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A Lie Too Big To Fail by Lisa Pease

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18 hours ago, Gene Kelly said:

he is a respected Los Angeles politician, who was forced out in 2014 by term limits.  She was the first Latina elected to the legislature in 1982, and a legend amongst the Hispanic community. She was described as "taking on the old boys network" and was later elected to the Los Angeles City Council.  A Mexican-American who was a hero and role model for a generation of Latino political activists, Molina was also a feminist champion embraced by NOW (and Gloria Steinem). 

But she's pro-ICE. Total trash.

Edited by Micah Mileto
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On ‎2‎/‎9‎/‎2019 at 1:57 AM, Shane O'Sullivan said:

No, he wasn't. Keith Gilbert was and LAPD found no connection between Gilbert and the Michael Wayne at the Ambassador

Shane, the key words here are "LAPD found no connection".  With Pena and Hernandez controlling everything "found" how can any of it be trusted?

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On ‎1‎/‎23‎/‎2019 at 10:04 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Very interesting David.  Thanks.  If Meltzer was at some point affiliated with the cia through qjwin  LA activities...   And he had upper level LA mob associations.  And he had a office in the Ambassador Hotel in mid 1968...  He should have been questioned, in depth.  But there's a good chance he was used by those who should have been questioning him. 

I forget who said he had an office at the Ambassador Hotel in June 1968.  But if it is proven he is suspect regarding a set up.

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I can't help but think of my reaction when I read about Robert Maheu's meeting in Las Vegas for breakfast the morning of 6/6/68 with Don Nixon.  After RFK had died at 1:44 that morning.  "Maheu was all smiles, and Don Nixon walks in all smiles. … They embraced each other and Don Nixon said 'Well that prhik is dead".  And Maheu said , "Well it looks like your brother is in now".

If Don Nixon and Maheu knew and realized the implications of RFK's death, so did Tricky Dick, protegee of Prescott Bush, funnel between Allen Dulles and Eisenhower, Southern Californian still in tune with operations in his home base.  I am not a crook Richard Milhouse Nixon.  Roger Stone's American idol.

He knew why it happened and what it meant.  That it was to keep RFK out of the Whitehouse. 

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Hope.  Isn't that why RFK was assassinated?  He was the Last Hope. JFK then MLK right before RFK.  Three lone nuts in the sixties.  Doesn't  make much sense does it?

Hope for a future of Peace in a time of Cold War destroyed with his brothers death.  Hope for the Civil Rights they supported.  

They didn't succeed in destroying it, Hope Exists.  Hope exists in the Truth.  Read it here:


Edited by Ron Bulman
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This is what I tried to write about in my Intro to the book.

The murder of RFK was a milestone in that it prematurely killed off the sixties.

Because he was the last great hope for that decade, after JFK, Malcom, and MLK were all killed.

This is why I think there were comments at the Ambassador that night about "We don't want another Oswald!"  and "We don't want another Dallas!"

Those are direct sub conscious, Jungian links to what was happening to the country and how helpless everyone was to understand, must less control, what was happening.

This is why I like the film The Parallax View. The opening murder in that is, I think, based on the RFK case.  I especially like the Paula Prentiss character, which is clearly her finest performance.  The Kenneth Mars FBI agent is based upon the late Bill Turner who was a technical advisor to the film.

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Congratulations to both Lisa and Micah on this thread getting 10K views.  It's a significant level of attention given the time frame and number of posts compared to others on just the current first two pages of the forum.  I realize several of them are mine.  Thanks to Micah for giving me a place to in cases express my amazement and learn even more about the subject.  Doug Caddy's Attorney Files Roger Stone and... thread has been on here 1 1/2 years with 367 replies and 13k views.  By contrast Bart's P. Parade has 18K views in two weeks.  An important and touchy new find.  Of it's 521 replies around 200 of them are by DVP and FC, it got their attention for sure.  Then there's a John Simkin thread from 10 years ago with 17 replies and 20K views.

So 10k in two months is significant here.  Pretty much on topic the whole time, only a couple of posts by lone nutters.  Maybe they realize the topic is potentially a time bomb ticking towards opening Pandora's Box.  I.E., if this is all or even mostly true about RFK's assassination then maybe Oswald wasn't a lone nut after all.  And MLK's family and Mr. Pepper were right that his assassination was a conspiracy.

My hope is eventually more people will buy and read the book and decide for themselves it's importance and implications.


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16 minutes ago, James DiEugenio said:

Wow....definitely archive and save that video.

Edited by B. A. Copeland
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Makes you wonder does it not?

Literally hundreds of books written on the JFK case in the last several years.  IMO, most of them worthless.

Lisa writes a good book on the RFK case and look what happens.

Were we barking up the wrong tree for decades?

Edited by James DiEugenio
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14 hours ago, James DiEugenio said:

Makes you wonder does it not?

Literally hundreds of books written on the JFK case in the last several years.  IMO, most of them worthless.

Lisa writes good book on the RFK case and look what happens.

Were we barking up the wrong tree for decades?

For some reason, people are just so programmed against JFK that even entities like the Washington Post don't care that much about embracing RFK stuff, even if it means talking about hypnotized patsies, multiple shooters, firing blanks, and switching evidence.

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Somewhere (can't find it now) I read that Harold Meltzer had an office in and worked out of the Ambassador Hotel at one time. His involvement in LA organized crime is legendary, and goes back to the 1940's and 1950's, as Mickey Cohen's enforcer (see picture below). He was involved in importing heroin from Mexico and Cuba (see D. Valentine's "Strength of the Wolf") and was mentioned as a 'CIA assassin' in December 1960 (see FBN book "The Mafia").  He also was involved with Johnny Rosselli, and some of the gangsters who ultimately betrayed Rosselli by fingering him as an illegal alien. Johnny was born 'Filippo Sacco' in Esperia, Italy and first took the name John Morgan in Boston and Chicago. He later chose to name himself after Cosimo Rosselli, who finished the Sistine Chapel after Michelangelo.  Connecting the dots (to Robert Maheu and others), Rosselli was instrumental in arranging for Howard Hughes to move to Las Vegas and for getting him the top floor of the Desert Inn Hotel.  One also cannot ignore the allegations of Charles Siragusa, and his connection to James Angleton, William Harvey and the CIA's use of Federal Bureau of Narcotics cover personnel as a "magic button".  Here is what the recently released documents say about "Happy" Meltzer, Hanna Yazbeck, and their Lebanese assassins:

Included under tab M is a dossier of one Harold Meltzer, a resident of Los Angeles, with a long criminal record. This is the first instance in which I have noted a U.S. citizen under consideration for any recruitment with respect to the ZRRIFLE project.  Under tab T, information on Orlando Portale, an Italian citizen residing in Detroit, is included.  At tab Y is a page of information on one Hanna Yazbeck. The report states, "He often heads up a hatchet squad when disputes arise between the Moslem and Christian underworld factions in Beirut." The second paragraph of this page reads as follows: "During the period I was in Europe (1950-1958), his chief bodyguard as a convicted murderer who owed his release from 'prison to Yazbeck's power. This bodyguard has since been murdered, but Yazbeck has an available pool of assassins.'' 



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