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A List of All CIA Officers and Agents Alleged to Have Either Planned the Assassination, Carried It Out, or Wittingly Participated in the Cover-Up

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Paul Helliwell, paymaster.

From Spartacus:


<quote on>

In 1960 Paul Helliwell was transferred to provide business cover for the CIA’s Cuban operations. According to Peter Dale Scott (The Iran Contra Connection) Helliwell worked with E. Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell and Lucien Conein on developing relationships with drug-dealing Cuban veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion. It was during this period that Helliwell met Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines. Helliwell later became CIA paymaster for JM/WAVE. In this way, Shackley was able to finance unofficial CIA operations against Cuba.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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1 hour ago, Thomas Graves said:


Right.  Because they already knew he was KGB, and they *suspected* that he was Department 13.

Question: Did he cross the border and come to my hometown of San Diego, or did he only go to Ensenada and Tijuana?

--  TG

Thought I had read San Diego in one of his files.  But his 201 files says Ensenada and Tijuana.

I don't think it matters if Kostikov was actually Dept 13 or not.  He was presented that way to FBI and then to LBJ, as is my understanding, and that was instrumental in halting any real investigation and spawning the WC to conduct its intentional but 'benign' - at least to Warren and others - whitewash.

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1 hour ago, Mike Kilroy said:

Thought I had read San Diego in one of his files.  But his 201 files says Ensenada and Tijuana.

I don't think it matters if Kostikov was actually Dept 13 or not.  He was presented that way to FBI and then to LBJ, as is my understanding, and that was instrumental in halting any real investigation and spawning the WC to conduct its intentional but 'benign' - at least to Warren and others - whitewash.


Who did the "presenting," pre-assassination? 

FBI to CIA, or vice-versa?

--  TG

Edited by Thomas Graves
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9 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


Who did the "presenting," pre-assassination? 

FBI to CIA, or vice-versa?

--  TG

That's a good question that I don't have an answer to.  Both Hosty's later book and the CIA's 201 file say the agencies considered Kostikov as part of Dept. 13.  Who labelled him that first would be an interesting thing to know but it's not critical to my central point:

o The CIA told MC station to essentially stand down on LHO with the "maturing effect" memo that used two-year-old State Dept language.  Even though they knew LHO - or someone claiming to be LHO - had spoken with Kostikov in MC.  And even though they knew of LHO's recent escapades with CIA assets in NO.  After the assassination, the CIA let investigators know about Kostikov and Oswald. This helped scare LBJ away from a real investigation.

o On the other hand, when it came to the relationship between the CIA and DRE, all agency parties with that knowledge kept their mouths shut.  THAT information, if known by the WC, might have led to an investigation into the DRE and its CIA handlers.  So this withholding of information by the CIA also stopped any real investigation of the agency or its assets.

Again, highly suspicious to me if not incriminating.

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The last two and a half pages explain why I really do not like this kind of thing.

With Halliwell and Buckley we have been taken into parlor game antics.


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11 minutes ago, Mike Kilroy said:

That's a good question that I don't have an answer to.  Both Hosty's later book and the CIA's 201 file say the agencies considered Kostikov as part of Dept. 13.  Who labelled him that first would be an interesting thing to know but it's not critical to my central point:

o The CIA told MC station to essentially stand down on LHO with the "maturing effect" memo that used two-year-old State Dept language.  Even though they knew LHO - or someone claiming to be LHO - had spoken with Kostikov in MC.  And even though they knew of LHO's recent escapades with CIA assets in NO.  After the assassination, the CIA let investigators know about Kostikov and Oswald. This helped scare LBJ away from a real investigation.

o On the other hand, when it came to the relationship between the CIA and DRE, all agency parties with that knowledge kept their mouths shut.  THAT information, if known by the WC, might have led to an investigation into the DRE and its CIA handlers.  So this withholding of information by the CIA also stopped any real investigation of the agency or its assets.

Again, highly suspicious to me if not incriminating.



Do you think there could possibly a reason for that nondisclosure which is not directly related to the assassination?

--  TG

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16 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

The last two and a half pages explain why I really do not like this kind of thing.

Sure you do.

16 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

With Halliwell and Buckley we have been taken into parlor game antics.


You are one of the chief enforcers of the parlor game, Jim, so get off your high horse.

You can't even spell Helliwell's name correctly, much less argue why we shouldn't suspect that the paymaster of JMWAVE was the paymaster of the JFK hit.


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3 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Paul Helliwell, paymaster.

From Spartacus:


<quote on>

In 1960 Paul Helliwell was transferred to provide business cover for the CIA’s Cuban operations. According to Peter Dale Scott (The Iran Contra Connection) Helliwell worked with E. Howard Hunt, Mitch WerBell and Lucien Conein on developing relationships with drug-dealing Cuban veterans of the Bay of Pigs invasion. It was during this period that Helliwell met Ted Shackley and Thomas Clines. Helliwell later became CIA paymaster for JM/WAVE. In this way, Shackley was able to finance unofficial CIA operations against Cuba.

Helliwell pioneered smuggling opium out of the Golden Triangle.

And it's ridiculous to think of him as a person of interest...because...?


