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General Walker - for the rest of us

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I posted something yesterday on the Trejo/Ward thread titled ‘Walker and Oswald’ which got buried after a flood of posts by the two of them immediately following my post. I’m hoping the moderators will let it stand, however briefly. If I’ve crossed a line so be it. I’m doing this because I’d like to know what you all think of this thread, and of my reactions to it. The text of my buried post follows:

“Jason - your 'theory is so full of holes, so many questions not asked, assumptions for which there are alternate explanations left unexamined. For someone who claims to be a serious researcher only interested in documents you sure bend your own rules. 

Ive asked so many pertinent questions which you have not or cannot or will not answer. And considering that I also believe the assassination to be the work if extreme rightists I would have hoped that someone claiming to be interested in facts and where they led, like you claim to be, to be just a bit more curious what facts are actually out there, what other researchers over the decades have ferreted out through collective millions of hours of painstaking research, foia requests, and interviews. Maybe you could have done some reading of their work, shown them a little respect. Instead you lump them, and many of us too, into this mass of misled miscreants wedded to what Trejo, and you now, and no one else, call "CIA - Did - It" conspiracy theorists, using, ironically a term invented by the CIA to discredit us. 

You think you've made some momentous discovery about the perfidy of the DPD? What a joke. Everyone knows and has always known how untrustworthy and crooked, and in some part complicit they were. Your theory, and Trejo's, cannot possibly explain the facts on the ground. It's too narrow, too myopic, too embedded with personal prejudice, too sheltered from scrutiny. It's a Big Bubble in which everything that doesn't fit is kept out. 

Sorry Jason - you lost me. You and Paul are a close minded duopoly, and the last thing you are really interested in is the TRUTH.”

My unanswered questions include the following:
how do either of them know that Walker told the National Zeitung (presumably the editor Gerhard Frey) that Oswald tried to shoot him, or even that Walker initiated the contact? There was contact, twice if memory serves, on November 23rd 1963. The resulting article in National Zeitung appeared on Nov. 29th. Jason claims that in that article Walker was announcing to the world that Oswald tried to kill him too, and that RFK had pressured DPD, who had taken Oswald into custody that night, to release him. There is no evidence for this, and nothing to show that Walker knew it was Oswald, or thought it was Oswald, that predates the assassination. Their main evidence of foreknowledge is the Martin film. Where is the chain of evidence on that film? Was it edited? It does show Walker’s Dallas house and the window, and it does show the tail end of what looks like it might have been New Orleans Police arresting Oswald and Bringuier, though I cannot find either of them. And it shows torn up leaflets, with the word Cuba visible. So let’s assume that this snippet does show what they claim. Does that make it evidence of some kind of Walker controlled propaganda piece? Was the original film 3 minutes long? Given the amount of footage of clouds during a flight, a seal, and some New Orleans landmarks and buildings, isn’t it likely that the original film was much longer? What’s missing? It’s hardly proof of what Jason and Paul claim, which is that Walker was behind the film , documenting his knowledge of Oswald as his shooter. And what of the phone calls between National Zeitung and Walker? Why would Walker choose a Nazi newspaper to announce his knowledge of Oswald and RFK? We could consider an alternative, which is that Gerhard Frey, a Nazi who btw according to a 1967 Ramparts article was a member of the Centro Mundo Commerciale, or CMC (along with Clay Shaw), came up with this story as part of the lynching of Oswald, who Shaw was most certainly familiar with. 
The next question, related to all this, is what is going on with all these Nazis? Walker, his roommate Robert Allen Surrey, Gerald K Smith? I propose we start taking a closer look at European Nazis and fascists and their possible connection, since clearly there were ties between them and the Dallas ultra right. Walker is not the only ex-military ultra right personage in the American Nazi movement. Take a look at the membership of the American Security Council. We know that there were Corsican and or French assassins in Dallas that day. We know that Jean Souetre as a representative of the OAS ( the ultra right French Secret Army Organization that got its funding from CMC and whom DeGaulle blamed for the many attempts on his life in 1961-62) visited, in 1963, both Banister in New Orleans and Walker in Dallas. There is also hearsay evidence which Jason Ward quoted from a FOIA request by Bud Fensterwald that Banister sent $200,000 to OAS reps in Paris. There was plenty of contact across the Atlantic. I guess I really crossed the line with Trejo when I mentioned Otto Skorzeny. Must have thought I was into my silly CIA did it conpiracy when I mentioned a filmed interview with Skorzeny in which he flat out says that for years he worked for US Intel. Skorzeny, based in Madrid, also proveably worked for Mossad arranging assassinations of nuclear scientists in Egypt. Both William Harvey and E Howard Hunt made trips to Madrid in 1962 or thereabouts. Was Skorzeny hired to provide European assassins drawn from their netherworld as part of outsourcing the actual Dealey Plaza shooters? Was he QJWIN?
I posed this general line of questions to them, and now to the rest of you. Is anyone else interested in this line of inquiry?

