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Donald Trump and Joseph P. Kennedy

Douglas Caddy

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President Trump jokingly acknowledged this past week at one of his rallies that he is way overweight. He is about the same age as Joseph P. Kennedy, the founding father of the Kennedy political dynasty, when Kennedy had a stroke that basically ended his active life. Here from Wikipedia is what happened to Kennedy and could happen to Trump unless Trump's takes steps to lose his excessive weight:

"On December 19, 1961, at the age of 73, Kennedy suffered a stroke. He survived but was left paralyzed on his right side. Thereafter, he suffered from aphasia, which severely affected his ability to speak. He remained mentally alert, regained certain functions with therapy, and began walking with a cane. His speech also showed some improvement.[75] Kennedy began to experience excessive muscular weakness, which eventually required him to use a wheelchair. In 1964, Kennedy was taken to The Institutes for the Achievement of Human Potential in Philadelphia, a medical and rehabilitative center for those who have experienced brain injury.[75]

"Kennedy's son Robert was assassinated on June 5, 1968.[76] In the aftermath of his son's death, Kennedy made his last public appearance when he, his wife, and son Ted made a filmed message to the country.[citation needed] He died at home in Hyannis Port the following year on November 18, 1969.[77] He had outlived four of his children.[78] He was buried at Holyhood Cemetery in Brookline, Massachusetts. Kennedy's widow Rose was buried next to him following her death in 1995, as was their daughter Rosemary in 2005.[79]"

After Joseph Kennedy suffered his stroke he was unable to communicate effectively with his two sons, John and Robert. His mind was intact but he had lost his ability to speak. Otherwise he would have warned them that by taking on investigating the Mafia they were breaking the Rule of Eighth Avenue. Joseph Kennedy had assured the Mafia that if it got JFK elected President, there would be no such investigation. The Mafia arranged for JFK to win Illinois, which put him over the top and elected him president. The Kennedy brothers subsequent crusade against the Mafia once they were in power inflamed the leaders of organized crime who felt the had been double-crossed. The Rule of Eighth Avenue was invoked and the Mafia joined with the CIA to assassinate both brothers.

Trump believes he is the Master of the Universe. He never invokes recognition of that there is a Higher Authority, a Prime Intelligence, a/k/a God. Trump's physical weakness is his excessive weight. As a result he could suffer a stroke just as did Joseph Kennedy. It could even occur when he is in mid-sentence in one of his hate-filled speeches before a rally of his base of racists and White Supremacists. Suddenly then both Trump and his base would realize at the same time that he is a mere human being, one suffering a massive stroke that cruelly keeps his mind intact but causes him to lose his ability to speak.

Hopefully this will not happen. But if did it would be the end of the Era of Trump. Joseph Kennedy's stroke had the ultimate effect of ending the Era of the Kennedys.,


Edited by Douglas Caddy
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In 1960, candidate John F. Kennedy made a campaign tour through the steel towns surrounding Pittsburgh, PA.  He was well-received, and is well remembered yet, in Beaver County:


By contrast, Donald Trump has to have the management of a Shell refinery in Beaver County force their workers to attend one of his rallies in that county, in fear of losing pay and perhaps being blacklisted, along with some of their union leaders:



Edited by David Andrews
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13 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

In 1960, candidate John F. Kennedy made a campaign tour through the steel towns surrounding Pittsburgh, PA.  He was well-received, and is well remembered yet, in Beaver County:


By contrast, Donald Trump has to have the management of a Shell refinery in Beaver County force their workers to attend one of his rallies in that county, in fear of losing pay and perhaps being blacklisted, along with some of their union leaders:



Sounds kind of like Germany in the late 1930's.

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2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

Maybe Trump eats too much because of the “Alien Presence”. He wouldn’t be the first President to die in office, because of the “Alien Presence”; as you know.

Readers  of your comment, such as the general public, would think of you  and looney tunes

2 hours ago, Robert Wheeler said:

as your comment has nothing to do with my posting. We forum members know from past experience to ignore them as a waste of time.

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Is it part of JFK's legacy that news stories like the three linked below no longer frighten us, or our government, out of our wits?  Or is it just the passage of time and intervening world events, development of more calculated responses, and general desensitization?




Edited by David Andrews
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On 8/18/2019 at 10:13 PM, Ron Bulman said:

Sounds kind of like Germany in the late 1930's.

People are reflexively cynical about Godwin's Law, but there are many valid parallels between Trump's political tricks and those of Hitler and Goebbels.

