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The Tippit Case in the New Millenium

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Here is important evidence on the "`15 minute block of floating time" used to disguise four key events involving Jerry Hill, Tippit and Oswald:  

Event 1:  Assuming that video footage as reviewed by Hasan Yusuf is accurate that places Hill's arrival in Car 207 to the Book Depository as 12:51 - that gives him just four minutes to enter the building, march up to the seventh floor and search up there, work his way down to the 6th floor and "find the hulls".

Event 2:  See photo 180 by William Allen and photos 304 & 305 by Jim Murray.  You can see that both Allen and Murray record police officer Jerry Hill as waving from the 6th floor window at 12:55, not 1:12 as claimed in the Warren Report.  (Note that Luke Mooney and Jerry Hill share credit for finding the hulls - depending on who is testifying)

Event 3:   See Joe McBride's book for the evidence that Tippit was shot at 1:07 or even earlier, not 1:16 or later.

Event 4:   See John Armstrong's book for the evidence that Oswald arrived at the theater between 1:10-1:15, and was sitting next to Jack Davis as the credits ran no later than 1:20 - and that it was another person who entered the theater at 1:30 or later that caused the cashier to call the Dallas police.


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The sequence of events in reality found by researchers as opposed to the Warren Omission is not only impossible but insane.

Oswald is standing out by the bus stop after changing clothes per landlady Earlene Roberts, after two cops stop and tap the horn twice while his is doing so, and getting his pistol per the Warren Omission and Robert's looking at the clock at 1:04.  Per them Oswald walked almost a mile in 11 minutes to shoot Tippit at 11:15.  The ambulance took him away at 1:17, it arrived real quick, after Helen Markham talked to him with a bullet in his brain, then he was declared dead at the hospital at, ...1:15!  But, really Tippit was killed at 1:07.  So Oswald ran a 3 minute mile, unobserved, then ran to the Texas Theater, and bought a ticket in time to buy popcorn at 1:10PM per manager Butch Burroughs and move about sitting next to other patrons for the next 30 minutes at 1:15 per witness Jack Davis.

But wait, Oswald snuck in past the ticket office then went to the balcony at 1:35 where Officer Hill went looking for him upon his arrival.  Where after Oswald was arrested on the first floor and Pinky Westbrook sprained his ankle ligaments tackling him, Oswald was led downstairs and out the backdoor per the business owner next door.

I think there might be a more plausible explanation involving some one impersonating Oswald in the weeks before the assassination in Dallas and the months before elsewhere.      

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If Oswald's landlady saw him outside at the bus stop at 1:04, and the manager of the Texas Theater served him popcorn at 1:10...

One, he needed a ride.  Two, even with a ride he didn't have time to go by and shoot Tippit at 1:07. It was not on the way, but out of the way to the Texas Theater.

Edited by Ron Bulman
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20 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

If Oswald's landlady saw him outside at the bus stop at 1:04, and the manager of the Texas Theater served him popcorn at 1:10...

One, he needed a ride.  Two, even with a ride he didn't have time to go by and shoot Tippit at 1:07. It was not on the way, but out of the way to the Texas Theater.

Second, again he did not run a 3 minute mile from the boarding house to where even Helen Markaham said he shot Tippit at 1:06-7.

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I've been refreshing my memory regarding Helen Markham, star witness of the Warren Omission regarding Oswald murdering Tippit.  It's amazing.  Joseph Ball, one of the top WO attorneys, "she's full of mistakes", "utterly unreliable", "a screwball" (!).  Wesley Liebeler "her story is contradictory and worthless".  

She talked to Tippit after he was dead.  Said she talked him until the ambulance arrived.  He was shot three times in the chest then a coup de grace in the head.  Ambulance driver and other witnesses say this was impossible.  Other witnesses don't remember her being there.

Harrison Livingstone in "The Radical Right" asserts that she likely knew Ruby as a waitress at the Eat Well café near his club which he frequented.  That he went there at 7:00 PM on 11/22/63 inquiring about her after he ordered coffee and a Danish.  When told she was out sick he left without eating the Danish or drinking the coffee.  Then the Secret Service came in and questioned her to the point she got so nervous she quit.

Additionally he says Marie Tippit thought the "other woman" in JD's life was Helen Markham...



"he folded his hands like this and stuck them in through the window".  The window was rolled up.  Per crime scene photos.  Jim Marrs, Crossfire, pg 331 (updated 2013 version).

Edited by Ron Bulman
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I know this is old hat for the true researchers on here and many who are just well familiar with the facts.  I read in particular Crossfire and Radical Right along with other things about Tippit many years ago but have forgotten some of them and some of it went right over my head back then.  When reviewed in light of Into the Nightmare, Bill Simpich's  time line and comments on this thread its astounding to me that anyone can still believe the Warren Omission conclusion that Oswald shot Tippit.

Reading a little more tonight about Helen Markham reaffirmed the belief I've come to that she was scared, intimidated and coached.  She was "hysterical" at the scene. But she stood firm about the time.  Her bus comes by at 1:12.  She didn't want to miss it and be late for work, she was after all a single working mother at the time.  She was making sure she got to the bus stop on Jefferson before it got there, hence she was at 10th and Patton at 1:06-7 when Tippit was shot.  Oswald left his rooming house a mile away to stand by the bus stop outside at 1:04.

