), then I believe all of his WC testimony will begin to make sense.


All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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14 hours ago, Paul Trejo said:

This is crucial, in my reading.  It tells us that James Hosty was first and foremost concerned in his Dallas FBI case load with the Dallas Radical Right.  Hosty tells us directly where he spent much of his time: he mentions two groups: (1) the KKK; and (2) the Minutemen, which he attributes to "former US Army General Edwin Walker."

You may be right, Paul.

But can we give Hosty something of a fair trial, even if it's just an exercise?

IMO much of the belief that the CIA is involved in the assassination is fueled by the pervasive instinct of our government and almost all who knew Oswald to deny or minimize the fact that they knew Oswald.  Hosty does it in his testimony - the last thing he wants is any public recognition that he failed to recognize and stop a presidential assassin.   The CIA and FBI both were scared to acknowledge an even limited awareness of Oswald they had pre-Dallas that we know about.   So to some extent, everyone lies about what they know about Oswald pre-22NOV63.   

But does clouding a previous awareness, contact or even relationship with Oswald mean they had Kennedy killed?    I don't think so.  It means they are weak scared politicians who fear they'll be seen as incompetent or seen as coddling the enemy.  It's the equivalent of a politician today being scared someone's going to dig up an old picture of them chasing girls with Bill Cosby, or having sex with a porno star, or shaking hands with bin Laden.

Now...lets look at Hosty's position.  He's getting skewered over his handling of the Oswald file pre-22NOV63.   He has to downplay the Oswald file to a matter of insignificance so that no one thinks he's incompetent or worse.   Well - what if in 1963 he is doing exactly what he says he's doing and instead of concentrating on insignificant immature impoverished Lee Oswald, he's concentrating on mature, well financed and well trained General Walker & Friends?   

Perhaps Hosty hears some talk of violence from Surrey or other contacts on the Right in 63.   He knows they're anti-Kennedy.  He compares notes as late as the morning of 22NOV63 with ATF man Frank Ellsworth about Dallas Minuteman John T Masen, so Hosty knows they've got guns and hope to use them.  Then, if your CT is correct, a crisis happens for Hosty - JFK is killed by the very group he has studied closely for years..  

Does he come right out on 22NOV63 and say, "hey, me and Ellsworth were watching these Minutemen for awhile and they're our #1 suspect." ???  or does he go along with the edict from Hoover that Oswald is a Lone Nut?

Hosty could be in a real bind.   We've shown that Hosty lied about the Radical Right in Dallas subsequent to the assassination.  We have a memo in SEP63 above Hosty's signature pointing out that the Minutemen are active in Dallas and posting anti- Khrushchev posters that look exactly like the JFK Wanted for Treason handbills.  Then Hosty has the Minutemen disappear from Dallas in his 1964 reports.  But he admits in his book the Radical Right are his big focus.

I guess my point is that there are other reasons besides Hosty's full participation in the conspiracy as to why he might have to downplay the Radical Right in Dallas...just as the CIA went to great lengths to deny any knowledge of Oswald and also went into damage control mode at the time of Clay Shaw's trial.   Couldn't Hosty be innocent of conspiracy and instead be guilty of failing to report the true danger of Walker and the Radical Right?   It seems to me Hosty has to cover his xxx in much the same way whether he was actively helping or merely negligently appreciating the true threat.  



PS - now that I've spent some time advocating a scenario of Hosty's innocence, let me reverse sides and throw this at you.   Could Hosty be the one who brings Oswald to the attention of the Radical Right in 62 or 63?  Re-read his testimony around the time he is meant to make contact with the Oswalds....it's the time of the attack on Walker and Oswald's move to New Orleans. Hosty kind of looks like a blithering fool in his testimony for not being able to find Oswald in the spring.   Maybe he doesn't find Oswald -who is not a master at clandestine living- because Hosty's on board with the plan to get Oswald to New Orleans?  Is Oswald's return to the DFW area and the splash this makes in Hosty's FBI office a key event in rotating the patsy over to Banister and New Orleans???

