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Bush not in Dallas- He is dead

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4 minutes ago, Robert Card said:

I don't know why you waste your time with these dis-informationists.   They're trying to keep you locked into the WC report so that you don't find out what's really going on, and they're doing a damn good job of it.

You take 3 big-a$$ Jesuits like Posner, Bugliosi, and McAdams, I know who they work for, and why they do the disinfo, and also act like hardheads.  You're not going to be arguing about Ruth Paine, Jack Ruby,  and dictabelts 15 years from now, are you?  They're very good at wasting your time, and believe it or not, they're the ones that are awake.

I warn you though, being red-pilled and going further down the rabbit hole may not be a fun place to be.  Kardashians, ball games, other bread and circusses is a much more peaceful kind of a life.


This is a forum. I don't understand why from time to time, run-of-the-mill people like Robert Card come along and request that people who believe in a conspiracy stop debating with people who believe in Oswald's guit.
Really ? Who are you to request such a thing ?
You really think that members who registred here don't want to debate ? You think they will follow your advice just like that ? I hope that forum members here are able to make their own decisions and don't need you to tell them what to do !

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4 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:


Don't even bring that whole phony rifle transaction up again, OK.

Don't be silly, Jimmy. The "rifle transaction" subject is one of my very favorite topics in this whole case. I've spent many many hours working on the two pages of info below. So, of course I'm going to bring it up as often as I possibly can, mainly because (IMO) my arguments (and hard evidence) surrounding the "rifle" topic are so much better, believable, and sensible than anything the conspiracy fantasists have countered with since 1963.

The-Oswald-Never-Ordered-The-Rifle-Myth-Logo.png      The-Hidell-Money-Order-Logo.png

Edited by David Von Pein
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2 hours ago, François Carlier said:

This is a forum. I don't understand why from time to time, run-of-the-mill people like Robert Card come along and request that people who believe in a conspiracy stop debating with people who believe in Oswald's guit.
Really ? Who are you to request such a thing ?
You really think that members who registred here don't want to debate ? You think they will follow your advice just like that ? I hope that forum members here are able to make their own decisions and don't need you to tell them what to do !

I didn't say 'stop debating', I said to quit wasting your time.  I also don't want to stop debate, i want to expand it, by going further down the rabbit hole.   Francois, when you come up against a wall, then you either don't answer the question, or you do a DVP, and go into denialism.  Believe me, I see that you and Lance are having a lot of fun here playing hardhead, the others should wake up.

Also, this is not a debate.  I understand that you're a lawyer,  so you know more about evidence than anyone.  You and Lance also know more about this being a conspiracy than any run-of-the-mill person like myself.  Bugliosi?  A man of profound intelligence that certainly knows better.  

I asked you a question about Dallas police officer, and former Marine that served in the same outfit as LHO, a photo expert, and a person that had original copy of the backyard photos in his posession, ROSCOE WHITE, and you didn't answer.

'I hope that forum members here are able to make their own decisions and don't need you to tell them what to do ! '  Yep, keep them tied down to the WC report, right Francois??

I'm not too optimistic on anyone changing, so  I try and have some fun, too.

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Thanks for your posts, Robert.  You make some good points, which in part prompts this:

While David Von Pein and François Carlier continue to bore us by extolling the alleged virtues of the Warren Commission and, currently, the Magic Money Order® that allegedly paid for the Magic Rifle® that allegedly fired the Magic Bullet®, let’s talk about how many people died suspiciously shortly before the truth about the assassination of JFK had at least a second chance of being uncovered.

John Simkin, who I believe founded this forum, made the following post on April 18, 2005:

When the Select Committee on Intelligence Activities and Select Committee on Assassinations began investigating Kennedy's death in the 1970s the deaths of potential witnesses increased dramatically. This included several criminals with possible links to the assassination of John F. Kennedy. Those who were killed or who died in suspicious circumstances during this period included Malcolm Wallace (1971), Lucien Sarti (1972), Charles Willoughby (1972), Thomas Davis (1973), Richard Cain (1973), Dave Yarras (1974), Sam Giancana (1975), Jimmy Hoffa (1975), Roland Masferrer (1975), Johnny Roselli (1976), George De Mohrenschildt (1977), Charlie Nicoletti (1977) and Carlos Prio (1977).