Jim Marrs first pointed this out in Crossfire and I re-read Helen's Warren Omission testimony tonight.  She denied Six times in a row to Joseph Ball that she identified anybody in the lineup on 11/22/63, she fainted during the lineup.  Then Ball asks her "Was there an number two man there?".  "Number two is the one I picked.", Markham.  "I thought you just told me----", Ball.  "I thought you wanted me to describe their clothing", Markham.

Bottom of page 310/top of 311.


Here's another interesting thread with informative info/links on the subject.


Edited by Ron Bulman
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You have to divide her observations up from before and after the shooting.

Its pretty clear she lost control after, but what she said before was part of a routine.

The whole lineup thing was a farce.

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For a comprehensive treatment of Oswald's erstwhile revolver, I have found the following references to be excellent: (a) David Josephs' October 2015 work: "The Rifle, The Backyard Photos & The Pistol Part 3: The Pistol" published in Kennedys and King; (b) "Oswald Did NOT Purchase a Pistol from Seaport Traders" by John Armstrong; (c) Jefferson Morley’s January 2013 article “Oswald thinks about buying a gun” in JFK Facts; (d) George Bailey's November 2009 blog Oswald's Mother and “Who Bought the Guns?”; and (e) the May 2006 EF Thread begun by Scott G. Edwards "The J.D. Tippit Shooting Evidence".

The Warren Commission records state that Oswald ordered the pistol (CE 143) from Seaport Traders in Los Angeles, but they have never explained how REA Express delivered the pistol (COD) to Post Office Box 2915 in Dallas.  What is unclear is why anyone would deliver a gun COD to a post office box.  What's even less clear is who paid REA, how were they paid and who signed for the delivery.  The Warren Commission tells us that the package containing the pistol was picked up at the REA office at 515 Houston St. in Dallas on March 20th; but the evidence upon which they based their conclusion was a copy of a receipt signed by someone named "Paxton” … the Commission relied upon a copy of a receipt signed by an unknown/unidentified (and never interviewed) individual to prove that Oswald picked-up the mail-order pistol that was used to kill Officer Tippit.  Per John Armstrong's research, there is no credible evidence of payment to Seaport Traders; only the wallet identification of Oswald as Hidell, linking the purchaser of the handgun and also the rifle. The .38 revolver is essentially undocumented; there are no receipts found in Oswald’s personal belongings ... no invoices, no postcard alerting the arrival of the shipment, no receipt for paying of COD charges.  Only one receipt is in existence and it is a copy.  Furthermore, Oswald somehow later obtained a leather holster and bullets for this revolver, but again, no receipt.   

This story of the revolver purchase begins on January 27, 1963 - two days before Senator Thomas Dodd's subcommittee began hearings on establishing more restrictive federal legislation to control mail-order traffic in firearms.  Coincidentally, a corresponding purchase in Texas from Seaport Traders was duly noted in the Dodd Subcommittee's sample statistics (see P.D. Scott) .  As we are led to believe, Oswald fills out a printed mail order form for Seaport Traders using a fake name (“A.J. Hidell”) and a real post office box address (P.O. Box 2915, Dallas, Texas).  The date January 27, 1963, therefore becomes the first time Lee Oswald is known to have used name “Hidell” ... he would later use this same name when ordering pro-Castro literature from the FPCC.  This alias is speculated to originate in many ways, and possibly a computer-generated CIA pseudonym for operatives using alternating consonants and vowels (see Agee's "Inside the Company").  Oswald initially selected a pistol, holster and ammunition (then scratched out the last two items) but ostensibly would not mail the form for another six weeks. Jefferson Morley has called attention to the fact that January 1963 is when Oswald's enduring persona as “a pro-Castro gunman” begins to take shape.  George Bailey surmises that Oswald may not have been aware of the setup going on behind his back ... but if he was, he never told a soul. Six weeks later, on March 13, 1963, Seaport Traders allegedly received an order coupon and $10 in cash from A.J. Hidell in Dallas for the purchase of a $29.95 pistol (more expensive than the rifle).  The questionable order coupon - from an unknown magazine source - had an obscure witness (one 'D. F. Drittal') declare that "A.J. Hidell age 28 was not under indictment or a fugitive".  David Josephs demonstrates the revolver’s suspect provenance convincingly, as the item ordered and the item shipped were not one and the same.  The order received was for a .38 ST. W. 2” Bbl” while the pistol sent was described as S & W .38 Special 2 Commando” ... different revolvers.  There is no evidence of Oswald practicing firing a revolver, his proficiency with a handgun is not credible, and the use/whereabouts of this pistol are unknown until November 22nd. The revolver taken from Oswald had been rechambered (slightly enlarged) to accept .38 Special cartridges but are inconsistent with the Tippit cartridges in the National Archives. A Canadian contractor - Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods LTD. of Montreal - also figures into this mystery. This company allegedly exported the revolver into the United States. George Rose & Company was the parent company of the mail-order business “Seaport Trading”, whose business in turn was overseen by a management company (Merchanteers). Seaport was one of the weapons houses Dodd was investigating, and also traded in Mannlicher-Carcano rifles.  Here is a timeline for the revolver's alleged provenance:

  • January 3 - George Rose and Co. of Los Angeles receives from Empire Wholesale Sporting Goods (Montreal, Canada) a shipment of 99 handguns including serial # V510210

  • January 27 - A.J. Hidell orders a .38 St. W. from Seaport Traders

  • March 20 - Serial # V510210 is  sent to Hidell’s PO Box and picked up at an REA office in Dallas. The same day, according to Klein's, C2766 (the rifle) is shipped to the same Hidell

  • December 5 - An FBI confidential informant (DALLAS T-1) reports that Empire Wholesale acted "as a sales agent" for International Firearms. The confidential source also furnished a record of the transaction for 400 Smith and Wesson revolvers to George Rose and Company Inc.  The informant later reports information received from Sucher, "President of the International Firearms” who confirms shipment of the 400 revolvers. 

Last but not least, the Italian Military Intelligence - Servizio Informazioni Forze Armate (SIFAR) - also figures in this story.  SIFAR was associated with the secret NATO plan for a Stay-Behind Network (“Gladio”) as well as anti-communist activities in Italy inspired by Ambassador Claire Booth Luce.  We see the fingerprints of none other than William Harvey in a 12/31/63 CIA dispatch from the CIA Section Chief in Rome (Harvey aka Daniel Presland) who informed Langley that an Italian Ministry of Defense report contains an analysis on the background of rifle C2766 ... Harvey's memo suggests “passing copies of it to the Secret Service and the FBI.”   One cant overstate how difficult all of this is to accept ... a true "Shaggy Dog" story.






Edited by Gene Kelly
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Nice one Gene.

What a mess.

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1 hour ago, Gene Kelly said:

 The questionable order coupon - from an unknown magazine source - had an obscure witness (one 'D. F. Drittal') declare that "A.J. Hidell age 28 was not under indictment or a fugitive". 



Who the smurf is D.F. Drittal?


That's a new one one me. Good one Gene.


Steve Thomas

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I think that the law said you had to have a good character reference to order a handgun by mail.

No one knows who this guy was.  He was probably just made up.

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Gene - thanks for the really thorough answer. Clearly you’ve looked deeply at the gun purchases, without which there would have been no way to connect Oswald to the crimes attributed to him. The corroborating evidence for the rifle, statements of Marina and DeMohrenschildt, doesn’t exist for the handgun. The only question that lingers for me is the paraffin evidence on Oswald’s hand, but not on his cheek. 

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1 hour ago, Paul Brancato said:

 The only question that lingers for me is the paraffin evidence on Oswald’s hand, but not on his cheek. 


My understanding was they tested the rifle and 10 out of 10 the shooter had residue on the cheek and back of hand but not the palm...

I also understand that his work and cleaning could have exposed him to something that would test positive...

(thanks Pat)




Unreliability of Dermal Nitrate Test for Gunpowder

In the sum total of the cases studied 75 % were inconclusive. Coupled with the 13 % gross errors, the test becomes less than worthless. It cannot be argued that the 75 % inconclusive findings merely represent non-productive or non-informative work



Volume 44 Issue 4 Spring 1961 Article 4
Evidential Implications of the Dermal Nitrate Test for Gunpowder Residues

Because oxidizing agents in common use by the public may produce positive reactions we may say that the Dermal Nitrate Test is specific for nitrates but non-specific for gunpowder or gunpowder residues. This is the most frequent criticism levelled at the test.

Edited by David Josephs
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I ride on the shoulders of folks like David who do great digging and research ... its why I participate in this Forum, to learn and understand what happened. The "D F Drittal" pseudonym sounds like a spy game play on words (similar to Hidell).  Jack white once pointed out that - if you read "Inside the Company" by Phillip Agee, you get an insight into how CIA constructs its pseudonyms and cryptic code names for operatives.   I suspect that this fictitious name was computer-generated by such an Agency construct.

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Keeping this thread on topic, there are several subtopics (of the JFK story) that - for me - scream of a treasonous plot.  I often look for alternate words for "conspiracy" as the term has negative connotations; perhaps the word sedition is more appropriate (i.e. incitement of discontent or rebellion against a government).  One of these key subtopics is the Tippit murder, which is certainly not what it seems or officially understood to be.  The other critical subtopic is how the guns were ordered and linked to Oswald.  Either one of these - alone - is sufficient to indict the Warren Commission's version of events.  Together, they represent an insult to the American public.    

I'm curious if anyone picked up on the confidential source (John D. Whitten) who informed the FBI on 12/3 that Oswald and family had been in the Top Ten record Store (twice) on the morning of the assassination.  The allegation is received right around the time that CIA officer John Moss Whitten (the "good spy") was pushed aside by Angleton with Richard Helms' blessing and later took early retirement to Austria.  Perhaps he was trying to tell us what really was going on ... and he later provided significant clues for the HSCA.  In this JFK story, there is no such thing as coincidence.


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