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On 4/18/2018 at 5:28 AM, Paul Trejo said:

I'd like to concentrate on four people who weren't members of the Dallas Police or Deputies, but who sat with Captain Will Fritz during the final hour of Lee Harvey Oswald at the Dallas Police HQ.    Here are the people:

2. Dallas FBI agent James Bookhout



Dallas Law Enforcement testimony in the Warren Commission Part 21: FBI Agent James Bookhout


·         22NOV63 off duty, but at the bank conducting personal business when motorcade passes by

·         Hears of shots fired over AM radio and proceeds to FBI office

·         Before reaching FBI office, fellow agents on the street tell him to go to DPD homicide bureau

·         Upon arrival at DPD the FBI Dallas office instructs him to “maintain liaison” contact

·         The “next pertinent” event is the report of a police officer shot in Oak Cliff

·         Capt Fritz was not present at this time

·         When Fritz arrives, he says that the suspect arrested at the Texas Theatre is the suspect in the Kennedy attack

·         Bookhout observes Oswald’s arrival at the DPD and his immediate interview by Capt Fritz and two homicide officers

·         3:15 Hosty & Brookhout ask Capt Fritz to “sit in” on Oswald’s interview

·         5-10 minutes elapse in Fritz’s interview of Oswald before Hosty & Bookhout join, Bookhout says

·         “a little under an hour” is the length of Oswald’s first interview

·         Oswald was “very arrogant and argumentative,” Bookhout says

·         Bookhout says Oswald’s behavior equally applied to “everyone present” and was not different as between the DPD and FBI interrogators

·         Bookhout says Fritz conducted the interrogation but seems to indicate that Hosty and Bookhot would ask occasional questions when invited by Fritz or when Fritz would step away

·         Oswald admits to carrying the fake Selective Service card in the name of Alex Hidell, Bookhout says

·         Oswald complains about Hosty and his “unfair tactics” in the FBI’s approach to Marina Oswald

·         Oswald says the FBI in Ft Worth used “unfair tactics” when they interviewed him upon return from the Soviet Union

·         Oswald complains that he was not allowed to wear a jacket similar to all the other participants in his identity lineups

·         Hosty asks Oswald if he was ever in Mexico, Bookhout says

·         Oswald admits only to visiting Tijuana and not Mexico City

·         Bookhout does not remember who first asked Oswald about the FPCC

·         Oswald says his residence is 1026 N Beckley

·         Oswald’s landlady at 1026 N Beckely mistakenly recorded his name as O H Lee, Oswald says

·         Oswald denies shooting both JFK and Tippit

·         Oswald admits carrying a pistol in the Texas Theatre which he had purchased in Ft Worth

·         Oswald argues his only crime is the concealed weapon and resisting arrest

·         Emphatic denials of shooting anyone is how Bookhout characterizes Oswald’s answers

·         Upon persuasion from WC attorney Stern, Bookhout agrees that Oswald “frantically” claims his innocence of shooting Kennedy and Tippit

·         Oswald did not pound on the desk

·         4:05 Oswald’s first interview ends

·         Bookhout destroyed his original interview notes in keeping with FBI procedure as they are rendered into a formal typed report

·         Oswald’s lineup was routine and fair, Bookhout says

·         23NOV63 AM Bookhout participates in another interview with Oswald conducted by Capt Fritz

·         Secret Service agents T J Kelley and David B Grant are present in this Saturday morning interrogation, along with US Marshal Robert I Nash, and DPD Detectives Billy L Senkel and Fay M Turner.

·         Bookhout asks Oswald about the Alek Hidell Selective Service card which Oswald admits having but declines to admit or deny whether he signed it.   Oswald declines to explain why he carries this card or reveal any use he made of the Hidell name.

·         NYC attorney Abt is Oswald’s choice of a lawyer requested during this Saturday morning interrogation

·         Fritz promises Oswald the use of a phone to call attorney John Abt, well known attorney for the Communist Party of the United States

·         At a subsequent interrogation, Bookhout says Oswald tried to call attorney Abt but was unable to reach him as he was not in his office

·         Oswald announces no Dallas attorney should represent him, unless provided by the ACLU

·         A Dallas Bar Association lawyer visits Oswald but Oswald does not want “anybody from Dallas to represent him.”