William Sullivan, the main figure in the FBI involved in the Executive Action project, and the person in the FBI who investigated Oswald, was shot dead near his home in Sugar Hill, New Hampshire, on 9th November, 1977. Sullivan had been scheduled to testify before the House Select Committee on Assassinations.

Sullivan was one of six top FBI officials who died in a six month period in 1977. Others who were due to appear before the committee who died included Louis Nicholas, special assistant to J. Edgar Hoover and his liaison with the Warren Commission; Alan H. Belmont, special assistant to Hoover; James Cadigan, document expert with access to documents that related to death of John F. Kennedy; J. M. English, former head of FBI Forensic Sciences Laboratory where Oswald's rifle and pistol were tested and Donald Kaylor, FBI fingerprint chemist who examined prints found at the assassination scene.

Several important figures in the Central Intelligence Agency died before they could give evidence to the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigations. William Harvey, head of the ZR/RIFLE project, died as a result of complications from heart surgery in June, 1976. William Pawley, who took part in Operation Tilt, died of gunshot wounds in January, 1977. David Morales, who some believe organized the assassination, died aged 53, on 8th May, 1978.

John Paisley was deputy director of the Office of Strategic Research. On 24th September, 1978, John Paisley, took a trip on his motorized sailboat on Chesapeake Bay. Two days later his boat was found moored in Solomons, Maryland. Paisley's body was found in Maryland's Patuxent River. The body was fixed to diving weights. He had been shot in the head. Police investigators described it as "an execution-type murder". However, officially Paisley's death was recorded as a suicide.

According to the journalist, Victor Marchetti, Paisley was a close friend of Yuri Nosenko. Marchetti also claimed that Paisley knew a great deal about the assassination of John F. Kennedy and was murdered during the House Select Committee on Assassinations investigation because he was "about to blow the whistle".

To me, the most astounding number of dead potential HSCA witnesses were the six top FBI officials who died in a six month period at about the time the HSCA was being founded.  These six men knew EVERYTHING about the FBI/WC cover-up of JFK's assassination.

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Jim, I want to say that I'm fascinated with the period from 1941-1980.  I can't get enough, and I really want to keep thiings going, even if it means playing around with Lance, Francois, and DVP, (who I think are ridiculing us.)

One additional name for your list that's important to me would be Dorothy Kilgallen, and as usual, the same old nonsense about her death.  I wonder what her husband did with her manuscript and notes.  I guess he died of an overdose several years later.   I forget the name of the book about Dorothy, but it sure was good.   Francois would hate it.

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I see you mentioned John Paisley, who was supposedly found shot with weights tied around him.   It was ruled a suicide, but there's a book that I forget the name of that suggests the body found was not his.   Did he fake his death and run off to Russia?  He did say he was going to blow open the JFK case.   All these authors should wait until their book is published before claiming to blow open the JFK assassination.

I think there was one other FBI agent, Regis Kennedy (?), that confiscated some films from Dealey Plaza that the FBI ended up 'losing'.  I think he died of a heart attack the day before he was to testify.  


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6 hours ago, Robert Card said:

I don't know why you waste your time with these dis-informationists. They're trying to keep you locked into the WC report so that you don't find out what's really going on, and they're doing a damn good job of it.

Your comment reminded me of these fabulously idiotic remarks uttered by a couple of conspiracy fantasists a few years back....


"I'm against censorship, but persons like Mr Von Pein have crossed a line where they no longer deserve fair hearing amongst honest people. I think we also need to figure out a way to move towards prosecuting them. These persons are just in flagrant denial of the obvious evidence of Oswald's CIA relationship." -- Ralph Yates; January 31, 2015


"Now can we work on getting Von Pein legally prohibited from use of the internet?" -- Albert Doyle; February 6, 2015


LOL.gif (Oh, my poor weak bladder!)



Edited by David Von Pein
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Davey cannot even get this right.

Its not a couple of people.

They are the same person, Doyle used the Yates name as an alias.

Can you believe this, DVP does not even know who Ralph Yates was!!??


