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A Night at the Garden

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[Trump's rallies today smack of the same White Nationalism that preceded World War II. He has said he wants it so that the People will obey his every command.]

America Made Lady Liberty a Hypocrite

Invoking the poem at her base is the wrong response to Trump’s latest move to keep out nonwhite immigrants.




Edited by Douglas Caddy
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8 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

We need someone who can channel FDR to get his advice on how to handle Trump and his new neo-Nazi political crusade.

Is that the same FDR that put Japanese Americans in internment camps?

I thought all of the Nazi references were in regards to Omar and Tlaib.

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16 minutes ago, Douglas Caddy said:

We need someone who can channel FDR to get his advice on how to handle Trump and his new neo-Nazi political crusade.

Elizabeth Warren is the closest thing to FDR imo.

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1 hour ago, Ty Carpenter said:

Is that the same FDR that put Japanese Americans in internment camps?

I thought all of the Nazi references were in regards to Omar and Tlaib.

You must have skipped that class in U.S. history and thus missed how President Roosevelt skillfully orchestrated the destruction of the neo-Nazi movement that was active in the years just preceding WWII.

Hopefully you will not skip seeing when the American public awakens to President Trump's glorification and promotion of the present neo-Nazi movement and takes its wrath out against him on Election Day in November 2020 if he has not been removed from office before then.  

Edited by Douglas Caddy
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When does Trump ever look at and study up on all the highest importance information ( must be reams of this ) that the average citizen has always figured was presented to him on a daily basis so that he could make incredibly responsible and informed decisions regards the subjects they address?

Half my life I've had minimum wage jobs that required more of my mental focus and concentration than Trump needs to spend in make up, traveling to and from and performing at these totally mindless rallies that are just like those crazy, farcical WWF professional wrestling events ( which Trump was a big fan of ) with loud braggadocio yelling and taunts and jokes with accompanying making-fun facial expressions.

What a childish, shameful waste of super important Presidential energy and time!

Trump clearly gets off playing the bombastic professional wrestler/stand up comedic role and working his idolizing audience into a frenzy of hate shouts and adoration chants.

How many rallies has his team organized and has he gone to? 50? More?

I guess his re-election campaign funds pay for the costs of all of these which must be tens of millions of dollars with the use of Air Force 1, the entourage vehicles, the heavy security and who knows what other costs?

Sure hope it isn't our tax dollars paying for any of these bombastic self-promoting WWF events.

I have heard that Trump wakes up very early in the morning ( 4:AM? ) and spends hours watching Fox news and other venues, mostly to see who is criticizing him so that he can then tweet to his 60 millions followers his personal attacks against them.

The whole scenario of Trump and his daily routines of much wasted time devoted to his own self aggrandizement and personal paybacks is not just outrageously immature ... it's disturbingly sad.

Again, don't we all want a President who spends all these hours studying the needs and problems of the country in a responsible and professional way versus this totally immature and emotionally stunted man/child who uses the office mainly for his self-promotion ( look at me! ) playground antics?

When you see Trump's worked up crowd shouting blind loyalty slogans and hateful sound bites with gleeful smiles and laughter you can't help but see the similarities to Nazis rallies of the past.

Have you ever watched Mussolini give his large crowd speeches when he was Il Duce?

His highly animated mannerisms, arm movements, finger movements and facial expressions look uncannily like Trump's. If Trump was bald, he would also look remarkably like Mussolini.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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1 hour ago, Joe Bauer said:

His highly animated mannerisms, arm movements, finger movements and  facial expression look uncannily like Trumps. If Trump was bald, he would also look remarkably like Mussolini.

Trump has studied the speeches of Mussolini the way the young Michael Jackson studied James Brown.

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