·         1 hour is length of Saturday morning interrogation, from 1035 to 1135 approximately

·         Oswald announces he has a long-standing policy to refuse lie detector tests, Bookhout says

·         Oswald says he did not known Governor Connally had been shot

·         Oswald says he never owned a rifle and never ordered one through the mail

·         Bookhout attends another interview of Oswald on 23NOV63, from about 630-730pm

·         Bookhout asks no questions at this 23NOV 630pm interview

·         Oswald says the backyard photos showing him with a pistol and a rifle are fakes in that his head was superimposed on the body of someone else

·         Oswald claims his knowledge of photography allows him to recognize altered photographs

·         Initially Oswald refused to talk about the backyard photographs unless he could confer with a lawyer, however, Oswald later talks about them anyway by saying they are fakes

·         Oswald never says “we have been over that ground before,” or anything similar, Bookhout says

·         Over the course of 3+ interviews, Bookhout says Oswald initially claimed he took a bus home from the TSBD but eventually modified this to say he took a bus and then a cab

·         Oswald was never offered a special inducement to tell the truth, according to Bookhout

·         24NOV1963 AM – Oswald is interrogated by Capt Fritz and “numerous other officers,” but Bookhout was not a participant

·         Bookhout was in the DPD homicide & robbery office when he hears Oswald was shot by Jack Ruby

·         Bookhout last sees Oswald carried away on a stretcher to an ambulance

·         Bookhout acknowledges 2 Oswald interviews on Saturday at 10:35am and 6:30pm and says he is unaware of an interview occurring at 1230pm



  1. Is Bookhout’s explanation of how he came to Capt Fritz’s office after the assassination entirely trustworthy – in that he was walking down the street and other unnamed FBI men told him that’s where he should go?
  2. Isn’t there a lot of missing time in Bookhout’s testimony in particular what he was doing at DPD when he was not actually face-to-face interviewing Oswald Friday afternoon and all day Saturday?
  3. Is Oswald really so picky about lawyers that he refuses any help, even on a temporary basis from the local bar association?   Is Oswald’s insistence on a commie lawyer (Abt) real or possibly part of a DPD effort to portray Oswald as a communist fully integrated with other US communists?   If one is broke and in jail for shooting a cop and president, isn’t it more rational to accept any legal advice readily available?....OR is Oswald so confident of his position that he continues to play up his commie-nut persona by absurdly demanding a commie-lawyer?
  4. Does Bookhout’s testimony of Frtiz  + 2 homicide officers match Hosty’s roster of those in attendance at the first interview?
  5. Why does Bookhout characterize Oswald’s responses as the same in tone for all interrogators, but Hosty says Oswald is abusive and profane towards FBI men present?
  6. Doesn’t Bookhout remember he and/or Hosty asking questions of Oswald while Hosty claims they sat in the back in silence?
  7. I believe this is the first we’ve heard that Oswald was not allowed to wear the same type jacket as everyone else in the lineups – was this meant to be suppressed?
  8. Doesn’t Hosty says Frtiz asks about Mexico while Bookhout says it is Hosty who asks about Mexico?
  9. Why does Bookhout portray Oswald as more calm and well behaved versus Hosty and Fritz who claim there is desk pounding and insults?
  10. The insertion of the story around Oswald taking a bus and taxi home seems unnatural in the flow of the narrative provided by Bookhout.  Is this a point Bookhout made an effort to get on the record?


I see something of a pattern in testimony here, perhaps there are essential  Key Elements which all of Oswald's interrogators agree to mention and get on the record as coming from Oswald...: Oswald admits the Beckley address; Oswald admits possession of pistol; Oswald denies owning a rifle; Oswald admits resisting arrest; Oswald admits TSBD employment; Oswald denies a lawyer; Oswald denies Mexico City but admits Tijuana; Oswald claims the backyard photos are fakes.

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8 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

You may be right, Paul.

But can we give Hosty something of a fair trial, even if it's just an exercise?

IMO much of the belief that the CIA is involved in the assassination is fueled by the pervasive instinct of our government and almost all who knew Oswald to deny or minimize the fact that they knew Oswald.  Hosty does it in his testimony - the last thing he wants is any public recognition that he failed to recognize and stop a presidential assassin.   The CIA and FBI both were scared to acknowledge an even limited awareness of Oswald they had pre-Dallas that we know about.   So to some extent, everyone lies about what they know about Oswald pre-22NOV63...   


PS - now that I've spent some time advocating a scenario of Hosty's innocence, let me reverse sides and throw this at you.   Could Hosty be the one who brings Oswald to the attention of the Radical Right in 62 or 63?  ...

Hi Jason,

I have also struggled to excuse FBI agent James Hosty in some way -- but with the further reading from WC testimony of FBI, Secret Service and Treasury agents from Washington DC, the crucial issue of the PRS came flooding in.