According to Trump's first wife, Ivana, the Donald used to keep a copy of Hitler's speeches on his night stand, which is all the more bizarre in that Donald Trump never reads any books.

Joseph Goebbels was a big fan of Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, the Godfather of modern propaganda and "perception management."

Like Trump, Goebbels always staged Hitler's speeches (prior to 1932) in crowded venues with enthusiastic audiences.

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5 hours ago, W. Niederhut said:

People are reflexively cynical about Godwin's Law, but there are many valid parallels between Trump's political tricks and those of Hitler and Goebbels.

According to Trump's first wife, Ivana, the Donald used to keep a copy of Hitler's speeches on his night stand, which is all the more bizarre in that Donald Trump never reads any books.

Joseph Goebbels was a big fan of Sigmund Freud's nephew, Edward Bernays, the Godfather of modern propaganda and "perception management."

Like Trump, Goebbels always staged Hitler's speeches (prior to 1932) in crowded venues with enthusiastic audiences.

I did not know Bernays was Freud's nephew.  Or that Goebbels was a fan of the Austrian.  I'd wager the great majority of U S citizens have no idea who he is or how he (negatively) influenced our world.





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2 hours ago, Ron Bulman said:

I did not know Bernays was Freud's nephew.  Or that Goebbels was a fan of the Austrian.  I'd wager the great majority of U S citizens have no idea who he is or how he (negatively) influenced our world.





      Yeah, Ron, Edward Bernays was Freud's Doppelneffe-- his sister's son and the son of his wife's brother.   IMO, he was one of the most influential thinkers of the 20th century.  Goebbels, certainly, admired his work, and the CIA "Mockingbird" geniuses from OSS psy ops in WWII must have.

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Fascinating and importantly thought provoking articles on Bernays and his work and his later years reflections.

Makes you aware of just how much we and much of the world has been manipulated through this realm.  Much more than most have ever imagined.

Seems to me the subject of Edward Bernays and his work should be included into our secondary public school curriculum in some way ( even small ) as a mandatory part of their basic American civics, history and social studies programs. If those courses even exist anymore.

Since every young American is going to be hugely inundated the rest of their lives by the incessantly aggressive  24/7 efforts of these powerful psychological propaganda forces ( benignly called advertising/ public relations but often so powerfully influencing as to be called a "separate government" as Bernay's described)  shouldn't they at least be made aware of these real life entities and their possible nefarious and dangerous agendas and effects on their lives?

Roger Ailes and Fox News are one of Bernay's greatest media babies.

Ailes rode the repressed American male sexual desire and cultural insecurity angle to the hilt.

Good looking and good figure blonds, short neck and hemline dresses, hot red lipstick, mixed with liberal fear and anger inciting news reporting.

Turn em on...and piss em off!

That's how you get their riled up attention...and their support.

Trump is the ultimate poster boy for this kind of frustrated and angry red state American male manipulation.

Brag about your wealth, your ethnic heritage pride, your love it or leave it American patriotism, showcase your hot younger wife, insult your critics, even taunt and make fun of them. Rail against the loss of American values and control with mass illegal immigration anger talk. Call these poorer foreign societies for what they really are ...s###hole countries.

Finally a G#D D#MN President who speaks our G#D D#MN language!

Who speaks for "US" ... G#D D#MN it!

White supremacy groups and outlaw biker gangs love this guy.

Trump would have made the best carnival barker. He could get a crowd so worked up with exaggerated rhetoric shouting and animated facial and hand gestures, they'd be clamoring to get their tickets to see whatever side show he was promoting ... freaks of nature, jungle girl, mind readers, metal eaters ... you name it.  


Edited by Joe Bauer
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Good looking and good figure blonds, short neck and hemline dresses, hot red lipstick, mixed with liberal fear and anger inciting news reporting.

Turn em on...and piss em off!

That's how you get their attention...and their support.

The strategy reminds me of the "film within the film" shown to excite potential assassins in The Parallax View.

Changing topic: BTW - It's too late now, but why did no one in the Hillary camp in their campaign strategy leak Melania Trump's soft-core porn photos?  Not what Mamie Eisenhower would have done.

Edited by David Andrews
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3 minutes ago, David Andrews said:

Good looking and good figure blonds, short neck and hemline dresses, hot red lipstick, mixed with liberal fear and anger inciting news reporting.

Turn em on...and piss em off!

That's how you get their attention...and their support.

The strategy reminds me of the "film within the film" shown to excite potential assassins in The Parallax View.

