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Tippit, Oswald, and the Dobbs House

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7 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

Dobbs House restaurant was so close to Oswald's North Beckley residence ( walking distance ) it would make sense he might pop in to have a cup of coffee and maybe even a meal there now and then.

He could not cook anything at his rooming house except to have little room in the communal refrigerator to keep some milk and a little cupboard space to keep some cereal and some peanut butter and bread for a snack or bag lunch?

It would have been nice to have a warm meal such as eggs and toast once in a awhile at Dobbs. And it sounds as if the food prices at Dobbs House were cheap enough for Oswald to afford them.

Tippit's girlfriend Johnny Maxie Witherspoon worked as a waitress at the Dobbs House (  and coincidently lived close to where Tippit was shot ) and Tippit would come into Dobbs most mornings to get some coffee? It would make sense considering he was having a long-term affair with Witherspoon. An affair that began when Witherspoon worked at Austin's Barbeque restaurant where Tippit worked as a security guard.

Tippit and Witherspoon took a very risky path with their fairly long one or two year affair.  Tippit was willing to cheat on his wife. She would have been devastated to know of this affair.

And Witherspoon was "married" the entire time? That's dangerous.

If her husband caught Tippit and his wife actually indulging their sexual fantasies...the guy could very well have lost it and exacted pay back unto Tippit and maybe even his wife.

Tippit was willing to risk this possible scenario?

So, we know Tippit was not the most innocently clean cut character regards his marriage, his wife and even his kids.

Maxie Witherspoon's co-worker waitress at the Dobbs House "Mary Dowling "stated Tippit was coming to see her regularly when she worked at the Airport drug store going back 5 years! Obviously he was flirting with her as well. Tippit was a lady's man as much as a family man according to these two stories.

P.S. Ruby did not live "that far away" from North Beckley and the Dobbs House restaurant himself. His apartment was in Oak Cliff.

And it has been so often stated that Ruby knew well over half the Dallas police officers in his time. Tippit was with the force for a good amount of time. He surely knew of the Carousel and Jack Ruby.



"Tippit's girlfriend Johnny Maxie Witherspoon worked as a waitress at the Dobbs House..."

No.  Just no.

Witherspoon worked at Austin's Barbecue in south Oak Cliff.


"...and [Witherspoon] coincidently lived close to where Tippit was shot..."

Again, NO.

Johnnie Maxie Witherspoon lived some nineteen blocks from Tenth and Patton.


"...and Tippit would come into Dobbs most mornings to get some coffee? It would make sense considering he was having a long-term affair with Witherspoon. An affair that began when Witherspoon worked at Austin's Barbeque restaurant where Tippit worked as a security guard."

Once again, Witherspoon did not work at the Dobb's House Restaurant.


"Tippit and Witherspoon took a very risky path with their fairly long one or two year affair.  Tippit was willing to cheat on his wife. She would have been devastated to know of this affair."

Witherspoon told HSCA investigators that the affair lasted from summer of '62 to summer of '63; one year.  Though she did allow for the possibility that the affair began a month or two before the summer of '62.


"And it has been so often stated that Ruby knew well over half the Dallas police officers in his time. Tippit was with the force for a good amount of time. He surely knew of the Carousel and Jack Ruby."

Ruby knew nowhere near half of the DPD.  "Well over half" is an unrealistic number.  Jesse Curry stated that some officers knew Ruby because they had conducted police business inside Ruby's nightclub.  He added that a few others knew Ruby because they visited the club for social activities.  Therefore, what makes you claim that "well over half" of the Dallas Police Department knew Ruby?

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I stand corrected Bill Brown. I will edit my recent post to correct the points you mentioned. It does appear Maxie Witherspoon worked at Austin's Barbeque...not at the Dobbs House restaurant.

Reportedly Witherspoon years later stated that while she was married to another man, she became pregnant with Tippit's child.

Regards Ruby knowing half the DPD police officer force, several people close to Ruby stated their guess that he knew up to half the force.

Maybe casually by name only and a smaller amount more personally?

I'm sure however, at least half the longer time employee force "knew of" the Carousel Club and probably who owned and ran it...Jack Ruby.

What adult who lived in Dallas as many years as Tippit and Ruby didn't know of Ruby's Carousel Club and his other clubs at some point? Heck, the man ran "weekly ads" for the Carousel in the Dallas Morning News for years! He handed out thousands of his personal business cards as well.