It isn't just my opinion that the withholding of the truth from the Washington DC Secret Service Protective Research Section (PRS) was directly responsible for the murder of JFK, this is the repeated song in the WC testimony of the officials from Washington DC.

I don't have all my notes with me at work, but when I get home tonight I'll share select testimony from four officials from Washington DC that put the cause of the JFK Assassination squarely on the breakdown of Standard Operating Procedure (SOP) between the PRS in DC, and the FBI in Dallas.    Note that James Hosty is not personally named.  It's not a witch hunt.  It's a careful, systematic and procedural analysis of SOP, and how POTUS has been protected for generations.

When all the dust settles, there are Dallas FBI agent, James Hosty, and Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels, running away, pants down.

All best,

P.S.   James Hosty is not acting on his own direction.   He is cooperating with Robert Alan Surrey who is cooperating with General Walker, the leader of the Dallas Minutemen.   It is General Walker who picks out Lee Harvey Oswald in June, 1962, as somebody who should not be in his beloved Texas.   General Walker feared a plot by JFK and RFK, sending this Communist to taunt him.   A careful examination of Walker's paranoia clarifies this.   (Also, the WC testimony of Robert Alan Surrey confirms it.)   James Hosty was TURNED.  There's my opinion.

Edited by Paul Trejo
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On 4/18/2018 at 5:28 AM, Paul Trejo said:

I'd like to concentrate on four people who weren't members of the Dallas Police or Deputies, but who sat with Captain Will Fritz during the final hour of Lee Harvey Oswald at the Dallas Police HQ.    Here are the people:

3. Dallas Secret Service Agent Forrest Sorrels


Dallas Law Enforcement testimony in the Warren Commission Part 22: Secret Service Special Agent In Charge Forrest Sorrels

  • ·         Age 63, born in 1901, began with Secret Service in 1923 in El Paso, 25 years as agent in charge
  • ·         WC attorney Hubert states the agenda will focus on Oswald after he was in custody
  • ·         22NOV63 Sorrels arrives at Capt Fritz’s office inside the DPD where Oswald is already detained
  • ·         Oswald is “belligerent ad arrogant” to Sorrels upon receiving permission from Fritz to interrogate
  • ·         10 minutes is the length of the initial Oswald-Sorrels conversation
  • ·         DPD conditions are chaotic and “deplorable” with press and broadcast equipment everywhere
  • ·         A witness who could identify the gunman and “had seen the person fire the third shot” was known to Sorrels from earlier on 22NOV63 and Sorrels makes efforts to get that person to a DPD lineup in order to identify Oswald
  • ·         Jack Ruby is completely unknown to Sorrels before Oswald’s murder; as proof of this Sorrels offers that he wrote the last name as “Rubin” in reports to Washington
  • ·         24NOV63 11am – Fritz interviews Oswald looking for a statement “relating to any phase of the assassination of the President.   Particularly, I was interested in trying to obtain an admission from him that he had used the name of A. Hidell as an alias.”  
  • ·         Sorrels says by Sunday 24NOV63 he had information that Oswald had purchased a rifle under the name A. Hidell
  • ·         Sorrels says a change of address card from New Orleans shows the A. Hidell name
  • ·         Sorrels confronts LHO with the change of address card bearing the name Hidell
  • ·         Much testimony is elicited concerning the plans around Oswald’s transfer to the county jail
  • ·         Sorrels hears Oswald’s is shot from a police officer and goes to the basement to find Oswald with a stomach wound, receiving artificial respiration
  • ·         Sorrels calls Secret Services headquarters in Washington to announce Oswald’s shooting
  • ·         Sorrels interrogates Ruby for 5-7 minutes
  • ·         Sorrels says Ruby announces his name was formerly Rubenstein
  • ·         Sorrels tells Ruby that “a Jewish merchant” nicknamed Honest Joe was currently nearby
  • ·         Ruby decides to speak openly with Sorrels because Sorrels plays up his friendship with “a number of Jewish merchants”
  • ·         Ruby explains that he shot Oswald to spare Jackie Kennedy from testifying at trial, Sorrels says
  • ·         “I guess I just had to show the world that a Jew has guts,” Ruby says, according to Sorrels
  • ·         Ruby self-identifies as a lone nut assassin and denies conspiracy
  • ·         Ruby offers that he was formerly a labor organizer, Sorrels says
  • ·         Ruby says his family is from Russia, Sorrels says
  • ·         Ruby announces that he is Jewish - as if Sorrels hadn’t already made that abundantly clear for the WC and history
  • ·         Ruby says his lawyer is Stanley Kaufman
  • ·         Sorrels testifies that Fritz interrogates Ruby, makes notes, and wrote them up immediately – but why didn’t Capt Fritz do this while interrogating Oswald?
  • ·         Sorrels has ornately detailed notes from interviewing Ruby – but why no notes for Oswald’s interview?
  • ·         Several pages of Testimony is given in some detail around Ruby’s time in jail and his trial preparation