Edited by Paul Brancato
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10 hours ago, Paul Brancato said:

I posted something yesterday on the Trejo/Ward thread titled ‘Walker and Oswald’ which got buried after a flood of posts by the two of them immediately following my post. I’m hoping the moderators will let it stand, however briefly. If I’ve crossed a line so be it. I’m doing this because I’d like to know what you all think of this thread, and of my reactions to it. 


Paul, Trejo and Ward are not involved in a debate. Trejo has publicly placed a number of people on "ignore" including yourself and Steve Thomas. That says a great deal right there. Ward has done the same. 

They are not here to debate. Ward, especially, has said as much. I am not going to look for his exact statement, but he said (paraquote) "I don't debate,  I post evidence"

Well, this happens to be a debate forum. In fact, all these threads are not even called threads, they are called "Debates".

Their thread, their Patty-Cake game, does not belong here. It belongs in the research threads section.

Ward is interesting. He touts his pursuit of facts and evidence, but he shacks-up with the greatest offender of honesty and integrity, Paul Trejo. Trejo has exhausted researchers and members who have given-up wasting their time by documenting his purveying of falsehoods. They just let him run now. My last effort was at the beginning of their recent Patty-cake session, responding to Trejo's Codswallop about George DeM, his wife, and their experience with Marina, LHO and the gun. I'll do it again when I get fired-up, but I don't want to run afoul of the moderators by trailing him. Besides it's just too much work, and requires too many farm implements to keep at the ready.

Edited by Michael Clark
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17 minutes ago, Michael Clark said:

And, Paul, there has been a very positive upside to this situation. Trejo has been so busy playing with Ward that he has not derailed and contaminated other threads with his monstrous and  monotonous lists if nothing.

See? There IS an upside to their verbal lovefest.

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Megathanks to Paul Brancato for introducing some integrity into the subject of Edwin Walker, sorely lacking around here lately.  Although I believe high-ranking CIA officials were largely responsible for planning the execution of President Kennedy, I'd just like to take a... uh... potshot at the so-called "evidence" linking "Lee Harvey Oswald" to the Walker shooting.

Note the image of the two bullets below. CE 573 was supposedly dug out of Walker's house after Oswald shot at him.  CE 399 is the so-called "Magic Bullet" allegedly fired by Oswald.  Don't they look similar?  Both, clearly, are copper jacketed bullets.



But as you can see below in the original report filed by Dallas police, it was a steel-jacketed bullet dug out of Walker's house. Somehow, perhaps while at the National Archives, it transformed itself into a copper jacketed bullet!



This evidence is about as believable as attempts to blame Edwin Walker for the assassination of JFK.

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3 minutes ago, Jim Hargrove said:

Megathanks to Paul Brancato for introducing some integrity into the subject of Edwin Walker, sorely lacking around here lately.  Although I believe high-ranking CIA officials were largely responsible for planning the execution of President Kennedy, I'd just like to take a... uh... potshot at the so-called "evidence" linking "Lee Harvey Oswald" to the Walker shooting.

Note the image of the two bullets below. CE 573 was supposedly dug out of Walker's house after Oswald shot at him.  CE 399 is the so-called "Magic Bullet" allegedly fired by Oswald.  Don't they look similar?  Both, clearly, are copper jacketed bullets.



But as you can see below in the original report filed by Dallas police, it was a steel-jacketed bullet dug out of Walker's house. Somehow, perhaps while at the National Archives, it transformed itself into a copper jacketed bullet!



This evidence is about as believable as attempts to blame Edwin Walker for the assassination of JFK.


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Paul, I've chosen to just ignore the other Paul and his thread period.  And in turn as a result Jason.  I tried a couple of what I thought were reasonable posts early on in the thread which were quickly rebutted and buried.  Why waste my time on a ridiculous subject?  Walker was toast by the time of the JFK Assassination.

Thank you for exposing the other Walker thread for what it is.  A distraction.  Not a discussion of pertinent facts or reasonable suspicions. 

We can only hope any new readers of the forum are not adversely influenced.

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Good one Jim. Your post is related in more ways than one. What I’m trying to suggest is that the idea of Walker blaming Oswald for the attempt on his life came from outside, not from Walker himself. And I’ve always thought it was part of the framing of Oswald. It is significant somehow that the framing started with the National Zeitung article. For me it suggests knowledge of what happened at Dealey Plaza, and who the designated patsy would be, by some European Nazis and Fascists, and for me that leads directly to Permindex/CMC, which was part of some kind of supranational network still in part unexplained and partly hidden. I think DeGaulle knew it, and he was in a good position to know. 

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9 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Paul, I've chosen to just ignore the other Paul and his thread period.  And in turn as a result Jason.  I tried a couple of what I thought were reasonable posts early on in the thread which were quickly rebutted and buried.  Why waste my time on a ridiculous subject?  Walker was toast by the time of the JFK Assassination.