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8 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Helliwell pioneered smuggling opium out of the Golden Triangle.

And it's ridiculous to think of him as a person of interest...because...?


Because Jim DiEugenio has a blind spot when it comes to US foreign policy in Laos under Kennedy.

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Helliwell was in a perfect position to smuggle heroin into the United States with access to the movable oil drilling platforms of George HW Bush's Zapata Off-Shore.

They bounced back and forth between the mainland and the drilling platforms without going thru customs.

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11 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

Helliwell was in a perfect position to smuggle heroin into the United States with access to the movable oil drilling platforms of George HW Bush's Zapata Off-Shore.

They bounced back and forth between the mainland and the drilling platforms without going thru customs.

The Gary Underhill Scenario:

From Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked, pg 496:

<quote on, emphasis added>

[Former CIA employee Gary] Underhill's concern was that he had become aware of a "clique" within the CIA--a clique
dealing with weapons and gun-running and making money. These individuals had Far Eastern connections, narcotics was
mentioned, supposedly the clique was manipulating political intrigues to serve their own ends.
Underhill believed
that these individuals had been involved with JFK's murder; he felt that JFK had become aware of their dealings and
was about to move against them in some fashion. He also believed that members of the clique knew that Underhill was
aware of their dealings and that his own life could well be in jeopardy.

<quote off>

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5 minutes ago, Cliff Varnell said:

The Gary Underhill Scenario:

From Larry Hancock's Someone Would Have Talked, pg 496:

<quote on, emphasis added>

[Former CIA employee Gary] Underhill's concern was that he had become aware of a "clique" within the CIA--a clique
dealing with weapons and gun-running and making money. These individuals had Far Eastern connections, narcotics was
mentioned, supposedly the clique was manipulating political intrigues to serve their own ends.
Underhill believed
that these individuals had been involved with JFK's murder; he felt that JFK had become aware of their dealings and
was about to move against them in some fashion. He also believed that members of the clique knew that Underhill was
aware of their dealings and that his own life could well be in jeopardy.

<quote off>


Supposed by whom?

By Underhill?

Or by Hancock?


--  TG

Edited by Thomas Graves
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14 minutes ago, Thomas Graves said:


Supposed by whom?

By Underhill?

Or by Hancock?


--  TG

According to Hancock's endnotes -- "These concerns are described in May and June 1966  correspondence from Charlene and Robert Fitzsimmons."

Underhill told his story to Charlene early morning 11/23/63.

Helliwell/Jenkins/Hecksher had Far Eastern connections galore.

Edited by Cliff Varnell
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7 hours ago, Cliff Varnell said:

 Charles Siragusa and his Operation Underworld crew from the Federal Bureau of Narcotics.  They worked for CIA's Technical Services Staff, in MKULTRA and MKNAOMI.

A Secret Order, Hank Albarelli, pg: 14

<quote on, emphasis added>

[D]uring WWII George Hunter White and a number of other [Federal Bureau of Narcotics] agents assigned to the Office of Strategic Services (OSS), precursor to the CIA, worked very closely in New York City with Port Security and the Office of Naval Intelligence on what is now commonly called Operation Underworld. This was the top-secret project that involved freeing infamous gangster Charles "Lucky" Luciano from prison in return for his, and the Mafia's, assistance with security at America's ports and the Allied invasion of Italy. All the FBN agents assigned to work on Operation Underworld went on to become covert operatives of the CIA, and would become involved with Projects MK/ULTRA and MK/NAOMI.

<quote off>

The night of the JFK autopsy the prosectors were at a loss to explain a wound of entrance in the back that had no exit- - and they couldn't find a bullet.

They asked the two FBI agents making a written record of the autopsy if there was such a thing as a high tech weapon that wouldn't leave a trace on x-ray, or in the body.

One of the FBI guys called the FBI Lab to find out, but was blown off.

US Army Special Operations Division had already told the FBI that weapons leaving wounds but no bullets would come from outside the country, while all along it was SOD who had developed blood soluble toxins and paralytics for the CIA's MKNAOMI.

From Douglas Valentine's The Strength of the Wolf:

<quote on>

[William] Harvey was so dependent on the FBN and its underworld contacts that he scribbled the words “the Magic Button” beside a reference to the Bureau in his notes.

<quote off>

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4 hours ago, Thomas Graves said:



Do you think there could possibly a reason for that nondisclosure which is not directly related to the assassination?

--  TG

The CIA risked a lot over the decades to keep this secret. Helms never told the WC as CIA liaison.  Joannides never told the HSCA as Congressional liaison.  Helms perjured himself to the HSCA when he said he knew nothing more related to the assassination.  If discovered, both would've faced obstruction of justice charges and prison and the CIA might have been dismantled.  In fact, I think both men were put in those liaison positions precisely for what they needed to keep secret.

The agency later fooled the JFK Records folks from including Joannides' files in that release.  And they are still fighting lawsuits from Jefferson Morley to release the files.

You don't take these kinds of measures for decades over "embarrassment," IMO.   What's left to be embarrassed about?  We've known for nearly 2 decades they lied about the DRE. 

My personal belief is they are hiding guilt of some kind.  Unless they provide a better explanation someday, I'll stick with that.  They've earned it.

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