  1. Is this a conspiracy of old men?   All the law enforcement leaders are at or beyond retirement age - Sorrels, Fritz, Decker - a generation older than Kennedy.   There is a tier of younger men around age 30 who are doing most of the active police work in the field on 22NOV63.
  2. A close reading  indicates in the afternoon of 22NOV63 Sorrels has already identified a Dealey Plaza witness who can identify Oswald even before Oswald is arrested....is Sorrels already planning to convict Oswald before Oswald's name is known to police?
  3. Is Forrest Sorrels with his 20+ year position in Dallas the only member of law enforcement who does not at least know Jack Ruby by name and reputation?  Is his unsolicited statement that he didn’t even know how to spell Ruby’s last name a little too much effort to prove the Carousel Club owner was previously unknown to Sorrels?
  4. A change-of-address card from New Orleans allows Sorrels to pursue the Alex Hidell angle; previously this same card was critical to Agent Hosty’s locating the Oswalds in Irving.  Is a change-of-address card really such a critical role in finding and accusing Oswald?    And how does Sorrels get this card so quickly after the assassination (2 days)?
  5. Is ascertaining Oswald's reaction to the Hidell alias really the top priority in the aftermath of the assassination, and if so, why?
  6. AFAIK investigating murders is nowhere in the Secret Service investigative portfolio - why is Sorrels interrogating Oswald anyway?
  7. How is it that the WC fails to ask Sorrels in any way whatsoever about preparation for the presidential visit?
  8. Why do some witnesses like Sorrels seem to insist on pointing out Ruby’s former name – Rubenstein, even though this is irrelevant to the 3 murders that weekend?
  9. How is it that Sorrels testifies he has no knowledge of Ruby before 24NOV63, but upon interrogating Ruby is able to mention “a number of Jewish merchants here that you know?”   How does Sorrels already know who Ruby knows if Sorrels doesn’t know Ruby?
  10. Ruby’s Jewish ethnicity/religion is overwhelming in Sorrels’ testimony – but what does being Jewish have to do with anything?   Is Sorrels trying to paint an anti-Semitic picture here of a non-Texas-native, a Jewish labor organizer and topless bar owner - with Russian heritage?
  11. Is there a deliberate effort to avoid having Forrest Sorrels testify as to what was said in Oswald’s interrogation(s)?   Just as Sorrels is about to explain Oswald’s reaction to seeing the change-of-address card, WC attorneys interrupt and change the subject.


1. This is captioned as a change of address card in the Warren Commission exhibits - but to me this is a PO Box rental form:


2. This 27NOV63 FBI inventory of USPS documents related to Oswald fails to mention Hidell....



3.  Forrest Sorrels was born in 1901 in rural Texas.   Fritz and Decker are even older....likely Kennedy fans???


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On 3/7/2018 at 7:12 AM, Paul Trejo said:

, Oswald was drafted into the Radical Right


Is Mr Ross Carlton perhaps a missing link?


1. 23NOV63 FBI teletype from El Paso to Dallas FBI   (I find no evidence this lead was ever investigated)



2. According To Bill Weston's Review of Dallas Morning News archives:

"In 1954, Ross Carlton helped form the Texas Citizens Council to oppose integration, shortly after the Supreme Court ruled that schools must desegregate. As chairman of the executive committee, he publicly denounced the NAACP, saying it was filled with numerous officials who were “either Communists or members of Communist front organizations” and that he could cite which ones (DMN 12-4-1955). In 1956 he ran for the office of state attorney general on the pro-segregationist ticket. Serving as his campaign manager was his mother, Mary Carlton (DMN 7-7-1956). As it turned out, Ross lost the election, coming in a poor third."