Changing topic: BTW - It's too late now, but why did no one in the Hillary camp in their campaign strategy leak Melania Trump's soft-core porn photos?  Not what Mamie Eisenhower would have done.

    It's truly astonishing to think about the way the mainstream U.S. media (including the NYT!) managed to censor all of the muck on Trump (and Melania) in 2016, while running weekly headlines about the Email-gate nothing burger.  We now know that Fox News directly censored the story of Stormy Daniels in October of 2016. I had a debate with a friend about this in the summer of 2016 in which I theorized that the MSM promotion of Trump was most likely about tax cuts.

      As for the larger story of Bernays and U.S. propaganda in the 20th century, we know that Bernays, himself, had urged America's captains of industry to use his techniques to denigrate socialism.  It was a YUGE public relations success story. Socialism has been a very dirty word in U.S. society for the past 80 years-- despite the overwhelming popularity of the New Deal (and Medicare.)


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Socialism fails for the same reasons Capitalism does: like any system, it can be exploited for personal power, personal hatreds, greed, ambition, arrogating of personal resources - all the deadly sins of bureaucrats.  The Russians and Chinese fell prey, and became the worst advertisements for this social-governmental philosophy.  England made a bad job of the social welfare aspects, but it's still standing and relatively democratic.  The trick would be to avoid totalitarian Socialism, and to exercise governmental oversight over Socialist functions.

Americans should examine the abuses engendered under the unaffordable AHCA, the insurance conglomerates*, and the medical establishment, in particular the new syndication of medical practices compelling doctors to join a syndicate or suffer.  There's some arguments for Socialism, single-payer health care, and Big Government there.

*Any attempt to paint Obama as a Socialist fails with his actions regarding the first two items, just to start there.  The man of Hope was a(nother) shill for the house.

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On 8/21/2019 at 11:14 AM, David Andrews said:

Socialism fails for the same reasons Capitalism does: like any system, it can be exploited for personal power, personal hatreds, greed, ambition, arrogating of personal resources - all the deadly sins of bureaucrats.  The Russians and Chinese fell prey, and became the worst advertisements for this social-governmental philosophy.  England made a bad job of the social welfare aspects, but it's still standing and relatively democratic.  The trick would be to avoid totalitarian Socialism, and to exercise governmental oversight over Socialist functions.

Americans should examine the abuses engendered under the unaffordable AHCA, the insurance conglomerates*, and the medical establishment, in particular the new syndication of medical practices compelling doctors to join a syndicate or suffer.  There's some arguments for Socialism, single-payer health care, and Big Government there.

*Any attempt to paint Obama as a Socialist fails with his actions regarding the first two items, just to start there.  The man of Hope was a(nother) shill for the house.

The loudest socialist fear promoters in this country are shameless hypocrites.

Is there any anti-socialist in the country who is collecting a social security check who then sends it back to the government because he or she feels this socialist program is such a threat and danger to our free market society well being?

Or turning down their automatic government subsidized Medicare health coverage?

There are no totally free market capitalist or socialist system countries in the world.

Every society has a mix of the two.  Societal needs dictate the balance.

Most industrialized countries are more socialistic than the U.S. and doing extremely well in the majority of world health measured standard of living and citizen satisfaction categories. Several measuring higher than our own!

The economic and standard of living divide between the wealthy, working and poorer classes in our own less socialistic country is now clearly much wider than the majority of the other industrialized and more socialized countries. 

We are a starkly contrasting mix of the most economically depressed, run down poorer parts of urban cities and rural trailer park meth addiction communities on one end of our demographic makeup and wealthy gated country club communities on the other to a shocking and disturbing degree.

Drive off the main highways in half the states to see the widespread reality of this scene.

Visit Mississippi or Alabama or West Virginia taking the back roads and tell us how great our less socialistic system really is compared to most of Europe for example.

We have a hugely financed socialist fear propaganda machine and agenda in this country second to none. Just the word "socialist" has been successfully exaggerated, promoted and accepted in the minds of millions ( Fox News fans ) to truly terrifying boogie man fear levels.

Until Franklin Roosevelt we allowed the tiny minority of American capitalist icons to have their way with labor and paying them as little as possible without any benefits until this system became so crushingly abusive and neglectful (off the charts during the depression ) it was leading to mass civil unrest including violence. 

That economic model of unfettered free market reign ( a small group of the most wealthy always looking to pay less and make more off the poorest labor ) was a greater threat to our democracy than most all the socialist programs we now see in most of our world's industrialized countries.

It's sad and frustrating to see half this country believing the opposite false reality of this truth.



Edited by Joe Bauer
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