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I Was a Teenage JFK Conspiracy Freak

Fred Litwin

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8 hours ago, W. Tracy Parnell said:

Good for you Michael. And let me say I wish Fred the best of luck with this book and to the doubters-what are you afraid of? Give it a chance at least.

Ah, yes... The "post-truth" society...

What am I afraid of?

Disinformation.  Mass ignorance.  Mass delusions.

I don't agree with Leo Strauss's Machiavellian notion that the ignorant masses must be manipulated by propaganda and false flag psy ops in order to achieve the ends of a particular government or group.

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16 minutes ago, W. Niederhut said:

Ah, yes... The "post-truth" society...

What am I afraid of?

Disinformation.  Mass ignorance.  Mass delusions.

I don't agree with Leo Strauss's Machiavellian notion that the ignorant masses must be manipulated by propaganda and false flag psy ops in order to achieve the ends of a particular government or group.

Fake Debate.  All who aspire to practice intellectual honesty must beware Fake Debate a/k/a The JFKA "Question of Conspiracy" Parlor Game.

In 1966 Gaeton Fonzi confronted Arlen Specter with the fact that the bullet holes in JFK's clothes were too low to associate with the throat wound.

Specter had a nervous breakdown.

To the intellectually honest that ended the controversy -- JFK was hit by multiple shooters.

But the Fake Debate Parlor Game is seductive, and like any game it gets addictive.

So all Lone Nutters and lots of Pet Theorist CTs pretend the clothing evidence doesn't exist in order to play the Fake Debate Game.

Shame on all of 'em.


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17 hours ago, Fred Litwin said:

I am not a transphobe. Find one statement that is transphobic in my article.

"In some ways the trans community is an affront to the gay community, such as encouraging children to be trans rather than accept  being gay."


Literally being scared of trans people. Phobia. "gender traditionalism". Yeah right, right out of the conservative idiot's playbook. What, you think gender identity was invented yesterday?


Also, your article's source on puberty blockers causing infertility is a couple's therapist. And your other "expert source" is just there to claim there's not enough research to know!

Edited by Micah Mileto
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I am not scared of Trans people, and my article does not say that.

You might not be aware but there are lots of fights between the gay community and the trans community, A bunch of lesbians were just bumped from Vancouver Pride.


Yes, I believe that giving kids puberty blockers is child abuse. 

I have no issue if you disagree with my article, but you immediately accuse me of hatred.


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19 minutes ago, Fred Litwin said:

I am not scared of Trans people, and my article does not say that.

You might not be aware but there are lots of fights between the gay community and the trans community, A bunch of lesbians were just bumped from Vancouver Pride. 


Yes, I believe that giving kids puberty blockers is child abuse. 

I have no issue if you disagree with my article, but you immediately accuse me of hatred.


The Lesbians Collective is nothing in the world but a chicken coup of crazy uncle tom ladies wielding signs denying the existence of trans people. I don't want them prioritized in the march either. I have a hard time even respecting their right to exist. They're freaking crazy like Wesboro Babtist Church. Citing them as a source is hatred. I believe that all anti-trans information sharing leads back to HATE.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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9 hours ago, Fred Litwin said:

You can buy it at a low price on kindle or kobo.

Why waste my time or money?  Based on what I've read of it it's tripe.  Not the edible lining of various farm animals.  But "rubbish,  nonsense, balderdash, gibberish, claptrap, blarney or blather".

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1 hour ago, Fred Litwin said:

I love it when conspiracy theorists talk dirty!


I suspected that you were a masochist.  No wonder you posted information about your new book on this forum. .. 😬

But, seriously, in a nutshell, as it were, aren't you, in fact, a "Lone Nutter?"

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I thought this was a forum on the JFK assassination, not a forum just for people who believe in conspiracy. You know, I've read hundreds of conspiracy books,  and I would hope that people who believe in conspiracy would at least give my book a try. They might learn somethings. I guess I was wrong.

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37 minutes ago, Fred Litwin said:

I thought this was a forum on the JFK assassination, not a forum just for people who believe in conspiracy. You know, I've read hundreds of conspiracy books,  and I would hope that people who believe in conspiracy would at least give my book a try. They might learn somethings. I guess I was wrong.

What might they learn?  Can you give us a few hints?

As a newbie on this forum, my impression is that most of the members here are either, 1)  experts who know almost everything there is to know about JFK's murder,  or, 2) public relations guys who are trying, without success, to defend the badly-flawed Warren Commission Report.

But, I have to hand it to you for being a good sport.  Your reception here reminds me of those 18th and 19th century narratives written by white settlers captured by Native Americans.  When they arrived at the Native American villages, these Caucasian captives often had to run a gauntlet between two lines of hostile Natives, who greeted them with blows and howls of execration.

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