3. Ross Carlton as mentioned in Edward H Miller's Nut Country: Right Wing Dallas and the Birth of the Southern Strategy, p. 71.


https://books.google.com/books?id=09poCgAAQBAJ&pg=PA215&lpg=PA215&dq=general+edwin+walker+ross+carlton&source=bl&ots=2jGjjVawW-&sig=BfXTyBqKcNEbeQKo88nIXDfrs-k&hl=en&sa=X&ved=0ahUKEwjSnYekkMraAhUH5IMKHTtKAxQQ6AEIJzAA#v=onepage&q=general edwin walker ross carlton&f=false


4. Ross Carlton according to Mary Ferrell


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22 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

You may be right, Paul.

But can we give Hosty something of a fair trial, even if it's just an exercise? 

Hi Jason,

The SOP of the US Secret Service with regard to taking the US President on a trip to any city in the USA is to first call the local FBI for that city, to get a report of any dangerous persons in that city, for advance reconnaissance. 

The branch of the Secret Service that did this in 1963, was called the "Protective Service Section" or PRS.   They had a staff of 15 people in 1963, and no computers.  All records were maintained in paper, in filing cabinets with filing clerks.

In addition to contacting the local FBI for that city, they also contacted the local Secret Service agent.   Here is some WC testimony that refers to this:

Washington DC Secret Service agent Roy Kellerman:

Representative FORD. Now, according to the various reports we have, when you know you are going to a particular city, or several cities, you have a method or a procedure to check to see if there are any individuals or organizations that present a serious threat to the President. 

Mr. KELLERMAN. Yes, sir. We have what we call a Protective Research Section. This has been in existence for many years, through Roosevelt's days--I will go back that far. Through the combined efforts of various sources, through other agencies, they have a file on all the, let's say dangerous, for a better word, people that could be suspected in the city he arrives in. They will furnish the agents on those three shifts, if there are a number of them, or even one--it doesn't make any difference--all the data possible on that person-- it will be given to each shift. It is a report form; can be read by all. And, if possible, there is a photograph included. That will be circulated around. 

Representative FORD. Now, when you got your xxxignment on or about November 17, what did you do in this regard? 

Mr. KELLERMAN. ...One of the first things we do, when a trip is planned, is make a call on that PRS Section and tell them, "On November 21 we are going to be in San Antonio, Houston, and Fort Worth. On the 22d we will be in Dallas, Austin, and at the ranch."  And they take it from there. 
Representative FORD. Also on the report it says, "In accordance with the usual practice, the local FBI office informed the local Secret Service office of any information which affected the President's visit," 

Mr. KELLERMAN. They did. That is the normal practice. 

Representative FORD. That was the normal procedure? 

Mr. KELLERMAN. It is always the normal procedure; yes, sir. 
Representative FORD. The report also says, "On October 30, 1963, the local FBI office gave the local Secret Service officer the name of a rightwing individual in the Dallas area. An investigation was made. On November 21 and 22 the local FBI office referred two pieces of information to the local Dallas office of the Secret Service." Were you familiar with that? 


Representative FORD. Who would, under your normal procedures, have been familiar with that? 

Mr. KELLERMAN. It would be the same organization, Protective Research Section. 
Representative FORD. Was it surprising to you that when the President was going to a city as large as Dallas, that there were no names turned over to you, either by your Protective Research Section or by any other Federal agents--individuals or an individual dangerous to the President? 

Mr. KELLERMAN. I recall, to give you an answer, Congressman, that it did seem strange that here we are hitting five cities in one State and--and from the apparent trouble Ambassador Stevenson had down there one evening, we certainly should have had some information on somebody...

Washington DC Secret Service agent Winston Lawson:

Mr. STERN. Now, what steps did you take in Washington before you left, with respect to determining the names and other information about persons who might be in the Dallas area and who might be regarded as potential threats to the President? 

Mr. LAWSON. I went--on November 8, after leaving Mr. Kellerman's office, I went to the office in the Executive Office Building where our agents of the Protective Research Section are, and notified agents at that location that I was being xxxigned the advance for Dallas, Tex. trip, the date of this trip, and that I requested them to check their files and determine as to whether I should have the name of any individual in the Dallas area who was of record to us as an active subject. 
Mr. STERN. What did they tell you? 

Mr. LAWSON. I was told after waiting there a little while that there were no subjects of record in the Dallas area, of active PRS individuals that we would expect to harm the President. 

Mr. STERN. And this check was made while you were present in the office? 

Mr. LAWSON. Yes, sir; that is correct. 
Mr. DULLES. In general what was your recollection? 