Thousands of people from Dallas and beyond visited Ruby's "joint" over the years...if even just once.  Our own Jim Marrs enjoyed going there in his younger days. He wrote about this and even joked about jumping on stage once to participate in some silly audience participation act.

Even Dallas D.A. Henry Wade popped in to imbibe according to one of Ruby's bar manager employees Nancy Hamilton. 


Edited by Joe Bauer
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9 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

I stand corrected Bill Brown. I will edit my recent post to correct the points you mentioned. It does appear Maxie Witherspoon work at Austin's barbeque...not at the Dobbs House restaurant. Witherspoon did state under oath years later that while she was married to another man, she became pregnant with Tippit's child. Several people close to Ruby stated his knowing half the force.

Maybe casually by name only.

He knew a smaller amount more personally. Even you must admit that.

And who lived in Dallas as many years as Tippit and didn't know of the Carousel Club? Heck Jack Ruby advertised his place weekly in the DMN newspaper for years!


Witherspoon never stated that she was pregnant with Tippit's child.


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22 minutes ago, Bill Brown said:

Witherspoon never stated that she was pregnant with Tippit's child.

Not even "reportedly?"

I'll post my source.

BB...are you stating Tippit "did not" have a one year plus long sexual affair with Austin Barbeque waitress Johnny Maxie Witherspoon?

My point here is that "if" it's true he did...it reveals something important about Tippit's over-all character including his willingness to engage in very risky ( even dangerous ) behavior with potentially very damaging results.

The truth about J.D. Tippit in this area could bolster or dissipate the debate suggestions that he may have been capable of being involved in other areas of deceptively risky nefarious behavior.

Perhaps Tippit was the totally innocent and honest loving husband family man type many have described?

What does Joseph McBride have to say about the alleged Tippit/Witherspoon affair?

Edited by Joe Bauer
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8 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:


Not even "reportedly?"

I'll post my source.

BB...are you stating Tippit "did not" have a one year plus long sexual affair with Austin Barbeque waitress Johnny Maxie Witherspoon?

My point here is that "if" it's true he did...it reveals something important about Tippit's over-all character including his willingness to engage in very risky ( even dangerous ) behavior with potentially very damaging results.

The truth about J.D. Tippit in this area could bolster or dissipate the debate suggestions that he may have been capable of being involved in other areas of deceptively risky nefarious behavior.

Perhaps Tippit was the totally innocent and honest loving husband family man type many have described?

What does Joseph McBride have to say about the alleged Tippit/Witherspoon affair?


"Not even "reportedly?"  I'll post my source."

She got pregnant but never claimed the baby was J.D.'s.


"BB...are you stating Tippit "did not" have a one year plus long sexual affair with Austin Barbeque waitress Johnny Maxie Witherspoon?"

I haven't said anything remotely close to that.


"My point here is that "if" it's true he did...it reveals something important about Tippit's over-all character including his willingness to engage in very risky (even dangerous) behavior with potentially very damaging results.

The truth about J.D. Tippit in this area could bolster or dissipate the debate suggestions that he may have been capable of being involved in other areas of deceptively risky nefarious behavior."

Pure nonsense.  Being an adulterer does not make one a murderer.


"Perhaps Tippit was the totally innocent and honest loving husband family man type many have described?"

No idea.  I didn't know him personally.  But either way, it doesn't give you the right to post complete and utter falsehoods like you've done in this thread.


"What does Joseph McBride have to say about the alleged Tippit/Witherspoon affair?"

@Joseph McBride foolishly thinks Tippit could have been Badge Man firing at the Presidential limo with a .38 service revolver from roughly one hundred feet away and therefore who cares what he has to say about anything?


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1 hour ago, Bill Brown said:

"What does Joseph McBride have to say about the alleged Tippit/Witherspoon affair?"

@Joseph McBride foolishly thinks Tippit could have been Badge Man firing at the Presidential limo with a .38 service revolver from roughly one hundred feet away and therefore who cares what he has to say about anything?

I was with you until this last Bill. It isn't logical. I don't agree with most of McBride's interpretations of the case either but that is not relevant to the point. On Witherspoon, he reports interviews with her, digging, investigative work. There is no sign that he is not an accurate reporter on the level of fact and interviews; he is an experienced author and journalist. His interviews therefore are data. It is stupid to say one should not consider data because the one publishing it said some unrelated interpretation on a different topic that one finds unconvincing or to be mocked. This comes across from you as gratuitous and not warranted by the question Joe Bauer asked.