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On 12/31/2018 at 8:14 PM, Sandy Larsen said:

BTW David, I'm not doing this in an attempt to bolster my case. There's plenty of other stuff to support my POV and frankly it would be easier just to accept the WC's Tippit timing. But I don't work that way. Maybe it's the engineer in me... everything has an explanation and so EVERYTHING needs to be explained. If there are inconsistencies, I need to explain them.

A basic observation that is usually overlooked....

"Just having Lee Oswald in the general area of the [Tippit] crime, with a gun, and acting "funny" and obviously avoiding the police is a good hunk of circumstantial evidence leading to his guilt right there. Where does the road of common sense take a reasonable person when JUST the above after-the-shooting activity of Lee Harvey Oswald is examined objectively? It sure doesn't lead to total innocence, I'll tell ya that right now. (Especially when the stuff that went on inside the movie theater is factored in as well.) In a nutshell, this murder boils down to the following concrete fact (based on the overall weight of the evidence that surrounds the crime): If Lee Harvey Oswald didn't kill J.D. Tippit -- then J.D. Tippit wasn't killed at all. Maybe it was all some kind of "Bobby Was In The Shower" type of dream or something instead." -- DVP; October 2006

Edited by David Von Pein
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1 hour ago, James DiEugenio said:

Doyle used the Yates name as an alias.

Can you believe this, DVP does not even know who Ralph Yates was!!?? 

Thanks for the "alias" info, Jim.

The use of an "alias" on JFK forums is so silly, IMO. Why do people want to masquerade as someone else? And why do they want their posts to be credited to someone else? It makes no sense to me. I, of course, have been accused many times of using an alias myself on the Internet. But I've never done so. And I don't know why people keep insisting that I have.

Any idea why Doyle was posing as "Yates" for a period of time, Jim? (Just curious.)

BTW, yes, I do know who the "real" Ralph Leon Yates was.*  I have discussed the wild story of the real Mr. Yates with CTers in past years, including a brief chat with William Kelly at this forum in December 2010. And, as we can see from reading the FBI report on Yates in the 2nd link below, it turns out that Mr. Yates (the real one) was a bigger fantasist than even most CTers. His story is so obviously completely fabricated....



* And there are probably many Americans named "Ralph Yates". So I never thought it was impossible for a JFK forum member to have the same name as the real Ralph (Leon) Yates who has a connection with the JFK case (albeit an obviously fabricated "connection").


Edited by David Von Pein
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David.....hold it, hold it, hold it.   one more, hold it.

I never said you should be removed, or 'prosecuted.'   Nothing like that was ever said by me.  You should come and go as you please.   if you want to support the lone nut side, that's fine with me.   Same with Lance and Francois, who are not debating either, but having a lot of fun with us.  I bet they have belly laughs while writing their comments.

My comment was directed towards CTers, 'why are you wasting your time'.  I noticed that some CTers were getting angry at your hardheadedness, along with Lance and Francois.  There's no reason for getting upset, and I explained why LNers exist.  You're never going to accept one point of CTers, so why waste time?  Why get mad?

I was only suggesting that CTers have some fun with you guys, like you're doing with us.  Have fun, don't get angry.

Dave, btw, what college did you go to.......Notre Dame?

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22 minutes ago, Robert Card said:

My comment was directed towards CTers, 'why are you wasting your time'.  I noticed that some CTers were getting angry at your hardheadedness, along with Lance and Francois.  There's no reason for getting upset, and I explained why LNers exist.  You're never going to accept one point of CTers, so why waste time?

Indeed. Why waste time engaging with people incapable of intellectual honesty?

Boycott the single bullet fraudsters!

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42 minutes ago, Robert Card said:

David.....hold it, hold it, hold it.   one more, hold it.

I never said you should be removed, or 'prosecuted.'   Nothing like that was ever said by me.

And I never said that you said those things. I merely said your comments "reminded" me of those other comments I posted.



You're never going to accept one point of CTers, so why waste time?

Mainly so that I can add various discussions and sub-topics to my "JFK Archives" website.




Dave, btw, what college did you go to.......Notre Dame?

I didn't attend any college.


Edited by David Von Pein
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