Mr. LAWSON. There were no PRS subjects, active PRS subjects which would be a threat to the President to our knowledge in the Dallas area in the files. 

Mr. DULLES. And would you define PRS? 

Mr. LAWSON. Protective Research Section. 

Dallas Secret Service agent Forrest Sorrels:

Mr. STERN - I would like you now, Mr. Sorrels, to tell us something of the Protective Research activities that took place in preparation for the President's visit to Dallas, that you recall.

Mr. SORRELS - At that time, we had no known Protective Research subjects that we were making periodic checks on in that area. Mr. Lawson informed me that he had checked with PRS, and that was confirmed.

US Secretary of the Treasurey, C. Douglas Dillon:

Mr. McCLOY. We have had the thought that perhaps the Protective Research Section or Division of your organization wasn't as well equipped as it should have been nor as it might have been presumably for the purely preventive investigative work...

Secretary DILLON. ...It was not equipped, I think, adequately in two ways. First, it did not, as is clearly shown by the events in Dallas, receive information on enough dangerous people...So that what is required is the development of criteria, better criteria, that can be circulated to law enforcement agencies generally, and which will insure that adequate information comes in...A...document has now been circulated by the Secret Service Chief to all special agents asking them to write a briefer but somewhat similar letter to all chiefs of police, sheriffs, and State police in their localities which asks them to furnish any such information to the local Secret Service agent.

In my opinion, in the case of Dallas, 11/22/1963, even if the PRS had contacted the Dallas Chief of Police and Dallas Sheriff for names of dangerous people in Dallas, they would have received no cooperation, due to these Southern politics we are discussing. 

U.S. Secret Service Chief James J. Rowley: 

Mr. RANKIN. Is the Protective Research Section of the Secret Service under-: your direction, too? 
Mr. ROWLEY. Yes, sir; that is part of the White House area, sir. 
Mr. RANKIN. Will you tell the Commission what the standard was that you told the agencies you would like to have information concerning? 
Mr. ROWLEY. Well, if there were any threats to the President, we were interested in being informed about it. We were in touch with the FBI, the CIA and others.  In the basic schools of the Treasury, and through coordination, our agents in charge of the areas, in coordination meetings, would inform representatives of other agencies of the type of people that we were interested in, the nature of the threats that we asked that they refer to us. 
Mr. RANKIN. Did you know that this standard only developed about 400 names from all over the country? 
Mr. ROWLEY. Yes, sir. 
Mr. RANKIN. And that it produced none in the immediate Dallas vicinity? 
Mr. ROWLEY. That is right. 
Mr. RANKIN. Now, have you done anything about that standard since the assassination? 
Mr. ROWLEY. Well, we have had a complete reexamination of the Protective Research Section... 

Washington DC Secret Service Special Agent-in-Charge, Protective Research, Robert Bouck 

Mr. STERN. With the help of these memoranda I would like to touch briefly upon the functions of the Protective Research Section that you head -- for the moment those functions other than with respect to persons of concern as a possible danger to the President. If you will turn to the last page of this exhibit, there are a list of other duties of PRS, and would you explain briefly those and give some idea of the magnitude of the task involved? 

Mr. BOUCK. Yes. 
Mr. Stern. ...I would like to...cover the details of your file search and other PRS activity for the Texas trip, the total Texas trip. If you would start with the first date you heard that the President was preparing to travel to Texas and tell us what your Section did and what you found. 

Mr. BOUCK. Our first knowledge of the Texas trip was on November 8 when the advance agent, Agent Lawson, reported to the Protective Research Section that the President was going to Texas, and that Dallas was one of the stops. A check at that time was made of our trip index, and no cards were found on Dallas to indicate that there was an uncontrolled dangerous person in Dallas. Two such people were found at the Houston stop. This information was imparted to Mr. Lawson at that time...

Washington DC, FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover:

Mr. RANKIN. Now, in light of what happened. Mr. Hoover, I think the Commission would desire to have your comments or whatever you care to tell them, concerning the reasons why you did not furnish the information you had concerning Lee Harvey Oswald to the Secret Service prior to the time of the President's assassination. 

Mr. HOOVER. Well, I have gone into that very thoroughly because that was obviously one of the questions that I had in my mind when the tragedy occurred in Dallas.  In going back over the record, and I have read each one of the reports dealing with that and the reports of Mr. Hosty who had dealt with the Oswald situation largely in Dallas, we had the matter that I have previously referred to, the report of the State Department that indicated this man was a thoroughly safe risk...