Also, change of subject, I believe Witherspoon did admit to some sources that the child was Tippit's. I don't know where I remember that reported, whether in McBride or somewhere else, and don't have enough interest level in the topic to recheck, but I think its around somewhere. I agree with you that has nothing whatever to do with Tippit being involved in criminal activity, and I doubt it has even peripheral relevance to the Tippit murder case at all. I also, if it were a topic, agree with you in believing McBride unjustly wronged Tippit by the way he wrote serious accusations about him when there was no evidence to justify that.

Edited by Greg Doudna
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2 hours ago, Greg Doudna said:
3 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

@Joseph McBride foolishly thinks Tippit could have been Badge Man firing at the Presidential limo with a .38 service revolver from roughly one hundred feet away and therefore who cares what he has to say about anything?


Joe never says he thinks that Tippit was Badge man and firing.  He introduces it as a theory at the time if I recall right, among others like Roscoe White.  Therefore, who cares anything about what you have to say?

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Being an adulterer does not make one a murderer.

Thanks for that insightful wisdom.

I never even inferred that with Tippit.

I do however think Tippit was capable of being involved in some activities that some might consider...unethical?  If he engaged with Jack Ruby in any way...it sure wasn't to organize charity events.

Utter nonsense?

Everything I have posted has been posted many times by others on this forum.

I am simply reposting their thoughts and propositions. 





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4 minutes ago, Ron Bulman said:

Joe never says he thinks that Tippit was Badge man and firing.  He introduces it as a theory at the time if I recall right, among others like Roscoe White.  Therefore, who cares anything about what you have to say?

Roscoe White.  What to make of him?  The man and his life "begs" suspicion.

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1 hour ago, Ron Bulman said:

Joe never says he thinks that Tippit was Badge man and firing.  He introduces it as a theory at the time if I recall right, among others like Roscoe White.  Therefore, who cares anything about what you have to say?


For what it's worth...


"And then even Tippit's gun was taken away from the scene.  There was a witness who was kind of out of control, a former Marine named Ted Callaway, who took Tippit's gun which he [Tippit] fell on top of when he [Tippit] got shot.... So Tippit's gun could have been swapped out for another gun too and that's important because if he shot Kennedy from the grassy knoll maybe they didn't want the actual gun to be anywhere near the evidence at that point." - Joseph McBride


McBride adds that Tippit "had a direct role in the plot".


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2 hours ago, Jonathan Cohen said:

Nearly all of which has been shown to you to be wrong.

Respectfully disagree.

I have never engaged with the Tippit murder debate. Just not inclined to studying that event. And not sure enough to know whether Tippit had anything to do with the JFKA.

Yet, what I share about Tippit and his last years personal life is based on what I see as very credible truth based on the research findings of at least a few good investigative journalists ( Joseph McBride especially) but also under oath testimony given by many in investigation committee hearings such as the HSCA.

Has anyone here done 100th the time and work effort McBride has done regards Tippit?

And what are we saying about Tippit that is so wrong?

We know his history. Both personal and his police work history.

We know he had an affair with a woman while he was married to another not long before the day he was murdered. We know that at least one and maybe two people who worked in the establishments he visited frequently or even worked at part time stated that they saw him sitting with Ruby at least once.

Guess it all boils down to either believing those witnesses or not.

After so many years of reading about all the different aspects of the JFKA and those involved, even peripherally, with the main characters... I realized that the effort to marginalize and dismiss the testimonies of people who reported observations that didn't fit the WC narrative were way more pushed and promoted than the opposite.

Too much so in my life time experience, logical and common sense thinking mind.

At some point...you can't dismiss every witness account that doesn't adhere to the nutcase, lone gunman all alone who just did what he was alleged to have done on impulse and got lucky in defeating an army of security doing so.

I simply believe this one waitress who verifiably worked at the establishments where Tippit visited on a regular basis ( and during the right times ) and who claimed she saw Tippt sitting with Jack Ruby...and Lee Harvey Oswald sitting with a man "who looked about 40" in her workplace and them speaking in a foreign language. Her observations are bomb shell ones if true.

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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

Respectfully disagree.

I have never engaged with the Tippit murder debate. Just not inclined to studying that event. And not sure enough to know whether Tippit had anything to do with the JFKA.