Thank you for exposing the other Walker thread for what it is.  A distraction.  Not a discussion of pertinent facts or reasonable suspicions. 

We can only hope any new readers of the forum are not adversely influenced.

I agree, except I don’t think Walker and his ilk were toast. I’m not saying Walker was point man on the ground. I’m saying the nexus around him was connected to the national security state. 

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4 minutes ago, Paul Brancato said:

I agree, except I don’t think Walker and his ilk were toast. I’m not saying Walker was point man on the ground. I’m saying the nexus around him was connected to the national security state. 

After his debacle against James Meredith he lost much of his following beyond the hard core.  Support within the military even became negligent from what I remember of what I've read.  His last public speaking engagement before the assassination was sparsely attended and he rambled discordantly at it.  Dallas 1963, Minutaglio/Davis.  Useless in it's conclusions.   

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Paul, You can't seem to resist this cycle of feeding trolls and then complaining of their treatment.

I saw your response to their thread last night, and my first thought was " Paul's getting sucked in again". Which is the only circumstance by which I'd read their thread. And so I read your post. I honestly thought it was brilliant! You were very eloquent! Jason's work reminds me of the Warren Report, he comes up with some interesting leads but he doesn't follow them up because it doesn't fit in with his predetermined theory. Oh well!

Your post would have been a great parting shot, though I knew it wouldn't be.  The fact that they didn't respond I'm sure was very frustrating. But as Michael and Mark alluded to, isn't that the result we've wanted all along? Maybe I'm just speaking for myself. Can't there be isolated pockets of ignorance, by that I mean to "ignore"  or "mutual indifference". They found each other, who are we to judge? The more energy they expend toward one another and concocting their theories, the less they spend on us. I think you have to recognize an ideal world, when you're lucky enough to stumble into one.

Now we just have to find a mate for Tommy!  Ha ha! :D Just kidding Tommy.

Edited by Kirk Gallaway
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There is motive, speculation, but no evidence. 

I read the posts on Gen. Walker but no one has produced any evidence that he was involved. 

His interview with the German newspaper can be interpreted many ways.  Unless someone can give me more information on how he knew LHO shot at him in April. . .

prove he knew George DeMohrenschildt, prove he met with Guy Bannister, prove he knew David Ferrie.   I am interested.

But, even then, give evidence that he was involved with a conspiracy beforehand or, afterwards as part of the cover up.

Facts, not speculation.

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14 minutes ago, Kirk Gallaway said:

Paul, You can't seem to resist this cycle of feeding trolls and then complaining of their treatment.

I saw your response to their thread last night, and my first thought was " Paul's getting sucked in again". Which is the only circumstance by which I'd read their thread. And so I read your post. I honestly thought it was brilliant! You were very eloquent! Jason's work reminds me of the Warren Report, he comes up with some interesting leads but he doesn't follow them up because it doesn't fit in with his predetermined theory. Oh well!

Your post would have been a great parting shot, though I knew it wouldn't be.  The fact that they didn't respond I'm sure was very frustrating. But as Michael and Mark alluded to, isn't that the result we've wanted all along? Maybe I'm just speaking for myself. Can't there be isolated pockets of ignorance, by that I mean to "ignore"  or "mutual indifference". They found each other, who are we to judge? The more energy they expend toward one another and concocting their theories, the less they spend on us. I think you have to recognize an ideal world, when you're lucky enough to stumble into one.

Now we just have to find a mate for Tommy!  Ha ha! :D Just kidding Tommy.

I'm glad you read my original post. I reposted and started my own thread because I want to engage in discussion with you and others about the hard core Dallas right and their INTERNATIONAL connections, as well as examine those same connections to parts of our National Security State, as I outlined in my thread. I was frustrated not by their lack of response but by their attempt to bury my questions. 

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19 minutes ago, Cory Santos said:

There is motive, speculation, but no evidence. 

I read the posts on Gen. Walker but no one has produced any evidence that he was involved. 

His interview with the German newspaper can be interpreted many ways.  Unless someone can give me more information on how he knew LHO shot at him in April. . .

prove he knew George DeMohrenschildt, prove he met with Guy Bannister, prove he knew David Ferrie.   I am interested.

But, even then, give evidence that he was involved with a conspiracy beforehand or, afterwards as part of the cover up.

Facts, not speculation.

The questions I am posing about Walker is why did he speak with his Nazi friend Gerhard Frey, and who came up with the idea of tying Oswald to the attempt on his life. Does it not seem relevant that Gerhard Frey was a member of the same international fascist organization as Clay Shaw? Or that OAS member Jean Souetre was in Dallas on Nov. 22 1963, something we found out because the French inquired as to his whereabouts? Those are apparently facts, though I gladly admit it they are hard to prove given the secrecy surrounding Permindex and CMC. These are not questions Trejo and Ward are asking, they are questions they are ignoring. What do you think? Are they relevant? 

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