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I never heard of this until today?

Sounds really off the wall to me.



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In November 2016, James Reston Jr. said:


In the hours after the Kennedy assassination, after Lee Harvey Oswald shot and killed Dallas Police Officer J.D. Tippit and was identified as the president's assassin, a Secret Service officer named Mike Howard was dispatched to Oswald's apartment. Howard found a little green address book, and on its 17th page under the heading "I WILL KILL", Oswald listed four men: an FBI agent named James Hosty; a right-wing general, Edwin Walker; and Vice President Richard Nixon. At the top of the list was the governor of Texas, John Connally. Through Connally's name, Oswald had drawn a dagger, with blood drops dripping downward. Special Agent Howard turned the address book over to the FBI and, ultimately, to the Warren Commission. Only some time later did he learn that the list with its hugely important insight into the killer's motive had been torn out of the book.


1 hour ago, Karl Hilliard said:

Anyone....where is this 'green book' mentioned in the  WC/HSCA  documents?

It's probably a reference to Lee Harvey Oswald's address book, which is Commission Exhibit No. 18....


There are several pages not photographed in CE18, and page 17 is one of the missing pages (which is the page that Reston says had LHO's "I Will Kill" list on it). But you'll notice that pages 8, 9, 10, and 11 are not there in CE18 either. My guess would be that those various pages are missing from CE18 because they probably had nothing written on them at all. Therefore, the Warren Commission didn't bother putting those blank pages in the official Commission Exhibit.

But I cannot see how anyone could claim that the omission of those address book pages was part of any kind of cover-up by the Commission (or by anyone trying to frame Oswald), because if such an "I Will Kill" list really had been in Oswald's own address book (with the names of both John Connally and General Edwin Walker on such a list), such a thing would certainly be pretty good circumstantial evidence of Oswald's guilt, and it would also go a long way toward debunking the CTers who claim Oswald never took a shot at either of those men in the year 1963.

I have to agree with Jim DiEugenio on this one --- James Reston is "off the wall" here. But I do have to give Mr. Reston credit for recognizing one solid and evidence-based fact (regardless of motive): Lee Harvey Oswald did shoot JFK and Governor Connally.

If anybody's interested, I've got a 1988 ABC-TV interview with James Reston (and John Connally) archived in my video collection. Here's the link....



Edited by David Von Pein
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The little green men stole the pages out of the little green book.  This guy is mockingbird all the way.  Or nutty as a fruitcake.  I lean to the former.  If he's a scholar at the "non partisan" Woodrow Wilson Center and Wilson "founded the Federal Reserve System"... hmm...  Oswald never shot at Hosty, Nixon, Walker OR Connally.

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 Howard says he gave this to the FBI-- and it disappeared?  To the point that no one ever mentioned it?

Oswald drew a dagger through Connally's name and then added little blood drops?

 I do not even think Connally was Secretary of the Navy when Oswald's discharge was lowered to undesirable, was he?

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Connally was not secretary of the Navy when Oswald received his

"undesirable" discharge in 1960. John Armstrong goes into anomalies in Oswald's

alleged letter to Connally in January 1962. I read James Reston Jr.'s book when it came out and found

it unconvincing.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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2 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

 Howard says he gave this to the FBI-- and it disappeared?  To the point that no one ever mentioned it?

Oswald drew a dagger through Connally's name and then added little blood drops?


Sounds an awful lot like Sirhan Sirhan.


Steve Thomas

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Gore Vidal wrote a droll piece in the New York Review of Books

in 1973 analyzing the writings of E. Howard Hunt and noting their

curious similarities to the "diaries" of the "lone nuts" who pop up

periodically in American history to assassinate our leaders.

Edited by Joseph McBride
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A couple of decades ago, either Time or Newsweek ran a cover story claiming that Oswald's real target was Connally, because of JC's supposed rejection of Oswald's honorable discharge plea.  I have no recall of whether a kill list in a little green book was mentioned in that article.  In response, critics brought out that Connally was out of office when the Oswald letter was sent.  The article was a slightly big deal at the time, then faded from public memory.

Edited by David Andrews
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