Yet, what I share about Tippit and his last years personal life is based on what I see as very credible truth based on the research findings of at least a few good investigative journalists ( Joseph McBride especially) but also under oath testimony given by many in investigation committee hearings such as the HSCA.

Has anyone here done 100th the time and work effort McBride has done regards Tippit?

And what are we saying about Tippit that is so wrong?

We know his history. Both personal and his police work history.

We know he had an affair with a woman while he was married to another not long before the day he was murdered. We know that at least one and maybe two people who worked in the establishments he visited frequently or even worked at part time stated that they saw him sitting with Ruby at least once.

Guess it all boils down to either believing those witnesses or not.

After so many years of reading about all the different aspects of the JFKA and those involved, even peripherally, with the main characters... I realized that the effort to marginalize and dismiss the testimonies of people who reported observations that didn't fit the WC narrative were way more pushed and promoted than the opposite.

Too much so in my life time experience, logical and common sense thinking mind.

At some point...you can't dismiss every witness account that doesn't adhere to the nutcase, lone gunman all alone who just did what he was alleged to have done on impulse and got lucky in defeating an army of security doing so.

I simply believe this one waitress who verifiably worked at the establishments where Tippit visited on a regular basis ( and during the right times ) and who claimed she saw Tippt sitting with Jack Ruby...and Lee Harvey Oswald sitting with a man "who looked about 40" in her workplace and them speaking in a foreign language. Her observations are bomb shell ones if true.


"I simply believe this one waitress who verifiably worked at the establishments where Tippit visited on a regular basis ( and during the right times ) and who claimed she saw Tippt sitting with Jack Ruby...and Lee Harvey Oswald sitting with a man "who looked about 40" in her workplace and them speaking in a foreign language. Her observations are bomb shell ones if true."

Oh yes... The mysterious Ms. X and Mike Brownlow.  If that's not credible, then I don't know what is.


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9 hours ago, Bill Brown said:

Oh yes... The mysterious Ms. X and Mike Brownlow.  If that's not credible, then I don't know what is.

What makes this interview and the comments made by this waitress not credible to you?

Mike Brownlow's questions were sensible and straight forward.

First verifying her employment history ( where, when and in what capacity ) and co-worker situation.

He allowed for her to answer them with no bias or pressure or leading.

She was respectfully and calmly allowed to not answer questions she didn't feel comfortable answering without any pushing by Brownlow.

She didn't want her face to be seen in the interview. She apparently still had some fear regards sharing what she knew and saw back in 1963 and clearly she wasn't doing this for media attention.

I noticed she took a lot of time before answering many of Brownlow's and his partner's questions. I felt she did so to get her memory recollections right. It was decades later. To me that revealed an honest thoughtfulness.

Clearly this woman was who she said she was. A waitress employed in the restaurants where Tippit was present many times and during the entire year leading up to Tippit's murder.

So, this part of her story is true and even you must admit this.

Yet, her story was simply made up or highly exaggerated? 

What reason do you think she would do that for?

And for allowing herself to be interviewed in the first place?


Edited by Joe Bauer
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14 hours ago, Joe Bauer said:

What makes this interview and the comments made by this waitress not credible to you?

Mike Brownlow's questions were sensible and straight forward.

First verifying her employment history ( where, when and in what capacity ) and co-worker situation.

He allowed for her to answer them with no bias or pressure or leading.

She was respectfully and calmly allowed to not answer questions she didn't feel comfortable answering without any pushing by Brownlow.

She didn't want her face to be seen in the interview. She apparently still had some fear regards sharing what she knew and saw back in 1963 and clearly she wasn't doing this for media attention.

I noticed she took a lot of time before answering many of Brownlow's and his partner's questions. I felt she did so to get her memory recollections right. It was decades later. To me that revealed an honest thoughtfulness.

Clearly this woman was who she said she was. A waitress employed in the restaurants where Tippit was present many times and during the entire year leading up to Tippit's murder.

So, this part of her story is true and even you must admit this.

Yet, her story was simply made up or highly exaggerated? 

What reason do you think she would do that for?

And for allowing herself to be interviewed in the first place?



Supposedly there was a Dallas police officer who stated that he was having an affair inside one of the residences directly overlooking the scene of the Tippit murder.  He said he was there that day, heard the shots, looked out the window and saw Lee Oswald with a gun.  This guy's identity is a secret.  Is it fair to use him as a witness in favor of the argument that Oswald is indeed the murderer of Tippit?  Because some anonymous source says so?  Really?


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