The real issue, as we have been documenting in this thread, was the danger of Walker's Minutemen in Dallas, and so the real question was -- why didn't Hosty tell the Secret Service PRS about Walker's Minutemen.  Instead, J. Edgar Hoover -- and the entire WC apparatus -- asks why James Hosty didn't tell the PRS about Lee Harvey Oswald.   And the answer was simple -- no evidence existed to prove that Oswald was a direct threat!

However, in his book, A$$ignment Oswald (1996), Hosty claims that he knew Oswald was a Communist in contact with a KGB assassin in Mexico City back in October, 1963, and that he tried to tell his superiors, and they refused to listen!  That's his story from the beginning, middle and end of his book.   

Yet Hosty told the WC that he had no reason to suspect Lee Harvey Oswald!   There is no way to defend Hosty, because Hosty contradicts himself.

All best,

Edited by Paul Trejo
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6 hours ago, Mervyn Hagger said:

In 1961 Walker pointed to Eugene Bernald as a front man for CIA who was responsible for the attacks on his political views. Funny that no one wants to address this elephant in the room.

Hi Mervyn,

General Walker employed McCarthyism his whole life, which means every setback and every enemy, great and small, was a CIA-communist-liberal-Castro plot.   Walker saw the CIA as a communist front - or at minimum he saw the CIA, communism, the UN, Jewish people, the civil rights movement, and the mainstream media as fellow travelers in service of a world government conspiracy.  The alt-right today is still peddling much the same message through Alex Jones and others.

When Walker pinpointed Bernald it was merely a standard reaction to threats and criticism.  Walker was paranoid.   He thought great forces were aligned against him - like the CIA and the Kennedys.  Walker accusing someone of CIA involvement is precisely like Joe McCarthy accusing someone of being a communist, it was a paranoid psychological defense mechanism.

Walker pinpointing Bernald is no different than Trump pinpointing Comey or the Democrats or the mainstream media in a Twitter rant - there is no substance there except thin skinned hyper-defensiveness and the need to insult. Don't read too much into it.




Edited by Jason Ward
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2 hours ago, Jason Ward said:

Hi Mervyn,

General Walker employed McCarthyism his whole life, which means every setback and every enemy, great and small, was a CIA-communist-liberal-Castro plot.   Walker saw the CIA as a communist front - or at minimum he saw the CIA, communism, the UN, Jewish people, the civil rights movement, and the mainstream media as fellow travelers in service of a world government conspiracy.  The alt-right today is still peddling much the same message through Alex Jones and others.

When Walker pinpointed Bernald it was merely a standard reaction to threats and criticism.  Walker was paranoid.   He thought great forces were aligned against him - like the CIA and the Kennedys.  Walker accusing someone of CIA involvement is precisely like Joe McCarthy accusing someone of being a communist, it was a paranoid psychological defense mechanism.

Walker pinpointing Bernald is no different than Trump pinpointing Comey or the Democrats or the mainstream media in a Twitter rant - there is no substance there except thin skinned hyper-defensiveness and the need to insult. Don't read too much into it.




Thanks Jason, you have answered my question with your last line. I happen to agree with Trump that the entire case against him is ridiculous. Furthermore that trail leads back to Obama and Clinton and from there to Cambridge University who began the process. Let us all recall that all of the "Commie Spies" came out of Cambridge University and that two of them were planted in Washington DC. Far from there being no Soviet plot, it was proven long ago and the primary spies fled to Moscow where they eventually died in exile. Behind the latest nonsense is MI6 and behind MI6 is the Crown (not Liz - she is just a mascot like Ronald McDonald or Mickey Mouse.) The British Crown licenses BBC broadcasts and it is to whom the UK Armed Forces swear allegiance to. The British court system is controlled by the Crown, and so are the police. There is no written constitution in the UK. Now let's look at what Edwin Walker actually wrote and why he wrote it, and then what he did. He accused Eugene Bernald of being behind the paper attacking him. Walker also stated that Radio Swan and Radio Elizabethville were CIA 'fronts'. They were. Then Walker resigned at cost to himself. No wonder the question of this 1961 article is being avoided like the plague and no wonder everything is being dismissed out of hand as a 'right-wing rant'. Before you have a go at me I do not support any political part or religious cause. I am a investigative journalist who is unravelling a continuing thread into the past.

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